43 research outputs found

    Benjamin\u27s Ground

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    Benjamin‘s reading of Hölderlin in one of his earliest essays already delineates some of the major constellations of his thought. Searching for the ground of language and of poetic language in particular, Benjamin sets out to lay the ground for the possibility of literary criticism. His text enters into a specific relationship with Hölderlin\u27s theory of poetics and poetic language. The movement of this search leads through a metaphoric relationship of surface and depth toward an ever-receding ground that can be articulated ultimately only in relation to a non-representable abyss (Abgrund). A new topography of surface and writing emerges and replaces the surface/depth relationship. Both Hölderlin\u27s poetics and Benjamin\u27s criticism develop a model of representation based on a radical rethinking of writing and script, marked by a cut or caesura as the precondition of representation and of the possibility of any thing represented. In the recurring motif of waking up, Benjamin marks the threshold of that caesura and connects it at the same time with a specific trait of modern aesthetics as embodied in Kafka\u27s work

    Modernism and Postmodernism. The Margins of Articulation

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    The difference between \u27Modernism\u27 and \u27Postmodernism\u27 is not one of definitions. The latter is rather a radicalization of a tendency inherent already in Modernism: calling into question the underlying principles of definitions, delimitations and boundaries. If, in Modernism, this tendency is marked by an increasing self-reflective gesture of the text, Postmodernism radicalizes this self-reflection to the point where the self-reflective circle and its closure are broken. The subversion of demarcation takes place not only on the semantic level, but on the level of the text\u27s literal and linguistic qualities. Such a move displaces particularly any totalizing project, which, for example, is implied in JĂŒrgen Habermas\u27s recent critique of Post-modernism. The following essay traces some of these effects in the development of the German novel of the last two decades and in some examples of experimental and concrete texts, where the reflection on the principle of demarcation leads to the margins of articulation and with that to the margin where the cultural opposition of culture/nature is constituted

    Zur Kritik der Ehrlichkeit

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    Die bĂŒrgerliche politische Rhetorik hat seit dem spĂ€ten 18. Jahrhundert die LĂŒge als Ă€ußerst verwerflich, die Ehrlichkeit zur Tugend schlechthin erklĂ€rt. Dass sie sich damit die Unehrlichkeit als Basis gelegt hat, will sie, trotz hellsichtiger Kritiker seit Lessing und Nietzsche bis weit ins 20. Jahrhundert nicht eingestehen. LĂŒgen gehört von Jakob in der hebrĂ€ischen Bibel und Homers listigem Odysseus, zu den konstitutiven Bestandteilen der abendlĂ€ndischen Kultur. Der vorliegende Essay ist ein Versuch, darĂŒber nachzudenken.Depuis la fin du XVIIIe siĂšcle, la rhĂ©torique politique bourgeoise a fait du mensonge la chose la plus mĂ©prisable et de la sincĂ©ritĂ© la vertu par excellence. Or, elle ne veut pas admettre, malgrĂ© les critiques de penseurs Ă©clairĂ©s – de Lessing jusqu’au XXe siĂšcle en passant par Nietzsche –, qu’elle repose en cela sur l’insincĂ©ritĂ©. Depuis Jacob dans la Bible et le rusĂ© Ulysse de l’OdyssĂ©e, le mensonge est l’un des Ă©lĂ©ments constitutifs de notre civilisation occidentale. Un constat qui suscite la rĂ©flexion et auquel le prĂ©sent article est consacrĂ©.Since the late 18th century, bourgeois rhetoric has declared lying as one of the most condemnable vices, and lifted up honesty to the pinnacle of bourgeois virtues. Despite the insightful critiques of this naive view by enlightened thinkers such as Lessing in the 18th and Nietzsche in the 19th century, the pathos and rhetoric of honesty still occupies much of public discourse today, even though it is based on insincerity. A historical-literary reflection on lying as a constitutive element of the self-understanding of Western culture is attempted here, through major figures such as Jacob in the Bible and the Homeric Odysseus, who embrace the necessity of lying. This essay is an attempt to think in a more differentiated way about truth and lies in our lives


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    Rainer Nägele: Konstruktione

    Bone morphogenic protein-4 availability in the cardiac microenvironment controls inflammation and fibrosis in autoimmune myocarditis

