18 research outputs found

    Multiple Vulnerabilities Locking Rural Communities in the South Eastern Low-Veld of Zimbabwe

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    The study analyses the multiple vulnerabilities of the rural communities. This is an exploratory qualitative case study. One hundred households from ward 20 and 22 participated in this study through questionnaires, Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and semi-structured interviews. The average household size was 8 with 30% of the households having a member who was chronically ill while orphans were reported to be present in 54% of the households. The livelihood base was largely agriculturally based where over 53% of them lacked the lacked requisite productive assets for communal faming.   Ninety nine percent had experienced crop failures in the 3 years preceding the study, attributed mainly to insufficient rainfall. Production levels for both field crops and gardening activities were exceptionally low and the markets were poor. The boreholes for the majority of the households and the two irrigations schemes in the two wards were under breakdown. The communities were vulnerable to more frequent floods, droughts, dangerous wild animal and diseases. The  value  of  the  research  is  that  no  known  study  has invoked a holistic approach to study multiple vulnerabilities in rural areas of Zimbabwe. This exploratory study attempt to unravel some of the subtle complexities underlying the vulnerabilities of rural communities in Zimbabwe in a view to recommend empirically based solutions to unlock their potential. Keywords: Vulnerability, livelihoods, sustainabl

    The Dynamics in stakeholder involvement in irrigation agriculture in Zimbabwe

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    Irrigated agriculture is the most viable means of reducing crop failure, hunger, and malnutrition in Africa, and an effective means for improving the competitiveness of smallholder farming in most parts of Africa. Unfortunately, smallholder community irrigation schemes have proved to be unsustainable beyond external support despite the potential benefits of this technology. This appears to be exacerbated by the involvement of multiple stakeholders in the establishment, management and rehabilitation of the smallholder irrigation schemes. The objective of this article is investigating the changes in the involvement of multiple stakeholders in the schemes with the aim of establishing the effects of multiple stakeholder engagement in the sustainability of community irrigation schemes in Zimbabwe. The study confirms that a myriad of players are involved in different aspects of community irrigation schemes. The roles of these players have been very fluid in the period stretching from 1912 to the present moment. The irrigation schemes have been victims of unfortunate historical in both the socio-economic and political fronts that compromised the commitment, capacities and resources of the relevant stakeholders. These changes did not give farmers the opportunity to be self-sustaining in the operation and maintenance of the  irrigation schemes. Key words: sustainability, smallholder irrigation schemes, stakeholder, Involvement

    Psychological Health and Optimism amongst Unemployed Graduates in Zimbabwe

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    The study sought to examine the relationship between optimism and general health amongst unemployed graduates in Zimbabwe. Most of the studies on unemployment have focused on job loss but this study is based on failure to get employment after graduating with a university degree in a resource-constrained environment. One hundred and twelve (112) graduates were selected using non-probability sampling methods. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data and the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was utilised to analyse data. Age and period after graduation were found to be negatively related to both general health and optimism amongst the unemployed graduates. Overall optimism and general health were found to be inversely related. The study calls for the need for psychological interventions for unemployed graduates in Zimbabwe

    Determinants of Weaning Practices Among Mothers of Infants Aged Below 12 Months in Masvingo, Zimbabwe

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    BackgroundPoor weaning practices have been reported to contribute to high infant mortality and morbidity rates especially in developing countries.ObjectivesThis study sought to determine factors related to weaning that predispose, reinforce and enable mothers of infants younger than age 12 months to comply or not to comply with the World Health Organization (WHO) 2009 guidelines on appropriate infant feeding.MethodsThe present study was a descriptive cross-sectional study. An interviewer-administered questionnaire was used to collect data on weaning and infant feeding practices from a sample of 300 mothers of infants aged younger than 12 months, resident in the Rujeko community, and registered and seen at the Rujeko Council Clinic during the study time.FindingsThe study results indicated that noncompliance with WHO infant feeding guidelines was high among the study participants. The rate of exclusive breastfeeding in the first 6 months was very low (14.8%), with the mean age of introduction of complementary foods to infants of 5 weeks (range 1-24 weeks). Early supplementation of breast milk was not associated with mother’s age, level of education, and religion. Scheduled breastfeeding was more prevalent among the mothers who worked outside the home ('P' = .018). Provision of formal advice and influence from health care workers was found to improve young child feeding and weaning practices among mothers ('P' = .011).ConclusionsVarious weaning methods were used, and mothers identified numerous factors as impeding their efforts to follow proper breastfeeding practices. The findings highlight the need to develop personal skills among mothers to prepare nutritionally balanced diets

