5 research outputs found

    Exploring Perceptions of Parents on Head Teachers’ Financial Management Skills in Public Primary Schools in Tanzania

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the observations of parents on head teachers’ financial management skills in public primary schools in Tanzania. The study was guided by three research questions and used qualitative method, with a case study as a strategy. Interviews were used to collected data about head teachers’ management of financial resources in public primary schools in Tanzania. Findings from the interviews revealed that head teachers are insufficiency of significant financial management skills. Both participants demonstrated that the current disbursement procedure is necessary for school effectiveness. However, findings also revealed uncertainty and sustainability of the funding mechanisms given the current environment of financing primary education. The findings of this study are important for policy makers. Keywords: Public primary schools, financing schools, financing financial management skills, head teacher

    A review of characteristics and experiences of decentralization of education

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    This paper scrutinizes decentralization of education with reference to some countries around the world. We consider discussion on decentralization to be complex, critical and broad question in the contemporary education planning, administration and politics of education reforms. Even though the debate on and implementation of decentralization education can result from differences in ideological and philosophical backgrounds (McGinn & Welsh, 1999), in this scrutiny we begin by theorizing the concept, provides dimensions and goals of decentralization and demonstrate how decentralization has been implemented in some countries. Finally, conclusion is assumed in this debate as a summary and a conduit to further discussion and investigation of educational decentralization

    Phenomenological study of meanings and experiences in managing school funds among public school head teachers

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    This study explored the meanings and experiences that head teachers construed in managing school funds in public primary schools in Tanzania. Descriptive phenomenology was employed to directly explore, analyze and describe head teachers insights about the phenomenon. Seven head teachers were purposively selected based on inclusive criteria of education and years of serving in the headship post. In-depth interview, informal observation and documentary review were used to gather the data. Through descriptive phenomenological analysis bureaucratic procedure, insufficiency and inconsistency of funding and deferred disbursement emerged as themes that reflected head teachers meanings and experiences in managing school fund. Drawing from the findings, this research provides a conclusion and recommendation that would help address issues of practices. Thus, understanding head teachers’ insights are essential for effective resources allocations to schools

    Meaning and experiences in managing primary education development programme school funds among public primary school headteachers in Tanzania

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    The main purpose of the study was to understand the meaning and experiences of primary schools head teachers in managing Primary Education Development Programme (PEDP) funds. The study was guided by two major research questions. The first question is; what meaning do head teachers construe regarding the management of Primary Education Development Programme (PEDP) funds? And the second is; how do head teachers manage Primary Education Development Programme funds? The study used the descriptive phenomenological as it was deemed relevant to examine head teachers‘ meaning and experiences about the phenomenon. Data was collected using semi-structured interviews with head teachers, observations and analysis of documents at public primary schools. Seven informants were selected from a number of schools based on educational attainment and experience serving as a head teacher. Interviews were recorded, transcribed verbatim and analyzed systematically. In addition, data from observations and documents analysis supported the data obtained from in-depth interviews. Four major themes that emerged from analysis of data are: allocation of funds, accountability, control of funds and competence and traits. The study revealed bureaucracy, insufficiency and inconsistency of funding and delays of disbursements as sub themes associated with allocation of funds. Accountability, as a theme in this study is associated with head teachers considering themselves responsible, challenging roles, adhering to ethics, and complying with instructions. It was also revealed in this study that, limited resources, selection of options, accepting duties and participatory decisions are sub themes associated with control of funds. Furthermore, the study revealed that personal aspiration, level of education, democratic leadership support from others and mindfulness of school funds as sub themes linked to competence and traits. Four major conclusions were drawn from this study. First, direct school funding has only offered limited solutions to resources acquisition in schools due to availability of insufficient funds in schools. Secondly, schools do not have full autonomy to use the allocated funds to fulfil locally determined school requirements. Thirdly, at school levels there is a state of confusion between participatory decision making and the issue of taking responsibilities. Fourthly, there is a need and urgency to build their capacities through continuous trainings. Based on these conclusions, the study recommends for systemic approach to understanding allocation of PEDP funds in order to improve quality of education in public primary schools in Tanzania. Finally, for head teachers and other stakeholders to act and facilitate effective implementation of educational programmes such as PEDP, there is a need and urgency to build their capacities to competently manage these educational programmes

    Meaning and experiences in managing primary education development programme school funds among public primary schools head teachers in Tanzania

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    The main purpose of the study was to understand the meaning and experiences of primary schools head teachers in managing Primary Education Development Programme (PEDP) funds. Data was collected using semi-structured interviews with head teachers at public primary schools. Seven informants were selected from a number of schools based on educational attainment and experience serving as a head teacher. Interviews were recorded, transcribed verbatim and analysed systematically. Direct school funding has only offered limited solutions to resources acquisition in schools due to availability of insufficient funds in schools. Secondly, schools do not have full autonomy to use the allocated funds to fulfil locally determined school requirements. Thirdly, at school levels there is a state of confusion between participatory decision making and the issue of taking responsibilities. Fourthly, there is a need and urgency to build their capacities through continuous trainings. Based on these conclusions, the study recommends for systemic approach to understanding allocation of PEDP funds in order to improve quality of education in public primary schools in Tanzania. Finally, for head teachers and other stakeholders to act and facilitate effective implementation of educational programmes such as PEDP, there is a need and urgency to build their capacities to competently manage these educational programmes