19 research outputs found

    Terahertz Technology Applications and Electromagnetic Modelling of Terahertz Waves for Wireless Communication

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    Bu araştırmada 0.1 ile 10 THz aralığında mikrodalga ve kızılötesi arasında uzanan, elektromanyetik spektrumda çıplak gözle görülemeyen Terahertz (THz) frekanslarının farklı ortamlarda nasıl davrandığı incelenmiştir. Makalenin birinci ve ikinci bölümünde, yüksek hızda kablosuz iletişim için, artan talebi karşılamaya yönelik önemli bir teknoloji olarak öngörülmekte olan Terahertz teknolojisi ve uygulamaları hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. Bu araştırma aynı zamanda hava ve doğal gaz ortamları için hesaplanmış kanal modellenmesi sonucu ortaya çıkan yol kaybı ve emilim kaybı hesaplamalarını göstermektedir. Teorik analiz ve benzetim sonuçları, hava ve doğalgazın THz Bant kısa menzilli kablosuz iletişim kurabileceğini göstermiş ve bu alanda birçok önemli yönlerini vurgulamıştır. Son olarak hava ve doğal gaz ortamı için en ideal performansı sağlayan geçiş pencereleri elde edilmiş ve bu bu geçiş pencereleri makaledeki grafiklerde gösterilmiştir.This paper investigates the behavior of different medium of Terahertz frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum which is invisible to the naked eye, lying between microwave and infrared in the range from 0.1 to 10 THz. First and second part of the paper gives the information of THz communications which have recently gained greater interest and expectation to meet an ever increasing demand for the speed of wireless communications. This paper also shows the calculating of path loss and attenuation loss data in air and natural gas environment which is resulting in channel modeling. The theoretical analysis and the simulation results prove the feasibility of short range wireless communication in the THz Band in air and natural gas and highlight several important aspects in this field. Finally the frequency window, which provides best performance, has been determined for air and natural gas environment and these frequency windows has been showed in the graphics of the paper

    Gigahertz channel modeling for wireless sensor networks operating in LNG environment

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    LNG (Sıvılaştırılmış Doğal Gaz) doğal gazın -162 ºC’de soğutulması ile oluşturulan temiz, renksiz ve zehirsiz bir sıvıdır. Bu soğutma işlemi sayesinde doğal gazın hacmi 600 kat daha küçültülerek, LNG’nin depolanmasını ve taşınmasını kolaylaştırmaktadır. LNG' nin özgül ağırlığı basınç, sıcaklık ve karışıma göre değişir ve ortalama 1,0 kg/litre su ile mukayese edildiğinde, 0,46 kg/litre’ye eşittir. LNG’nin özgül ağırlığının düşük olması elektromanyetik dalgaların yayılımı ve TDA (Telsiz Duyarga Ağları)’nın haberleşebilmesi için bir avantajdır. Ayrıca bu çalışmada TDA’lar için LNG yol kaybı, yansıma etkisi ve BHO (Bit Hata Oranı)’a ya göre LNG ortamı analiz edilip, modellenmiştir. Yayılım karakteristikleri teorik yaklaşım ile incelenmiştir. Teorik analizler ve simülasyon sonuçları 10 GHz – 13 GHz bant aralığında, 10 metre civarı bir kablosuz haberleşme olacağını ispatlamaktadır.LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) is a clear, colorless and non-toxic liquid which forms when natural gas is cooled to -162 ºC. The cooling process shrinks the volume of the gas 600 times, by this way making LNG easier and safer to store and ship. The density of LNG is around 0.46 kg/liter, depending on pressure, temperature, and composition, compared to water at 1.0 kg/liter. The lesser density of LNG is also an advantage for the propagation of the electromagnetic waves and communication of WSN (Wireless Sensor Networks) in LNG medium. Then here in this work LNG has analyzed according to path loss, multipath effect and providing an evaluation about the Bit Error Rate (BER) of the modelled channel depending on the LNG medium for WSNs. The propagation characteristics are investigated using a theoretical approach. The theoretical analysis and the simulation results prove the feasibility of wireless communication about 10 m range in the 10 GHz – 13 GHz band range in LNG medium

