20 research outputs found

    Relativistické spintronické efekty v polovodičových strukturách

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    V této práci je studován spinový transport a dynamika opticky injektovaných spinově polarizovaných nosičů v několika transportních režimech v polovodi- čových heterostrukturách na bázi GaAs pomocí vysoce prostorově a časově rozlišených technik. V dlouho žijícím elektronovém podsystému, opticky generovaného v nedopovaném heteropřechodu GaAs/AlGaAs, je pozorová- na spinová difuze s neočekávaně dlouhým prostorovým dosahem a vyso- kou transportní rychlostí. Dále je studován difuzí a driftem dominovaný spinový transport za pokojové a nízké teploty v systémech na bázi GaAs použitím elektrické spinové detekce založené na inverzním spinovém Hallovu jevu. Je ukázáno, že signál generovaný inverzním spinovým Hallovým jevem a parametry spinového transport mohou být kontrolovány přímým přiklá- dáním elektrického pole nebo expanzí vyprázdněné oblasti laterálního pn- přechodu.The spin transport and dynamics of optically injected spin polarized carri- ers are studied with a high spatial and/or time resolution in semiconductor GaAs-based heterostructures in multiple transport regimes. An unexpectedly long-scale and high-speed spin diffusion transport is observed in a long-lived electron sub-system induced optically at an undoped single GaAs/AlGaAs heterointerface. A diffusion and drift-dominated spin transport is investi- gated using an electrical spin-detection via the inverse spin Hall effect in doped GaAs-based systems at room and low temperatures. It is shown that the inverse spin Hall signal and the spin transport parameters can be con- trolled by a direct application of an electric field or by expanding a depleted zone of a planar pn-junction.Matematicko-fyzikální fakultaFaculty of Mathematics and Physic

    Terahertz Spin‐to‐Charge Conversion by Interfacial Skew Scattering in Metallic Bilayers

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    The efficient conversion of spin to charge transport and vice versa is of major relevance for the detection and generation of spin currents in spin‐based electronics. Interfaces of heterostructures are known to have a marked impact on this process. Here, terahertz (THz) emission spectroscopy is used to study ultrafast spin‐to‐charge‐current conversion (S2C) in about 50 prototypical F|N bilayers consisting of a ferromagnetic layer F (e.g., Ni81Fe19, Co, or Fe) and a nonmagnetic layer N with strong (Pt) or weak (Cu and Al) spin‐orbit coupling. Varying the structure of the F/N interface leads to a drastic change in the amplitude and even inversion of the polarity of the THz charge current. Remarkably, when N is a material with small spin Hall angle, a dominant interface contribution to the ultrafast charge current is found. Its magnitude amounts to as much as about 20% of that found in the F|Pt reference sample. Symmetry arguments and first‐principles calculations strongly suggest that the interfacial S2C arises from skew scattering of spin‐polarized electrons at interface imperfections. The results highlight the potential of skew scattering for interfacial S2C and propose a promising route to enhanced S2C by tailored interfaces at all frequencies from DC to terahertz

    Terahertz Spin-to-Charge Current Conversion in Stacks of Ferromagnets and the Transition-Metal Dichalcogenide NbSe2

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    Transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) are an aspiring class of materials with unique electronic and optical properties and potential applications in spin-based electronics. Here, terahertz emission spectroscopy is used to study spin-to-charge current conversion (S2C) in the TMDC NbSe2 in ultra-high-vacuum-grown F|NbSe2 thin-film stacks, where F is a layer of ferromagnetic Fe or Ni. Ultrafast laser excitation triggers an ultrafast spin current that is converted into an in-plane charge current and, thus, a measurable THz electromagnetic pulse. The THz signal amplitude as a function of the NbSe2 thickness shows that the measured signals are fully consistent with an ultrafast optically driven injection of an in-plane-polarized spin current into NbSe2. Modeling of the spin-current dynamics reveals that a sizable fraction of the total S2C originates from the bulk of NbSe2 with the opposite, negative sign of the spin Hall angle as compared to Pt. By a quantitative comparison of the emitted THz radiation from F|NbSe2 to F|Pt reference samples and the results of ab initio calculations, it is estimated that the spin Hall angle of NbSe2 for an in-plane polarized spin current lies between -0.2% and -1.1%, while the THz spin-current relaxation length is of the order of a few nanometers

    Frequency-independent terahertz anomalous Hall effect in DyCo5, Co32Fe68 and Gd27Fe73 thin films from DC to 40 THz

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    The anomalous Hall effect (AHE) is a fundamental spintronic charge‐to‐charge‐current conversion phenomenon and closely related to spin‐to‐charge‐current conversion by the spin Hall effect. Future high‐speed spintronic devices will crucially rely on such conversion phenomena at terahertz (THz) frequencies. Here, it is revealed that the AHE remains operative from DC up to 40 THz with a flat frequency response in thin films of three technologically relevant magnetic materials: DyCo5, Co32Fe68, and Gd27Fe73. The frequency‐dependent conductivity‐tensor elements σxx and σyx are measured, and good agreement with DC measurements is found. The experimental findings are fully consistent with ab initio calculations of σyx for CoFe and highlight the role of the large Drude scattering rate (≈100 THz) of metal thin films, which smears out any sharp spectral features of the THz AHE. Finally, it is found that the intrinsic contribution to the THz AHE dominates over the extrinsic mechanisms for the Co32Fe68 sample. The results imply that the AHE and related effects such as the spin Hall effect are highly promising ingredients of future THz spintronic devices reliably operating from DC to 40 THz and beyond

    Modulating the polarization of broadband terahertz pulses from a spintronic emitter at rates up to 10 kHz

