183 research outputs found

    Education policy of the Russian Federation in teaching co-official languages

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    © 2016 Mustafina and Biktagirova.The research topic relevance is justified by the globalization process that put regional and minor languages in a vulnerable position. The system of education considered from this viewpoint can protect and develop the regional languages. The aim of the paper is to expose the modern tendencies in the Russian Federation education policy regarding learning and teaching the co-official languages so as to elaborate new approaches of enhancing their functional potential development through the education system. The aim fulfillment required using the methods of the statistic and contrastive analysis, synthesis and modeling that allowed having all-round view of the Russian Federation co-official languages employment in the education process considering the new Federal Education Standards. The analysis carried out estimates and notes the discrepancy in the hours for co-official languages learning in primary school after the new Education Standards for each year of primary school coming into force. That allows foreseeing further development of co-official language learning and elaborating recommendations on the process enhancement. The paper materials present a practical interest for enhancing the education policy in the RF regions, developing curriculums and programs for primary school. The research results can serve as a practical material when planning work for education authorities, teaching staff and politicians interested in boost of co-language teaching efficiency and using them as an education tool

    Formal and semantic variation in the sphere of morphology in the English language in the light of optionality

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    The article explores the use of simple and derivative forms of adverbs in the English language from the angle of the problem of optionality. Modern English possesses numerous structures which are represented by two or more modifications having the same meaning. Variants here described are generally interchangeable, i.e. they can be used optionally. In the article an attempt has been made to introduce some differences in their usage which can bear the light to the present-day practice. Most definitions, or «rules», have been profusely illustrated to make it easier to see when and how the two structures can function as variants

    Lexico-grammatical principle of verbal lexemes description (On the material of the Russian language)

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    © 2015 Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. This article discusses the functions of grammar in relation to lexical semantics and sets out to undertake lexico-grammatical analysis of some physiological verbs in the Russian language. It demonstrates the interaction of lexical and grammatical senses of a word in its structure on a specific language material. The verbs under discussion are: есть - yest' (eat), пить - pit' (drink), лечить - lechit' (treat), беременеть - beremenet' (get pregnant), болеть - bolet' (be ill). This research is conducted by using descriptive-analytic method. It is worthwhile to find out to what extent verbal meanings can be presented through the system of grammatical categories. Lexico-grammatical characteristics of verbs with physiological meaning are presented within seven groups. Russian verbs have a number of categories which are not often taken into account in dictionaries. An attempt which brings together grammatical and semantic aspects of the verbs in a dictionary is made in this paper

    Investigating the Mechanical and Durability Performance of Cement Mortar Incorporated Modified Fly Ash and Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag as Cement Replacement Materials

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    The process of cement manufacturing produces a huge amount of carbon dioxide (CO2). The utilization of alternative waste materials from various industrial processes as a partial substitution to cement is encouraged due to environmental and specific technical requirements. This strategy will have the potential to reduce cost of cement, conserve energy, and reduce waste volumes. Therefore, the aim of this research is to investigate effect of the replacement of cement with modified fly ash (MFA) and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) to reach 80% total replacement on mechanical and durability performance of cement mortar. Normal consistency, the initial and final setting times, compressive strength and electrical resistivity of all the ternary mixtures were determined and compared with the control binder. Compressive strength and electrical resistivity were tested at various curing ages of 3, 7, 14, and 28 days. Test results revealed that the normal consistency of the ternary mixtures increased with increasing the GGBS and MFA content, while the initial and final setting time decreased compared to that of control mixture. The results also showed that the compressive strength of all the ternary blends mortars were lower at early and later ages in comparison with control mortar. The reductions in the compressive strengths of the ternary mixtures T40, T60 and T80 compared to the control mixture were approximately 16%, 29% and 37%, respectively at 28 days. The surface electrical resistivity of ternary blends mixtures was higher than the control mixture at all curing ages. The use of GGBS and MFA in the production of cement mortar and concrete can significantly help in reducing the CO2 emissions of the cement industry and reduce the overall cost of cement

    Response of Tb(III) and Eu(III) centered luminescence on phase transitions in aqueous solutions of triblock copolymers

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    The work introduces the temperature induced quenching of Tb(III) and Eu(III) centered luminescence sensitized by ligands 2,2':6',2″-terpyridine and difloxacin in aqueous solutions of triblock copolymers, namely (PEO)13(PPO)30(PEO)13 (L64), (PPO)14(PEO)24(PPO)14 (17R4) and (PPO)8(PEO)22(PPO)8 (10R5). The results reveal the temperature induced shifting of the complex formation equilibriums in solutions of the triblock copolymers as the reason of the quenching of Eu(III) and Tb(III) centered luminescence. The correlation between the temperature induced quenching and the aggregation behavior of the triblock copolymers is revealed. Both the nature of the ligand and the architecture of the triblock copolymer affect the Tb(III) and Eu(III) centered luminescence response to the temperature induced phase transitions. © 2014 Elsevier B.V

