25 research outputs found

    Ihmismäisen robotin pään, silmien ja suun liikkeiden kehittäminen

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    Tiivistelmä. Perinteisesti robotit ovat olleet tärkeässä roolissa muun muassa tehdastyön tehokkuuden kasvattamisessa, mutta viime vuosina robotiikan huomio on keskittynyt yhä enemmän ihmistä muistuttaviin robotteihin eli humanoidirobotteihin, joita voitaisiin käyttää useissa tehtävissä ihmisten korvikkeena. Ihmisen muoto kuitenkin aiheuttaa useita haasteita robotin suunnittelussa, suurimpien joukossa luonnollisilta vaikuttavien liikkeiden toteuttaminen. InMoov-robotin päälle toteutettiin ohjausjärjestelmä, joka parantaa aiemmin toteutettua kasvojen seuraamista yhdistämällä siihen pään liikkeet, ja lisää puhesynteesin perusteella liikkuvan leuan sekä erinäisiä pään eleitä ihmisen ja robotin vuorovaikutuksen parantamiseksi. Järjestelmän suoriutumista testattiin käyttötarkoituksen mukaisessa ympäristössä kahdella erillisellä kerralla, joissa ilmi tulleita havaintoja käytettiin järjestelmän parantamiseen. Lopullinen järjestelmä pystyy kääntämään robotin silmiä sekä päätä ihmismäisesti kohti tunnistettuja kasvoja ja suorittamaan valmiiksi ohjelmoituja pään eleitä, minkä lisäksi siinä on valmius yhdistää leuka liikkumaan ulkoisen ohjelmiston puheen mukaan. Robotin kokoonpano koostuu päästä, kaulasta, torsosta ja olkavarsista.Developing head, eye, and jaw movements of a humanoid robot. Abstract. Traditionally robots have had an important role in making factories more efficient, among other things, but in recent years the field of robotics has been more and more focused on robots that resemble humans, also known as humanoid robots, which could be used in many tasks as replacements for human workers. However, designing such robots poses many challenges, one of the greatest being the difficulty of creating human-like movements. In this work, a control system for the head of an InMoov robot, which improves on its previously implemented face tracking capabilities by adding head movement and implements speech synthesis-based jaw movements along with various head gestures in order to improve human-robot interaction with the robot, was implemented. The system was tested in its intended environment on two separate occasions in order to observe where the system could be improved further. The final system is able to turn the robot’s eyes and head towards detected faces in a human-like fashion and execute pre-programmed head gestures, in addition to which it has the capability to move its jaw according to speech synthesised in an external program. The robot consists of a head, a neck, a torso, and upper arms

    Patient satisfaction and self-reported dry eye symptoms in hyperopic patients treated with femtosecond laser in situ keratomileusis

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    Petri Mäkinen,1,2 Anne Huhtala,1,2 Juhani Pietilä,1,2 Janika Nättinen,3 Teppo Rajala,1 Kalle Salmenhaara,2 Magomed Udratov,1 Hannu Uusitalo3,4 1Silmäasema Eye Hospital, Tampere, Finland; 2Silmäasema Eye Hospital, Helsinki, Finland; 3SILK, Department of Ophthalmology, School of Medicine, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland; 4TAUH Eye Centre, Tampere University Hospital, Tampere, Finland Purpose: To study self-reported patient satisfaction and dry eye symptoms in hyperopic correction with femtosecond laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (FS-LASIK).Patients and methods: Ninety-eight eyes (53 patients) were treated with FS-LASIK for hyperopia. Patients’ self-reported dry eye symptoms and satisfaction with near and far vision were graded on the visual analog scale (VAS) preoperatively and 1 month postoperatively.Results: Ninety-one percent of the eyes with the plano target (54 eyes) achieved an uncorrected distance visual acuity of 20/20 or better. Predictability, defined as spherical equivalent refraction within ±0.5 D of target, was 88% of all eyes. None of the eyes lost two or more Snellen lines of corrected distance visual acuity. There was no significant change in the self-reported dry eye sensation (VAS score from 2.7±2.0 to 2.8±2.0; P=0.66). In 44 monovision patients, satisfaction with both far vision (from 71.2±19.8 to 89.2±8.7; P<0.0001) and near vision (from 51.7±26.2 to 89.3±13.2; P<0.0001) increased significantly. In nine emmetropic patients, satisfaction with neither far vision nor near vision was significantly improved, although there was a clear tendency (from 73.7±23.7 to 86.9±15.3; P=0.22, and from 58.9±29.1 to 81.6±17.4; P=0.11, respectively). In the monovision patient group, far vision satisfaction decreased when dry eye symptoms increased. Monovision patients, as predicted, were more satisfied with their near vision, when postoperative spherical equivalent from target was on the myopic side.Conclusion: FS-LASIK correction of hyperopia significantly improved patient satisfaction with both near and far vision in monovision patients. Hyperopic patients had no significant changes in postoperative dry eye symptoms compared to preoperative values. Keywords: femtosecond laser in situ keratomileusis, FS-LASIK, hyperopia, dry eye, patient satisfactio