7 research outputs found

    Taman Geologi (Geopark) Sidoarjo Dengan Pemanfaatan Material Lumpur Sidoarjo

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    Fenomena semburan lumpur Sidoarjo merupakan fenomena yang menyebabkanbanyak kerugian diberbagai aspek terutama lingkungan yang menenggelamkanbeberapa desa di beberapa kecamatan di Sidoarjo. Pada tahun 2012, BadanPenanggulangan Lumpur Sidoarjo (BPLS) selaku pengelola area lumpur Sidoarjomerencanakan masterplan area luar terdampak Lumpur Sidoarjo yang digunakansebagai pengembangan wisata, salah satunya taman geologi (geopark). Sementara itulumpur Sidoarjo memiliki potensi yang telah dikembangkan sebagai material bangunan.Meski telah memenuhi persyaratan fisik rancangan taman geologi (geopark) Sidoarjoperlu adanya kajian bagaimanakah pemanfaatan material lumpur Sidoarjo padarancangan taman geologi (geopark) Sidoarjo. Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian iniantara lain metode programatik, pragmatis dan kanonik. Hasil desain rancangan tamangeologi (geopark) yang didesain mengikuti kriteria geopark berupa bangunan tidakmasif yang ditunjukkan dengan pemanfaatan sistem panggung dan pemanfaatanmaterial ringan lumpur Sidoarjo sebagai material pengisi sebagai elemen dinding atapdan lantai pada bangunan taman geologi ini

    Effect of Starch and Chitosan Addition on Swelling Properties of Neutralized Poly(Acrylic Acid)-Based Superabsorbent Hydrogels Prepared by Using γ-Irradiation Technique

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    Superabsorbent hydrogels are polymers with a 3D network that have attracted the attention of scientists and industrialists because of their fantastic ability to absorb and retain water and aqueous solutions. The most widely used and commercially available superabsorbent hydrogels are synthetic K-acrylate materials. In this novel study, superabsorbent hydrogels have been developed using natural ingredients to have more biodegradable properties. Superabsorbent hydrogels were synthesized from acrylic acid, cassava starch, and chitosan using the γ-irradiation method under different experimental conditions. The γ-irradiation technique was chosen to produce hydrogels free of residues that may remain when chemical crosslinkers are used. The effects of irradiation dose, acrylic acid composition, and the amount of cassava starch and chitosan on the characteristics of produced hydrogels were analyzed. The resulting polymers were further characterized by fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) to evaluate the structure. The thermal behavior of superabsorbent products at different neutralization doses was tested with differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). FTIR data indicated that the grafting reaction was successfully implemented in this work. SEM analysis showed that the hydrogel produced from this study was porous and there was a reduction in pore size with the addition of starch and chitosan. It can be concluded that the addition of cassava starch and chitosan affects the acrylic acid-based superabsorbent properties, which are pore size, thermal behavior, gel content, antibacterial activity, and swelling capacity in water, salt, and urea solutions. The best hydrogel was obtained by adding 0.25 g of cassava starch and 0.25 g of chitosan, using 50 % acrylic acid neutralization and 5 kGy γ-irradiation doses. The graft polymers possess the maximum swelling capacity of 670 g/g for distilled water, 520 g/g for NaCl solution, and 767 g/g for urea solution (relative to the dry weight). These products were sterile from Escherichia coli bacteria and had the potential to be applied as superabsorbent resins for various fields

    The association of risk factors with psychiatric symptoms and quality of life in laryngopharyngeal reflux disease patients

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    Background: Risk factors for laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR), such as age, gender, BMI, smoking history and dietary habit affect the severity of LPR. These risk factors have a clinical impact on both social and emotional aspects, which can reduce the quality of life. Thus led the researchers to analyse association between these risk factors with psychiatric symptoms and quality of life for LPR sufferers.Methods: Analytical descriptive research with cross-sectional approach to LPR patients in ENT clinic RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang. Sixty six samples aged 18-60 years and met the criteria of the researcher were measured using the DASS 21 questionnaire and the RQS questionnaire. Statistical analysis used the chi-square test.Results: Obtained 66 subjects with a mean age of 45.1 years, there were more women than men (75.8%). Analysis of risk factors associated with depression found gender (p=1.000), age (p=1.000), duration of symptoms (p=1.000), BMI (p=0.132), smoking (p=0.452), and diet (p=1.000). Analysis of risk factors with anxiety obtained gender (p=0.340), age (p=0.743), duration of symptoms (p=0.085), BMI (p=0.322), smoking history (p=1.000), and diet (p=1.000). Analysis of risk factors with stress obtained gender (p=0.798), age (p=0.088), duration of symptoms (p=0.324), BMI (p=0.276), smoking history (p=0.606) and diet (p=0.538). Analysis of the gender association related to the quality of life LPR patients (p=0.032).Conclusions: Duration of symptoms, age, BMI, smoking history and diet were not associated with psychiatric symptoms and quality of life in LPR sufferers. Gender is not associated with psychiatric symptoms but is related to quality of life

    Hubungan Derajat Friedman Tounge Position Dengan Nilai Apnea-hypopnea Index Dan Nilai Low Oksigen Saturation Pada Pasien Obstructive Sleep Apnea

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      Background: Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is characterized by an airway obstruction that causes breathing to stop momentarily, either totally or partially. OSA can cause serious complications. The definitive diagnosis of OSA with polysomnography (PSG). PSG is not widely available in health facilities, Friedman tongue position (FTP) examination is expected to be an initial simple examination that can be done to diagnose patients with suspected OSA. Objective: To determine the relationship between the degree of FTP with the Apnea Hyponea index (AHI) andvalues Low saturation (LSAT)in OSA patients at Dr. Kariadi Semarang. Methods: Cross-sectional study design, samples were taken from patients diagnosed with OSA by polysomnography in May – July 2021. AHI and LSAT values ??were taken from polysomnography results. FTP is determined by physical examination of the throat. Data analysis with Spearman correlation test. Results: The highest number of samples was 44 male, 32 samples (72.7%). The highest age group was 46-65 years, 26 (59.1%), the youngest was 18 years and the oldest was 81 years, the mean age was 64 years +17-81 years. , the most FTP results are type 2, the most AHI values ??are severe degrees, the most LSAT values ??are moderate degrees. There is a very strong positive significant relationship between the degree of FTP and the AHI value, there is no significant relationship between the degree of FTP and the LSAT value.  Conclusion: There is a relationship between FTP and the AHI value, there is no FTP relationship with the LSAT value Keywords: Obstructive sleep apnea, friedman tongue position, Apnea-Hyponea index, Low saturation. &nbsp