122 research outputs found
A microscopic theory of photonucleation: Density functional approach for the properties of a fluid of two-level atoms, a part of which is excited
We use the density functional method to examine the properties of the
nonuniform (two-phase) fluid of two-level atoms, a part of which is excited.
Basing on the analysis of the equation of state of a gas of two-level atoms, a
part of which is excited, we suggest a simple density functional of the grand
thermodynamical potential. We use the proposed density functional of the grand
thermodynamical potential to calculate the nucleation barrier for
vapor-to-liquid phase transition in the presence of excited atoms.Comment: Presented at the conference Statistical Physics 2005: Modern Problems
and New Applications (August 28-30, 2005, Lviv, Ukraine
Means of complex technical system sensor signals geometrization in a dynamic space have been proposed. For the analysis differential geometry and integrative indicators have been used. The relationship between the dynamic parameters of the signal of the sensor determines the geomet-rical model of the structure of its management cycle. Such modeling simplifies the analysis of the compatibility and compliance of the different nature of the technical system elements. The nature of the restructuring of the management cycle defines a particular element of its operation in extreme conditions.Запропоновано засоби геометризації сигналів сенсорів складної технічної системи в динамічному просторі. Для їх аналізу використано універсальні диференціально-геометричні параметри та інтегративні показники. Показано, що взаємозв’язок динамічних параметрів сигналу сенсора визначає геометричну модель структури його циклу управління. Таке моделювання спрощує аналіз сумісності і узгодженості функціонування різних за природою елементів технічної системи. Характер перебудови структури циклу управління елемента визначає особливості його функціонування в екстремальних умовах
Review of \u3ci\u3ePlants Have So Much to Give Us, All We Have to Do Is Ask: Anishinaabe Botanical Teachings\u3c/i\u3e by Mary Siisip Geniusz (edited by Wendy Makoons Geniusz, illustrated by Annmarie Geniusz)
Plants Have So Much to Give Us, All We Have to Do Is Ask offers a new look at Anishinaabe (Ojibwe) ethnobotany as told through traditional stories. Botanical teachings through stories are a way to pass down traditional knowledge from generation to generation. For example, Anishinaabe knowledge on plants was written and recorded in communities willing to share their knowledge with early scholars, such as Albert B. Reagan (1928), Huron H. Smith (1932), and Melvin R. Gilmore (1933). Each of these scholars spent time with an Anishinaabe community to learn about plants and primarily to provide written descriptions of plants as food and medicine. Ethnobotany by Mary Siisip Geniusz and her daughter, Wendy Makoons Geniusz, is different than those early efforts because they both rely heavily on stories, language, and culture in describing plants from an Anishinaabe (Ojibwe) perspective. The traditional knowledge in this book was obtained over a long period of time (actually generations beyond the author and her teacher, Keewaydinoquay) and was written to be shared with others so that they also could learn. The type of learning that this text portrays is a Master-Teacher apprenticeship, whereby knowledge of plant teachings was exchanged during the time that Mary Geniusz and the late Keewaydinoquay spent together. Keewaydinoquay was a well-known Anishinaabe medicine woman from the Leelanau Peninsula in Michigan; she was a teacher to many, including Mary Geniusz, and she was known by many more, including K. Kindscher, the second author of this review. This text provides ethnobotany from an Indigenous perspective and the book is appropriately subtitled as Anishinaabe Botanical Teachings. Published by the University of Minnesota Press
Research of interaction between metronidazole tablets and metal salts `in vitro`
Introduction: Along with the efficacy and safety of drugs, the interaction of drugs with each other and with other accompanying substances is important, too. There are no data about the interaction or influence of antacids and other drugs with polyvalent cations on the metronidazole bioavailability. The purpose of this research was the studying of the metronidazole release kinetics from the tablets in an environment that simulates stomach conditions with the addition of metal salts, which are part of the widespread drugs. The research was conducted to assess the impact of possible interactions between the active substance and polyvalent metal cations on their bioavailability and efficacy.Material and Methods: Metronidazole tablets were chosen as research object. 0.1 N HCl solution with addition of metal salts was chosen as medium dissolution. The `PharmaTest-DT70` Device with basket, the `Evolution 60S` Spectrophotometer as well as the `AB 204 S/A METTLER TOLEDO` analytical balances were used in the study.Results: Research of chemical interaction between metronidazole and metal salts, which are part of the widespread drugs, in the experiment `in vitro` was carried out. Metal salts don`t influence the metronidazole release from the tablets, as evidenced by dissolution profiles and similarity factors for each of the cases.Conclusions: The chemical interactions between the chosen medicines were not observed in the `in vitro` experiment. Thus, separate intake of metronidazole with other drugs, containing metal cations, is important for further research in the `in vivo` experiment
Параметри кісткового метаболізму в пацієнтів із генералізованим пародонтитом на тлі хронічної ревматичної хвороби серця
The article presents the results of the study of the state of calcium-phosphorus-magnesium metabolism and bone metabolism in patients with periodontal tissue diseases accompanied with chronic rheumatic heart disease and persons in the control group. The results of the study indicate the violation of regulatory mechanisms of bone remodeling in patients with chronic rheumatic heart disease.
