13 research outputs found

    Impact of baking properties of wheat flour on change the parameters of kneading and rheological characteristics of the dough

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    The most important task facing the baking industry is to ensure the production of high quality products and of diverse range. Carrying out kneading has a great influence on the course of the technological process of preparation of wheat bread and its quality. Kneading the dough is the most important initial stage of the production of wheat bread, which occurs, first, the formation of the dough as a single homogeneous system, and, secondly, giving this system certain rheological properties, ensuring the optimal flow of all technological processe

    The methodology of the analysis and synthesis of rational choice recipes of cooking dishes

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    In the analysis and synthesis, an assessment is conducted according to the criteria of rational choice of the layout solution from the arrays of the formed set of recipes for the preparation of recommended dishes. From the array of new, well-known recipes and their technologies of preparation of various dishes by analysis and synthesis of layout solutions the methodology of rational choice of dishes, allowing for different criteria to establish the best possible choice is propose

    Theoretical and practical aspects of the production of powdered semi-finished product from cultivated mushrooms pleurotus ostreatus

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    The substantiation of the technology of powdered semi-finished product from cultured mushrooms Pleurotus ostreatus is presented. The composition of volatile substances of fresh mushrooms Pleurotus ostreatus was studied. It was ascertained that these substances can bind by starch polysaccharides. The results of the conducted study showed that the best flavor-forming substances are preserved in the sample containing 8% of potato starch to the mass of mushrooms boiled in their own juice. Starch is recommended to insert in dry form at the temperature of mushrooms 45

    Multiparameter method of controlling the rheological characteristics of the dough after kneading

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    The paper presents the method for controlling the rheological characteristics of a dough after kneading, the use of which will allow to influence the formation of the finished product quality at the stage of its productio

    Development and analysis of fruit beverages with antioxidant properties

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    This article presents an improved technology for the production of fruit beverages that does not use primary deep heat treatment of raw materials. The obtained beverages were analyzed regarding several physical indicators, content in compounds that possess antioxidant properties and a sensorial assessmen


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    A complex analysis is crucial for obtaining new resistant varieties and developing recommendations for the use of the fruit of Chaenomeles. The task of this study was to assess the productivity and quality of the fruit of the selected forms of Chaenomeles in Central Russia, with the determination of the possibility of a no-waste technology for fruit processing, and the appropriateness of using functional food in the composition of products. The studies were conducted in 2012-2016. In the Botanical Gardens of the National Research University "BelGU" (Belgorod), in the FGBNU VSTISP and GBS N.V. Tsitsina. As materials for the study, 6 selective forms of Chaenomeles, obtained from free pollination of the ‘Calif’ variety, used as a control, were used. The study was carried out according to the generally accepted methodology of varietal studies, along with using the authors' methodical development. A sufficiently high nutritional and biological value of the chelating of the Chaenomeles fruit has been observed. At the same time, the minerals, carbohydrates and vitamins from entire fruits exceed the content of ones squeezed from the pulp. The obtained results of the studies allow us to conclude that it is advisable to organize a non-waste technology for the processing of fruit of Chaenomeles, which can serve as one of the components for the enrichment of food products. Thus, a comprehensive assessment of the biological properties and productivity of breeding forms of Chaenomeles has been made showing that they exceeded the parent variety in stability are regarded as promising intense-vitamin fruit culture, that can be used for various processing methods, as part of functional and therapeutic product-prophylactic nutrition, especially in obtaining natural low-calorie foods.Решающее значение для получения новых устойчивых сортов и разработки рекомендаций по использованию плодов хеномелеса имеет комплексный анализ. Задача данного исследования заключалась в оценке продуктивности и качества плодов отборных форм хеномелеса в условиях Средней России с выявлением возможности безотходной технологии переработки плодов, а также целесообразности использования в составе продуктов функционального питания. Исследования проводили в 2012-2016 годах в Ботаническом саду НИУ «БелГУ» (г. Белгород), в ФГБНУ ВСТИСП и ГБС им. Н.В. Цицина. В качестве материалов для изучения были использованы 6 отборных форм Chaenomeles, полученных от свободного опыления сорта Калиф, используемого в качестве контроля. Исследование проведено по общепринятой методике сортоизучения, а также с использованием методических разработок авторов. Установлена достаточно высокая пищевая и биологическая ценность выжимок плодов хеномелеса. При этом по содержанию минеральных веществ, углеводов и витаминов выжимки из целых плодов превосходят выжимки из мякоти. Полученные результаты исследований позволяют сделать вывод о целесообразности организации безотходной технологии переработки плодов хеномелеса, которые могут служить одним из компонентов для обогащения пищевых продуктов. Таким образом, по комплексной оценке биологических свойств и продуктивности отборных форм хеномелеса установлено, что они превосходят по устойчивости материнский сорт и являются перспективными в качестве высоковитаминной плодовой культуры, что позволяет их использовать для различных способов переработки, в составе продуктов функционального и лечебно-профилактического питания, особенно для получения натуральных низкокалорийных продуктов

    Трудности диагностики и лечения болезни Стилла взрослых, протекавшей с экссудативным перикардитом в качестве ведущего клинического проявления

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    The paper considers a case of adult-onset Still's disease that occurred as acute pericarditis, two-spike hectic fever, and neutrophilic leukocytosis in a young man. It was difficult to establish a correct diagnosis because there were no characteristic clinical symptoms of Still's disease, such as salmon colored rash, arthralgia, and sore throat. The diagnosis of adult-onset Still's disease was verified on the basis of the classification criteria described by M. Yamaguchi et al. The special feature of the clinical case was the development of steroid resistance and the effective use of a combination of the interleukin-6 receptor blocker tocilizumab (8 mg/kg body weight, given intravenously dropwise once every four weeks) and methotrexate (15 mg/week orally). During this treatment, a sustained clinical and laboratory response was achieved, which could reduce the dose of glucocorticoids to the maintaining one.В статье рассматривается случай болезни Стилла у молодого мужчины, дебютировавшей симптомами острого перикардита, гектической двупиковой лихорадки и нейтрофильного лейкоцитоза. Установить правильный диагноз было сложно из-за отсутствия характерных клинических симптомов болезни Стилла, таких как сыпь («salmon-coloured» rash), артрит, боль в горле. Верификация диагноза болезни Стилла взрослых была выполнена на основании критериев M. Yamaguchi и соавт. Особенностями клинического случая явились развитие стероидорезистентности и эффективное применение комбинации блокатора рецептора интерлейкина 6 тоцилизумаба (8 мг/кг массы тела внутривенно капельно 1 раз в 4 нед) с метотрексатом (15 мг/нед внутрь). На фоне лечения был достигнут стойкий клинико-лабораторный ответ, позволивший снизить дозу глюкокортикоидов до поддерживающей

    Mahonia aquifolium as a promising raw material for the food industry

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    The development of the food industry leads to the expansion of the range of processed raw materials. Mahonia aquifolium today can be attributed to the non-traditional agricultural plants. However, the analysis of the chemical composition of the fruits showed that they contain significant amount of carbohydrates, vitamin C, various minerals, which recommend it for a wider use in the die

    Quality assessment bend finned tubes food systems heat transfer

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    Pasechko, L. Quality assessment bend finned tubes food systems heat transfer / L. Pasechko, A. Remnev, I. Dorensky, N. Myachikova // Товароведно-технологические аспекты повышения качества и конкурентоспособности потребительских товаров : материалы междунар. науч.-практ. конф., Курск, 12 февр. 2015 г. - С. 54-59.The proposed technology of bending monometallic and bimetallic finned tubes, produces quality bends with a minimum and the minimum possible radius of the bend pip