32 research outputs found

    Factors influencing troponin T concentration in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

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    Introduction. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is strongly associated with adverse cardiovascular outcomes,聽however the relation between OSAS severity and troponin T (TnT) remain unclear.Material and methods. Diagnosis and assessment of OSAS severity was based on non-supervised, overnight screening聽polysomnography (PSG) performed without an adaptation night. The study group consisted of 72 patients diagnosed聽with OSAS (including 31 with mild, 10 with moderate and 31 patients with severe OSAS), whereas the control group contained聽16 individuals. PSG was performed with equipment fulfilling the criteria of type III diagnostic devices according聽to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.Results. Revealed significant differences in troponin T levels between patients with severe OSAS and controls (p = 0.02)聽as well as in patients with severe and with mild OSAS (p = 0.04). The factors substantially affecting TnT concentrations聽were found to be apnea鈥揾ypopnea index (AHI), apnea index (AI), hypopnea index (HI) and minimum nocturnal saturation.Conclusions. The relationship between sleep apnea syndrome and the level of serum TnT confirms that OSAS predisposes聽to myocardial damage in a manner dependent on the severity of sleep apnea. The increase in troponin level聽is mainly associated with AHI and minimum nocturnal saturation. This suggests that early treatment of OSAS patients聽may protect against myocardial injury.Introduction. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is strongly associated with adverse cardiovascular outcomes,聽however the relation between OSAS severity and troponin T (TnT) remain unclear.Material and methods. Diagnosis and assessment of OSAS severity was based on non-supervised, overnight screening聽polysomnography (PSG) performed without an adaptation night. The study group consisted of 72 patients diagnosed聽with OSAS (including 31 with mild, 10 with moderate and 31 patients with severe OSAS), whereas the control group contained聽16 individuals. PSG was performed with equipment fulfilling the criteria of type III diagnostic devices according聽to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.Results. Revealed significant differences in troponin T levels between patients with severe OSAS and controls (p = 0.02)聽as well as in patients with severe and with mild OSAS (p = 0.04). The factors substantially affecting TnT concentrations聽were found to be apnea鈥揾ypopnea index (AHI), apnea index (AI), hypopnea index (HI) and minimum nocturnal saturation.Conclusions. The relationship between sleep apnea syndrome and the level of serum TnT confirms that OSAS predisposes聽to myocardial damage in a manner dependent on the severity of sleep apnea. The increase in troponin level聽is mainly associated with AHI and minimum nocturnal saturation. This suggests that early treatment of OSAS patients聽may protect against myocardial injury

    The rapid development of thyroid lymphoma - case report

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    Thyroid lymphoma is a rare malignant neoplasm of the thyroid gland, constituting about 5% of all cases of thyroid cancer. Its incidence is higher in female patients aged 60-70 years. Many affected patients have the history of Hashimoto disease. When the goitre increases and compression symptoms occur, quick diagnosis and treatment are required. The diagnosis is mainly based on histopathological examinations. Further treatment and prognosis depend on the histopathological subtype, progression and size of the tumour. Our case report describes a 70-year-old female patient who presented due to an increasing circumference of the neck and dyspnoea aggravating for three weeks. The course of disease and the patient's condition deteriorated rapidly. Based on clinical observations and histopathological findings, thyroid lymphoma was diagnosed

    The Role of Intermittent Energy Restriction Diet on Metabolic Profile and Weight Loss among Obese Adults

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    Obesity is a disease defined by an elevated body mass index (BMI), which is the result of excessive or abnormal accumulation of fat. Dietary intervention is fundamental and essential as the first-line treatment for obese patients, and the main rule of every dietary modification is calorie restriction and consequent weight loss. Intermittent energy restriction (IER) is a special type of diet consisting of intermittent pauses in eating. There are many variations of IER diets such as alternate-day fasting (ADF) and time-restricted feeding (TRF). In the literature, the IER diet is known as an effective method for bodyweight reduction. Furthermore, IER diets have a beneficial effect on systolic or diastolic pressure, lipid profile, and glucose homeostasis. In addition, IER diets are presented as being as efficient as a continuous energy restriction diet (CER) in losing weight and improving metabolic parameters. Thus, the IER diet could present an alternative option for those who cannot accept a constant food regimen

