47 research outputs found
On L1 compactness in transport theory
A shorter version of this preprint dealing with non-incoming boundary condition only appeared under the title "On L1-spectral theory of neutron transport" in Differential Integral Equations 18 (2005), no. 11, 1221-1242.We give a systematic and nearly optimal treatment of the compact- ness in connection with the L1 spectral theory of neutron transport equations on both n-dimensional torus and spatial domains with nite volume and nonincoming boundary conditions. Some L1 averaging lemmas are also given
Spectral theory and time asymptotics of size-structured two-phase population models
This work provides a general spectral analysis of size-structured two-phase
population models. Systematic functional analytic results are given. We deal
first with the case of finite maximal size. We characterize the irreducibility
of the corresponding semigroup in terms of properties of the different
parameters of the system. We characterize also the spectral gap property of the
semigroup. It turns out that the irreducibility of the semigroup implies the
existence of the spectral gap. In particular, we provide a general criterion
for asynchronous exponential growth. We show also how to deal with time
asymptotics in case of lack of irreducibility. Finally, we extend the theory to
the case of infinite maximal size.Comment: 36 page
On the leading eigenvalue of neutron transport models
AbstractWe give variational characterizations of the leading eigenvalue of neutron transport-like operators. The proofs rely on sub- and super-eigenvalues. Various bounds of the leading eigenvalue are derived
Non-autonomous Honesty theory in abstract state spaces with applications to linear kinetic equations
We provide a honesty theory of substochastic evolution families in real
abstract state space, extending to an non-autonomous setting the result
obtained for -semigroups in our recent contribution \textit{[On perturbed
substochastic semigroups in abstract state spaces, \textit{Z. Anal. Anwend.}
\textbf{30}, 457--495, 2011]}. The link with the honesty theory of perturbed
substochastic semigroups is established. Several applications to non-autonomous
linear kinetic equations (linear Boltzmann equation and fragmentation equation)
are provided
Rates of convergence to equilibrium states in the stochastic theory of neutron transport
We study a class of nonlinear equations arising in the stochastic theory of neutron transport. After proving existence and uniqueness of the solution, we consider the large-time behaviour of the solution and give explicit rates of convergence of the solution towards the asymptotic state
Convergence to equilibrium for linear spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation with hard and soft potentials: a semigroup approach in L1-spaces.
International audienceWe investigate the large time behavior of solutions to the spatially homogeneous linear Boltzmann equation from a semigroup viewpoint. Our analysis is performed in some (weighted) -spaces. We deal with both the cases of hard and soft potentials (with angular cut-off). For hard potentials, we provide a new proof of the fact that, in weighted -spaces with exponential or algebraic weights, the solutions converge exponentially fast towards equilibrium. Our approach uses weak-compactness arguments combined with recent results of the second author on positive semigroups in -spaces. For soft potentials, in -spaces, we exploits the convergence to ergodic projection for perturbed substochastic semigroup to show that, for very general initial datum, solutions to the linear Boltzmann equation converges to equilibrium in large time. Moreover, for a large class of initial data, we also prove that the convergence rate is at least algebraic. Notice that, for soft potentials, no exponential rate of convergence is expected because of the absence of spectral gap
Compactness properties of perturbed sub-stochastic semigroups on LÂą(ÎĽ). A preliminary version.
We deal with positive c₀-semigroups {U(t);t≥0} of contractions in L¹(Ω;A,μ) with generator T where (Ω;A,μ) is an abstract measure space and provide a systematic approach of compactness properties of perturbed semigroups {e^{t("T-V")};t≥0} (or their generators) induced by singular and bounded below potentials V:(Ω;μ)→ℝ. The results are precised further for metric measure spaces (Ω,d,μ). This new theory relies on several ingredients: new a priori estimates peculiar to L¹-spaces, local weak compactness assumptions on unperturbed operators, "Dunford-Pettis" arguments and the assumption that the sublevel sets Ω_{M}:={x;V(x)≤M} are "thin at infinity with respect to {U(t);t≥0}". We show also how spectral gaps occur when the sublevel sets are not "thin at infinity". This formalism suits c₀-semigroups with integral kernels, for instance most sub-markovian semigroups arising in the theory of Markov processes in general state spaces, and combines intimately the kernel of {U(t);t≥0} and the sublevel sets Ω_{M}. Indefinite potentials are also dealt with. We illustrate the relevance of some aspects of this theory by giving new compactness and spectral results on convolution semigroups, magnetic Schrödinger semigroups, weighted Laplacians (in particular the Poincaré inequality for probability measures e^{-Φ(x)}dx on ℝ^{N}) and Witten Laplacians on 1-forms