4,135 research outputs found

    A baseline evaluation of oceanographic and sea ice conditions in the Hudson Bay Complex during 2016-2018

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    In this paper, we examine sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and sea ice conditions in the Hudson Bay Complex as a baseline evaluation for the BaySys 2016–2018 field program time frame. Investigated in particular are spatiotemporal patterns in SST and sea ice state and dynamics, with rankings of the latter to highlight extreme conditions relative to the examined 1981–2010 climatology. Results from this study show that SSTs in northwestern Hudson Bay from May to July, 2016–2018, are high relative to the climatology for SST (1982–2010). SSTs are also warmer in 2016 and 2017 than in 2018 relative to their climatology. Similarly, unusually low sea ice cover existed from August to December of 2016 and July to September of 2017, while unusually high sea ice cover existed in January, February, and October of 2018. The ice-free season was approximately 20 days longer in 2016 than in 2018. Unusually high ice-drift speeds occurred in April of 2016 and 2017 and in May of 2018, coinciding with strong winds in 2016 and 2018 and following strong winds in March 2017. Strong meridional circulation was observed in spring of 2016 and winter of 2017, while weak meridional circulation existed in 2018. In a case study of an extreme event, a blizzard from 7 to 9 March 2017, evaluated using Lagrangian dispersion statistics, is shown to have suppressed sea ice deformation off the coast of Churchill. These results are relevant to describing and planning for possible future pathways and scenarios under continued climate change and river regulation

    Improving Phrap-Based Assembly of the Rat Using “Reliable” Overlaps

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    The assembly methods used for whole-genome shotgun (WGS) data have a major impact on the quality of resulting draft genomes. We present a novel algorithm to generate a set of “reliable” overlaps based on identifying repeat k-mers. To demonstrate the benefits of using reliable overlaps, we have created a version of the Phrap assembly program that uses only overlaps from a specific list. We call this version PhrapUMD. Integrating PhrapUMD and our “reliable-overlap” algorithm with the Baylor College of Medicine assembler, Atlas, we assemble the BACs from the Rattus norvegicus genome project. Starting with the same data as the Nov. 2002 Atlas assembly, we compare our results and the Atlas assembly to the 4.3 Mb of rat sequence in the 21 BACs that have been finished. Our version of the draft assembly of the 21 BACs increases the coverage of finished sequence from 93.4% to 96.3%, while simultaneously reducing the base error rate from 4.5 to 1.1 errors per 10,000 bases. There are a number of ways of assessing the relative merits of assemblies when the finished sequence is available. If one views the overall quality of an assembly as proportional to the inverse of the product of the error rate and sequence missed, then the assembly presented here is seven times better. The UMD Overlapper with options for reliable overlaps is available from the authors at http://www.genome.umd.edu. We also provide the changes to the Phrap source code enabling it to use only the reliable overlaps

    Microwave Oscillations of a Nanomagnet Driven by a Spin-Polarized Current

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    We describe direct electrical measurements of microwave-frequency dynamics in individual nanomagnets that are driven by spin transfer from a DC spin-polarized current. We map out the dynamical stability diagram as a function of current and magnetic field, and we show that spin transfer can produce several different types of magnetic excitations, including small-angle precession, a more complicated large-angle motion, and a high-current state that generates little microwave signal. The large-angle mode can produce a significant emission of microwave energy, as large as 40 times the Johnson-noise background.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Initial psychological responses to influenza A, H1N1 ("Swine flu")

