12 research outputs found

    Genital psoriasis: a hidden multidisciplinary problem — a review of literature

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    Genital psoriasis is a variety of autoimmune dermatological disease — psoriasis with relapsing-remitting course, which can have an onset in all age groups. It is most often diagnosed at an advanced stage. Genital psoriasis is considered an embar­rassing condition and is often misjudged as a sexually transmitted disease or allergic reaction due to low social awareness of the disease. The manifestations of genital psoriasis may differ from typical genital dermatoses and with symptoms such as itch, erythroderma and vaginal discharge may mimic other diseases at an early stage. The diagnosis and treatment of genital psoriasis may be difficult and often requires a multidisciplinary approach. The aim of this article is to present the literature review of genital psoriasis concentrating on the clinical presentation, treatment and influence on the quality of patients’ life and sexual activity disorders

    genital psoriasis a hidden multidisciplinary problem a review of literature

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    Genital psoriasis is a variety of autoimmune dermatological disease — psoriasis with relapsing-remitting course, which can have an onset in all age groups. It is most often diagnosed at an advanced stage. Genital psoriasis is considered an embar­rassing condition and is often misjudged as a sexually transmitted disease or allergic reaction due to low social awareness of the disease. The manifestations of genital psoriasis may differ from typical genital dermatoses and with symptoms such as itch, erythroderma and vaginal discharge may mimic other diseases at an early stage. The diagnosis and treatment of genital psoriasis may be difficult and often requires a multidisciplinary approach. The aim of this article is to present the literature review of genital psoriasis concentrating on the clinical presentation, treatment and influence on the quality of patients' life and sexual activity disorders

    Competition for the paintings to the hall of the Sejm in Warsaw (1929) in the light of the artistic policy and propaganda of the Second Republic of Poland

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    The end of the Great War created multiple patronage opportunities, organized and distributed by the state. The development of modern art deepened art critics’ pejorative view on allegory, but this type of work still supported legitimacy of the reborn state, the achievements of Polish propaganda abroad and consolidation of the patriotic tradition. The interwar era was the time when the majority of the significant official decoration was created, by artists of modern art and even avant-garde artists. Twelve projects were qualified to the final stage of competition aimed at selecting the paintings to be placed in Sejm (House of Parliament). Zofia Stryjenska, Stanislaw Kaczor Batowski, Wlastimil Hofman, Stanislaw Gajewski, and Jan Wydra, just to name a few, took part in this contest. Two first prizes were awarded to Ludomir Slendzinski and Jozef Mehoffer, two second ones to Kazimierz Sichulski and Bronislaw Bartel. The winning works have been criticized as failing to comply with the official character of the interior. Even repetition of the competition was proposed. Finally the paintings have not been created. Between 1929 and 1938 amateur painter Antoni Tanski (1874–1943) created a painting of Polonia for the hall of the Sejm; the painting is currently located in the Jasna Gora Monastery in Czestochowa. Competition for the paintings for the hall of the Sejm underlined the value of allegory in updating the historical narration. By referring to the centuries-old tradition of performances, fear of regained independence and the new political and social organization of the Second Republic of Poland was expressed

    Simple Theoretical Model of Shadow Economy

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    The article presents a theoretical shadow economy model based on Cobb-Douglas production function with decreasing returns to scale. The whole economy is divided into formal and informal sector with each enterprise operating in only one of the sectors. The size of shadow economy is measured with ratios of informal to formal production, informal to formal employment and informal to formal capital. The influence of main parameters (the difference between wages in formal and informal sectors, corporate income tax rate, labour elasticity of output and capital elasticity of output) on shadow economy is then analysed.Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Econometric Verification of Net Agglomeration Effect in Poland, 2000–2005

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    W artykule postawiono hipotezę o dodatnim efekcie aglomeracji netto w podregionach Polski w latach 2000–2005. Efekt aglomeracji netto to relatywnie nowa koncepcja teoretyczna, która objaśnia przestrzenne zróżnicowanie aktywności ekonomicznej. Do prowadzonych analiz wykorzystano funkcję koncentracji produkcji w wersji zaproponowanej przez Cicconego i Halla. Hipotezę weryfikowano za pomocą metod ekonometrycznych. Wielowariantowe pomiary dały niejednoznaczne rezultaty. Metody panelowe okazały się nieefektywne w odróżnieniu od metod pool. Jako aproksymantę poziomu technicznego gospodarki zastosowano skumulowaną liczbę patentów. Wybór patentów krajowych spośród wariantów pool umożliwił zredukowanie problemów związanych z korelacją zmiennych objaśniających. To podejście pozwala na wyciągnięcie wniosków o dodatnim efekcie aglomeracji netto.The authors put a hypothesis of positive net agglomeration effect in Polish subregions in 2000–2005. The net agglomeration effect is a relatively new theory explaining spatial differences in economic activity. A production concentration function suggested by Ciccone and Hall is used in analysis. The hypothesis was verified with econometric methods. Multiple scenarios gave ambiguous results. Panel methods appeared to be ineffective, as opposed to pool methods. Cumulated number of patents was used as an approximation of the level of technical development. Among pool scenarios, domestic patents allowed to reduce problems connected with co-relation of explanatory variables. This approach gives conclusions about positive net agglomeration effect

    The Impact of Decommissioning Cemeteries on the Urban Ecosystem

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    The decommissioning of cemeteries noticeably transforms the urban fabric. The purpose of this article was to determine what impact the decommissioning of cemeteries has on the urban ecosystem. For this purpose, it was necessary to assess the value of cemeteries within the urban ecosystem. Cemeteries are classified as urban green spaces, and their value as preservers of flora and fauna in local ecosystems has been proven. However, numerous decaying bodies in one place could have adverse effects on the environment. In order to assess the impact of transforming cemetery areas for other uses in the context of sustainable city development, it is necessary to define what these other functions might be. This article presents the main reasons for decommissioning cemeteries and links them with subsequent land use. The history of cemetery locations in five major Polish cities was analyzed to determine the extent to which cemeteries were decommissioned. In the two cities with the highest number of decommissioned cemeteries, further research was carried out in order to establish the typical land use of these former cemeteries, whether this usage is related to the size or type of the former cemetery, and whether change in land use is an advantage or a disadvantage for the urban ecosystem

    Genital psoriasis: a hidden multidisciplinary problem — a review of literature

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    Genital psoriasis is a variety of autoimmune dermatological disease — psoriasis with relapsing-remitting course, which can have an onset in all age groups. It is most often diagnosed at an advanced stage. Genital psoriasis is considered an embar­rassing condition and is often misjudged as a sexually transmitted disease or allergic reaction due to low social awareness of the disease. The manifestations of genital psoriasis may differ from typical genital dermatoses and with symptoms such as itch, erythroderma and vaginal discharge may mimic other diseases at an early stage. The diagnosis and treatment of genital psoriasis may be difficult and often requires a multidisciplinary approach. The aim of this article is to present the literature review of genital psoriasis concentrating on the clinical presentation, treatment and influence on the quality of patients' life and sexual activity disorders