5 research outputs found

    Profilan jenayah dalam undang-undang prosedur: pengajaran daripada bidang kuasa lain

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    Profil jenayah adalah alat yang dihasilkan dan digunakan oleh polis semasa menjalankan siasatan. Di Malaysia, amalan menggunakan profil jenayah boleh dikenal pasti melalui beberapa peruntukan dalam Kanun Tatacara Jenayah serta beberapa artikel dan jurnal. Bagaimanapun, sumber-sumber ini tidak mampu memberikan gambaran yang jelas tentang kedudukan profil jenayah di Malaysia. Sehingga kini, tiada definisi atau konsep khusus dan kaedah pemprofilan jenayah berstruktur boleh dikenal pasti. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran keseluruhan kaedah pemprofilan jenayah yang digunakan di negara lain iaitu Jepun dan Amerika Syarikat. Matlamat utama adalah untuk menunjukkan kepelbagaian kaedah profil jenayah yang digunakan untuk membantu polis semasa proses penyiasatan. Kertas kerja ini menerangkan secara ringkas setiap kaedah dan menekankan perbezaannya. Perbandingan kaedah secara umum perlu disentuh, untuk melihat sejauh mana kaedah pemprofilan jenayah di Amerika Syarikat memberi kesan kepada pembangunan kaedah pemprofilan jenayah di Jepun. Kertas kerja ini ditujukan kepada orang ramai, mereka yang terlibat dalam undang-undang, kriminologi, dan apa-apa bidang yang berkaitan dengan profil jenayah. Kajian literatur akan digunakan untuk mencapai objektif ini. Penemuan ialah Jepun telah berjaya menghasilkan definisi profil jenayah manakala di Amerika Syarikat, selain definisi yang diberikan oleh FBI, satu definisi masih dalam perbincangan. Selain itu, Jepun menggunakan kaedah iaitu Behavioral Crime Analysis, hampir sama dengan Amerika Syarikat iaitu Behavioral Profiling of Offenders, untuk mengenal pasti ciri-ciri tingkah laku jenayah. Oleh itu, kertas kerja ini akan mencadangkan agar Malaysia menggunakan kaedah pemprofilan jenayah di negara maju ini sebagai contoh dalam menghasilkan garis panduan pemprofilan jenayah

    Criminal profiling then and now: prospect and challenges in Malaysia

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    The purpose of this article was to ascertain the concept of criminal profiling by taking into consideration the evolution of its definition, function, methodology and also the background of profiling officers from the beginning up to the present time. Using the critical and literature review approach, references from journals, books, statutes and international cases were analyzed to pinpoint the most recent developments to the criminal profiling method. While researches and literature reviews regarding criminal profiling were undoubtedly significant overseas, it was not the same case back in our homeland. Discussions were few and even then, not entirely focusing nor mentioning the procedures and practice of criminal profiling during investigation. It was also found that there seem to yet exist a clarity in regards to the definition and methodology of criminal profiling nor the background of profiler involved despite it being carried out during investigative process for a long period of time. This article also highlighted the challenges discovered in the practice of criminal profiling such as the vagueness of its method in our law, the existence of race-based profiling practice and the credibility of criminal profiling as an expert evidence in courts which was debatable due to the absence of any yardstick to determine the capability of a profiler

    Intestinal Absorption Study: Challenges and Absorption Enhancement Strategies in Improving Oral Drug Delivery

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    The oral route is the most common and practical means of drug administration, particularly from a patient’s perspective. However, the pharmacokinetic profile of oral drugs depends on the rate of drug absorption through the intestinal wall before entering the systemic circulation. However, the enteric epithelium represents one of the major limiting steps for drug absorption, due to the presence of efflux transporters on the intestinal membrane, mucous layer, enzymatic degradation, and the existence of tight junctions along the intestinal linings. These challenges are more noticeable for hydrophilic drugs, high molecular weight drugs, and drugs that are substrates of the efflux transporters. Another challenge faced by oral drug delivery is the presence of first-pass hepatic metabolism that can result in reduced drug bioavailability. Over the years, a wide range of compounds have been investigated for their permeation-enhancing effect in order to circumvent these challenges. There is also a growing interest in developing nanocarrier-based formulation strategies to enhance the drug absorption. Therefore, this review aims to provide an overview of the challenges faced by oral drug delivery and selected strategies to enhance the oral drug absorption, including the application of absorption enhancers and nanocarrier-based formulations based on in vitro, in vivo, and in situ studies

    Generic skills of the undergraduates: a case study of faculty of built environment in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

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    Higher Learning Institution in Malaysia has emphasised on the acquisition of generic skills of graduates’ prior employment. The growing number of unemployed graduates is partly due to their poor generic skills. Thus, the purpose of this research is to identify the level of generic skills among undergraduates of Faculty of Built Environment in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Skudai, Johor, Malaysia. Questionnaires were distributed to undergraduates from 4 programmes which are Quantity Surveying; Landscape Architecture; Urban and Regional Planning and Construction. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics. The findings revealed that students’ level of generic skills are relatively high among the four programmes with an exception to Quantity Surveying undergraduates whom scored moderately. It is recommended that future research should focus on investigating generic skills of undergraduates from different faculties in UTM as to provide a comprehensive generalisation of UTM’s undergraduates’ performances

    Effect of selective parameters values towards microalgae growth by an advanced hybrid mathematical model

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    Advanced hybrid mathematical model of the Verhulst model and extended Monod model has been developed to predict the microalgae Botryococcus sp. growth in a hollow cylindrical photobioreactor. The hole in the center of the reactor is connected with a source of light. This design is invented to control the light irradiance inside the photobioreactor since light is one of the vital factors for microalgae photosynthesis. With the selected parameter values, the growth of microalgae Botryococcus sp. was estimated by using the hybrid model and the result was validated and showed a good agreement with the experimental data of microalgae Botryococcus sp. growth with a mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) of 19.12%. The growth rate of microalgae Botryococcus sp. in a hollow cylindrical photobioreactor was slightly higher than the growth rate of microalgae Botryococcus sp. in a conventional cylindrical photobioreactor. This proves that the microalgae productivity can be improved by using the hollow cylindrical photobioreactor