7 research outputs found

    Changes in mineral content in trainees’ blood and urine due to high-intensity training

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    High-intensity training is becoming more popular nowadays when people have less time to engage in prolonged physical activity. Expertly led high intensity training is a safe way to achieve desired fitness goals. The aim of the study was to check if there were significant changes in the concentrations of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron and copper in the blood and urine of twelve trainees after a short but intense training. Blood and urine sampling was performed before and after high intensity training where bodyweight exercises and exercises with external load were used. Statistical analysis was performed using paired t-test (2-tailed) with α=0.05 as statistical significance. The results obtained showed that the measured mineral concentrations varied as a result of intense physical activity, but these variations were small and did not have a general trend of increase or decrease of analyzed mineral content. Based on these results, it can be concluded that, from the standpoint of the mineral concentrations loss, short high-intensity training is safe for the trainee’s health.Visoko intenzivni trening postaje sve popularniji u današnje vrijeme kada ljudi imaju sve manje vremena za bavljenje dugotrajnim fizičkim aktivnostima. Stručno vođen trening visokog intenziteta može biti siguran način postizanja fitnes ciljeva. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se provjeri dešavaju li se značajne promjene u koncentracijama natrija, kalija, kalcija, magnezija, cinka, željeza i bakra u krvi i urinu 12 vježbača poslije kratke, ali intenzivne fizičke aktivnosti. Uzorkovanja krvi i urina provođena su prije i poslije treninga visokog intenziteta u kojem su se koristile vježbe s vanjskim opterećenjem i vlastitom težinom tijela. Statistička analiza rezultata je napravljena korištenjem parnog t-testa (2-tailed) te je kao nivo značajnosti uzeta vrijednost α=0.05. Rezultati su pokazali da se koncentracija mjerenih minerala mijenja usljed naporne fizičke aktivnosti, ali promjene su male i nemaju generalni trend povećanja ili smanjenja koncentracije analiziranih minerala. Na osnovu ovih rezultata može se zaključiti da je, sa stanovišta gubitka minerala, kratak trening visokog intenziteta siguran za zdravlje vježbača

    Simultaneous adsorption of heavy metals from water by novel lemon-peel based biomaterial

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    Simultaneous adsorption of heavy metals in complex multi metal system is insuffnciently explored. This research gives results of key process parameters optimization for simultaneous removal of Cd(II), Co(II), Cr(III), Cu(II), Mn(II), Ni(II) and Pb(II) from aqueous solution (batch system). New lemon peel-based biomaterial was prepared and characterized by infrared spectroscopy with Fourier transformation (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), electron dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), while the quantifi cation of metals was made by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). Simultaneous removal of seven metals ions was favorable at pH 5 with 300 mg/50 mL solidliquid phase ratio, within 60 min at room temperature with total obtained adsorption capacity of 46.77 mg g–1. Kinetic modeling showed that pseudo-second order kinetic and Weber-Morris diffusion models best describe the adsorption mechanism of all seven heavy metals onto lemon peel

    Practical Examples on Traceability, Measurement Uncertainty and Validation in Chemistry, Volume 2

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    Case studies on traceability, measurement uncertainty and validation for measurements of retinol and alfα-tocopherol in human serum, cyclamate in soft drinks, arsenic in ground water, sodium chloride in milk products, total organic carbon in waste water are presented in this book. Additionally, the idea and structure of the TrainMic® examples, which complement the TrainMic® theoretical presentations, are described in detail to give complete overview of the TrainMic® teaching material.JRC.D.4-Isotope measurement