24 research outputs found
Bu araştırmanın amacı araştırma ve sorgulamaya dayalı etkinliklerle desteklenmiş bilim merkezi uygulamalarının ülkemizdeki gelişimini incelemektir. Bilim merkezleri sınıf dışındaki eğitim ve öğretimin önemli bir aracıdır. İnteraktif tarzdaki bilim merkezleri bilim ve teknolojide gelişmiş ülkelerde günümüzden kırk yıl öncesinde kurulmuştur. Dünyada halen 3.000’den fazla bilim merkezi bulunmaktadır. Türkiye’de ise 2015
yılından başlayarak TÜBİTAK ve yerel yönetimler işbirliği ile bilim merkezi yatırımları başlamıştır. Ülkemizde
halen altı bilim merkezi bulunmakta olup, bir merkezin yatırımı sürmektedir. 2023 yılında 12 bilim merkezinin hizmette olması söz konusudur. Bilim merkezlerinin hedef kitlesi öğrenci ve öğretmenlerdir. Bu nedenle okullarımızın bilim merkezleri hakkındaki bilgi ve farkındalıkları artırılmalıdır. Bu amaçla önce yurtdışındaki bilim merkezlerinin çalışmaları incelenmiştir. Daha sonra bilim merkezi yöneticileri ve öğretmenlerine uygulanan anketlerle görüş ve tavsiyeleri alınmıştır. Değerlendirmelere göre bilim merkezlerinin öneminin anlaşıldığı görülmekte olup ilgi ve katılım hızla yükselmektedir.The aim of this research is to examine the development of science center practices supported by research and
inquiry based activities in our country. Science centers are an important tool of out-of-school learning.
Interactive science centers were established 40 years ago in developed countries. There are more than 3.000
science centers still in service all around the world. In Turkey, on the other hand, TUBITAK in cooperation with
local administrations has started investments in science centers starting from 2015. There are already six science
centers in our country, and an investment in a center is in progress. The matter of fact that 12 science centers will
be serving in 2023. The targets audience of science centers are students and teachers. For this reason, the
knowledge and awareness of our schools about science centers should be increased. For this purpose, the studies
of the abroad science centers have been examined. Later, a questionnaire applied to the administrators of science
center and teachers to find out their opinions and recommendations. According to the evaluations, the importance of science centers is understood and interest as well as participation are rapidly increasing
Bilim teknoloji mühendislik ve matematik alanında disiplinler üstü eğitim yaklaşımı ülkemizde de hızla yaygınlaşmaktadır. Bu çalışmada TUBİTAK tarafından desteklenerek Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı (MEB) okullarında, Mesleki Eğitim Merkezleri (MEM) ile Bilim ve Sanat Merkezlerinde (BİLSEM) yılda bir defa gerçekleştirilen, disiplinler üstü eğitim (STEM) anlayışını yaygınlaştırmaya yönelik bilim fuarlarının ortaokul ve liselerde eğitim ve öğretime etkisi ile bu programdan memnuniyet düzeyi araştırılmaktadır. Bu amaçla hazırlanan bir anket daha önce en az bir defa bilim fuarı gerçekleştiren okulların öğretmen ve müdürlerine elektronik ortamda uygulanmış, daha sonra bazılarıyla mülakat yapılmıştır. Anket çalışmasına 1004 okul katılmıştır. TÜBİTAK bilim fuarları 2013 yılında 2000, 2014 yılında 800, 2015 yılında 3.201, 2016 yılında 5.980 ve 2017 yılında ise 10.000’den fazla okulda gerçekleştirilmiştir. Fuarların okullarda öğretmen ve öğrencilerin heyecanını, araştırma, geliştirme ve öğrenme-öğretme isteğini artırdığı, programının tasarlanma hedeflerine büyük ölçüde ulaşıldığı, eğitime önemli bir katkı yarattığı ortaya çıkmıştır.The multidisciplinary education approach in the field of science, technology, engineering and
mathematics is rapidly spreading in our country as in the world. The subject of this study is the 4000- Science
Fairs Program which was supported by TUBİTAK. We investigated the effect of Science Fairs Program for the
dissemination of STEM understanding in the secondary education schools, Vocational Education Centers (MEM)
and Science and Art Centers (BİLSEM). The satisfaction level of this program was also investigated. For this
purpose, a questionnaire prepared was applied to the teachers and the principals of the schools which had
previously held science fairs at least once. The questionnaire was applied in an electronic environment and then
interviewed with teachers, students, program manager and program observers. 1.004 schools participated in the
survey study. TUBITAK science fairs were held in 2013, 2000, 2014, 800, 2015, 3.201, 2016, 5.980, and 2017,
more than 10.000 schools. It has emerged that fairs have increased the excitement of teachers and students in
schools, the desire for research, development and teaching-learning, the program has been achieved to a great
extent its design goals, and education has made a significant contribution
STEM Applications in Turkish science high schools
The idea of establishing Science High Schools in Turkey was discussed in a multilateral project at the beginning of 1963. The Ministry of National Education (MoNE), Ford Foundation, Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara University, and International Development Agency (AID) participated in this project to establish these schools. In Ankara, Science High School project was a US funded and technically supported project, carried out jointly by the Florida State University, METU, and Ankara University. Science High Schools’ organizational goals were: (1) to improve students’ ability and increase their intelligence in science (2) to increase the number of qualified personnel in higher education and industry, and (3) to develop more laboratories by increasing students’ scientific knowledge in order to be the center of research and development. MoNE created the "Science High School Project Advisory Board" with six members from Ankara University and four members from METU to contribute to the scientific and curriculum aspects of the project. The Advisory Board selected 30 teachers from Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Biology disciplines by written and oral exams from the existing high schools of MoNE from all over the Turkey. Selected science teachers received special training for the development regarding the assessments of subjects and provided with opportunities to study on the curriculum at some universities in the United States (U.S.). To train teachers in Turkey, a modern building was constructed at METU campus and the education at Ankara Science High School started in 1964. After the success of the Ankara Science High School, the MoNE started the Science High School Projects in Istanbul and Izmir. Today, there are 238 Science High Schools serving as public schools and the same amount of schools serving as private schools. In the U. S., the training of 100K STEM teachers started in 2012. In this article, Science High Schools’ development and their innovation activities, the STEM projects and the vision for increasing the STEM education in Turkey and other developed countries were discussed