    Terahertz channel modelling of wireless ultra-compact sensor networks using electromagnetic waves

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    Future technology requires small size wireless sensor networks to operate effectively in habitat monitoring, underground oil reservoirs, natural gas reservoirs, underground water environment, underground soil environment, military applications, weather forecast, earthquake forecast, etc. Small size sensor nodes with the antennas at the same scale have to be deployed in these confined environments. This necessitates the sensor nodes to be operating in the high frequency range. For this reason, in this paper, the propagation based on electromagnetic (EM) waves in the Terahertz band (0.1-1.0 THz) through the air, natural gas and water is analysed. The developed model evaluates the total absorption loss so that an EM wave can experience when propagating through the air, natural gas and water medium. Results show that millimeter Scale Wireless Sensor Networks (MS-WSNs) can communicate through an air, natural gas and water environment. Among those, the frequency window, which provides best performance, has been determined as 0.4 to 0.42 THz for air and natural gas environment. Different path and absorption loss schemes considered, which suggests that the 0.1 to 1.0 THz band is suitable for millimeter scale sensor communications in a medium of air, natural gas and water. © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2016

    Nano-sensor capacity and SNR calculation according to transmit power estimation for body-centric nano-communications

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    This paper presents the capacity and SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) calculation of nano-sensors propagating model inside the human body. The model based on the calculation of path losses and noise level for THz (Terahertz) wave propagation. In the model the channel capacity and SNR are also studied according to transmit power of nano-sensor for future nano-communications inside the human body. According to the transmit power at frequencies based on the calculation results in blood, skin and fat environments show that at the distance of millimeters, the capacity can reach very high values depending on permitted bandwidth, transmit power and environment. © 2016 IEEE

    Nano boyutlu vücut merkezli kablosuz ağların alveolar alanları ve insan dokuları için numerik analizi

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    This paper investigates the propagation of Terahertz (THz) electromagnetic waves inside the human body and discusses a model of the system performance of Nanoscale Body-Centric Wireless Networks inside the alveolar spaces and human tissues. THz band wireless communication enables new applications especially in nanoscale wireless communication. The model developed in this paper calculates the total absorption loss, path loss and capacity properties of EM waves propagating through the Alveolar Spaces and Human Tissues in nanoscale environment for THz band wireless communication. Based on the modeling of noise level and path losses, the channel capacity is calculated. The results show that Wireless Nanosensor Networks (WNSNs) can communicate through the human body. According to the numerical analysis of the model several transmission windows which are ω1 = [0.01 THz – 0.5 THz], ω2 = [0.58 THz – 0.74 THz] and ω3 = [0.77 THz – 0.96 THz] have been found for Nanoscale Body-Centric Wireless Networks. The longest and lowest transmission window which is in the range of 0.01 THz – 0.5 THz values have been analyzed for blood, plasma, RCBs and water to design universal nanonode for Nanoscale Body-Centric Wireless Networks at gases in lungs and blood.Bu makalede, insan vücudu içerisinde Terahertz (THz) elektromanyetik dalgalarının yayılımı araştırılmış ve alveolar boşlukları ve insan dokuları içindeki Nano Ölçekli Vücut Merkezli Kablosuz Ağların sistem performansının bir modeli tartışılmıştır. THz frekans bandı kablosuz iletişimde, özellikle nano ölçekli kablosuz iletişimde yeni uygulamalar sağlamaktadır. Bu makalede geliştirilen model, THz bandının kablosuz iletişimi için nano ölçek ortamında Alveoların boşluklarında ve insan dokularından yayılan EM dalgalarının toplam emilim kaybı, yol kaybı ve kapasite özelliklerini hesaplamaktadır. Gürültü seviyesi ve yol kayıplarının modellenmesine dayanarak, kanal kapasitesi de hesaplanmıştır. Sonuç olarak, Kablosuz Nano Telsiz Duyarga Ağlarının, insan vücudu üzerinden iletişim kurabildiği gösterilmektedir. Modelin sayısal analizine göre 3 iletim penceresi olan ω1 = [0.01 THz - 0.5 THz], ω2 = [0.58 THz - 0.74 THz] ve ω3 = [0.77 THz - 0.96 THz] bulunmuştur. Kablosuz Ağların THz iletişimde en uzun ve düşük geçiş penceresi olan olan 0.01 THz - 0.5 THz aralığı akçigerlerde ve kan için Nano Ölçekli Vücut Merkezli Kablosuz Ağlar evrensel nano düğüm tasarlayabilmek için modellenmiştir