    Ocena zmienno艣ci dyspersji QT u os贸b zdrowych w 24-godzinnym badaniu EKG

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    Cel pracy: Ocena zmienno艣ci dyspersji QT podczas 24-godzinnego monitorowania EKG. Materia艂 i metody: Do badania kwalifikowano osoby zdrowe, u kt贸rych nie stwierdzono chor贸b mog膮cych wp艂ywa膰 na warto艣ci dyspersji QT (dQT). W grupie badanej znalaz艂o si臋 6 kobiet i 10 m臋偶czyzn 艣rednia wieku wynios艂a 52,1 ± 10,9 lat. U ka偶dego badanego wykonano 24 godzinny zapis EKG w 3 odprowadzeniach CM5, CS2 i CC1. Za pomoc膮 oprogramowania zestawu EXCEL-2 mierzono automatycznie odst臋p QT w 5-minutowych przedzia艂ach, wyliczaj膮c w nich warto艣膰 dQT. Rezultaty: Uzyskano nast臋puj膮ce warto艣ci analizowanych parametr贸w: 艣rednia dobowa warto艣膰 dQT wynios艂a 15.6ms (od 7,2ms do 24,8ms), odchylenie standardowe od 艣redniej 10,2ms (od 4,6ms do 15,2ms), wsp贸艂czynnik zmienno艣ci 67% (od 43,2% do 115,6%), odchylenie standardowe od 艣redniej w kolejnych przedzia艂ach 1-godzinnych 7 ms (od 2,3 ms do 12,4 ms), 艣rednia r贸偶nica mi臋dzy kolejnymi warto艣ciami dQT wynios艂a 6.3ms (od 3,7 ms do 8,2 ms), odsetek r贸偶nic mi臋dzy kolejnymi warto艣ciami dQT przekraczaj膮cymi 10 ms (pdQT10) wyni贸s艂 艣rednio 12,6%, a odsetek r贸偶nic mi臋dzy kolejnymi warto艣ciami dQT przekraczaj膮cymi 20 ms (pdQT20) 5,3%. W okresie aktywno艣ci dziennej stwierdzono tendencj臋 do wi臋kszych warto艣ci 艣redniej dQT w por贸wnaniu do okresu spoczynku nocnego (20,1 ± 8,4 ms vs 10,9 ± 6,2 ms, p=0,06) oraz znacznie wi臋ksze warto艣ci pdQT10 (18,9 ± 13,3% vs 6,1 ± 6,5%, p=0,04) i pdQT20 (9,4 ± 8,3% vs 1,6 ± 2,8%, p=0,04). Wnioski: Obserwowano du偶e wahania warto艣ci dQT w ci膮gu doby, silniej wyra偶one podczas dnia. Pojedynczy pomiar dQT mo偶e by膰 obarczony b艂臋dem wynikaj膮cym z naturalnej zmienno艣ci dobowej tego parametru. Znaczenie kliniczne poszczeg贸lnych parametr贸w zmienno艣ci dQT wymaga dalszych bada

