4 research outputs found

    Predicci贸n del comportamiento de la resistencia de Escherichia coli a Imipenem y Meropenem, utilizando un modelo simple de regresi贸n matem谩tica

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    To determine the trend of bacterial resistance of Escherichia coli to Imipenem (IPM) and Meropenem (MEM) by means of a linear regression model, taking the information collected in the bulletins of bacterial resistance generated by the GREBO group of Bogot谩 between 2010 and 2014. Methods/Statistical Analysis: From the information published innewsletters GREBO group between 2010 and 2014, the behavior of E. coli bacterial resistance to antibiotics was analyzed.From this information simple linear regression models using the statistical software Statgraphics XVI were generated.Determinar la tendencia de la resistencia bacteriana de Escherichia coli a Imipenem (IPM) y Meropenem (MEM) mediante un modelo de regresi贸n lineal, tomando la informaci贸n recopilada en los boletines de resistencia bacteriana generados por el grupo GREBO de Bogot谩 entre 2010 y 2014. M茅todos / An谩lisis estad铆stico: A partir de la informaci贸n publicada en los boletines informativos del grupo GREBO entre 2010 y 2014, se analiz贸 el comportamiento de la resistencia bacteriana de E. coli a los antibi贸ticos. A partir de esta informaci贸n, se generaron modelos de regresi贸n lineal simple utilizando el software estad铆stico Statgraphics XVI

    Predicci贸n del comportamiento de la resistencia de Escherichia coli a Imipenem y Meropenem, utilizando un modelo simple de regresi贸n matem谩tica

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    Objectives: To determine the trend of bacterial resistance of Escherichia coli to Imipenem (IPM) and Meropenem (MEM), by means of a linear regression model, taking the information collected in the bulletins of bacterial resistance generated by the GREBO group of Bogot谩 between 2010 and 2014. Methods/Statistical Analysis: From the information published in newsletters GREBO group between 2010 and 2014, the behavior of E. coli bacterial resistance to antibiotics was analyzed. From this information simple linear regression models using the statistical software Statgraphics XVI were generated. Findings: The generated mathematical models to predict the evolution of antibiotic resistance as a function of time and that were significant are: Resistance IPM * Year = 0.00000208772 (p value 0.0020; adjusted R2 = 92.86%); Resistance MEM = 0.00000149115 * Year (p value 0.0026; adjusted R2 = 91.84%). Application/Improvements: There is a relationship between the values of resistance and over the years, with variable time sufficient to explain the behavior of the resistance of E. coli variable. In 2015 IPM resistance is estimated that this in 0.42% (CI 0.02% - 0.8%) and MEM 0.3% (CI 0.17% - 0.42%).Objetivos: Determinar la tendencia de la resistencia bacteriana de Escherichia coli a Imipenem (IPM) y Meropenem (MEM), mediante un modelo de regresi贸n lineal, tomando la informaci贸n recolectada en los boletines de resistencia bacteriana generados por el grupo GREBO de Bogot谩 entre 2010. y 2014. M茅todos / An谩lisis estad铆stico: a partir de la informaci贸n publicada en los boletines informativos del grupo GREBO entre 2010 y 2014, se analiz贸 el comportamiento de la resistencia bacteriana de E. coli a los antibi贸ticos. A partir de esta informaci贸n, se generaron modelos simples de regresi贸n lineal utilizando el software estad铆stico Statgraphics XVI. Resultados: Los modelos matem谩ticos generados para predecir la evoluci贸n de la resistencia a los antibi贸ticos en funci贸n del tiempo y que fueron significativos son: Resistencia IPM * A帽o = 0.00000208772 (valor de p 0.0020; R2 ajustado = 92.86%); Resistencia MEM = 0.00000149115 * A帽o (valor de p 0.0026; R2 ajustado = 91.84%). Aplicaci贸n / Mejoras: Existe una relaci贸n entre los valores de resistencia y los a帽os, con tiempo variable suficiente para explicar el comportamiento de la variable de resistencia de E. coli. En 2015, se estima que la resistencia a IPM es de 0,42% (IC 0,02% - 0,8%) y MEM 0,3% (IC 0,17% - 0,42%)

    Predicting of behavior of escherichia coli resistance to Imipenem and Meropenem, using a simple mathematical model regression

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    Objectives: To determine the trend of bacterial resistance of Escherichia coli to Imipenem (IPM) and Meropenem (MEM), by means of a linear regression model, taking the information collected in the bulletins of bacterial resistance generated by the GREBO group of Bogot谩 between 2010 and 2014. Methods/Statistical Analysis: From the information published in newsletters GREBO group between 2010 and 2014, the behavior of E. coli bacterial resistance to antibiotics was analyzed. From this information simple linear regression models using the statistical software Statgraphics XVI were generated. Findings: The generated mathematical models to predict the evolution of antibiotic resistance as a function of time and that were significant are: Resistance IPM * Year = 0.00000208772 (p value 0.0020; adjusted R2 = 92.86%); Resistance MEM = 0.00000149115 * Year (p value 0.0026; adjusted R2 = 91.84%). Application/Improvements: There is a relationship between the values of resistance and over the years, with variable time sufficient to explain the behavior of the resistance of E. coli variable. In 2015 IPM resistance is estimated that this in 0.42% (CI 0.02% - 0.8%) and MEM 0.3% (CI 0.17% - 0.42%)