282 research outputs found

    Interannual variability of heat waves in South Korea and their connection with large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns

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    This study investigates the interannual variation of heat wave frequency (HWF) in South Korea during the past 42 years (1973-2014) and examines its connection with large-scale atmospheric circulation changes. Korean heat waves tend to develop most frequently in late summer during July and August. The leading Empirical Orthogonal Function accounting for 50% of the total variance shows a mono-signed pattern over South Korea, suggesting that the dominant mechanisms responsible for the heat wave are linked in a spatial scale much larger than the nation. It also exhibits a regional variation with more occurrences in the southeastern inland area. The regression of the leading principal component (PC) time series of HWF with large-scale atmospheric circulation identifies a north-south dipole pattern between the South China Sea and Northeast Asia. When this large-scale circulation mode facilitates deep convection in South China Sea, it tends to weaken moisture transport from the South China Sea to Northeast Asia. Enhanced deep convection in the South China Sea triggers a source of Rossby wave train along southerly wind that generates positive geopotential height anomalies around Korea. The anomalous high pressure pattern is accompanied by large-scale subsidence in Korea, thereby providing a favourable condition for extreme hot and dry days in Korea. This study highlights that there is a decadal change of the relationship between Korean heat waves and large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns. The tropical forcing tends to be weakened in the recent decade, with more influences from the Arctic variability from the mid-1990s.ope

    Decadal changes in the leading patterns of sea level pressure in the Arctic and their impacts on the sea ice variability in boreal summer

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    Besides its negative trend, the interannual and the interdecadal changes in the Arctic sea ice have also been pronounced in recent decades. The three leading modes in the sea level pressure (SLP) variability in the Arctic (70???90??????N) ??? the Arctic Oscillation (AO), the Arctic Dipole (AD), and the third mode (A3) ??? are analyzed to understand the linkage between sea ice variability and large-scale atmospheric circulation in boreal summer (June???August). This study also compares the decadal changes of the modes between the early (1982???1997) and the recent (1998???2017) periods and their influences on the Arctic sea ice extent (SIE). Only the AD mode shows a significant correlation increase with SIE in summer (JJA) from ???0.05 in the early period to 0.57 in the recent period. The AO and the A3 modes show a less significant relationship with SIE for the two periods. The AD is characterized by a dipole pattern of SLP, which modulates the strength of meridional surface winds and the Transpolar Drift Stream (TDS). The major circulation change in the late 1990s is that the direction of the wind has been changed more meridionally over the exit region of the Fram Strait, which causes sea ice drift and discharge through that region. In addition, the response of surface albedo and the net surface heat flux becomes larger and much clearer, suggesting a positive sea-ice???albedo feedback in the sea ice variability associated with the AD. The analysis also reveals that the zonal shift of the centers of SLP anomalies and associated circulation change affects a significant reduction in sea ice concentration over the Pacific sector of the Arctic Ocean. This study further suggests that the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) phase change could influence the spatial pattern change in the AD

    Detection of deterministic and probabilistic convection initiation using Himawari-8 Advanced Himawari Imager data

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    The detection of convective initiation (CI) is very important because convective clouds bring heavy rainfall and thunderstorms that typically cause severe socio-economic damage. In this study, deterministic and probabilistic CI detection models based on decision trees (DT), random forest (RF), and logistic regression (LR) were developed using Himawari-8 Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI) data obtained from June to August 2016 over the Korean Peninsula. A total of 12 interest fields that contain brightness temperature, spectral differences of the brightness temperatures, and their time trends were used to develop CI detection models. While, in our study, the interest field of 11.2 mu m T-b was considered the most crucial for detecting CI in the deterministic models and the probabilistic RF model, the trispectral difference, i.e. (8.6-11.2 mu m)-(11.2-12.4 mu m), was determined to be the most important one in the LR model. The performance of the four models varied by CI case and validation data. Nonetheless, the DT model typically showed higher probability of detection (POD), while the RF model produced higher overall accuracy (OA) and critical success index (CSI) and lower false alarm rate (FAR) than the other models. The CI detection of the mean lead times by the four models were in the range of 20-40 min, which implies that convective clouds can be detected 30 min in advance, before precipitation intensity exceeds 35 dBZ over the Korean Peninsula in summer using the Himawari-8 AHI data

    Structure of AGCM-Simulated Convectively Coupled Kelvin Waves and Sensitivity to Convective Parameterization