Teachers' views and recommendations about PISA 2015 results
Bu çalışmada okullarında PISA ölçümü yapılan alan öğretmenlerinin PISA sınavları hakkındaki görüşleri nitel
bir araştırma yöntemi olan durum çalışması deseninde araştırılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Bu amaçla toplam 2371
adet 9. ve 10. sınıf fizik, kimya, matematik, biyoloji ve dil bilgisi öğretmenlerine ve PISA ölçümü yapılan
okulların yöneticilerine PISA 2015 sonuçlarına ilişkin görüşlerini ve önerilerini öğrenmek amacıyla geliştirilen
çevrimiçi anket uygulanmıştır. Anketimizde sonuçları Aralık 2016’da duyurulan OECD PISA 2015 sınavı örnek
soruları kitapçığına atıfta bulunulmuştur. Öğretmenlerin PISA sınavları hakkında bilgi ve farkındalık düzeyi
ölçülmüş, görüş ve değerlendirmeleri alınmış, bu konuda daha önce yapılan araştırmalar da gözden geçirilerek
bundan sonraki sınavlarda daha iyi sonuçlar alabilmek amacıyla öğretmenlerin ve okul müdürlerinin eğitimi ve
farkındalıklarının artırılabilmesi için bazı tedbir ve öneriler getirilmiştir. Öğretmenlerimizin bundan sonraki
PISA ölçümlerinde daha iyi sonuçlar alınabilmesi için okul dışı öğrenmeye önem verilmesi önerisi dikkat
çekmektedirIn this study, teachers' opinions about PISA examinations which were conducted in their schools were evaluated
by examining the case study method, which is a qualitative research method. For this, a questionnaire developed
and applied to 2371 teachers online to 9th and 10th class STEM and language teachers and high school principals
on PISA 2015 results. The questionnaire refers to PISA 2015 exam sample questions book of OECD. The results
of PISA 2015 was announced at December 2016. The aim of this research is to determine the level of knowledge
and awareness of teachers about the PISA examinations. So, some recommendations was developed for the
necessary measures to improve the education at high schools and raising the awareness of teachers and principals
in order to achieve better results in the next PISA exams. Teachers are proposing to the importance of out-ofschool learning in order to obtain better results in subsequent PISA measurements
Impact of global capitalism on national education “the case of Turkey”
Globalization, which was called as colonist, capitalism, imperialism, fascism and then, developed countries in the past, may use many new methods from religious belief to economics, from using military force to psychological war, from environmental pollution to art in order to delay the building-up endeavors of developing countries by the other countries which are strong regarding economy and army and to use them in favor of their
interests as much as possible during the 21st century. The firms, which are the striking power of global capitalism today, have more powerful financial structure than many countries. The target group of global companies in commerce mainly is the children and youngsters. The victims of civil wars, which are started with the plans of external powers, are also the same group. The most significant victims of chaos and starvation in the world are the children as well as the children who live well. More than 20.000 children are lost in European countries where they sought asylum escaping from civil war in our neighbor, Syria. There are significant concerns that they are escaped by the organ mafia. Despite of economic recession in the world and our neighbor, European Union (EU) countries and the security issues of region, it is seen that the long-term preparations about slowing Turkey that was developing fast and steadily resulted unsuccessfully by preventing the coup attempt. It is understood that it is tried to slow down and stop the economic and social development and progress systematically fraying and jamming the
National Education System, demoralizing the teachers, guardians and students, creating the unhappy and pessimistic human societies in Turkey during the process started before 1980. In this scope, trends toward creating the conditions, which enrich the human life, are substituted with conformist trick (Küçükcan, 2002) and with the works which the global capitalism makes the national education a simple sub-sector economy (McLaren &
Farahmandpur, 2001). In this article, the permanent objectives of global capitalism, and despite of them, Turkey’s
economic and social development and human resources potential, and the education system will be told, and some
methods, which are applied by the capitalist powers in order to use these resources against the country and so as
serving their benefits, will be discussed. At the end of paper, the system’s normalization, and the measures that
should be taken in order to strengthen the immunity system, which will protect the country and state from the
similar attempts, will be discussed
Vocational acqusition of STEM teachers in cern workshops
Louis De Broglie suggested the building of atomic physics laboratory in European Culture
Conference that was held on 9th December 1949 in order to provide the previous achievement and dynamism to
Europe in the fundamental sciences after the World War II. Isidor Rabi also suggested the building of a regional
laboratory in 5th UNESCO Conference which was held in Florence, 1950 in order to develop the international
scientific cooperation. Eleven countries decided to establish a European Council for Nuclear Research in Paris,
1951. Establishing treaty was signed by 12 countries in 1953. Approvals from the parliaments of Denmark, France,
West Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, UK and Yugoslavia were completed
on 29th September 1954, and CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research” was established (CERN, 2016).
