5 research outputs found

    Reward dan Pengambilan Keputusan Berdasarkan Persepsi Perawat dengan Perilaku Caring Perawat

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    Caring is the most essential thing in nursing practice because caring is a dynamic approach that is closely related to the professionalism of nurses and lack of caring in nursing services can result in a decrease in the quality of nursing services, decreased patient satisfaction, and an increase in nursing days. The purpose of the study was to determine reward factors and decision making based on nurses' perceptions with nurses' caring behavior. This study used a correlational design in the form of cross sectional. The independent variable in this study is Reward and Decision Making and the dependent variable is caring behavior. The population in this study was all implementing nurses with non-probability sampling techniques, namely consecutive sampling with a total of 77 people in accordance with inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria. The results of the analysis showed a significant relationship between reward and decision-making with nurses' caring behavior (p = 0.000-0.030; α = 0.05). It can be concluded that organizational culture is related to nurses' caring behavior, not reward and decision-making even though there is a meaningful relationship. Follow-up approaches and research to determine the most dominant factors for nurses in nurses' caring behavior. All hypotheses are proven where there is a meaningful relationship of reward variables and decision making as part of organizational culture factors based on nurses' perceptions with nurses' caring behaviorCaring adalah hal yang paling esensial dalam praktik keperawatan karena caring merupakan sebuah pendekatan dinamis yang sangat terkait dengan professionalisme perawat dan kurangnya caring dalam pelayanan keperawatan dapat berakibat penurunan mutu pelayanan keperawatan, penurunan kepuasan pasien, dan peningkatan hari rawat. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui faktor reward dan pengambilan keputusan berdasarkan persepsi perawat dengan perilaku caring perawat. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan korelasional berupa cross sectional. Variabel independent dalam penelitian ini adalah Reward dan Pengambilan Keputusan dan Variabel dependent adalah perilaku caring. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh perawat pelaksana dengan teknik pengambilan sampel non-probability sampling yaitu consecutive sampling dengan jumlah 77 orang sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi dan kriteria eksklusi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan ada hubungan yang bermakna antara reward dan pengambilan keputusan dengan perilaku caring perawat (p=0.000-0,030; α=0,05). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa budaya organisasi berhubungan dengan perilaku caring perawat bukanlah reward dan pengambilan keputusan meskipun ada hubungan yang bermakna. Pendekatan dan penelitian lanjutan untuk menentukan factor yang paling dominan bagi perawat dalam perilaku caring perawat. Semua hipotesis terbukti dimana ada hubungan yang bermakna dari variabel reward dan pengambilan keputusan sebagai bagian dari faktor budaya organisasi berdasarkan persepsi perawat dengan perilaku caring perawa

    Effectiveness of Topical Garlic Extract (Allium sativum) Cream on Wound Healing in Mice with Acute Injury Model Case Review of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Cytokine Expression

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    Wounds will cause problems if the handling is not good, causing chronic wounds. Garlic (Allium Sativum) is a typical tropical plant including Indonesia, whose tubers are often used in traditional medicine, including to heal wounds. (VEGF) as a Predictor of Wound Healing) in the rat model of acute injury. Experimental research was carried out using the Randomized Post Test Control Group design. This research was conducted using 4 laboratories, namely the Biopharmaca Research Activity Center (PKP) of Hasanuddin University for the process of making Garlic Extract Topical Cream (EBP), Animal Laboratory, Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University for the maintenance and treatment of experimental animals. , Laboratory of Histopathology Maros Veterinary Center for making Histopathology slides, using 54 Wistar strain Rattus novergicus rats by making excisions on the left and right backs with a diameter of 8 mm using a punc byopsia. Then the rats were divided into 3 groups, namely the negative control group of 0.9% NaCl, the positive control group of 3% oxytetracycline and the treatment group of 10% topical garlic extract cream. The wound tissue of each group was observed microscopically on days 3, 7 and 14. The results showed that wound healing using topical garlic extract cream (Allium sativum) was better than the control group by increasing the expression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF)

    Does television viewing make children obese? a review

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    Watching television (TV) is an activity that very common and increasing in children and will lead to the adverse effects on health. This study aim to inform the readers, how TV viewing influences of weighs gain in the children. This data was collected from January 2003 to 2013 used Google scholar and PubMed databases with the published papers only. The articles were limited to English language and focus on the TV viewing, obesity and children as keywords. TV viewing has great influence to the consumption of high-fat foods whereas increase body mass index (BMI) eventually. Those who watch more frequently commercial TV will stimulates food intake and overconsumption, it’s also promote sedentary behavior, less energy expenditure and have high risk to be obesity. TV viewing not just promote sedentary behavior or less energy expenditure but also stimulates food intake, overconsumption, influence food choice and eating occasion in front of the screen, whereas have significant correlation to the obesity in children

    Does television viewing make children obese? a review

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    Watching television (TV) is an activity that very common and increasing in children and will lead to the adverse effects on health. This study aim to inform the readers, how TV viewing influences of weighs gain in the children. This data was collected from January 2003 to 2013 used Google scholar and PubMed databases with the published papers only. The articles were limited to English language and focus on the TV viewing, obesity and children as keywords. TV viewing has great influence to the consumption of high-fat foods whereas increase body mass index (BMI) eventually. Those who watch more frequently commercial TV will stimulates food intake and overconsumption, it’s also promote sedentary behavior, less energy expenditure and have high risk to be obesity. TV viewing not just promote sedentary behavior or less energy expenditure but also stimulates food intake, overconsumption, influence food choice and eating occasion in front of the screen, whereas have significant correlation to the obesity in children