42 research outputs found

    Simulations of Membrane-Disrupting Peptides II: AMP Piscidin 1 Favors Surface Defects over Pores

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    Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) that disrupt bacterial membranes are promising therapeutics against the growing number of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The mechanism of membrane disruption by the AMP piscidin 1 was examined with multimicrosecond all-atom molecular dynamics simulations and solid-state NMR spectroscopy. The primary simulation was initialized with 20 peptides in four barrel-stave pores in a fully hydrated 1-palrnitoy1-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine/1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoglycerol bilayer. The four pores relaxed to toroidal by 200 ns, only one porelike structure containing two transmembrane helices remained at 26 his, and none of the 18 peptides released to the surface reinserted to form pores. The simulation was repeated at 413 K with an applied electric field and all peptides were surface-bound by 200 ns. Trajectories of surface-bound piscidin with and without applied fields at 313 and 413 K and totaling 6 mu s show transient distortions of the bilayer/water interface (consistent with P-31 NMR), but no insertion to trans membrane or pore states. N-15 chemical shifts confirm a fully surface-bound conformation. Taken together, the simulation and experimental results imply that transient defects rather than stable pores are responsible for membrane disruption by piscidin 1, and likely other AMPs

    How Oxygen Availability Affects the Antimicrobial Efficacy of Host Defense Peptides: Lessons Learned from Studying the Copper-Binding Peptides Piscidins 1 and 3

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    The development of new therapeutic options against Clostridioides difficile (C. difficile) infection is a critical public health concern, as the causative bacterium is highly resistant to multiple classes of antibiotics. Antimicrobial host-defense peptides (HDPs) are highly effective at simultaneously modulating the immune system function and directly killing bacteria through membrane disruption and oxidative damage. The copper-binding HDPs piscidin 1 and piscidin 3 have previously shown potent antimicrobial activity against a number of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacterial species but have never been investigated in an anaerobic environment. Synergy between piscidins and metal ions increases bacterial killing aerobically. Here, we performed growth inhibition and time-kill assays against C. difficile showing that both piscidins suppress proliferation of C. difficile by killing bacterial cells. Microscopy experiments show that the peptides accumulate at sites of membrane curvature. We find that both piscidins are effective against epidemic C. difficile strains that are highly resistant to other stresses. Notably, copper does not enhance piscidin activity against C. difficile. Thus, while antimicrobial activity of piscidin peptides is conserved in aerobic and anaerobic settings, the peptide–copper interaction depends on environmental oxygen to achieve its maximum potency. The development of pharmaceuticals from HDPs such as piscidin will necessitate consideration of oxygen levels in the targeted tissue

    Antiviral activity of the host defense peptide piscidin 1: investigating a membrane-mediated mode of action

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    Outbreaks of viral diseases are on the rise, fueling the search for antiviral therapeutics that act on a broad range of viruses while remaining safe to human host cells. In this research, we leverage the finding that the plasma membranes of host cells and the lipid bilayers surrounding enveloped viruses differ in lipid composition. We feature Piscidin 1 (P1), a cationic host defense peptide (HDP) that has antimicrobial effects and membrane activity associated with its N-terminal region where a cluster of aromatic residues and copper-binding motif reside. While few HDPs have demonstrated antiviral activity, P1 acts in the micromolar range against several enveloped viruses that vary in envelope lipid composition. Notably, it inhibits HIV-1, a virus that has an envelope enriched in cholesterol, a lipid associated with higher membrane order and stability. Here, we first document through plaque assays that P1 boasts strong activity against SARS-CoV-2, which has an envelope low in cholesterol. Second, we extend previous studies done with homogeneous bilayers and devise cholesterol-containing zwitterionic membranes that contain the liquid disordered (Ld; low in cholesterol) and ordered (Lo, rich in cholesterol) phases. Using dye leakage assays and cryo-electron microscopy on vesicles, we show that P1 has dramatic permeabilizing capability on the Lo/Ld, an effect matched by a strong ability to aggregate, fuse, and thin the membranes. Differential scanning calorimetry and NMR experiments demonstrate that P1 mixes the lipid content of vesicles and alters the stability of the Lo. Structural studies by NMR indicate that P1 interacts with the Lo/Ld by folding into an α-helix that lies parallel to the membrane surface. Altogether, these results show that P1 is more disruptive to phase-separated than homogenous cholesterol-containing bilayers, suggesting an ability to target domain boundaries. Overall, this multi-faceted research highlights how a peptide that interacts strongly with membranes through an aromatic-rich N-terminal motif disrupt viral envelope mimics. This represents an important step towards the development of novel peptides with broad-spectrum antiviral activity

    A Departmental Focus on High Impact Undergraduate Research Experiences

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    Undergraduate research experiences have become an integral part of the Hamilton College chemistry experience. The major premise of the chemistry department’s curriculum is that research is a powerful teaching tool. Curricular offerings have been developed and implemented to better prepare students for the independence required for successful undergraduate research experiences offered during the academic year and the summer. Administrative support has played a critical role in our ability to initiate and sustain scholarly research programs for all faculty members in the department. The research-rich curriculum is built directly upon or derived from the scholarly research agendas of our faculty members. The combined strengths and synergies of our curriculum and summer research program have allowed us to pursue several programmatic initiatives