    Ocena zmienno艣ci dyspersji QT u os贸b zdrowych w 24-godzinnym badaniu EKG

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    Cel pracy: Ocena zmienno艣ci dyspersji QT podczas 24-godzinnego monitorowania EKG. Materia艂 i metody: Do badania kwalifikowano osoby zdrowe, u kt贸rych nie stwierdzono chor贸b mog膮cych wp艂ywa膰 na warto艣ci dyspersji QT (dQT). W grupie badanej znalaz艂o si臋 6 kobiet i 10 m臋偶czyzn 艣rednia wieku wynios艂a 52,1 ± 10,9 lat. U ka偶dego badanego wykonano 24 godzinny zapis EKG w 3 odprowadzeniach CM5, CS2 i CC1. Za pomoc膮 oprogramowania zestawu EXCEL-2 mierzono automatycznie odst臋p QT w 5-minutowych przedzia艂ach, wyliczaj膮c w nich warto艣膰 dQT. Rezultaty: Uzyskano nast臋puj膮ce warto艣ci analizowanych parametr贸w: 艣rednia dobowa warto艣膰 dQT wynios艂a 15.6ms (od 7,2ms do 24,8ms), odchylenie standardowe od 艣redniej 10,2ms (od 4,6ms do 15,2ms), wsp贸艂czynnik zmienno艣ci 67% (od 43,2% do 115,6%), odchylenie standardowe od 艣redniej w kolejnych przedzia艂ach 1-godzinnych 7 ms (od 2,3 ms do 12,4 ms), 艣rednia r贸偶nica mi臋dzy kolejnymi warto艣ciami dQT wynios艂a 6.3ms (od 3,7 ms do 8,2 ms), odsetek r贸偶nic mi臋dzy kolejnymi warto艣ciami dQT przekraczaj膮cymi 10 ms (pdQT10) wyni贸s艂 艣rednio 12,6%, a odsetek r贸偶nic mi臋dzy kolejnymi warto艣ciami dQT przekraczaj膮cymi 20 ms (pdQT20) 5,3%. W okresie aktywno艣ci dziennej stwierdzono tendencj臋 do wi臋kszych warto艣ci 艣redniej dQT w por贸wnaniu do okresu spoczynku nocnego (20,1 ± 8,4 ms vs 10,9 ± 6,2 ms, p=0,06) oraz znacznie wi臋ksze warto艣ci pdQT10 (18,9 ± 13,3% vs 6,1 ± 6,5%, p=0,04) i pdQT20 (9,4 ± 8,3% vs 1,6 ± 2,8%, p=0,04). Wnioski: Obserwowano du偶e wahania warto艣ci dQT w ci膮gu doby, silniej wyra偶one podczas dnia. Pojedynczy pomiar dQT mo偶e by膰 obarczony b艂臋dem wynikaj膮cym z naturalnej zmienno艣ci dobowej tego parametru. Znaczenie kliniczne poszczeg贸lnych parametr贸w zmienno艣ci dQT wymaga dalszych bada

    The Role of Obesity-Induced Perivascular Adipose Tissue (PVAT) Dysfunction in Vascular Homeostasis

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    Perivascular adipose tissue (PVAT) is an additional special type of adipose tissue surrounding blood vessels. Under physiological conditions, PVAT plays a significant role in regulation of vascular tone, intravascular thermoregulation, and vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation. PVAT is responsible for releasing adipocytes-derived relaxing factors (ADRF) and perivascular-derived relaxing factors (PDRF), which have anticontractile properties. Obesity induces increased oxidative stress, an inflammatory state, and hypoxia, which contribute to PVAT dysfunction. The exact mechanism of vascular dysfunction in obesity is still not well clarified; however, there are some pathways such as renin鈥揳ngiotensin鈥揳ldosterone system (RAAS) disorders and PVAT-derived factor dysregulation, which are involved in hypertension and endothelial dysfunction development. Physical activity has a beneficial effect on PVAT function among obese patients by reducing the oxidative stress and inflammatory state. Diet, which is the second most beneficial non-invasive strategy in obesity treatment, may have a positive impact on PVAT-derived factors and may restore the balance in their concentration

    Original article MinK gene polymorphism in the pathogenesis of lone atrial fibrillation

