32 research outputs found

    Environmental Conflict Management in Africa: The Natural Resource Conflict Debate and Restatement of Conflict Management Processes and Strategies in Africa

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    Natural resources have perhaps played a major role in defining much of Africa's public square. These resources have defined power politics, resource distribution thereof; defined gerrymandering strategies in much of Africa's public administration domain; and have also proved to be a major precipitant of armed struggles. Natural resources have motivated and fuelled armed conflicts in Africa and this has proven to be a hurdle in effective statecraft, or in times of full scale conflict-it has been a hindrance to effective peace processes from the negotiation stage, mediation stage and finally in the post conflict reconstruction or peace-making stage. On the other continuum, Climate change for example, which is a major independent variable in the whole debate of natural resource conflicts in Africa could be viewed as an 'un-necessary burden' for the continent. It expands the purviews of environmental security, threatens the very base of national security and escalates social conflicts. However, it is important to note that the phenomenon of natural resource conflict is quite intricate and just like any social conflict debate, a mono-causal link of natural resource conflicts to climate change would actually not provide a thorough investigation when it comes to conflict analysis and a way forward in essence of natural resource conflict management or peace management for that matter. This paper treats natural resource conflicts as an intricate web of the larger social conflicts and seeks to provide a link between natural resources and social conflicts, to situate the debate within the nexus between natural resource management and conflict management, and to argue for a restatement of a multi-actor and multi-level approach in dealing with natural resource conflicts in the context of conflict management and peace building

    Track-one diplomacy and post-conflict reconstruction : Kenya's mediation of Somali conflict and strategic intervention avenues

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    This study focuses on the Kenyan mediation of the Somali conflict and strategic intervention engagement between 2002 and 2012. The core aim of the study was to establish and evaluate the role and effects of track-one diplomacy on conflict management and post-conflict reconstruction as pertains to the Somali conflict and on the basis of the Kenyan experience. A qualitative approach was followed in this study. It employed a descriptive, explanatory and analytical case-study method. The data were collected through interviews and documentary analysis. The twenty-two participants in the study were drawn from the Kenyan Foreign Ministry, the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD), the Regional Centre on Small Arms and Light Weapons (RECSA), the International Peace Support Training Centre (IPSTC), the East African Standby Force Co-ordination Mechanism (EASFCOM), the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), the United Nations Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS), the African Peace Forum Organization (APFO), and selected respondents representing the Somali people. The documents comprised policy treatises, protocols, treaties, and communiqués highlighting the actions of the Kenyan government and other track-one actors in the Somali peace endeavour. Other scholarly research on official diplomacy, soft-power and conflict management by small States – in particular African case studies – were also utilised. The study revealed that Kenya’s diplomatic and stabilisation efforts had their own dynamics and challenges. This is especially so with regard to the preferred policy option of exercising diplomacy that utilises soft-power resources. This diplomacy had to contend with the challenges of dealing with sensitive aspects of the process. These sensitive aspects involved a recognition of and complicated engagement with the Somali conflict-constituencies, and a complex mapping of various actors and their respective interests. Contrary to the expected outcomes, interests and issues 17 proliferated, and the original peace-making agenda was consistently slowed down and complicated. The study also revealed that Kenya ought to have exercised a non-directive role in dealing with the different Somali conflict players. This role provides that such an “interested mediator” ought to exercise some considerable influence over the mediation environment. It also emerged from the study that as pertains to the current peace-making developments in Somalia that began in 2005 onwards to 2012, it is important that different intermediary co-operative roles be recognized and utilised. Towards this end, the study recommends that Kenya’s diplomacy should adopt a strategy of co-operation with those regional regimes that it helped to establish. A case in reference is the diplomatic opportunity of utilising regional arms control and disarmament diplomacy. This is Kenya’s intermediary co-operative role with RECSA, which is mandated to support arms control and disarmament implementation efforts in the East African region. The study also recommends that strategic foreign policy and regional actions by Kenya should be taken up given its new lease of engagement, noting that it was officially integrated into AMISOM in 2012. The study posited that in the ongoing engagement environment there would be a ‘revisiting’ of the experiences and complexities of the first phase of engagement (2002-2004). It is, therefore, recommended that Kenya should seize this opportunity and continue with its ‘facilitative and enabling role’ in its peace diplomacy, while utilising the lessons learnt in past engagements