    'Goblins left dirt in my birth canal’: Perceived Cultural Beliefs on the Causes and Meaning Making among Women with Cervical Cancer in Zimbabwe

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    This qualitative inquiry sought to understand the meanings that patients with cervical cancer give to their illness as well as their perception of non-medical causes of the condition. An interpretive phenomenological research design was adopted where twelve patients living with cervical cancer attending two medical institutions were purposively sampled on their first visit. The researchers used in-depth interviews to collect information from the participants. Thematic content analysis was used to analyse data. Results revealed the following themes that explain what cancer meant to women: strengthening of their relationship with God, traditional meanings, and the drive to make things right in the present. The perceived causes that were reported by the study participants were centred around witchcraft and contamination by evil creatures. The study has implications for those who offer psychotherapy and counselling for women with cervical cancer in this population

    Restaurando la dignidad de las mujeres mediante la reparación de fístulas: Una exploración de los desafíos y soluciones de las mujeres de Zimbabue

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    Objectiu. Aquest estudi identifica i analitza l’impacte de la reparació de la fístula en el restabliment de la dignitat de les dones i les seves estratègies d’afrontament o mètodes d’adaptació a la societat. L’estudi és fonamental donats els efectes negatius de la fístula en la identitat de les dones i els seus éssers estimats. Materials i mètodes. L’estudi es va basar en un estudi de casos qualitatiu que va utilitzar un mostreig intencional per a seleccionar a les participants de les entrevistes en profunditat amb 7 dones (d’entre 17 i 42 anys). Les dades es van agrupar en temes i es van analitzar. L’anàlisi temàtica va identificar com a temes principals: l’experiència negativa, l’estigma i les estratègies d’afrontament positives que faciliten l’adaptació adequada. Discussió i conclusions. L’estigma social continua fins i tot després de la intervenció quirúrgica i és el principal repte amb el qual els participants han de lidiar diàriament, afectant el nivell d’integració en la comunitat. També afecta el grau en què les supervivents de la fístula poden ser percebudes i es perceben a si mateixes com a «dignes». Les participants es van enfrontar a problemes de salut mental com la ira, la tristesa, la depressió, l’ansietat, l’estrès i la vergonya. No obstant això, les participants van reconèixer que, gràcies al suport de la família, els programes d’empoderament i el suport de la comunitat, estaven tornant a poc a poc a la seva vida normal.Objective. This study identifies and analyses the impact of fistula repair towards the restoration of women’s dignity and their coping strategies or methods of adjustment to society. The study is critical given the negative effects of fistula on the identities of women and their loved ones. Materials And Methods. The study employed a qualitative case study which used purposive sampling to select participants for in-depth interviews with seven women (age range 17 to 42). Data were grouped into themes and analysed. Thematic analysis identified the main themes as; negative experience, stigma and positive coping strategies facilitating proper adjustment. Discussion And Conclusions. Social stigma continues even after surgery and is the major challenge that participants have to deal with daily affecting the level of integration into the community. It also threatened the extent to which fistula survivors can be perceived and perceive themselves as ‘dignified’. Participants faced mental health challenges like anger, sadness, depression, anxiety, stress and shame. However, participants acknowledged that through family support, empowerment programmes and community support, they were slowly getting back to their normal lives.Objetivo. Este estudio identifica y analiza el impacto de la reparación de la fístula en el restablecimiento de la dignidad de las mujeres y sus estrategias para afrontar dicha patología o los métodos de adaptación a la sociedad. El estudio es fundamental dados los efectos negativos de la fístula en la identidad de las mujeres y sus seres queridos. Materiales y métodos. La investigación se basó en un estudio de casos cualitativo que utilizó un muestreo intencional para seleccionar a las participantes de las entrevistas en profundidad con 7 mujeres (de entre 17 y 42 años). Los datos se agruparon en temas y se analizaron. El análisis temático identificó como temas principales: la experiencia negativa, el estigma y las estrategias de afrontamiento positivas que facilitan la adaptación adecuada. Discusión y conclusiones. El estigma social continúa incluso después de la intervención quirúrgica y es el principal reto con el que los participantes tienen que lidiar a diario, afectando al nivel de integración en la comunidad. También amenazó el grado en que las supervivientes de la fístula pueden ser percibidas y se perciben a sí mismas como «dignas». Las participantes se enfrentaron a problemas de salud mental como la ira, la tristeza, la depresión, la ansiedad, el estrés y la vergüenza. Sin embargo, los participantes reconocieron que, gracias al apoyo de la familia, los programas de empoderamiento y el apoyo de la comunidad, estaban volviendo poco a poco a su vida normal

