1,661 research outputs found

    Lichens Mentioned by Pedanios Dioscorides

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    Lichens are included in the classification system of fungi and have been used in medicine, pharmacy and industry from antiquity to present day in the treatment of various diseases. In this study, Peri Hyles Iatrikes of Dioscorides has been investigated and evaluated from lichenological point of view. It is found that, Dioscorides mentions about medical properties and uses of probable Parmelia species such as P. saxatilis (L.) Ach or P. sulcata Taylor

    Trade Shocks from BRIC to South Africa: A Global VAR Analysis

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    This paper studies the trade linkages between South Africa and the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) countries. We apply a global vector autoregressive model (global VAR) to investigate the degree of trade linkages and shock transmission between South Africa and the BRIC countries over the period 1995Q1-2009Q4. The model contains 32 countries and has two different estimations: the first one consists of 24 countries and one region, with the 8 countries in the euroarea treated as a single economy; and the second estimation contains 20 countries and two regions, with the BRIC and the euro area countries respectively treated as a single economy. The results suggest that trade linkages exist between our focus economies; however the magnitude differs between countries. Shocks from each BRIC country are shown to have considerable impact on South African real imports and output.BRICS, Trade Linkages, Global VAR

    Management of Enteroatmospheric Fistulae with Grade 4 Open Abdomen In Addition Short Bowel Syndrome, In Frozen Abdomen Also Due To These, the Secondary Problems. A New Surgical Technique for Closure of Entreroatmosoheric Fistulae in Frozen Abdomen: Anasto

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    Grade 4 open abdomen is usually result of abdominal infection, sepsis usually because of (EAF)enteroatmospheric fistula. EAF and small bowel with open abdomen are a rare status and one of the biggest problem of surgeon, especially in frozen abdomen. The patients, have all these problems, rarely continue to their life. In a short time they usually die. It is very difficult, these patients to go on their lifes. Many surgeons always try to develop new techniques, approaches and at the past many of them tried but there are no fixed algorithmys, treatment options are determined. For all these problems, especially in frozen abdomen we developed a new technique by benefitting the past experiments of the surgeons and approaches also knowledges about these issues. Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) has been used affectively and every kind of literature knowledges about intestinal fistula, short bowel, nutrition. A patient had undergone multiple operations at the different times and because of these had EAF were treated with this technique. We managed the closure of fistula but we could not preserve her from the secondary problems more than 1,5 years during process. According to me, this case, this experiment must be learned by all associations of surgery.Key words: EAF; Enteroatmospheric fistula; Negative pressure wound therapy; NPWT; Open abdomen; Nutrition; Mucosal flap; Mucosal hypertrophyDOI: 10.7176/JHMN/83-0

    Global Imbalances, Current Account Rebalancing and Exchange Rate Adjustments

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    We analyze the global imbalances and the required adjustments for rebalancing in current accounts and real exchange rates. We set up a two-country two-sector model for the US- China with two asymmetries. First, we assume that the size of China initially is one third of the US but its size becomes half of the US in the next ten years consistent with the fast growth expectations in China. Secondly, we assume that China initially runs a net export surplus against the US. Then we quantitatively study two adjustment scenarios. First scenario,called Slow Adjustment, assumes that in the process of growth, Chinese demand composition moves more towards domestic non-tradable sector. In this case, Chinese real exchange rate appreciates gradually and net export surplus also decreases slowly. Second scenario, called Quick Adjustment, assumes that in addition to the higher non-tradable share in output, net export surplus against US goes to zero quickly in fi�ve years. In this case, net export adjustment happens quickly and real exchange rates in China also appreciate faster and at a higher rate than Slow Adjustment case. Even though, global imbalances are eliminated faste in the Quick Adjustment case, high real appreciation in China hurts importers in the US. A comparison in terms of output shows that Slow Adjustments is preferred for both countries.Global imbalances, Current accounts, Exchange rate adjustments

    First class high school students’ behaviour in non-routine problems related to graphic representation

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    AbstractIn general, the first concepts of calculus (such as functions) are taught by looking at examples, noticing their properties and generalizing from them in some implicit ways. Students have no means to discuss the general truth of a statement, or to examine the validity of a theorem, relative to the mathematical field. This knowledge is nonetheless required by teachers at the university level. The question is, therefore, if it is possible to organize activities for beginning calculus students, which would nevertheless lead them to working on statements and validity of theorems. This paper presents a teaching approach related to the concept of function, which aimed at leading students working within a graphic milieu to producing, discussing and testing the validity of mathematical statements and theorems. The intention of the approach was to use the procedural aspect of the graphs to provide a favorable milieu for linking the intuitive and the formal knowledge (such as required at the university for establishing proofs). The approach was experimented with a group of students. After the experiment, the students indeed became able to think of functions as objects and to engage with questions of validity of mathematical statements