The aim of the study – to learn the indices of calcium-phosphorus-magnesium metabolism and bone metabolism in patients with periodontal tissue diseases with concomitant chronic rheumatic heart disease.
Materials and Methods. Studies of calcium-phosphorus metabolism, oxyproline and alkaline phosphatase in serum of 96 patients with chronic rheumatic heart disease (main group) and 34 practically healthy persons (control group) were carried out. Observation groups included patients with generalized periodontitis of grade I, II and III severity from 35 to 54 years of age.
Results and Discussion. Analyzing the results of calcium-phosphorus-magnesium metabolism in the serum of patients with СRHD it is possible to state that dystrophic processes in the bone tissue of the alveolar process with generalized periodontitis occur which are accompanied with significant changes in calcium-phosphorus homeostasis. Changes in oxyprolin levels and decreased alkaline phosphatase activity in patients with СRHD may indicate a weakening of bone remodeling processes, which may be a prerequisite for significant bone loss of the periodontal bone.
Conclusions. The imbalance of bone metabolism parameters in patients with СRHD confirms the assumption of damage of the bone system at the stage of tissue metabolism, and thus may be the cause of progressive osteoporosis and rapid progression of generalized periodontitis.В статье приведены результаты исследования состояния кальций-фосфор-магниевого обмена и метаболизма костной ткани у пациентов с заболеваниями тканей пародонта и сопутствующей хронической ревматической болезнью сердца (ХРБС) и лиц группы контроля. Результаты исследования указывают на нарушение регуляторных механизмов ремоделирования костной ткани в лиц с хронической ревматической болезнью сердца.
Цель исследования – изучить показатели кальций-фосфор-магниевого обмена и метаболизма костной ткани у пациентов с заболеваниями тканей пародонта и сопутствующей хронической ревматической болезнью сердца.
Материалы и методы. Проведено исследование показателей кальций-фосфор-магниевого обмена, оксипролина и щелочной фосфатазы в сыворотке крови 96 лиц с хронической ревматической болезнью сердца (основная группа) и 34 практически здоровых лиц (контрольная группа). В группы наблюдения были включены больные с генерализованным пародонтитом начальной-I, II и III степеней тяжести в возрасте от 35 до 54 лет.
Результаты исследований и их обсуждение. Анализируя результаты показателей кальций-фосфор-магниевого обмена в сыворотке крови пациентов с ХРХС, можно утверждать, что дистрофические процессы в костной ткани альвеолярного отростка при генерализованном пародонтите происходят на фоне достоверных изменений кальций-фосфорного гомеостаза в крови, что подтверждается динамикой сывороточных показателей этих макроэлементов. Изменение уровней оксипролина и снижение активности щелочной фосфатазы у пациентов с ХРБС может указывать на ослабление процессов ремоделирования костной ткани и может быть предпосылкой к существенной потере костной ткани пародонта.
Выводы. Дисбаланс параметров костного метаболизма в пациентов с ХРБС подтверждает предположение о повреждении на этапе тканевого метаболизма костной системы, а поэтому может быть причиной прогрессирующего остеопороза и быстрого прогрессирования генерализованного пародонтита.У статті наведено результати дослідження стану кальцій-фосфор-магнієвого обміну та метаболізму кісткової тканини у пацієнтів із захворюваннями тканин пародонта та супутньою хронічною ревматичною хворобою серця (ХРХС) й осіб групи контролю. Результати дослідження вказують на порушення регуляторних механізмів ремоделювання кісткової тканини в осіб із хронічною ревматичною хворобою серця.
Мета дослідження – вивчити показники кальцій-фосфор-магнієвого обміну та метаболізму кісткової тканини у пацієнтів із захворюваннями тканин пародонта та супутньою хронічною ревматичною хворобою серця.
Матеріали і методи. Проведено дослідження показників кальцій-фосфор-магнієвого обміну, оксипроліну та лужної фосфатази у сироватці крові 96 осіб із хронічною ревматичною хворобою серця (основна група) та 34 практично здорових осіб (контрольна група). До груп спостереження було включено осіб, хворих на генералізований пародонтит початкового-І, II та III ступенів тяжкості віком від 35 до 54 років.
Результати досліджень та їх обговорення. Аналізуючи результати показників кальцій-фосфор-магнієвого обміну в сироватці крові пацієнтів із ХРХС, можна стверджувати, що дистрофічні процеси в кістковій тканині альвеолярного відростка при генералізованому пародонтиті відбуваються на тлі достовірних змін кальцій-фосфорного гомеостазу в крові, що підтверджується динамікою сироваткових показників цих макроелементів. Зміна рівнів оксипроліну та зниження активності лужної фосфатази у пацієнтів із ХРХС може вказувати на послаблення процесів ремоделювання кісткової тканини, що може бути передумовою до суттєвої втрати кісткової тканини пародонта.
