15 research outputs found

    Ocorrência das domácias nas rubiáceas - II

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    The author has studied the domatia appearing in the Rubiaceae family by examining 278 species distributed among 95 genera; and she has verified that 51 species belonging to 29 genera have domatia fitting following types according to the Chevalier's classification: in the "touffe de poils", "em pertuis" and " enpochette". Fourtheen species showed domatia that has chamber and outlet orifice. The others 29 species present domatia either as aglomerates-hair, clusters-hair or scattered hairs and variations of this types; eight species present domatia "em pochette". On Paurichiantha rubra (Benth.) Brem., Rondelettia purdiei Hook f., and Randia cladantha K. Schum the domatia also appear in the axils nervure of several orders; and also in Psychotria racemosa Aubl., they are located in the axil of the angle toward the leaf base. The author observed for the first time two types of domatia in the same leaf on Psychotria fortuita Standi, and on type of domatia, with hairs, that is formed by a fold on the blade on Chomelia tenuiflora Benth

    Observações preliminares sôbre a longevidade dos "Seedlings" de feijoeiro - Phaseolus vulgaris : em função das reservas cotiledonares

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    According previous studies about longevity in maize by ACCORSI e ADÂMOLI DE BARROS, (1961) the authors presents in this paper the results of work on longevity of seedlings of beans. Seeds were separated in three groups according their weight, as followings: small 80-120 mg; medium 130-140 mg and big 150-200 mg. The sowing of the seeds was made in pure sand and the seedlings were distributed in distil. water and in complete solution of Arnon and Hoagland. Each treatment was made in two replications with eight seedlings by treatment. At present time the following conclusions can be related: 1.°) - Eight days after germination, the cotiledones of all the seedlings started to fell down, fourteen days after, all cotiledones had fell down. 2.°) - Fifteen days after germination, the seedlings in nutritive solution showed better development than those in distil. water. Table I e II gives results. 3.°) - All seedlings in distil. water showed symptoms of N, Ca, Fe deficiencies. 4.°) - Twenty nine days after germination the seedlings in distil. water manifested exhaust trace, by falling of the leaves and death of some plants although the aplicai buds keep green. 5.°) - After thirty-one days the plants in nutritives solution was in better condition than those in distil. water, although some alteration aboved mentioned was observed. The causes of this alteration are being studied. 6.°) - In many plants in complet solution the seminal leaves showed clorosis initial and some with necrosis, although apical buds keeps in ativity. 7.°) - Symptoms of clorosis and necrosis in diferents stages were observed in all leaflet; these symptoms were more strong in the groups of little seed and medium seeds

    Domácias das folhas do pimentão Capsicum annuum L. Cultivado em soluções nutritivas com carência de macronutrientes

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    This paper studies the differences between domatia of normal leaves of Capsicum annuum L. and leaves of plants cultivated with deficiencies of N, Ca, F, Mg, S e P. Were studied 1273 leaves, of all ages, 226 of them being leaves of normal plants. The domatia founded were of the type "en touffe de poils" according to the Chevalier's Classification (1941) and theirs variations, localizated on the dorsal side of the limb, on the axil of midrib with the secondaries oves. The principal modification was that in the normal leaves the hairs (trichomes) were longer, waver and thicker than those of deficient plants.Foram examinadas 1273 folhas, entre novas e adultas do pimentão - Capsicum annuum L., sendo 226 folhas testemunhas e o restante de plantas cultivadas em soluções nutritivas com deficiências de macronutrientes (N. Ca, K, Mg, S, P). Do total de 1273 folhas, 1120 apresentaram domácias do tipo "tufo de pelos" e suas variações, localizadas na face inferior do limbo, nas axilas da nervura principal com as secundárias. As principais modificações foram as variações na quantidade e distribuição dos pelos formadores da estrutura. Nas folhas testemunhas, os pelos das domácias se apresentaram mais longos, mais ondulados e mais grossos do que nas domácias das folhas do experimento

    I - Ocorrência das domácias nas angiospermas

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    The present paper deals with the ocurrency of domatia in 42 differents species, distributed among 28 families of An-giospermae. The domatia were found in trees or shrubs, climbing plants and in strong climbing plants, these domatia were generally situated in the base of the nervure of lrst and 2nd order, that is the common case although they may occure also on the main nervure and on the blade, very close to the border of the leaf The author have found 17 families with domatia, not yet known. The catalogued domatia types are distributed among the families as follows: a) Domatia in "aglomerate hairs" - found in plants of the following families: Anacardiaceae, Apocynaceae, Bignoniaceae, Caricaceae, Caryocaraceae, Dilleniaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Juglandaceae, Léguminosae, Meliaceae, Nyctaginaceae, Onagraceae, Oxalidaceae, Phytolacaceae, Rhamnaceae, Sapindaceae, Saxifragaceae e Verbenaceae. b) Domatia in "chaps shaped" - found in the following families: Lauraceae, Marcgraviaceae, e Meliaceae. c) Domatia in "purses" - found in the following families: Amaranthaceae, Anonaceae, Bignoniaceae, Labiatae, Lauraceae, Leguminosae, Lythraceae, Moraceae, Nyctaginaceae e Vitaceae. d) Some new types of domatia found in the following families: Anacardiaceae, Onagraceae, Oxalidaceae, Apocynaceae, Caricaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Marcgraviaceae, MeliaceaeDo estudo pormenorizado que fizemos em tão copioso material, assinalamos a presença de domácias em 42 espécies distintas, distribuidas entre 28 famílias pertencentes às Angiospermas. Cumpre salientar que registramos a ocorrência desses pequeninos órgãos nas fôlhas, tanto de árvores e arbustos, como de trepadeiras e plantas de pequeno porte. As domácias foram assinaladas não só na inserção das nervuras de 1.ª e 2.ª ordem, que é o caso mais comum, como também sôbre a nervura principal e na superfície do limbo, bem próximo aos bordos da fôlha, constituindo nesse último caso, novos tipos por nós discutidos em trabalho à parte. Registramos, pela primeira vêz, mais 17 famílias novas entre as plantas acarófilas. Relacionamos por ordem alfabética as famílias cujas espécies apresentavam domácias, assim como os nomes das plantas, o tipo e localização das domácias, etc., empregando a Classificação de CHEVALIER E CHESNAIS (1941). Os tipos de domácias catalogados distribuim-se entre as famílias da seguinte maneira: a) Domácias em "tufo de pêlos" - encontradas em plantas das seguintes famílias: Anacardiaceae, Apocynaceae, Bignoniaceae, Caricaceae, Caryocaraceae, Dilleniaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Juglandaceae, Leguminosae, Meliaceae, Nyctaginaceae, Onagraceae, Oxalidaceae, Phytolacaceae, Rhamnaceae, Sapindaceae, Saxifragaceae e Verbenaceae. b) Domácias "em fenda" - encontradas nas famílias: Lauraceae, Marcgraviaceae e Meliaceae. c) Domácias "em bolsa" - registradas nas seguintes famílias: Amaranthaceae, Anonaceae, Bignoniaceae, Labiatae, Lauraceae, Leguminosae, Lythraceae, Moraceae, Nyctaginaceae e Vitaceae. d) Alguns tipos de domácias - encontrados nas famílias: Anacardiaceae, Onagraceae, Oxalidaceae, Apocynaceae, Caricaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Marcgraviaceae, Meliaceae e Leguminosae