    Determinants of Industrial Production in Turkey

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    The necessity of emphasizing the importance of industrial production for the sustainable growth and development of Turkey has been a topic of discussion in political and academia circles. The growth in industrial production (output) depends on the investment in manufacturing sectors and the demand for the products. Along with internal demand, Turkey tries to support its manufacturing base with export (incentives). Manufacturing items occupy the greatest share of products in export sales. The development of manufacturing capabilities of the country is clearly based on the demand from inside and out. The effect of Turkey’s export on its industrial production throughout 2000’s has been analyzed. For this purpose we developed a VAR model where industrial production index was the dependent variable and export, investment, and interest rate were independent variables. All independent variables were found to be significantly explaining industrial production

    Dormantnost sjemena i morfologija bobuljastih češera i sjemena koštuničave borovice (Juniperus drupacea Labill.) u istočno mediteranskom području Turske

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    Syrian juniper, Juniperus drupacea Labill., is an Eastern Mediterranean tree species which belongs to the Cupressaceae family and Juniperoidae sub-family. The current geographical range of J. drupacea covers the southern parts of the Peloponnese in Greece, the southern parts of Asia Minor and the mountains of Syria and Lebanon. The main part of the species range in Turkey is divided into several centres the most important being located in the Taurus, Anti-Taurus and Amanos mountains. It is a dioecious tree, with conical crown, that reaches 10-20 (40) m in height. The fleshy cones are ovoid to globose, 20-25 mm in diameter, brownish-purple or bluish-black, glaucosus and pruniose when ripe in the second year. They mostly have 3 seeds forming a characteristic drupe-like stone. The natural regeneration of Syrian juniper is very difficult because of animal consumption, grazing and the united seeds into the woody structure. This study was carried out to determine the seed and cone morphology and seed physiology of Syrian juniper, Juniperus drupacea Labill., from three provenances (Kahramanmaraş, Mersin, Adana) in the Eastern Mediterranean region of Turkey. In total 11 morphological traits were measured. The average cone length, cone diameter, and cone weight were 22.49 mm, 20.86 mm and 4.659 g, respectively. The average seed length, width, thickness, weight and pulp weight were 10.07 mm, 3.30 mm, 2.77 mm 0.045 g and 2.220 g in order. After morphological analysis, a series of experiments was conducted to identify the best stratification treatment for breaking dormancy in Syrian juniper seeds. The highest germination percentage was obtained after warm and cold stratification (80.7%). The seeds prechilled 8 weeks and soaked 500 ppm GA3 also demonstrated high germination percentage. The current study demonstrated that J. drupacea seeds has morphophysiological dormancy.Sirijska smreka, Juniperus drupacea Labill. je istočno mediteranska vrsta stabla koja pripada porodici Cupressaceae, roduJuniperoidae. J. drupacea trenutno pokriva geografsko područje južnog dijela Peloponeza u Grčkoj, južne dijelove Male Azije te sirijske i libanonske planine. Glavni dio područja te vrste u Turskoj podijeljen je na nekoliko središta, od kojih je najvažniji smješten u Taurskom gorju, Anti-Taurus gorju te planinama Amanos. Stablo je diecično, s konusnom krošnjom koja može doseći 10-20 (40) m visine. Mesnati češeri su ovalnog do okruglog oblika, 20-25 mm u promjeru, smećkasto-ljubičaste ili plavkasto-crne boje, te žućkasti i bjelkasti kada su zreli tijekom druge godine. Uglavnom imaju 3 sjemenke koje tvore karakterističnu košticu nalik na košticu koštičavog voća. Prirodna regeneracija sirijske smreke vrlo je teška zbog konzumacije od strane životinja, ispaše i sjemenki koje su objedinjene u drvenastu strukturu. Ovo je istraživanje provedeno kako bi se odredila morfologija sjemenke i češera te fiziologija sjemenke sirijske smreke, Juniperus drupacea Labill., koja potječe iz tri provincije (Kahramanmaraş, Mersin, Adana) u istočnomediteranskoj regiji Turske. Ukupno je izmjereno 11 morfoloških obilježja. Prosječna duljina češera bila je 22,49 mm, promjer češera 20,86 mm, a težina češera 4,659 g. Prosječna duljina, širina, debljina, težina sjemenke i težina pulpe sjemenke iznosile su redom 10,07 mm, 3,30 mm, 2,77 mm, 0,045 g i 2,220 g. Nakon morfološke analize, proveden je niz eksperimenata kako bi se odredila najbolja mjera stratifikacije radi prekidanja dormantnosti sjemenki sirijske smreke. Najveći postotak klijavosti dobiven je nakon tople i hladne stratifikacije (80,7%). Sjemenke koje su se prethodno hladile 8 tjedana te su namakane u 500 ppm GA3također su pokazale velik postotak klijavosti. Ovo je istraživanje također pokazalo da sjemeJ. drupaceaposjeduje morfološku dormantnost