4 research outputs found

    In vitro transformation of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L). R. BR.): Selection of chlorsulfuron-resistant plants and long term expression of the gus gene under the control of the emu promoter

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    The plasmids pULGU1 and pEmuGN were introduced by biolistics in embryogenic cell suspensions of pearl millet, Pennisetum glaucum. The plasmid pULGU1 contained the mutant acetolactate synthase (ALS) gene of Arabidopsis thaliana, responsible for resistance to the chlorsulfuron herbicide. The plasmid pEmuGN carried the reporter β-glucuronidase (GUS) gene of Escherichia coli. Two months after bombardment of the cells, transformed calli were selected on Murashige and Skoog medium containing 30 nM chlorsulfruron, a completely concentration inhibitory for non-transformed cells. A concentration of 200 nM chlorsufuron did not affect the growth of these selected resistant calli. Genomic DNA of resistant cells presented an electrophoretic pattern revealing the integration of the mutant ALS gene into the genome of Pennisetum glaucum. Expression of the GUS reporter gene was revealed by histochemical assay of the blue coloration of the calli in the presence of the substrate Xgluc (5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-β-D-Glucuronic acid). The presence of GUS gene was furthermore confirmed, by southern blot hybridization of non-radioactive probes, labelled with digoxigenin, on genomic DNA extracted from selected chlorsulfuron-resistant calli. GUS gene activity observed in all selected calli was high during the first 6 months after bombardment and then decreased. Pearl millet plants were regenerated from cell lines derived from chlorsulfuron resistant calli. Southern blot hybridization of non-radioactive probes with genomic DNA extracted from these regenerated plants showed the presence of the GUS and ALS transgenes, confirming the stable transformation of these plants.Key words: Pennisetum glaucum, stable transformation, chlorsulfuron (ALS), β-glucuronidase (GUS), CaMV35S and Emu promoters

    Identification of Three Distinct Eggplant Subgroups within the Solanum aethiopicum Gilo Group from Côte d’Ivoire by Morpho-Agronomic Characterization

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    The Solanum aethiopicum Gilo group, described as homogeneous, shows a high diversity, at least at the morphological level. In Côte d’Ivoire, farmers distinguish three subgroups, named “N’Drowa”, “Klogbo” and “Gnangnan”, within this group. Data were obtained from 10 quantitative and 14 qualitative morpho-agronomic traits measured in 326 accessions of Gilo eggplants, at flowering and fruiting stages. Univariate and multivariate analyses allowed clearly clustering the studied accessions into the three subgroups. Fruit taste, leaf blade width, fruit diameter, leaf blade length, fruit weight, fruit color at commercial ripeness, petiole length, germination time, plant breadth, fruit position on the plant, fruit length and flowering time were, in decreasing order, the twelve most discriminating traits. Compared to the “Gnangnan” subgroup, the “N’Drowa” subgroup has smaller plant breadth and larger leaves. The fruits of this subgroup were mainly white at commercial ripeness, larger and sweeter. Most of the traits of the “Klogbo” subgroup were intermediate between those of the “N’Drowa” and “Gnangnan” subgroups. Our results could contribute to a better understanding of S. aethiopicum diversity and to the development of a core collection for African eggplant breeding

    Evaluation of the interaction between insecticide resistance-associated genes and malaria transmission in Anopheles gambiae sensu lato in central CĂ´te d'Ivoire

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    BACKGROUND: There is evidence that the knockdown resistance gene (Kdr) L1014F and acetylcholinesterase-1 gene (Ace-1R) G119S mutations involved in pyrethroid and carbamate resistance in Anopheles gambiae influence malaria transmission in sub-Saharan Africa. This is likely due to changes in the behaviour, life history and vector competence and capacity of An. gambiae. In the present study, performed as part of a two-arm cluster randomized controlled trial evaluating the impact of household screening plus a novel insecticide delivery system (In2Care Eave Tubes), we investigated the distribution of insecticide target site mutations and their association with infection status in wild An. gambiae sensu lato (s.l.) populations. METHODS: Mosquitoes were captured in 40 villages around Bouaké by human landing catch from May 2017 to April 2019. Randomly selected samples of An. gambiae s.l. that were infected or not infected with Plasmodium sp. were identified to species and then genotyped for Kdr L1014F and Ace-1R G119S mutations using quantitative polymerase chain reaction assays. The frequencies of the two alleles were compared between Anopheles coluzzii and Anopheles gambiae and then between infected and uninfected groups for each species. RESULTS: The presence of An. gambiae (49%) and An. coluzzii (51%) was confirmed in Bouaké. Individuals of both species infected with Plasmodium parasites were found. Over the study period, the average frequency of the Kdr L1014F and Ace-1R G119S mutations did not vary significantly between study arms. However, the frequencies of the Kdr L1014F and Ace-1R G119S resistance alleles were significantly higher in An. gambiae than in An. coluzzii [odds ratio (95% confidence interval): 59.64 (30.81-131.63) for Kdr, and 2.79 (2.17-3.60) for Ace-1R]. For both species, there were no significant differences in Kdr L1014F or Ace-1R G119S genotypic and allelic frequency distributions between infected and uninfected specimens (P > 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Either alone or in combination, Kdr L1014F and Ace-1R G119S showed no significant association with Plasmodium infection in wild An. gambiae and An. coluzzii, demonstrating the similar competence of these species for Plasmodium transmission in Bouaké. Additional factors including behavioural and environmental ones that influence vector competence in natural populations, and those other than allele measurements (metabolic resistance factors) that contribute to resistance, should be considered when establishing the existence of a link between insecticide resistance and vector competence

    Entomological indicators of malaria transmission prior to a cluster-randomized controlled trial of a 'lethal house lure' intervention in central CĂ´te d'Ivoire

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    BACKGROUND: A study was conducted prior to implementing a cluster-randomized controlled trial (CRT) of a lethal house lure strategy in central Côte d'Ivoire to provide baseline information on malaria indicators in 40 villages across five health districts. METHODS: Human landing catches (HLC) were performed between November and December 2016, capturing mosquitoes indoors and outdoors between 18.00 and 08.00 h. Mosquitoes were processed for entomological indicators of malaria transmission (human biting, parity, sporozoite, and entomological inoculation rates (EIR)). Species composition and allelic frequencies of kdr-w and ace-1R mutations were also investigated within the Anopheles gambiae complex. RESULTS: Overall, 15,632 mosquitoes were captured. Anopheles gambiae sensu lato (s.l.) and Anopheles funestus were the two malaria vectors found during the survey period, with predominance for An. gambiae (66.2%) compared to An. funestus (10.3%). The mean biting rate for An. gambiae was almost five times higher than that for An. funestus (19.8 bites per person per night for An. gambiae vs 4.3 bites per person per night for An. funestus) and this was evident indoors and outdoors. Anopheles funestus was more competent to transmit malaria parasites in the study area, despite relatively lower number tested for sporozoite index (4.14% (63/1521) for An. gambiae vs 8.01% (59/736) for An. funestus; χ2 = 12.216; P  85%), coupled with high malaria transmission pattern, which could guide the use of Eave tubes in the study areas