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    A study of the convectively coupled Kelvin wave (CCKW) properties from a series of atmospheric general circulation model experiments over observed sea surface temperatures is presented. The simulations are performed with two different convection schemes (a mass flux scheme and a moisture convergence scheme) using a range of convective triggers, which inhibit convection in different ways. Increasing the strength of the convective trigger leads to significantly slower and more intense CCKW activity in both convection schemes. With the most stringent trigger in the mass flux scheme, the waves have realistic speed and variance and also exhibit clear shallow-to-deep-to-stratiform phase tilts in the vertical, as in observations. While adding a moisture trigger results in vertical phase tilts in the mass flux scheme, the moisture convergence scheme CCKWs show no such phase tilts even with a stringent convective trigger. The changes in phase speed in the simulations are interpreted using the concept of "gross moist stability" (GMS). Inhibition of convection results in a more unstable tropical atmosphere in the time mean, and convection is shallower on average as well. Both of these effects lead to a smaller GMS, which leads to slower propagation of the waves, as expected from theoretical studies. Effects such as changes in radiative heating, atmospheric humidity, and vertical velocity following the wave have a relatively small effect on the GMS as compared with the time mean state determined by the convection scheme.open222

    Machine learning approaches for detecting tropical cyclone formation using satellite data

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    This study compared detection skill for tropical cyclone (TC) formation using models based on three different machine learning (ML) algorithms-decision trees (DT), random forest (RF), and support vector machines (SVM)-and a model based on Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). Eight predictors were derived from WindSat satellite measurements of ocean surface wind and precipitation over the western North Pacific for 2005-2009. All of the ML approaches performed better with significantly higher hit rates ranging from 94 to 96% compared with LDA performance (~77%), although false alarm rate by MLs is slightly higher (21-28%) than that by LDA (~13%). Besides, MLs could detect TC formation at the time as early as 26-30 h before the first time diagnosed as tropical depression by the JTWC best track, which was also 5 to 9 h earlier than that by LDA. The skill differences across MLs were relatively smaller than difference between MLs and LDA. Large yearly variation in forecast lead time was common in all models due to the limitation in sampling from orbiting satellite. This study highlights that ML approaches provide an improved skill for detecting TC formation compared with conventional linear approaches

    Ten-Year Climatology of Summertime Diurnal Rainfall Rate Over the Conterminous U.S.

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    Diurnal cycles of summertime rainfall rates are examined over the conterminous United States, using radar-gauge assimilated hourly rainfall data. As in earlier studies, rainfall diurnal composites show a well-defined region of rainfall propagation over the Great Plains and an afternoon maximum area over the south and eastern portion of the United States. Zonal phase speeds of rainfall in three different small domains are estimated, and rainfall propagation speeds are compared with background zonal wind speeds. Unique rainfall propagation speeds in three different regions can be explained by the evolution of latent-heat theory linked to the convective available potential energy, than by gust-front induced or gravity wave propagation mechanisms

    Development of Korean Academy of Medical Sciences Guideline on the Skin and Related System: Impairment Evaluation of Disfigurement in Skin and Appearance

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    The purpose of this study is to develop new standards for the disability evaluation with reference to existing laws and other study reports regarding disabilities for the rational evaluation of the diverse kinds of disfigurement in appearance and skin. Three plastic surgery specialists and 3 dermatology specialists developed a new standard for the disability evaluation which is appropriate for circumstances in Korea. Disability rate does not take into account the social occupation, gender or age of the patient, but instead, evaluate the Activity of Daily Living and the social adaptability of the appearance and skin disfigurement regardless of the balance between different disabilities. We tried to include most cutaneous disorders and categorized them into 3 types; congenital (Type 1), acquired (Type 2) as well as any permanent skin impairment sequelae of disease, trauma or treatment process (Type 3). For type 3 disorders, we tried to rate the score according to the size of involved skin lesion. The disability rate is determined by dividing the disability class into 8 steps based on the seriousness of each type of disability

    Photocatalytic Oxidation of Trichloroethylene in Water Using a Porous Ball of Nano-ZnO and Nanoclay Composite

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    The presence of nondegradable organic compounds and xenobiotic chemicals in water is a great concern for the general public because of their polar properties and toxicity. For instance, trichloroethylene (TCE) is a widely used solvent in the chemical industry, and it is also a contaminant of soil, surface water, and groundwater. Recent studies on new treatment technologies have shown that photocatalyst-based advanced oxidation processes are appropriate for removing these polar and toxic compounds from water. The objective of this study was to remove TCE from water using novel nano-ZnO-laponite porous balls prepared from photocatalyst ZnO with nanoscale laponite. These nano-ZnO-laponite porous balls have a porosity of approximately 20%. A lower initial concentration of TCE resulted in high removal efficiency. Moreover, the removal efficiency increased with increasing pH in the photocatalytic degradation experiments employing UVC light with nano-ZnO-laponite. The optimal dosage of nano-ZnO-laponite was 30 g and the use of UVC light resulted in a higher removal efficiency than that achieved with UVA light. In addition, the removal efficiency of TCE significantly increased with increasing light intensity. We think that TCE’s removal in water by using porous ball of nano-ZnO and nanoclay composite is a result of degradation from hydroxide by photons of nano-ZnO and physical absorption in nanoclay