Висновки. Дисбаланс параметрів кісткового метаболізму в пацієнтів із ХРХС підтверджує припущення про ушкодження на етапі тканинного метаболізму кісткової системи, а тому може бути причиною прогресуючого остеопорозу та швидкого прогресування генералізованого пародонтиту
Ethnobotany of Oshá (Ligusticum porteri) and Policy of Medicinal Plant Harvest on United States Forest Service Lands
Oshá (Ligusticum porteri), found in high elevation sites in the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico, is a medicinal plant whose roots are being sold by herbal product companies to treat influenza, bronchitis, and sore throat. Oshá and other medicinal plants have a long history of use within Indigenous communities, fifteen tribes are documented using oshá and those uses are practiced today and more tribes likely use oshá, especially in and near the range of the plant. Historically and today, tribes such as the Apache, Pueblo, Navajo, Zuni, White Mountain Apache, Southern Ute, Lakota, and the Tarahumara in Mexico used oshá to treat ailments such as to treat colds, flu, upper respiratory infection, and diarrhea and gastrointestinal problems. Another use of root is to repel snakes if one carries the root with them. Oshá is commonly referred to as bear root by Native American tribes because bears have been observed using and interacting with the root. Oshá is also considered sacred to some tribes and it is used outside its native range by hundreds of miles by the Comanche, Plains, Apache, and Lakota tribes. Interviews conducted with tribal elders, a Hispanic elder, U.S. Forest Service officials, and an herbal product company owner help to make suggestions for U.S. Forest Service policies, such as co-management strategies for medicinal plants like oshá. This paper also examines the potential areas of collaboration between Native tribes and current U.S. Forest Service policies to create future Native American focused policies and strengthen future relationships
Concept of A Low-Cost Hybrid Car
Fuel economy and emissions reduction are the vital tasks, which are currently being solved by dismissing cars with only internal combustion engines to the benefit of electric and hybrid electric vehicles (HEV). HEVs have a significant advantage over electric vehicles, namely a bigger drive range and independence from the charging stations at hand. However, high cost and big weight of HEVs discourage their wider use. To minimize the cost and weight of HEV, the algorithm of its power plant operation is changed. This paper presents a method for calculating the electric drive mode of a hybrid vehicle in accordance with the proposed algorithm for the power plant operation. The results of calculation of the main characteristics are presented and analyzed. The experimental studies were carried out with the hybrid vehicle developed on the base on the Lanos pickup vehicle. The research results showed good agreement between the experimental and the calculated results. The proposed technical solution is presented as practical and effective. The results of this work can be used in the automotive industry. The development helps to reduce the cost and weight of hybrid vehicles, maintaining their operational characteristics and good economic and environmental indicators
Concept of A Low-Cost Hybrid Car
Fuel economy and emissions reduction are the vital tasks, which are currently being solved by dismissing cars with only internal combustion engines to the benefit of electric and hybrid electric vehicles (HEV). HEVs have a significant advantage over electric vehicles, namely a bigger drive range and independence from the charging stations at hand. However, high cost and big weight of HEVs discourage their wider use. To minimize the cost and weight of HEV, the algorithm of its power plant operation is changed. This paper presents a method for calculating the electric drive mode of a hybrid vehicle in accordance with the proposed algorithm for the power plant operation. The results of calculation of the main characteristics are presented and analyzed. The experimental studies were carried out with the hybrid vehicle developed on the base on the Lanos pickup vehicle. The research results showed good agreement between the experimental and the calculated results. The proposed technical solution is presented as practical and effective. The results of this work can be used in the automotive industry. The development helps to reduce the cost and weight of hybrid vehicles, maintaining their operational characteristics and good economic and environmental indicators
A microscopic theory of photonucleation: Density functional approach to the properties of a fluid of two-level atoms, a part of which is excited
We use the density functional method to examine the properties of the nonuniform (two-phase) fluid of twolevel
atoms, a part of which is excited. From the analysis of the equation of state of a gas of two-level atoms,
a part of which is excited, the following density functional of the grand thermodynamical potential emerges width (here ΩCS[ρ(r)] is the Carnahan-Starling term, σ is the atom radius, v = 4/3πσ³, c₁ is the concentration of
excited atoms, c₀ + c₁ = 1, E₁ − E₀ is the excitation energy and a is the dimensionless parameter which
characterizes the atom). We use this expresМи використовуємо метод функцiоналу густини для дослiдження властивостей неоднорiдного (двофазного) плину дворiвневих атомiв, частина з яких збуджена. На основi аналiзу рiвняння стану газу
дворiвневих атомiв, частина з яких збуджена, виникає наступний функцiонал густини великого термодинамiчного потенцiалу, (тут ΩCS[ρ(r)] – доданок Карнагана-Старлiнга, σ – радiус атома, v = 4/3πσ³, c₁ – концентрацiя збуджених атомiв, c₀ + c₁ = 1, E₁ − E₀ – енергiя збудження i a – безрозмiрний параметр, який характеризує атом). Ми використовуємо цей вираз для обчислення нуклеацiйного бар’єру для фазового
переходу пари в рiдину за наявностi збуджених атомiв
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