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    Wst臋p: Migotanie przedsionk贸w (AF) jest najcz臋stsz膮 postaci膮 z艂o偶onych zaburze艅 rytmu serca stwierdzanych w codziennej praktyce klinicznej. Szczeg贸ln膮 posta膰 stanowi samoistne AF wyst臋puj膮ce u 2–31% chorych ze stwierdzan膮 arytmi膮. U pod艂o偶a tej arytmii mog膮 le偶e膰 czynniki genetyczne. Cel: Okre艣lenie zwi膮zku polimorfizmu G38S genu MinK z wyst臋powaniem samoistnego AF i ocena powy偶szego polimorfizmu jako genetycznego markera podatno艣ci na AF. Metody: Badaniem obj臋to grup臋 69 pacjent贸w z samoistnym AF oraz 60 os贸b bez tej arytmii jako grup臋 kontroln膮. Do obu grup zakwalifikowano osoby w wieku do 65. roku 偶ycia, u kt贸rych nie stwierdzono chor贸b uk艂adu sercowo-naczyniowego i chor贸b tarczycy. Genotyp MinK okre艣lono metod膮 PCR RFLP (艂a艅cuchowa reakcja polimeryzacji polimorfizmu d艂ugo艣ci fragment贸w restrykcyjnych). Gen MinK wyst臋powa艂 w dw贸ch formach allelicznych G i S. Wyniki: Allel G genu MinK istotnie cz臋艣ciej wyst臋powa艂 w grupie os贸b z AF (62,32%) w por贸wnaniu z grup膮 kontroln膮 (41,80%) (p=0,009). W grupie os贸b z AF najcz臋艣ciej wyst臋powa艂 genotyp GS (55,07%), nast臋pnie GG (34,78%) i najrzadziej genotyp SS (10,14%). W modelu regresji logistycznej fakt nosicielstwa wariantu G nie wi膮za艂 si臋 z istotnym statystycznie zwi臋kszeniem ryzyka AF w badanej populacji (OR 2,39; 95% CI 0,88–6,54; p=0,084). Natomiast obecno艣膰 genotypu GG wi膮za艂a si臋 z istotnym, ponad 10-krotnym, wzrostem zagro偶enia wyst膮pieniem AF. Obecno艣膰 allelu S genu MinK spe艂nia艂a kryteria czynnika ochronnego przed wyst膮pieniem tej arytmii w badanej populacji. Wnioski: 1. Polimorfizm G38S genu MinK wydaje si臋 zwi膮zany z samoistnym AF w badanej populacji. 2. Nosicielstwo genotypu GG mo偶e si臋 wi膮za膰 z istotnie zwi臋kszonym ryzykiem wyst膮pienia AF w badanej grupie. 3. Polimorfizm G38S genu MinK m贸g艂by zosta膰 zastosowany jako genetyczny marker zagro偶enia wyst膮pieniem samoistnego AF.Introduction: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common type of complex arrhythmia found in everyday clinical practice. Lone AF is a particular form occurring in 2% to 31% of patients with confirmed AF. Genetic factors may underline this arrhythmia. Aim: To determine the relationship between G38S polymorphism in the MinK gene and the incidence of lone AF, and to evaluate this polymorphism as a genetic marker of susceptibility to AF. Methods: The study involved 69 patients with lone AF and 60 control healthy subjects. Both groups included patients aged up to 65 years without cardiovascular or thyroid disease. MinK genotype was determined with PCR-RFLP (polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism). The MinK gene was present in two allelic forms: G and S. Results: The MinK G allele was found significantly more often in patients with AF (62.32%) compared to control subjects (41.80%) (p=0.009). In the AF group GS occurred more frequently (55.07%) than GG (34.78%) and SS genotypes (10.14%). In a logistic regression model the presence of G variant was associated with increase of AF risk in the study population (OR 2.39; 95% CI 0.88-6.54; p=0.084). Presence of GG genotype was associated with significant, over 10-fold, increase of AF risk. Presence of S allele of the MinK gene met criteria of protective factor against AF in the study population. Conclusions: 1. G38S polymorphism in the MinK gene seems to be associated with incidence of lone AF in the study population. 2. GG genotype carrier state may significantly relate to increased risk of AF in the study group. 3. G38

    Experimental Studies on Durability of PVD-Based CrCN/CrN-Coated Cutting Blade of Planer Knives Used in the Pine Wood Planing Process

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    The condition of the cutting tool is one of the most important factors as it directly affects the technological and economic efficiencies of the woodworking process. The large variety of raw materials of wood combined with possible impurities and inclusion of solids puts high demands on planing machines. One of the methods to modify their operational properties is to apply antiwear coating on their working surfaces using vacuum deposition methods, such as physical vapor deposition (PVD). The use of such coatings reduces the adhesion of planing products to the surface of industrial planer knives, reduces the friction between the cutting tool and the workpiece, and limits the penetration of heat into the tool, thereby contributing to extending its effective working life. This study examines the impact of PVD-based CrCN/CrN coating on the operational durability and intensity of wear of planer knives operating in production conditions compared to unmodified knives (typically used in the wood processing industry for pine wood planing). For the unmodified and CrCN/CrN-coated planing blades (before and after processing), detailed analyses were carried out. These analyses included determining the rounding radius and profile along the blade (worn edge displacement), calculating surface texture parameters of the rake face of planer knives, and carrying out visual microscopic analysis of its condition. The results of the experiments indicated an increase in durability of up to 142% for the CrCN/CrN-coated tools. It was also found that the use of PVD-based modified industrial planer knives turned out to be more beneficial in each analyzed area of analysis