20 research outputs found


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    Introduction. The quality of wastewater treatment in settlements is an important task of our time. To assess the efficiency of treatment plants in a particular city often use the hydrochemical parameters of the reservoir into which the treated wastewater is discharged. The paper describes the modern sewerage system of the city of Ternopil and the technological process of operation of citywide sewage treatment plants (STP). The purpose of the work is to find out how effectively the Ternopil STP work and whether their activity poses a danger to the Seret River and the inhabitants of coastal settlements. Methods. Hydrochemical parameters of these water samples were studied in the laboratory according to appropriate regulatory methods. Potentiometric, gravimetric, photometric and other methods of chemical analysis were used for research. Results of the research. 2 samples of water from the river Seret were taken for laboratory research. One sample was taken upstream near the outlet of the drain pipes of these structures, the second sample - downstream. Based on the obtained numerical results of the analyzes, the efficiency of the city's treatment facilities was assessed. It is shown that the overall water quality in the Seret River downstream after the discharge of the city's wastewater treatment  plants is satisfactory. The levels of nitrates and phosphates in the studied samples are almost on the border of the MPC, but this is not necessarily due to the poor performance of the city's treatment facilities. There are many agricultural lands on the banks of the river, which often use nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers. Significant exceeding of the limit value for chemical oxygen consumption can be explained by the warm season (September). At this time, a lot of biological organic matter has accumulated in natural reservoirs. Conclusions. As a result of researches it is established that treatment facil-ities of the city of Ternopil work in a regular mode and provide sufficient sewage treatment. According to open sources, the annual dynamics of the mentioned treatment facilities is shown. As a result, it has been found that since 2017, the efficiency of the city's wastewater treatment at sewage treatment plants remains stable. Such indicators testify to the sufficient efficiency of the treatment facilities of the Ternopilvodokanal utility company

    Antiferromagnetic Kondo Lattice Compound Ce 2

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    Адсорбція іонів Купруму бентонітом в полі дії НВЧ випромінювання

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    Changes of bentonite surface structure under the influence of direct microwave irradiation during adsorpion of Cu2+ from concentrated solutions were investigated by X-ray and EDS analysis. The microwave treated bentonite (MTB) has been proved to have enhanced adsorption capacity for copper due to improved pore structure and some peculiarities of adsorption mechanism. The non-linear fitting of experimental data to the theoretical isotherms have demonstrated that the adsorption on natural bentonite fitted the Toth model, whilst microwave-treated bentonite fitted the Langmur-Freundlich model. The isotherm modeling allowed predicting the maximal adsorption capacities 44.8 mg/g. XRD and SEM analysis of MTB sample after adsorption indicated formation of microcrystals of individual copper compound. The adsorption on MTB sample takes place not only in pores or in monomolecular layer on the bentonite surface, but the prevalent mechanism is surface-induced co-precipitation of copper as microcrystals of individual copper compound.У статті представлено результати вивчення зміни поверхневої структури бентоніту під впливом прямого НВЧ-опромінення під час адсорбції Cu2+ із концентрованих розчинів за допомогою рентгенофазового та енерго-дисперсійного аналізів. Було доведено, що НВЧ-опромінений бентоніт володіє підвищеною адсорбційною здатністю щодо іонів Купруму за рахунок розвинутої структури пор та деяких особливостей механізму адсорбції. Нелінійне моделювання експериментальних даних в рамках теоретичних моделей ізотерм продемонструвала, що адсорбція нативним бентонітом відповідає моделі Тота, а опроміненим – моделі Ленгмюра-Фрейндліха. Таке моделювання дає змогу передбачити максимальну адсорбційну здатність, що складає 44,8 мг/г. Результати рентгенофазового та мікроструктурного аналізів опроміненого зразка після адсорбції свідчать про утворення мікрокристалів окремої сполуки Купруму. Адсорбція на опроміненому зразку протікає не тільки в мономолекулярному шарі, а переважаючим механізмом є поверхнево-індуковане співосадження іонів міді у складі мікрокристалів окремої сполуки

    Ga – Ho – Ru

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    Preparation and crystal structure of new perovskite-type cobaltites R1xRxCoO3R_{1-x}R_{x}CoO_{3}

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    The crystal structures of new ternary oxides R1x_{1-x}Rx_{x}CoO3_{3} (R, R'=La, Pr, Nd, Sm), obtained by solid-state reaction in air at 1200ºC, have been studied by X-ray powder diffraction, using conventional laboratory and synchrotron radiation sources. It was established that at ambient conditions La1‑xPrxCoO3 (x ≤ 0.2) and La1‑xNdxCoO3 (x ≤ 0.1) display a rhombohedral perovskite structure isotypic with NdAlO3 (space group R‑3c). For La1‑xPrxCoO3 (x ≥ 0.6), La1‑xNdxCoO3 (x ≥ 0.5), Pr1‑xNdxCoO3, Pr1‑xSmxCoO3, and Nd1‑xSmxCoO3 the orthorhombic GdFeO3 type of structure (space group Pbnm) is inherent. The obtained structural data indicate the existence of a continuous solid solution with orthorhombic perovskite structure in the PrCoO3–NdCoO3 system and possible formation of such solid solutions in the PrCoO3–SmCoO3 and NdCoO3–SmCoO3 systems. Two types of solid solution with rhombohedral and orthorhombic perovskite structures with an immiscibility gap between them have been confirmed in the LaCoO3–PrCoO3 and LaCoO3–NdCoO3 systems. The ranges of existence of these solid solutions have been determined