    Student and tutor perception of a new problem based learning curriculum at Faculty of Medicine, Makerere University

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    Background: The Makerere University Faculty of Medicine started the implementation of the Problem Based Learning/Community Based Education and Service curriculum for incoming students in the academic year 2003/2004. It undertook an intense preparatory period of 2 years before implementation, which included sensitizing, and training tutors to take their new role. Objectives: To evaluate student and tutor perception of the New PBL Curriculum at the Faculty of Medicine and to evaluate tutors perception of how well the students were doing.Methods: The study was at the end of the first semester, after seventeen weeks of the new curricula implementation. A 19-item questionnaire was self-administered by the students. An open discussion led by one of the investigators followed that questionnaire filling session. A 5-point likert scale was used to rate the different aspects. A different questionnaire was administered to the 35 academic staff that had tutored the twenty tutorial groups of eight to ten students each. The data collected from the two questionnaires was analyzed using SSPS software. The Faculty Research Committee approved the study.Results: Out of 180 students, 135 students filled in the questionnaire. In addition 25 tutors out of 35 filled in their questionnaire. The tutors’ facilitation of the tutorials was rated highly by the students. Students’ rated their (students’) participation in the tutorial process as excellent. The students rated access to learning resources as inadequate and they were anxious as to whether they were learning enough. On the other hand the tutors were satisfied with the depth and scope of the discussions by the students. The majority of the tutors thought it was the right move to introduce PBL. They were however concerned about sustainability of the novel educational reform (PBL).Conclusion: The students perceived the new method as acceptable. They expressed anxiety and uncertainly as to whether they were learning enough. And whereas the students were not sure they were learning enough, the tutors were satisfied with the depth of knowledge exhibited by the students. To sustain the reform tutors’ concerns and fears ought to be addressed

    Is a PhD a necessary requirement for lecturers in a`Medical School? Report of a survey

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    Background: Makerere University introduced a new policy1 on the minimum qualification for appointment to a lecturer teaching position and eligibility for subsequent promotions. The highlight of the policy is a requirement for a PhD or equivalent as the minimum qualification necessary for appointment to a lecturer position and above.As a result of this policy fewer and fewer members have shown interest or indeed joined the Faculty of Medicine teaching staff roll.Objectives: This study set out to investigate the perception of the faculty and the impact of the policy on staffing.Methods: Literature review, oral and a questionnaire interviews were used to gather data. Participants included current members of teaching staff (of biomedical sciences and clinical disciplines) postgraduate students and visiting overseas academic staff and adjunct staff employed by the Ministry of Health at teaching hospitals.Data collected was analyzed and summarized in tabular form.Results: A PhD or equivalent is required as a minimum qualification to join academic positions at lecturer level and above at Faculty of Medicine and subsequent promotion to higher positions. There was a significant lag in promotions and recruitment in the Faculty of Medicine compared to counterparts employed by the Uganda Ministry of Health at the teaching hospitals. Participants expressed strong views that a PhD or equivalent should not be a minimum requirement nor should it be a prerequisite for promotions though it should be encouraged. Policy documents from other universities did not require a PhD or equivalent qualifications as a minimum requirement for appointment to the academic ranks of those institutions.Conclusion: Whereas it is desirable for the academic staff to acquire a PhD, it should not be a mandatory requirement. The policy was not in the best interest of the Faculty of Medicine and may not be for other medical schools to impose that requirement for appointment or promotion.University policy makers should consider schools of medicine as an exception to the policy requiring a PhD or equivalent as minimum requirement for teaching at a Medical School