    Fostering motivation in the engagement of volunteer workers: an analysis of volunteers in humanitarian organisations in Zimbabwe

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    The aim of the study was to look at the factors that motivate volunteers` engagement in voluntary work in Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in Zimbabwe. A descriptive survey was done to answer the research questions. Questionnaires were self administered to 60 volunteers sampled from two NGOs in Zimbabwe. Two focus group discussions with 6 volunteers from each organisation were also carried out. SPSS was used to analyse the quantitative data and content analysis was used to analyse qualitative data from focus group discussions. This involved extraction of major themes and which were then merged with the quantitative data that was obtained. The results revealed that volunteers need to be formally contracted and nurtured and that they were motivated by material rewards, trainings and recognition

    Multiple vulnerabilities locking rural communities in the South Eastern low-veld of Zimbabwe

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    The study analyses the multiple vulnerabilities of the rural communities. This is an exploratory qualitative case study. One hundred households from ward 20 and 22 participated in this study through questionnaires, Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and semi-structured interviews. The average household size was 8 with 30% of the households having a member who was chronically ill while orphans were reported to be present in 54% of the households. The livelihood base was largely agriculturally based where over 53% of them lacked the lacked requisite productive assets for communal faming. Ninety nine percent had experienced crop failures in the 3 years preceding the study, attributed mainly to insufficient rainfall. Production levels for both field crops and gardening activities were exceptionally low and the markets were poor. The boreholes for the majority of the households and the two irrigations schemes in the two wards were under breakdown. The communities were vulnerable to more frequent floods, droughts, dangerous wild animal and diseases. The value of the research is that no known study has invoked a holistic approach to study multiple vulnerabilities in rural areas of Zimbabwe. This exploratory study attempt to unravel some of the subtle complexities underlying the vulnerabilities of rural communities in Zimbabwe in a view to recommend empirically based solutions to unlock their potential

    Towards promotion of maternal health: the psychological impact of obstetric fistula on women in Zimbabwe

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    Abstract,Objectives: The study sought to determine the psychological effects of obstetric fistula on women in Zimbabwe. Methods: The study was qualitative in nature and the phenomenological design was used. Purposive sampling was used to identify four women with obstetric fistula in two hospitals in Zimbabwe. In-depth interviews using unstructured interview guides were done with these women. Strict ethical principles were adhered to in order to avoid harm to participants. Data that was obtained from the interviews was grouped into themes and analysed using content analysis. Results: The results of the study revealed that women with obstetric fistula faced the following psychological problems- helplessness, sadness, suicidal thoughts, stigma and blame, feelings of worthlessness, fear, shame and social withdrawal. Conclusions: Women with obstetric fistula face a number of psychological problems and henceforth issues to do with their mental health need to be taken seriously

    Towards the development of an indigenous psychological trauma model for war veterans in Zimbabwe

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    Literature has shown that war has negative psychological consequences and long-term effects on war veterans that can be passed on from generation to generation. Little is known about Zimbabwe war veterans` conceptualisation of trauma. The study was aimed at developing a culturally appropriate psychological model for Zimbabwean war veterans. The research objectives were; 1)To explore the Zimbabwean war veterans’ conceptualisation of complex trauma. 2)To establish how Zimbabwean war veterans cope with complex trauma in their lives. 3) To develop a culturally relevant psychological trauma model for war veterans in Zimbabwe. The study was qualitative and the phenomelogical research approach was adopted. The research was informed by the Afrocentric paradigm. Criterion sampling was used to select twenty-six participants. Sixteen individual interviews and two focus group discussions were conducted. Data were analysed using thematic content analysis. The research revealed five major themes covering the experiences of complex trauma among war veterans in Zimbabwe. These themes are social, economic, spiritual, political and personal trauma. Research findings also identified cultural notions of trauma. The participants` had their own way of conceptualising trauma in their local language. The following broad themes that described the participants` coping strategies were identified; appraisal coping, social coping, problem focused coping, emotion focused coping and spiritual coping. Their coping strategies were informed by their culture, experiences and social context. From these themes a cultural model of trauma was developed. The model is unique as it acknowledges the importance of the cultural context in the conceptualisation of trauma and the need to be knowledgeable about local constructs, meanings and languages that inform world views. The model validates propositions by the Afrocentric paradigm that trauma in African contexts is multifaceted. The study recommends the need to be culturally sensitive to understand an individual`s behaviour, explanations of distress, symptom presentation and coping strategies. The study recommends a holistic and contextual approach when intervening among war veterans in Zimbabwe