Today, CERN, having 21 members and 4.000 researchers, is the largest accelerator and research laboratory of the
world, and is the center of excellence that provides opportunity to develop numerous technological products as
well as many scientific discoveries. Innovations, which facilitate our lives from health to communication, energy
to material science, security to food sector in every field, emerge through technological devices and systems such
as particle accelerators and detectors that are developed by and used in CERN. There are full-scale experiments
which are maintained, renovated or at the construction phase today as always being, or designed for future in
CERN that is the biggest international scientific and technologic corporation organization of the world (Ankara
University, 2016a). The science of physics goes far beyond Newton and Einstein and the particle physics is the
future’s scientific field. In particular, the inventions, used in the diagnosis-purposed devices in medicine, indicate
a new future. For this reason, our teachers should always upgrade their knowledge and should be ready for
educating the 21st Century’s students. Turkey officially participated in CERN in 2014, and right after, the teacher
Workshops were organized. Totally 229 teachers participated to six workshops that have been held in CERN where
150 Turks at PhD, post-doctorate degrees and executing the research from Turkish and foreign universities worked
until today. In this article, the professional knowledge and experience acquisitions of teachers who attended the
workshops in CERN laboratories on the base of innovation, entrepreneurship and technology in education,
dissemination of knowledge by the teachers to other schools, colleagues, policy-makers and students when they
come back to school. The article finalizes what should be done in this field for advance development
Finite element analysis of wooden chair strength in free drop
Wooden furniture is being widely used in all countries due to its convenience and being produced from
the natural raw material. In furniture design esthetic, ergonomics and safety are the main criteria. Safety
means the strength of furniture. Unfortunately, most of the time the strength of furniture is not taken
into account in design as much as esthetic and ergonomics. This leads to the use of excess material
meaning high cost or usage of less material causing some dangers in use. In literature, the first study
of finite element method (FEM) in furniture design was in 1966. The technological developments in
software and hardware promoted those studies. In those researches, the strength analysis had been
done for different kinds of wood. In one of the latest studies, irregular types of sitting on the chair had
been analyzed by FEM. In our study, the chair produced from southern red oak (Quercus falcata), pine
red (Pinus resinosa) and Spruce Engelmann (Picea engelmannii) wood are simulated by free drop from
two different heights defined in packaging standards. The strength at different parts and corners of the
chair is analyzed as free dropped on its front legs by ANSYSTM. In this study, some suggestions are
developed for furniture designers and manufacturers
Impact of School Type On Student Academic Achievement
This study aims to investigate the causal effects of school type on
the student achievement. Schools type involves two categories:
public schools and private schools; whereas student achievement
is defined in terms of an overall measure named as Basis for
Admission Score (BAS), which is a weighted score reflecting both
the grades obtained from courses in each school and the points
obtained at nation-wide centralized exams. Factors used as controls
in the study include gender of the student, parental attributes (are
they alive and live together; their levels of education and
occupations), type of the house (own/rent/public housing),
separate room of the student, city the family lives in and the level
of development of the geographical region. This study utilizes a
dataset comprising 3,752,374 secondary school students, which
covers all of the student population of Turkish secondary schools
within 2014-2016 period. This comprehensive dataset is utilized for
the first time in such a study.
At the first step, we present the literature on the effects of school
type on academic achievement measured by test scores. This
literature can be traced back to 1960’s. On the other hand, a second
line of literature, which focuses on the evaluation of causal effects
of policies and of programs has progressed swiftly starting from
1980’s and promises an important methodological framework for
evaluation of policies and programs in education science. The
methodology of this study is designed by bringing together the
mentioned two lines of research. Methodology involved the
application of regression adjustment, inverse probability
weighting, and exact matching techniques in a complementary
style in order to ensure the robustness of estimations.
Under the assumptions discussed in detail in the study, we have
found that school type has significant impact on student
achievement in Turkey. Being a private school student instead of
public school student leads to 87 points increase (29.6%) on average
in BAS score. It is found that school type has a comparatively larger
effect in Turkey compared to other country examples. Based on the
findings of the study, a set of research topics are suggested with the
objective of improving equality of opportunity in education and of
identifying new policies to improve quality of education in public