    Cyber Security Risk Evaluation Research Based on Entropy Weight Method

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    © 2016 IEEE. The risk assessment of any Network or Security systems has a high level of uncertainties because usually probability and statistics were used to evaluate the security of different cyber security systems. In this paper we will use Shannon entropy to represent the uncertainty of information used to calculate systems risk and entropy weight method since the weight of the object index is normally used and point to the significant components of the index. We evaluate the risk of security systems in terms of different security layers and protections. The information system is analysed by perimeter, network, host, application and data layers' protections. The capability of protections is measured by introducing the concept of protection effectiveness. We write the security evaluations algorithm to normalized the protection matrix and calculate the entropy and the entropy weight, then we will use the weight and paths to evaluate and calculate the total risk in the system and give the systems administrator a clear guidance on the vulnerable security entities. We try to develop a novel approach to evaluate the cyber security suitable for the majority of cyber systems by introducing the term of security entities

    The PPARA gene polymorphism in team sports athletes

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    Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α (PPARα) is a transcription factor that regulates lipid and glucose metabolism. Accumulating evidence suggests that the intron 7 C allele of the PPARA gene rs4253778 G/C polymorphism has an advantage for power-oriented athletes, presumably due to the hypertrophic effects on skeletal muscle and increase in glucose utilization in response to anaerobic exercise. The G allele, however, is said to be favorable for the endurance-oriented athletes. The metabolic demands of team sports involve aerobic and anaerobic energy pathways, as a result of the intermittent physical activity. The aim of the present study was to investigate the association between the PPARA gene polymorphism and team-sport athletic status. A total of 665 Russian athletes from 14 team sports and 1,706 controls were involved in the case-control study. We found that the frequency of the PPARA C allele was significantly higher in athletes compared to controls (20.5 vs. 16.4%, P = 0.0009), suggesting that anaerobic rather than aerobic metabolism may be crucial to the game performance in team sports. This means that our study indicates the association between the PPARA gene G/C polymorphism and team-sport athletic status. Although more replication studies are needed, the preliminary data suggest an opportunity to use the analysis of PPARA polymorphism, along with other gene variations and standard phenotypic assessment in team sports selection

    Sign Language Recognition using Deep Learning

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    Sign Language Recognition is a form of action recognition problem. The purpose of such a system is to automatically translate sign words from one language to another. While much work has been done in the SLR domain, it is a broad area of study and numerous areas still need research attention. The work that we present in this paper aims to investigate the suitability of deep learning approaches in recognizing and classifying words from video frames in different sign languages. We consider three sign languages, namely Indian Sign Language, American Sign Language, and Turkish Sign Language. Our methodology employs five different deep learning models with increasing complexities. They are a shallow four-layer Convolutional Neural Network, a basic VGG16 model, a VGG16 model with Attention Mechanism, a VGG16 model with Transformer Encoder and Gated Recurrent Units-based Decoder, and an Inflated 3D model with the same. We trained and tested the models to recognize and classify words from videos in three different sign language datasets. From our experiment, we found that the performance of the models relates quite closely to the model's complexity with the Inflated 3D model performing the best. Furthermore, we also found that all models find it more difficult to recognize words in the American Sign Language dataset than the others

    Machine learning approaches and applications in genome wide association study for Alzheimer’s Disease: A systematic review

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    Machine learning algorithms have been used for detection (and possibly) prediction of Alzheimer’s disease using genotype information, with the potential to enhance the outcome prediction. However, detailed research about the analysis and the detection of Alzheimer’s disease using genetic data is still in its primitive stage. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the scientific literature on the use of various machine learning approaches for the prediction of Alzheimer’s disease based solely on genetic data. To identify gaps in the literature, critically appraise the reporting and methods of the algorithms, and provide the foundation for a wider research programme focused on developing novel machine learning based predictive algorithms in Alzheimer’s disease. A systematic review of quantitative studies was conducted using three search engines (PubMed, Web of Science and Scopus), and included studies between 1st of January 2010 and 31st December 2021. Keywords used were ‘Alzheimer’s disease(s)’, ‘GWAS, ‘Artificial intelligence’ and their synonyms. After applying the inclusion/exclusion criteria, 24 studies were included. Machine learning methods in the reviewed papers performed in a wide range of ways (0.59 to 0.98 AUC). The main findings showed that high risk of bias in the analysis can be linked to feature selection, hyperparameter search and validation methods

    Gamification in e-governance: Development of an online gamified system to enhance government entities services delivery and promote public's awareness

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    © 2017 ACM.Electronic Governance (e-Governance) is the application of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) with the aim to simplify and support the governance across different parties including public government organizations, business and citizens. Through the adoption and use of Information and Communication technology which will connect all of these three together to support the overall government's processes and operations. It's anticipated that eGovernance shall bring boundless improvements towards strategic planning, proper monitoring of government programs, investments, projects and activities. The eGovernance will provide easy access and delivery of government services to the citizens and reduce associated costs of transactions that occur across government entities. In the recent years, some of the new technological advancement concepts that include Gamification becomes one of the solutions that can be attached with the e-Governance implementation to sustain the effective adoption of government services delivery. Gamification is an evolution that supports people interactions with implemented government electronic services. It can be widely used within public organizations for training of new hires at workplaces, help employees to perform certain tasks and carry their dayto-day activities more efficiently by using Gamification tools which government entities has to offer in order to facilitate eGovernance implementation and services adoption by publics. The developed mobile application is based on a Gamification platform for employees at public government organizations for the purpose of training and learning. In this research, different variables were measured including productivity, motivational engagement, performance, training, support and services, collaboration, innovation, skills development, personal development and behavior changes