34 research outputs found

    Analisis Kandungan Nutrisi Pakan Anoa Bubalus Spp. di Suaka Margasatwa Tanjung Peropa Sulawesi Tenggara

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    Sebanyak 46 jenis tumbuhan dan dua jenis buah dikumpulkan dari habitat asli anoa (insitu) di Suaka Margasatwa Tanjung Peropa Sulawesi Tenggara. Analisis kandungan nutrisi makanan anoa diketahui dengan menggunakan metode Proximate Analyses. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persentase kandungan nutrisi makanan anoa di habitat aslinya bervariasi. Kandungan protein bervariasi 5,58 -21,60 (rataan 12,70; SD 4,34), sementara kandungan serat kasar bervariasi dari 14,68 sampai 62,68 (rataan 36,93; SD 12,07). Persentase Ektrak Ether adalah 0,91-11,5 (rataan 2,38; SD 1,75). Persentase kandungan NFE (Nitrogen-Free Extractives) berkisar 0,76 dan 52,31 (rataan 24,64; SD 15,20), dan kandungan energi kasar adalah 2419-3583 kal/gram (rataan 3093; SD 282,82)

    Water Birds in the Marzgrove Forest of Cimanuk River Delta

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    The mangrove forest in the Cimanuk delta plays an important role as feeding ground, shelter, breeding and many social activities of water birds in the northern coast of West Java. During 3 months research, 28 species of water birds were found in this delta and 12 species of them are migrant water birds. Illegal hunting, destruction of the mangrove forest and intensive use of pestisides and insectisides in the fish ponds in this delta threaten the population of the water birds

    Jenis Pakan dan Daya Dukung Habitat Rusa Sambar (Cervus Unicolor Kerr, 1972) di Resort Teluk Pulai, Taman Nasional Tanjung Puting, Kalimantan Tengah

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    The existence of sambar deer (Cervus unicolor) are increasingly threatened due to habitat loss and ilegal huntingt. One of sambar deer's stronghold population in Kalimantan is Tanjung Puting National Park (TNTP). Population decline of sambar deer can be avoided by habitat management. This study aimed to reveal food plants that potentially eaten by the deer and productivity and carrying capacityof the deer's habitat. This study was focused in Teluk Pulai Resort of TPNP. The study revealed that sambar deer consumed at least 53 species of plant including into 33 families. Parts of plants eaten by sambar deerconsisted leaves (31 species), leaves and stems (4 species), leaves and flowers (6 species), leaves and fruits (10 species) and fruit (2 species). The distribution patterns of sambar deer's food plants were clumped distribution (57,38%), random (16,39%) and unknown (26,23%). Productivity of the habitat was 1.809.879,644 kg day-1 to 2.613.587,565 kg day-1, resulting an estimate of carrying capacity of 2 individuals ha-1

    Analisis Populasi Dan Habitat Sebagai Dasar Pengelolaan Rusa Totol (Axis Axis) Di Taman Monas Jakarta (Habitat and Population Analysis as Basic Information/aspect of Taman Monas Chital Deer Management)

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    Since the chital deer species (Axis axis) in Taman Monas Jakarta has some functions such as conservation effort of wildlife animal, as education media for societies and for improving the esthetic value of the park there fore guaranty the continuity of these functions and create the ideal management of chital deer in the park are needed. The research has been conducted to observe. The population and its habitat condition as the basis information of an ideal management of chital deer in Taman Monas Jakarta. The interview method, literature study and field observation has an used to get the accurate data about population and habitat condition of chital deer in Taman Monas Jakarta. Productivity of grass in Taman Monas is 78,150 kg/day. If proper use factor of the grasses is 60% and feed intake of a deer is 5 kg/day, this productivity is only enough to supply nine deers, meanwhile there are seventy three deers in Taman Monas, so that the population is overxistence of deer have special function to improve esthetic value of Taman Monas, therefore the amount of population has to save fifty deers the wever additional grass has to be suplemented everyday to fulfill the requirement of feed for deers