    Assessing community perspectives of the community based education and service model at Makerere University, Uganda: a qualitative evaluation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Community partnerships are defined as groups working together with shared goals, responsibilities, and power to improve the community. There is growing evidence that these partnerships contribute to the success and sustainability of community-based education and service programs (COBES), facilitating change in community actions and attitudes. Makerere University College of Health Sciences (MakCHS) is forging itself as a transformational institution in Uganda and the region. The College is motivated to improve the health of Ugandans through innovative responsive teaching, provision of service, and community partnerships. Evaluating the COBES program from the community perspective can assist the College in refining an innovative and useful model that has potential to improve the health of Ugandans.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A stratified random sample of 11 COBES sites was selected to examine the community’s perception of the program. Key Informant Interviews of 11 site tutors and 33 community members were completed. The data was manually analyzed and themes developed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Communities stated the students consistently engaged with them with culturally appropriate behaviour. They rated the student’s communication as very good even though translators were frequently needed. Half the community stated they received some feedback from the students, but some communities interpreted any contact after the initial visit as feedback. Communities confirmed and appreciated that the students provided a number of interventions and saw positive changes in health and health seeking behaviours. The community reflected that some programs were more sustainable than others; the projects that needed money to implement were least sustainable. The major challenges from the community included community fatigue, and poor motivation of community leaders to continue to take students without compensation.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Communities hosting Makerere students valued the students’ interventions and the COBES model. They reported witnessing health benefits of fewer cases of disease, increased health seeking behavior and sustainable healthcare programs. The evidence suggests that efforts to standardize objectives, implement structural adjustments, and invest in development of the program would yield even more productive community interactions and a healthcare workforce with public health skills needed to work in rural communities.</p

    Perceptions of newly admitted undergraduate medical students on experiential training on community placements and working in rural areas of Uganda

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Uganda has an acute problem of inadequate human resources partly due to health professionals' unwillingness to work in a rural environment. One strategy to address this problem is to arrange health professional training in rural environments through community placements. Makerere University College of Health Sciences changed training of medical students from the traditional curriculum to a problem-based learning (PBL) curriculum in 2003. This curriculum is based on the SPICES model (student-centered, problem-based, integrated, community-based and services oriented). During their first academic year, students undergo orientation on key areas of community-based education, after which they are sent in interdisciplinary teams for community placements. The objective was to assess first year students' perceptions on experiential training through community placements and factors that might influence their willingness to work in rural health facilities after completion of their training.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The survey was conducted among 107 newly admitted first year students on the medical, nursing, pharmacy and medical radiography program students, using in-depth interview and open-ended self-administered questionnaires on their first day at the college, from October 28-30, 2008. Data was collected on socio-demographic characteristics, motivation for choosing a medical career, prior exposure to rural health facilities, willingness to have part of their training in rural areas and factors that would influence the decision to work in rural areas.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Over 75% completed their high school from urban areas. The majority had minimal exposure to rural health facilities, yet this is where most of them will eventually have to work. Over 75% of the newly admitted students were willing to have their training from a rural area. Perceived factors that might influence retention in rural areas include the local context of work environment, support from family and friends, availability of continuing professional training for career development and support of co-workers and the community.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Many first year students at Makerere University have limited exposure to health facilities in rural areas and have concerns about eventually working there.</p

    Perception and valuations of community-based education and service by alumni at Makerere University College of Health Sciences

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Training of health professionals can be deliberately structured to enhance rural recruitment by exposing the trainees to the realities of rural life and practice through Community-Based Education and Service (COBE) programs. Few studies have surveyed the alumni of these programs to establish their post-university views and whether the positive impact of COBE programs endures into the post-university life. This study surveyed the alumni of COBE at Makerere to obtain their perceptions of the management and administration of COBE and whether COBE had helped develop their confidence as health workers, competence in primary health care and willingness and ability to work in rural communities.</p> <p>Objectives</p> <p>• To assess the efficiency of the management and administration of COBES.</p> <p>• To obtain the views of the impact of COBES on its alumni.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A mixed qualitative and quantitative study was conducted using focus group discussions (FGD) and a telephone administered questionnaire. From a total of 300 COBES alumni 150 were contacted. Twenty four Alumni (13 females and 11 males) were purposefully selected by discipline, gender and place of work, and invited for the focus group discussion. The discussions were transcribed and analyzed using a manifest content analysis table. The thematic issues from the FGDs were used to develop a structured questionnaire which was administered by telephone by the authors. The data were entered into Microsoft excel template and exported to Stata for analysis. The findings of the telephone survey were used to cross-match the views expressed during the focus group discussions.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The alumni almost unanimously agree that the initial three years of COBES were very successful in terms of administration and coordination. COBES was credited for contributing to development of confidence as health workers, team work, communication skills, competence in primary health care and willingness to work in rural areas. The COBES alumni also identified various challenges associated with administration and coordination of COBES at Makerere.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study has established that the positive impact of COBES endures with the alumni of the program. Health planners should take advantage of the impact of COBES and provide it with more support.</p