257 research outputs found

    Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Pemusatan Data Tunggal

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    This study aims to determine whether nor not there is an increase in Single Data Centering learning outcomes through the application of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) learning methods in 6-E grade students of SD Negeri Wonokusumo VI/45 Surabaya. The low learning outcomes of Single Data Centering are also experienced by students of grade 6-E SD Negeri Wonokusumo VI/45 Surabaya requiring handling in terms of the teaching and learning process carried out. Authors as their Class Teachers are responsible for finding solutions to improve Single Data Centering learning outcomes. The perspective taken is to increase student activity in the teaching and learning process. This is related to the selection of learning models, therefore innovation in the application of learning models and methods must be carried out through the application of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) learning methods. The application of this learning method involves seven main components of productive learning, namely: constructivism (Constructivism), asking (Questioning), finding (Inquiry), learning community (Learning Community), modeling (Modelling), reflection (Reflection) and actual assessment (Authentic). Assessment) The research was conducted with a two-cycle action mechanism. And based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that there is an increase in learning outcomes of Single Data Centering through the application of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) learning methods in grade 6-E students of SDN Wonokusumo VI/45 Surabaya. Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) learning in 6-E grade students of SDN Wonokusumo VI/45 Surabaya is an average of 23%

    The Dynamics of Power, Violence, and Conflict of Nahdlatul Wathan

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    The dynamics of Muslim communities of Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) in Lombok Island, have a profound emotional impact on the history of Nahdlatul Wathan (NW). It alters how social and religious systems are developed. Since 1953, NW has grown quickly to become the majority Islamic organization in Lombok due to the pioneers’ educational background, as well as their cultural and social capitals in the development of Islam. After the New Order, internal created two strongholds for conflict entities and reconciliation. Open violence has broken out in a number of Lombok locations due to conflicting forces. The integrated dualism of the organization's leadership has not been seen in the resolution of conflicts through practical politics. This article underlines how NW has evolved into one of the cases where division positively affects the growth of mass organizations

    Penerapan Sistem Keamanan Menggunakan Cryptography Pada Aplikasi Chatting Dengan Memodifikasi Algoritma Rivest Shamir Adleman (Rsa)

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    Chatting application is an application which used for communication through local network or internet. It can use to make communication to be effective and easy to use but there are several shortage in delivery information process is data security when communication is going on. Using chrypthography with modification Rivest Shamir adleman (RSA) algorithm in encryption process and decryption on packet data which transmited is one of security system which can used in this application then the security of data packet secured. Result from implementation of chatting application which apply chrypthography with modification Rivest Shamir adleman (RSA) algorithm have done in local network and internet able to run smoothly and have done by several testing cases based on certain scenario. Whereas process testing encryption and decryption using tools wireshark


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    Several variables were considered to have an influence on the change is the profitability of banks, so this study aimed todetermine the effect of ROA, ROE, and EPS to changes in thebanking industry stock prices.The selection of the sample usingpurposive sampling method, obtained a sample of five banks in theperiod of 2007-2011. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics,Kolmogorov, Variance Inflation Factor and Tolerance, Durbin Watson,Spearman's Rho, the value of R square and F-test and t-test. Theresult can be concluded that simultaneously variables ROA, ROE,and EPS affect the banking industry stock price changes. The secondhypothesis testing that want to know partially independent variableshave an influence on the dependent variable showed that the resultsof ROA and EPS variables that affect the banking industry stock pricechanges, while the ROE variable has no effect on the bankingindustry stock price changes.Keywords: ROA, ROE, EPS, stock price changes


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh temuan-temuan dilapangan yang menunjukkan bahwa siswa kelas VIII-B SMP Kawung 2 Surabaya belum memahami topik-topik dalam matematika, salah satunya adalah menyelesaikan soal pada luas permukaan serta volume prisma dan limas. Adapun masalah yang dikemukakan dalam penelitian ini berupa pertanyaan penelitian sebagai berikut: (1) Apakah jenis kesalahan yang dilakukan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal-soal tentang luas permukaan serta volume prisma dan limas. (2) Apakah penyebab siswa melakukan kesalahan tentang luas permukaan serta volume prisma dan limas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: (1) jenis kesalahan yang dilakukan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal pada luas permukaan serta volume prisma dan limas, (2) penyebab siswa melakukan kesalahan dalam menyelesaikan soal pada luas permukaan serta volume prisma dan limas. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa jenis kesalahan yang dilakukan siswa ada 4 yaitu (1) kesalahan yang berhubungan dengan konsep prisma dan limas meliputi (a) kesalahan dalam menggunakan dan menerapkan rumus, penyebabnya adalah siswa tidak teliti dan tidak dapat memahami maksud soal, (b) kesalahan dalam mencari luas permukaan limas, penyebabnya adalah karena siswa tidak paham tentang konsep luas permukaan limas, (c) kesalahan dalam mencari volume limas, penyebabnya adalah karena siswa tidak paham tentang unsur-unsur limas dan sekedar memasukkan angka ke dalam rumus, (d) kesalahan dalam menentukan alas dan tutup prisma, penyebabnya adalah karena siswa tidak cermat dalam memperhatikan gambar, (e) kesalahan dalam menentukan bentuk dari bangun yang diminta, penyebabnya adalah karena siswa tidak cermat dalam memperhatikan gambar. (2) kesalahan yang berhubungan dengan prinsip. Kesalahan prinsip yang ditemukan adalah meliputi: (a) Kesalahan menentukan rumus luas permukaan serta volume prisma dan limas, (b) Kesalahan dalam menggunakan Dalil phytagoras. (3) kesalahan yang berhubungan dengan operasi. Kesalahan operasi yang ditemukan adalah: (a) Kesalahan dalam menjumlahkan bentuk akar. (4) Kesalahan yang berhubungan dengan kealpaan. Kesalahan kealpaan yang ditemukan adalah meliputi: (a) Kerancuan dalam menuliskan rumus, (b) Kerancuan dalam mengerjakan soal

    Pengembangan SIG berbasis Web Sebagai Decission Support System (DSS) untuk Manajemen Jaringan Jalan di Kabupaten Aceh Timur

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    This research aims to develop a web-based GIS that can be used as a decision support system in managing the road network in East Aceh district. In this case, MySQL is used as a spatial database management system and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is used as the technology to visualize spatial data in web programming. Therefore, it is expected can make geo-database application that can be distributed widely to related user. Stages of development of the system used in this study refers to the waterfall model. The order of execution of the study is divided into five stages include: early stage research, web GIS design stage, the stage of data collection, web GIS development phase and implementation phase. Data used in this study include primary and secondary data. Primary data consists of spatial and attribute data of road network (lines) and bridges (points) taken through surveys with Global Positioning System (GPS). Secondary data used include base maps derived from maps of the Rupa Bumi Indonesia (RBI) 1:25.000 scale area of East Aceh Regency. The unit of analysis used was the Locational referencing system that is defining a road network using the “node” and “section”. The results of this study showed that implementation of the SVG generated by PHP is able to produce a superior display vector and dynamic so it is easy to analyze. These capabilities combined with MySQL capabilities in spatial analysis and queries on RDBMS database is able to produce applications that are capable of supporting the activities of decision-making in the management of roads and bridges
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