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    Myocarditis is an inflammatory heart disease that leads to loss of cardiomyocytes and frequently precipitates fibrotic remodeling of the myocardium, culminating in heart failure. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying immune cell control and maintenance of tissue integrity in the inflamed cardiac microenvironment remain elusive. In this study, we found that bone morphogenic protein-4 (BMP4) gradients maintain cardiac tissue homeostasis by single-cell transcriptomics analyses of inflamed murine and human myocardial tissues. Cardiac BMP pathway dysregulation was reflected by reduced BMP4 serum concentration in patients with myocarditis. Restoration of BMP signaling by antibody-mediated neutralization of the BMP inhibitors gremlin-1 and gremlin-2 ameliorated T cell-induced myocardial inflammation in mice. Moreover, progression to inflammatory cardiomyopathy was blocked through the reduction of fibrotic remodeling and preservation of cardiomyocyte integrity. These results unveil the BMP4–gremlin axis as a druggable pathway for the treatment of myocardial inflammation, limiting the severe sequelae of cardiac fibrosis and heart failure

    Texte, histoire et sujet critique

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    La pensĂ©e se cherche un abri dans les textes. La part de chacun, mise en rĂ©serve, se dĂ©couvre en eux. Mais ils ne la sont pas : ce que l’on dĂ©couvre dans les textes n’est pas la preuve de ce qui a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©servĂ©.Theodor W. Adorno Ce que l’on demande, c’est une ouverture, une rĂ©ceptivitĂ© qui fait abstraction du moi propre.Peter Szondi Il semble que l’effacement du sujet interprĂ©tant dans le texte commentĂ© que constate la dialectique nĂ©gative d’Adorno soit dĂ©pouillĂ© par Szondi de la tension qu’il ..

    La stratĂ©gie « Hautes Technologies » de l’Allemagne : objectifs et rĂ©alisations

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    Rainer NĂ€gele, membre du bureau de l’Union de la recherche (Forschungsunion) et directeur du Centre de compĂ©tences Management de services Ă  l’Institut Fraunhofer sur l’Economie du travail et l’organisation (IAO) de Stuttgart, prĂ©sente dans sa contribution les modalitĂ©s et les diffĂ©rentes Ă©tapes de la stratĂ©gie « Hautes Technologies » pour l’Allemagne, lancĂ©e en 2006 par le gouvernement fĂ©dĂ©ral. En tant qu’organe consultatif, l’Union de la recherche science-industrie, dont les missions sont Ă©voquĂ©es ci-aprĂšs, accompagne la mise en Ɠuvre de la stratĂ©gie, intervenant ainsi en complĂ©ment du Conseil pour l’innovation et la croissance (Rat fĂŒr Innovation und Wachstum) instaurĂ© par la chanceliĂšre Angela Merkel

    The Pure Gaze

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    Interdisciplinary, cross-company new product development in the future automotive industry - the case ARENA2036

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    The German automotive industry succeeds by technological leadership. Several circumstances like politics of global warming or increased global competition force the whole industry to break new ground for new kinds of collaborative research and development. ARENA2036 represents such a new cooperation form that hosts diverse scientific and industrial partners in one campus in order to research innovative production and light-weight construction topics. The diversity of the partners in ARENA2036 challenges the new product development process (NPDP). In this case study the individual processes of the partners are analysed and a NPDP system is developed. The analysis bases on interviews covering all partners. The NPDP system supports the needs of the interdisciplinary and cross-company partners. It is characterized by a layered structure in order to preserve flexibility for research topics combined with institutionalized parts to manage interfaces. The final NPDP system is evaluated by the partners

    Ein Verfahren zur technisch-induzierten Gestaltung von GeschÀftsmodellen

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    In der Arbeit ist ein Verfahren zur technisch-induzierten Gestaltung von GeschĂ€ftsmodellen entwickelt, das es Forschungseinrichtungen und technologieorientierten Unternehmen ermöglicht, gezielt GeschĂ€ftsmodelle zur Vermarktung neuer Techniken zu entwickeln. Die Anwendung des Verfahrens wird im Rahmen der Gestaltung eines GeschĂ€ftsmodells zur Vermarktung der XXL-CT Technik fĂŒr den Fachbereich eines großen Instituts fĂŒr angewandte Forschung gezeigt