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    Background The outbreak of the pandemic flu, Influenza A H1N1 (Swine Flu) in early 2009, provided a major challenge to health services around the world. Previous pandemics have led to stockpiling of goods, the victimisation of particular population groups, and the cancellation of travel and the boycotting of particular foods (e.g. pork). We examined initial behavioural and attitudinal responses towards Influenza A, H1N1 ("Swine flu") in the six days following the WHO pandemic alert level 5, and regional differences in these responses. Methods 328 respondents completed a cross-sectional Internet or paper-based questionnaire study in Malaysia (N = 180) or Europe (N = 148). Measures assessed changes in transport usage, purchase of preparatory goods for a pandemic, perceived risk groups, indicators of anxiety, assessed estimated mortality rates for seasonal flu, effectiveness of seasonal flu vaccination, and changes in pork consumption Results 26% of the respondents were 'very concerned' about being a flu victim (42% Malaysians, 5% Europeans, p < .001). 36% reported reduced public transport use (48% Malaysia, 22% Europe, p < .001), 39% flight cancellations (56% Malaysia, 17% Europe, p < .001). 8% had purchased preparatory materials (e.g. face masks: 8% Malaysia, 7% Europe), 41% Malaysia (15% Europe) intended to do so (p < .001). 63% of Europeans, 19% of Malaysians had discussed the pandemic with friends (p < .001). Groups seen as at 'high risk' of infection included the immune compromised (mentioned by 87% respondents), pig farmers (70%), elderly (57%), prostitutes/highly sexually active (53%), and the homeless (53%). In data collected only in Europe, 64% greatly underestimated the mortality rates of seasonal flu, 26% believed seasonal flu vaccination gave protection against swine flu. 7% had reduced/stopped eating pork. 3% had purchased anti-viral drugs for use at home, while 32% intended to do so if the pandemic worsened. Conclusion Initial responses to Influenza A show large regional differences in anxiety, with Malaysians more anxious and more likely to reduce travel and to buy masks and food. Discussions with family and friends may reinforce existing anxiety levels. Particular groups (homosexuals, prostitutes, the homeless) are perceived as at greater risk, potentially leading to increased prejudice during a pandemic. Europeans underestimated mortality of seasonal flu, and require more information about the protection given by seasonal flu inoculation

    Large N and Bosonization in Three Dimensions

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    Bosonization is normally thought of as a purely two-dimensional phenomenon, and generic field theories with fermions in D>2 are not expected be describable by local bosonic actions, except in some special cases. We point out that 3D SU(N) gauge theories on R^{1,1} x S^{1}_{L} with adjoint fermions can be bosonized in the large N limit. The key feature of such theories is that they enjoy large N volume independence for arbitrary circle size L. A consequence of this is a large N equivalence between these 3D gauge theories and certain 2D gauge theories, which matches a set of correlation functions in the 3D theories to corresponding observables in the 2D theories. As an example, we focus on a 3D SU(N) gauge theory with one flavor of adjoint Majorana fermions and derive the large-N equivalent 2D gauge theory. The extra dimension is encoded in the color degrees of freedom of the 2D theory. We then apply the technique of non-Abelian bosonization to the 2D theory to obtain an equivalent local theory written purely in terms of bosonic variables. Hence the bosonized version of the large N three-dimensional theory turns out to live in two dimensions.Comment: 30 pages, 2 tables. v2 minor revisions, references adde

    A baseline evaluation of atmospheric and river discharge conditions in the Hudson Bay Complex during 2016-2018

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    In this article, we examine atmospheric and river discharge conditions within the Hudson Bay Complex for the BaySys 2016–2018 field program time frame. Investigated in particular is a subset of European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Re-Analysis - Interim (ERA-Interim) atmospheric forcing variables, namely 2-m surface temperature, 10-m surface winds, precipitation, and sea-level pressure, in addition to river discharge. Results from this assessment show that 2016 was characterized by unusually warm conditions (terrestrial and marine) throughout the annual cycle; 2017 by strong cyclone activity in March and high precipitation in January, October, and November; and 2018 by cold and windy conditions throughout the annual cycle. Evaluation of terrestrial conditions showed higher than normal land surface temperatures (the Hudson Bay physical watershed) for all of the 2016–2018 period (excluding a colder than normal spell August–November 2018), particularly in January (2016 and 2017), higher than normal precipitation in October (2016 and 2017), and higher than normal terrestrial discharge to the Hudson Bay Complex in March (2016 and 2017), with drier than average June through October (2016–2018)

