214 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Novel “Bekasi Remeng-Remeng” mujudake sawijining novel modern kang caritane narik kawigaten. Narik kawigaten kasebut ngenani motif interaksi sosial antar paragane. Motif interaksi sosial kasebut dilandhesi dening faktor imitasi, susgesti lan simpati. Imitasi mujudake proses nyonto, niru, lan melu-melu tumidake wong liya. Sugesti mujudake proses nalika manungsa nampa sawijining pamawas utawa paugeran solah bawa saka wong liya. Simpati minangka wujud rasa kawigaten marang wong liya. Adhedhasar lelandhesan panliten kasebut, mula bisa ditetepake underane panliten, yaiku: (1) kepriye wujud imitasi kang ditindakake dening paraga sajrone  novel “Bekasi Remeng-Remeng” anggitane Suparta Brata? (2) kepriye sugesti kang ditindakake dening paraga sajrone crita novel “Bekasi Remeng-Remeng” anggitane Suparta Brata? (3) kepriye rasa simpatine paraga sajrone crita novel “Bekasi Remeng-Remeng” anggitane Suparta Brata? Ancas panliten iki, yaiku: (1) ngandharake imitasi kang ditindakake dening paraga sajrone crita novel “Bekasi Remeng-Remeng” anggitane Suparta Brata; (2) ngandharake sugesti kang ditindakake dening paraga sajrone crita novel “Bekasi Remeng-Remeng” anggitane Suparta Brata; (3) ngandharake simpatine para paraga sajrone crita novel “Bekasi Remeng-Remeng” anggitane Suparta Brata. Paedah saka panliten iki, yaiku: (1) tumrap Sastra Jawa Modern, panliten iki kanggo nyengkuyung pangrembakan Sastra Jawa Modern; (2) tumrap pamaos kanggo ngonceki karya sastra lan luwih gampang mangerteni isi kang kinandhut sajroning novel; (3) Tumrap piwulangan sastra, panliten iki bisa kanggo nambah bahan apresiasi sastra. Methode kang digunakake ing panliten iki yaiku dheskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data ing panliten iki yaiku novel kanthi irah-irahan “Bekasi Remeng-Remeng” kang mujudake salah siji saka kumpulan roman Suparto Brata’s Omnibus kang diterbitake dening penerbit Narasi taun 2007. Data ing panliten iki awujud kutipan-kutipan saka novel arupa tembung lan ukara kang gegayutan karo faktor imitasi, sugesti lan simpati. Data dikumpulake kanthi cara studi pustaka. Tata cara nganalisis data nggunakake metode analisi dheskriptif lan analisis isi kang nggunakake teori psikologi sosial Hubert Bonner. Asiling panliten nuduhake, menawa para paraga nalika nindakake interaksi sosial antarane paraga siji lan paraga liyane ana sesambungan kang rinaket. Saben paraga duwe sipat dhewe-dhewe nalika ngadhepi pacoban. Faktor imitasi ditindakake dening paraga Kristanti, dheweke niru apa kang wis ditindakake dening pasangan liya kang nasibe padha kangelan duwe anak. Kristanti ngupaya golek tamba kanthi cara medis lan non medis (nekani wong pinter) supaya bisa ngandhut. Faktor sugesti ditindakake dening paraga Jumaniar. Matine Pandhu kang dirasa ora manusiawi ndadekake Jum tuwuh rasa semangat lan nyugesti awake dhewe. Jum pengin antuk keadilan, malah yen pulisi ora bisa nemokake sapa kang mateni Pandu, Jum bakal nggoleki dhewe apa kang nyebabake matine Pandhu. Faktor simpati dituduhake dening kaluwargane Boing lan Kristanti marang Jumaniar lan Yunisar kang lagi kesusahan. Boing aweh pitulung marang Jumaniar kanggo ngurus kunarpane Pandhu kang bakal dikubur ing Wedi. Saliyane pitulung kang wujud dhuwit, Boing uga kerep mbisiki Jum supaya tetep dadi wong wadon kang sabar lan kuwat masiya dheweke ditinggal mati bojone. Katelune faktor kasbut padha-padha menehi daya pangaribawa marang faktor siji lan liyane. Paraga ing novel BRR nindakake interaksi sosial kanthi tujuwan supaya sakabehe prakara bisa dipungkasi kanthi becik. Faktor kang onjo saka katelune faktor mau yaiku sugesti, saengga sugesti nduweni daya pangaribawa kang gedhe kanggo nuwuhake rasa simpati lan imitasi

