7 research outputs found
HIV prevalence and change in incidence for leading cancers.
<p>Note: IP, inverse probability; 95%CI, 95% confidence interval</p><p><sup>a</sup> Quadratic term was significant for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma among HIV-infected individuals—4.5% (95%CI -10.1 to 23.9%) per year and -9.45% (95%CI -19.5 to -1.2%) per year<sup>2</sup>.</p><p>HIV prevalence and change in incidence for leading cancers.</p
HIV prevalence and change in incidence for leading cancers.
<p>Note: IP, inverse probability; 95%CI, 95% confidence interval</p><p><sup>a</sup> Quadratic term was significant for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma among HIV-infected individuals—4.5% (95%CI -10.1 to 23.9%) per year and -9.45% (95%CI -19.5 to -1.2%) per year<sup>2</sup>.</p><p>HIV prevalence and change in incidence for leading cancers.</p
ART treatment coverage and median CD4 at ART initiation during the study period.
<p>Note: ART, combination antiretroviral therapy.</p
Annual number of cancer diagnoses among HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected in Botswana.
<p>Analyses used the IPW population.</p
Overall cancer age-adjusted incidence among HIV-infected (solid) and HIV-uninfected (dotted) individuals.
<p>Analyses utilized the IPW population.</p
Trend in standardized incidence ratio (SIR) of cancer comparing HIV infected and HIV uninfected populations during ART expansion.
<p>Analyses utilized the IPW population. Note: ART, combination antiretroviral therapy.</p
Trends in incidence for leading cancers among HIV-infected population.
<p>Estimates from IPW population accounting for changes in overall and age-specific HIV prevalence. Shaded 95% confidence bands from 1000 bootstrap samples. Note: NHL, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma</p