26,730 research outputs found

    Parallel scheduling of recursively defined arrays

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    A new method of automatic generation of concurrent programs which constructs arrays defined by sets of recursive equations is described. It is assumed that the time of computation of an array element is a linear combination of its indices, and integer programming is used to seek a succession of hyperplanes along which array elements can be computed concurrently. The method can be used to schedule equations involving variable length dependency vectors and mutually recursive arrays. Portions of the work reported here have been implemented in the PS automatic program generation system

    Cluster evolution as a probe of primordial density fluctuations

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    Although COBE's detection of large angle microwave background anisotropies fixes the amplitude of density fluctuations on length scales k exp -1 approximately = (300-6000) h(exp -1)Mpc, what is crucial for the level of large scale clustering is the amplitude of density fluctuations on scales (5-50) h(exp -1)Mpc. The level of dynamical clustering is usually parameterized by the size of the mass fluctuations in 8 h exp -1 Mpc spheres, sigma sub 8. For the cold dark matter model, COBE gives sigma sub 8 approximately = 1, while models with extra large scale power give sigma sub 8 approximately = 1/2. The most massive clusters of galaxies (greater than or approximately = 10 exp 15 solar mass) form from rare 'peak patches' found in the initial mass density distribution. Their abundance as a function of redshift is a sensitive probe of the wave number band k(exp -1) approx. (3-8) h(exp -1)Mpc, hence of sigma sub 8, and so cluster evolution can discriminate among models allowed by the COBE results. We use our Hierarchical Peaks Method, which accurately reproduces the results of P3M N-body simulations, to calculate the evolution of cluster x-ray flux counts, luminosity, and temperature functions as a function of sigma sub 8 for CDM models and those with more large scale power. We find that the EMSS and Edge et al. cluster samples support sigma sub 8 in the range from approx. 0.6-0.9, and that models with more large scale power (and hence flatter fluctuation spectra in the cluster regime) fit the x-ray bright end better

    Modelling the temperature, maturity and moisture content in a drying concrete block

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    In this paper we continue work from a previous Study Group in developing a model for the maturation of concrete. The model requires equations describing the temperature, moisture content and maturity (or amount of cement that has reacted with the water). Non-dimensionalisation is used to simplify the model and provide simple analytical solutions which are valid for early time maturation. A numerical scheme is also developed and simulations carried out for maturation over one day and then two months. For the longer simulation we also investigate the effect of building the block in a single pour or two stages

    Ultraviolet modifications of dispersion relations in effective field theory

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    The existence of a fundamental ultraviolet scale, such as the Planck scale, may lead to modifications of the dispersion relations for particles at high energies, in some scenarios of quantum gravity. We apply effective field theory to this problem and identify dimension 5 operators that do not mix with dimensions 3 and 4 and lead to cubic modifications of dispersion relations for scalars, fermions, and vector particles. Further we show that, for electrons, photons and light quarks, clock comparison experiments bound these operators at 10^{-5}/Mpl.Comment: Version to appear in Phys.Rev.Let

    Primeval galaxies in the sub-mm and mm

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    Although the results of COBE's FIRAS experiment 1 constrain the deviation in energy from the CMB blackbody in the 500-5000 micron range to be delta E/E, sub cmb less than 0.005, primeval galaxies can still lead to a brilliant sub-mm sky of non-Gaussian sources that are detectable at 10 inch resolution from planned arrays such as SCUBA on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope and, quite plausibly, at sub-arcsecond resolution in planned mm and sub-mm interferometers. Here, we apply our hierarchical peaks method to a CDM model to construct sub-mm and mm maps of bursting PG's appropriate for these instruments with minimum contours chosen to correspond to realistic observational parameters for them and which pass the FIRAS limits

    Infrared spectra of the cluster ions H7O<sup> + </sup><sub>3</sub>·H2 and H9O<sup> + </sup><sub>4</sub>·H2

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    Infrared spectra of hydrated hydronium ions weakly bound to an H2 molecule, specifically H7O + 3 ·H2 and H9O + 4 ·H2, have been observed. Mass-selected parent ions, trapped in a radio frequency ion trap, are excited by a tunable infrared laser; following absorption, the complex predissociates with loss of the H2, and the resulting fragment ions are detected. Spectra have been taken from 3000 to 4000 cm^−1, with a resolution of 1.2 cm^−1. They are compared to recent theoretical and experimental spectra of the hydronium ion hydrates alone. Binding an H2 molecule to these clusters should only weakly perturb their vibrations; if so, our spectra should be similar to spectra of the hydrated hydronium ions H7O + 3 and H9O + 4

    Piped water cooling of concrete dams

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    Piped water is used to remove hydration heat from concrete dams during construction. By examining simple models we obtain an estimate for the temperature rise along the pipe network and within the concrete. To leading order, for practically useful networks, the temperature distribution is quasi-steady, so that exact analytic solutions are obtained. The temperature in the water increases linearly with distance along the pipe and varies logarithmically with radial distance from the pipe in the concrete. Using these results we obtained estimates for the optimal spacing of pipes and pipe length. Some preliminary work on optimal network design has been done. This is work in progress

    Science Education for Citizenship and a Sustainable Future

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    In this article Jerry Wellington argues very strongly in favour of the role of science in citizenship education. He emphasizes the need for knowledge, skills and action and suggests areas and ways in which pupils can be engaged in the struggle for a sustainable future where interdependence and interconnectedness mesh well with notions of equity and justice

    Zika Virus: Can Artificial Contraception Be Condoned?

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    As the Zika virus pandemic continues to bring worry and fear to health officials and medical scientists, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) have recommended that residents of the Zika-infected countries, e.g., Brazil, and those who have traveled to the area should delay having babies which may involve artificial contraceptive, particularly condom. This preventive policy, however, is seemingly at odds with the Roman Catholic Church’s position on the contraceptive. As least since the promulgation of Paul VI’s 1968 encyclical, Humanae Vitae, the Church has explicitly condemned artificial birth control as intrinsic evil. However, the current pontiff, Pope Francis, during his recent visit to Latin America, remarked that the use of artificial contraception may not be in contradiction to the teaching of Humanae Vitae while drawing a parallel between the current Zika Crisis and the 1960’s Belgian Congo Nun Controversy. The pope mentioned that the traditional ethical principle of the lesser of two evils may be the doctrine that justified the exceptions. The authors of this paper attempt to expand the theological rationale of the pope’s suggestion. In so doing, the authors rely on casuistical reasoning as an analytic tool that compares the Belgian Congo Nun case and the given Zika case, and suggest that the former is highly similar to, if not the same as, the latter in terms of normative moral feature. That is, in both cases the use of artificial contraception is theologically justified in reference to the criteria that the doctrine of the lesser of two evils requires. The authors wish that the paper would provide a solid theological-ethical ground based on which condom-use as the most immediate and effective preventive measure can be recommended in numerous Catholic hospitals as well as among Catholic communities in the world, particularly the most Zika-affected and largest Catholic community in the world, Brazil – 123 million present Brazilian citizens are reported to be Roman Catholic
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