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    eliable modulation of terahertz electromagnetic waveforms is important for many applications. Here, we rapidly modulate the direction of the electric field of linearly polarized terahertz electromagnetic pulses with 1–30 THz bandwidth by applying time-dependent magnetic fields to a spintronic terahertz emitter. Polarity modulation of the terahertz field with more than 99% contrast at a rate of 10 kHz is achieved using a harmonic magnetic field. By adding a static magnetic field, we modulate the direction of the terahertz field between angles of, for instance, −53° and 53° at kilohertz rates. We believe our approach makes spintronic terahertz emitters a promising source for low-noise modulation spectroscopy and polarization-sensitive techniques such as ellipsometry at 1–30 THz

    Laser-induced terahertz spin transport in magnetic nanostructures arises from the same force as ultrafast demagnetization

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    Laser-induced terahertz spin transport (TST) and ultrafast demagnetization (UDM) are central but so far disconnected phenomena in femtomagnetism and terahertz spintronics. Here, we use broadband terahertz emission spectroscopy to reliably measure both processes in one setup. We find that the rate of UDM in a single simple ferromagnetic metal film F such as Co70Fe30 or Ni80Fe20 has the same time evolution as TST from F into an adjacent normal-metal layer N such as Pt or W. As this remarkable agreement refers to two very different samples, an F layer vs an F|N stack, it does not result from the trivial fact that TST out of F reduces the F magnetization at the same rate. Instead, our observation strongly suggests that UDM in F and TST in F|N are driven by the same force, which is fully determined by the state of the ferromagnet. An analytical model quantitatively explains our measurements and reveals that both UDM in the F sample and TST in the associated F|N stack arise from a generalized spin voltage, i.e., an excess of magnetization, which is defined for arbitrary, nonthermal electron distributions. We also conclude that contributions due to a possible temperature difference between F and N, i.e., the spin-dependent Seebeck effect, and optical intersite spin transfer are minor in our experiment. Based on these findings, one can apply the vast knowledge of UDM to TST to significantly increase spin-current amplitudes and, thus, open promising pathways toward energy-efficient ultrafast spintronic devices

    Optically Gated Terahertz-Field-Driven Switching of Antiferromagnetic CuMnAs

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    We show scalable and complete suppression of the recently reported terahertz-pulse-induced switching between different resistance states of antiferromagnetic CuMnAs thin films by ultrafast gating. The gating functionality is achieved by an optically generated transiently conductive parallel channel in the semiconducting substrate underneath the metallic layer. The photocarrier lifetime determines the timescale of the suppression. As we do not observe a direct impact of the optical pulse on the state of CuMnAs, all observed effects are primarily mediated by the substrate. The sample region of suppressed resistance switching is given by the optical spot size, thereby making our scheme potentially applicable for transient low-power masking of structured areas with feature sizes of about 200 nm and even smaller

    Terahertz Spin-Conductance Spectroscopy: Probing Coherent and Incoherent Ultrafast Spin Tunneling

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    Thin-film stacks ℱ | ℋ consisting of a ferromagnetic-metal layer ℱ and a heavy-metal layer ℋ are spintronic model systems. Here, we present a method to measure the ultrabroadband spin conductance across a layer between ℱ and ℋ at terahertz frequencies, which are the natural frequencies of spin-transport dynamics. We apply our approach to MgO tunneling barriers with thickness d = 0-6 Å. In the time domain, the spin conductance Gs has two components. An instantaneous feature arises from processes like coherent spin tunneling. Remarkably, a longer-lived component is a hallmark of incoherent resonant spin tunneling mediated by MgO defect states, because its relaxation time grows monotonically with d to as much as 270 fs at d = 6.0 Å. Our results are in full agreement with an analytical model. They indicate that terahertz spin-conductance spectroscopy will yield new and relevant insights into ultrafast spin transport in a wide range of spintronic nanostructures

    Accessing ultrafast spin-transport dynamics in copper using broadband terahertz spectroscopy

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    We study the spatiotemporal dynamics of ultrafast electron spin transport across nanometer-thick copper layers using broadband terahertz spectroscopy. Our analysis of temporal delays, broadening and attenuation of the spin-current pulse revealed ballistic-like propagation of the pulse peak, approaching the Fermi velocity, and diffusive features including a significant velocity dispersion. A comparison to the frequency-dependent Ficks law identified the diffusion-dominated transport regime for distances larger than 2 nm. The findings lie the groundwork for designing future broadband spintronic devices.Comment: Main text consists of 3 figures and 4 pages of tex

    Terahertz probing of anisotropic conductivity and morphology of CuMnAs epitaxial thin films

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    Antiferromagnetic CuMnAs thin films have attracted attention since the discovery of the manipulation of their magnetic structure via electrical, optical, and terahertz pulses of electric fields, enabling convenient approaches to the switching between magnetoresistive states of the film for the information storage. However, the magnetic structure and, thus, the efficiency of the manipulation can be affected by the film morphology and growth defects. In this study, we investigate the properties of CuMnAs thin films by probing the defect-related uniaxial anisotropy of electric conductivity by contact-free terahertz transmission spectroscopy. We show that the terahertz measurements conveniently detect the conductivity anisotropy, that are consistent with conventional DC Hall-bar measurements. Moreover, the terahertz technique allows for considerably finer determination of anisotropy axes and it is less sensitive to the local film degradation. Thanks to the averaging over a large detection area, the THz probing also allows for an analysis of strongly non-uniform thin films. Using scanning near-field terahertz and electron microscopies, we relate the observed anisotropic conductivity of CuMnAs to the elongation and orientation of growth defects, which influence the local microscopic conductivity. We also demonstrate control over the morphology of defects by using vicinal substrates.Comment: 33 pages, 16 figure