    Sikap Profesional Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia Sebagai Pendukung Implementasi Kurikulum 2013

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    Almost all countries put education as a priority in the context of nation building. Similarly, the nation and state of Indonesia placed education as a strategic value to the advancement of the nation. The passing of the curriculum changes to the curriculum in 2013 SBC 2006 is a real effort on the part of the government to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. Indeed the 2013 curriculum is structured to prepare students to face the challenges of an increasingly complex future. Support of various stakeholders, especially educators is necessary for successfully implementing the curriculum in 2013 in accordance with the plans that have been well established. Therefore, educators as a front line that are directly related to the implementation of the educational program are required to have the readiness and willingness to work in a professional manner. Of course the demands of professional educators should be addressed by improving the qualifications and competence of educators. Moreover, in this era of globalization, the challenges and responsibilities of educators increasingly complex. This paper presents a simple thought about the professional attitude that must be owned by Indonesian educators, especially educators so that they can print learners adaptive to the changing times in accordance with the demands of the curriculum in 2013

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Menyimak Cerita Fiksi Anak Menggunakan Media Audio pada Siswa Kelas V SD

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    Teachers consider listening skills are easy to learn so it is not so encouraged within teacher makes learning less motivated to look for right media in listening to lessons will be delivered. General objective of this study is to describe use of audio media can improve listening skills of children's fiction story fifth grade students of SDN 14 South Pontianak. Research method used is descriptive, form of research is Classroom Action Research, the nature of reseach is collaborative. Subjects in this research were students of class V totaling 25 students. This research was conducted as two cycles, result obtained is ability of teachers to design learning using audio media, on first cycle is 3,64 (very good) and second cycle is 3.88 (very good). The ability of teachers to implement learning by using audio media on first cycle 3,31 (good) and second cycle is 3.80 (very good). Calculation result of average value of fiction children's listening skills using audio media, namely 72.05 in first cycle and second cycle is 81.53, with an increase of 9.48. It can be concluded that use of audio media can improve listening skills of children's fiction story fifth grade students of SDN 14 South Pontianak


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    Pendampingan penyusunan bahan ajar daring berbasis metakognitif merupakan bagian dari program pengabdian pada masyarakat yang pertama kali dilaksanakan secara virtual oleh Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia IKIP Siliwangi. Pembelajaran daring di masa pandemi covid-19 telah memicu transformasi budaya baik bagi guru, siswa maupun orang tua. Permasalahan pembelajaran daring mengemuka, diantaranya  guru memiliki keterbatasan dalam menyampaikan materi pembelajaran, sehingga dibutuhkan bahan ajar daring yang dapat memfasilitasi siswa untuk belajar secara mandiri di rumah. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk mendesiminasikan penyusunan bahan ajar daring berbasis metakognitif khusus materi ajar Bahasa Indonesia dalam bentuk 3D PageFlip Professional.  Metode yang digunakan dalam pendampingan adalah  workshop melalui service learning approach dengan tiga tahapan kegiatan yaitu tahap persiapan, tahap layanan, dan tahap refleksi. Pendampingan diikuti para guru tingkat SMP dan SMA di Wilayah Kabupaten Cianjur. Hasil pemahaman peserta sebelum dan setelah pendampingan melalui workshop menunjukkan perbandingan yang cukup ssignifikan dalam  menyusun bahan ajar daring berbasis metakognitif