    Magnetic vortex oscillator driven by dc spin-polarized current

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    Transfer of angular momentum from a spin-polarized current to a ferromagnet provides an efficient means to control the dynamics of nanomagnets. A peculiar consequence of this spin-torque, the ability to induce persistent oscillations of a nanomagnet by applying a dc current, has previously been reported only for spatially uniform nanomagnets. Here we demonstrate that a quintessentially nonuniform magnetic structure, a magnetic vortex, isolated within a nanoscale spin valve structure, can be excited into persistent microwave-frequency oscillations by a spin-polarized dc current. Comparison to micromagnetic simulations leads to identification of the oscillations with a precession of the vortex core. The oscillations, which can be obtained in essentially zero magnetic field, exhibit linewidths that can be narrower than 300 kHz, making these highly compact spin-torque vortex oscillator devices potential candidates for microwave signal-processing applications, and a powerful new tool for fundamental studies of vortex dynamics in magnetic nanostructures.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    QCD with Chemical Potential in a Small Hyperspherical Box

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    To leading order in perturbation theory, we solve QCD, defined on a small three sphere in the large N and Nf limit, at finite chemical potential and map out the phase diagram in the (mu,T) plane. The action of QCD is complex in the presence of a non-zero quark chemical potential which results in the sign problem for lattice simulations. In the large N theory, which at low temperatures becomes a conventional unitary matrix model with a complex action, we find that the dominant contribution to the functional integral comes from complexified gauge field configurations. For this reason the eigenvalues of the Polyakov line lie off the unit circle on a contour in the complex plane. We find at low temperatures that as mu passes one of the quark energy levels there is a third-order Gross-Witten transition from a confined to a deconfined phase and back again giving rise to a rich phase structure. We compare a range of physical observables in the large N theory to those calculated numerically in the theory with N=3. In the latter case there are no genuine phase transitions in a finite volume but nevertheless the observables are remarkably similar to the large N theory.Comment: 44 pages, 18 figures, jhep3 format. Small corrections and clarifications added in v3. Conclusions cleaned up. Published versio

    Nanomechanical Detection of Itinerant Electron Spin Flip

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    Spin is an intrinsically quantum property, characterized by angular momentum. A change in the spin state is equivalent to a change in the angular momentum or mechanical torque. This spin-induced torque has been invoked as the intrinsic mechanism in experiments ranging from the measurements of angular momentum of photons g-factor of metals and magnetic resonance to the magnetization reversal in magnetic multi-layers A spin-polarized current introduced into a nonmagnetic nanowire produces a torque associated with the itinerant electron spin flip. Here, we report direct measurement of this mechanical torque and itinerant electron spin polarization in an integrated nanoscale torsion oscillator, which could yield new information on the itinerancy of the d-band electrons. The unprecedented torque sensitivity of 10^{-22} N m/ \sqrt{Hz} may enable applications for spintronics, precision measurements of CP-violating forces, untwisting of DNA and torque generating molecules.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures. visit http://nano.bu.edu/ for related paper

    Evidence for reversible control of magnetization in a ferromagnetic material via spin-orbit magnetic field

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    Conventional computer electronics creates a dichotomy between how information is processed and how it is stored. Silicon chips process information by controlling the flow of charge through a network of logic gates. This information is then stored, most commonly, by encoding it in the orientation of magnetic domains of a computer hard disk. The key obstacle to a more intimate integration of magnetic materials into devices and circuit processing information is a lack of efficient means to control their magnetization. This is usually achieved with an external magnetic field or by the injection of spin-polarized currents. The latter can be significantly enhanced in materials whose ferromagnetic properties are mediated by charge carriers. Among these materials, conductors lacking spatial inversion symmetry couple charge currents to spin by intrinsic spin-orbit (SO) interactions, inducing nonequilibrium spin polarization tunable by local electric fields. Here we show that magnetization of a ferromagnet can be reversibly manipulated by the SO-induced polarization of carrier spins generated by unpolarized currents. Specifically, we demonstrate domain rotation and hysteretic switching of magnetization between two orthogonal easy axes in a model ferromagnetic semiconductor.Comment: 10 pages including supplemental materia