10 research outputs found

    Towards quantitative Low Energy Ion Scattering on CaSiO3_3 from Comparison to Multiple-Scattering-Resolved Dynamical Binary Collision Approximation Simulations

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    We perform Low Energy Ion Scattering with 1\,keV He ions on CaSiO3_3 using a commercial electrostatic detector system and determine the charge fraction of scattered ions from comparison with Binary Collision Approximation simulations. The simulations take dynamical surface changes due to surface cleaning Ar sputtering into account and scattered He particles are separated into single, dual, and multiple scattering trajectories. We find that the charge fraction of single and dual scattered He is about 10 times higher than the one for multiple collisions. Our results show that quantitative concentration profiles can be inferred from this method, if the charge fraction components are determined first

    Comparative study regarding the sputtering yield of nanocolumnar tungsten surfaces under Ar+ irradiation

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    Nanostructured tungsten has been proposed as a promising option for plasma facing materials in future fusion reactors, because compared to conventional tungsten it shows advantages such as a better radiation resistance and, in particular, a retardation of tungsten-fuzz growth. Besides these aspects, the sputtering yield of nanostructured tungsten under ion bombardment is of interest, since it would affect the atomic density of tungsten emitted into the fusion plasma, which leads to radiative heat losses. In this work, we present a multiscale approach for investigating the sputtering yield of nanocolumnar tungsten surfaces under 1 keV and 2 keV Ar irradiation. Our results cover experiments and also computational simulations, which operate either on the basis of the binary collision approximation and ray tracing or use a full molecular dynamics implementation. In our studied case, both computational approaches can predict the sputtering yield of nanocolumnar tungsten surfaces very well. In comparison to flat W, we observe a much reduced dependence on the ion incidence angle, similar as reported for conventional rough surfaces in literature. However, an additional global reduction of the sputtering yield was identified, which can be attributed to geometrical redeposition effects between the separated nanocolumns. These results support the applicability of nanocolumnar tungsten as a first wall coating.Peer reviewe

    New Compound and Hybrid Binding Energy Sputter Model for Modeling Purposes in Agreement with Experimental Data

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    Rocky planets and moons experiencing solar wind sputtering are continuously supplying their enveloping exosphere with ejected neutral atoms. To understand the quantity and properties of the ejecta, well-established binary collision approximation Monte Carlo codes like TRIM with default settings are used predominantly. Improved models such as SDTrimSP have come forward, and together with new experimental data, the underlying assumptions have been challenged. We introduce a hybrid model, combining the previous surface binding approach with a new bulk binding model akin to Hofsäss & Stegmaier. In addition, we expand the model implementation by distinguishing between free and bound components sourced from mineral compounds such as oxides or sulfides. The use of oxides and sulfides also enables the correct setting of the mass densities of minerals, which was previously limited to the manual setting of individual atomic densities of elements. All of the energies and densities used are thereby based on tabulated data, so that only minimal user input and no fitting of parameters are required. We found unprecedented agreement between the newly implemented hybrid model and previously published sputter yields for incidence angles up to 45° from surface normal. Good agreement is found for the angular distribution of mass sputtered from enstatite MgSiO _3 compared to the latest experimental data. Energy distributions recreate trends of experimental data of oxidized metals. Similar trends are to be expected from future mineral experimental data. The model thus serves its purpose of widespread applicability and ease of use for modelers of rocky body exospheres

    Solar wind sputtering of wollastonite as a lunar analogue material – Comparisons between experiments and simulations

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    sputtering of wollastonite (CaSiO 3 ) by solar wind-relevant ions has been investigated experimentally and the results are compared to the binary collision approximation (BCA) codes SDTrimSP and SRIM-2013. Absolute sputtering yields are presented for Ar projectiles as a function of ion impact energy, charge state and impact angle as well as for solar wind H projectiles as a function of impact angle. Erosion of wollastonite by singly charged Ar ions is dominated by kinetic sputtering. The absolute magnitude of the sputtering yield and its dependence on the projectile impact angle can be well described by SDTrimSP as long as the actual sample composition is used in the simulation. SRIM-2013 largely overestimates the yield especially at grazing impact angles. For higher Ar charge states, the measured yield is strongly enhanced due to potential sputtering. Sputtering yields under solar wind-relevant H + bombardment are smaller by two orders of magnitude compared to Ar. Our experimental yields also show a less pronounced angular dependence than predicted by both BCA programs, probably due to H implantation in the sample. Based on our experimental findings and extrapolations to other solar wind ions by using SDTrimSP, we present a model for the complete solar wind sputtering of a flat wollastonite surface as a function of projectile ion impact angle, which predicts a sputtering yield of 1.29 atomic mass units per solar wind ion for normal impact. We find that mostly He and some heavier ions increase the sputtering yield by more than a factor of two as compared to bombardment with only H + Ions