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    This study aims to determine the writing results of class XI students of SMK Negeri 1 Soreang in learning to write procedural texts by applying the discovery method learning students can identify the procedural text and the content contained in the procedural text either oral or written in a creative, collaborative, and responsible way, full of love for the country and gratitude. The method that researchers use is the experimental method. The pre-experimental research design used was a one-group pretest-posttest design. This design consists of one group that is given a pretest to determine the ability of students before being given treatment. The sample of this research is class XI Elektro 1 with a total of 30 students. Data collection techniques that researchers use in research in the initial test (pretest) and the final test (posttest). Based on the research results, it can be seen from the data processing the ability to write procedural texts before using the discovery learning method, the mean value of the pre-test (pretest) was 59.75 and after using the discovery learning method, the average value of the final test (posttest) was 83, 75. So, it can be concluded that the application of the discovery learning method to learning to write procedural texts has been able to improve student learning outcomes

    Analysis of Emotional Elements in Short Stories "This Is About Me" by Putu Ayub Through Character Education Perspective

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    Emotions that are born when reading can change a person's character to be more rational because the basic concept of emotion is an overflow of feelings felt by someone when doing something, with the aim of analyzing the emotional elements of Putu Ayub's short stories and exploring the supporting factors of emotions that occur in real life reality. By using a qualitative approach as a scalpel in examining this literary work entitled about me, it is expected to be able to give birth to a more meaningful deepening of the emotions of the role. The result of this research is the content of character education values that are implemented in Putu Ayub's short story manuscript to produce education on emotional regulation and maturity mindset so that they can be wise in making decisions. Thus, this research is oriented towards the formation of a wise character in thinking, especially in the millennial generation who are still emotionally unstable


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    Pada saat ini teknologi informasi mengalami perkembangan yang cukup pesat dan tentunya membawa perubahan dalam masyarakat. Penggunaan media sosial yang semakin tinggi sejalan dengan mudahnya akses internet bagi banyak orang. Jejaring sosial salah satunya instagram memudahkan netizen memperoleh informasi secara cepat. Dalam berkomunikasi netizen selaku pengguna media sosial menggunakan bahasa yang berbeda, misalnya muncul campur kode yang mencampuradukkan bahasa satu ke bahasa yang lain, pada komentar netizen di akun instagram Persib Official. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk campur kode yang terdapat pada komentar instagram  Persib Official pada bulan maret 2020. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui hasil rekam data tangkap layar (screenshot) pada komentar yang dianggap terdapat campur kode. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya campur kode bentuk kata, ungkapan, baster, frasa, dan klausa


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    The purpose of this study was to describe the development of teaching materials about the learning plan of writing procedural text with the discovery learning method in class XI SMA, the implementation of learning to write procedural texts with the discovery learning method in class XI SMA, and the assessment process of learning to write procedural texts using the discovery learning method in class XI. The subjects of this study were a class XI teacher and a class XI high school student. The things that are considered in this study are about the planning, implementation, and assessment process in learning to write procedural texts using the discovery learning method. The research data is in the form of observation and documentation. Data analysis using qualitative descriptive method. Based on the results of the study, it shows that the learning plan using the discovery learning method by the teacher has met the specified implementation standards. The success of a learning plan can be seen from the steps that are fulfilled according to the standard procedures for preparation of learning preparation using the discovery learning method. The implementation of learning can be categorized as successful in using the discovery learning method for learning to write procedural texts. The success of learning can be seen from the learning steps carried out by the teacher using the discovery learning method and student work results before and after using the discovery learning method in learning to write procedural text


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    This study aims to determine the ability to correct affix word and particle writing errors in students' discourse which is obtained by correcting the affixed word and particle writing errors in the discourse. Writing affixed words is limited to writing di- and ke- prefixes, while particle writing is limited to writing per and pun. This study uses a descriptive method because it aims to describe the ability of students to correct errors in writing affix words and particles in discourse by junior high school students. The research sample was 24 junior high school students who were taken randomly from 246 students. To obtain data on the ability to correct writing errors with affix words and particles, it can be seen from the accuracy of writing affix words and particles obtained from the research instrument in the form of a discourse test in which the writing in-, ke-, and also in it is writing that is not following spelling. The results showed that the overall percentage of correcting the writing error of affix words reached 77.86%. For the aspect of correcting the writing error of the prefix, the percentage was 79.76%, while for the accuracy of correcting the writing error of the prefix, the percentage was 64.58%
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