    Using wireless underground sensor networks for mine and miner safety

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are a specific type of networks that link sensors and have the potential to greatly benefit monitoring of coal mine applications, underground mine safety and localization of miners. Such systems can monitor the underground environment in real-time, provide information about the localization of miners and production parameters thus enabling early warning. In this paper, the possibilities and limitations of using WSNs that can effectively operate in coal environments are investigated. In particular, the coal communication channel is modelled considering the propagation of electromagnetic (EM) waves in coal, the multipath effect and providing an evaluation about the bit error rate of the modelled channel depending on the coal type and depth. The propagation characteristics are investigated using a theoretical approach. More specifically, the paper sets the theoretical background for examining the path loss of EM waves propagating in coal in the MHz range and determines the incurred path loss. As a result the frequency window, which provides the best performance, has been determined in the 615 MHz band since compared to the 2.216 Ghz band it has a weaker dependence on both the molecular composition of the medium and the transmission distance in coal medium. © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York

    Human skin effects in wireless body area networks at high frequencies

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    Mikro elektronik ve entegre devreleri, çip üzerinde sistem tasarımı, kablosuz haberleşme ve düşük güçlü akıllı sensörlerdeki son gelişmeler Kablosuz Vücut Alan Ağlarının (KVAA) gerçekleşmesini sağlamıştır. KVAA insan vücudu işlevlerini ve çevreleyen ortamı inceleyen düşük güçlü, minyatürize edilmiş, invaziv veya invaziv olmayan, hafif telsiz duyarga ağlarının toplamıdır. Bu çeşit ağlarda çeşitli duyarga ağları giysilere, vücuda ve hatta derinin altına yerleştirilmektedir. Ağın kablosuz oluşu ve duyarga ağlarının çeşitliliği birçok pratik ve yenilikçi uygulamalar sayesinde yaşam kalitesini ve sağlığını artırmaktadır. KVAA yardımı ile hasta çok daha geniş bir hareket özgürlüğüne kavuşacak ve hastanın hastane ortamında kalmasına gerek kalmayacaktır. Bu makalede Elektromanyetik (EM) dalgaların deri içerisinde yayılımına göre modellenmesi incelenmiştir. Yayılma özellikleri teorik olarak incelenmiştir. Makalede EM dalgalarının deri ortamında GHz bant aralığında teorik olarak yol kaybı incelenerek, Bit Hata Oranları (BHO) ve yol kaybı hesaplanmıştır. Teorik analizler ve benzetim sonuçları, deri ortamında 30 GHz – 300 GHz bant aralığında kablosuz haberleşmenin sağlanabileceğini göstermekte ve bu alandaki birkaç önemli hususu vurgulamaktadır.Recent developments in intelligent low-power sensors, microelectronics, system-on-chip design, integrated circuits and wireless communication have allowed the realization of a Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN). A WBAN is a combination of miniaturized, low-power, invasive/non-invasive lightweight wireless sensor nodes that monitor the human body functions and the surrounding environment. In these networks various sensor nodes are attached on clothing or on the body or even implanted under the skin. The wireless network and the wide variety of sensors offer numerous new, practical and innovative applications to improve health care and the quality of life. With the help of WBAN the patient experiences a greater physical mobility and is no longer compelled to stay in the hospital. In this paper the skin communication channel is modelled considering the propagation of Electromagnetic (EM) waves in skin. The propagation characteristics are investigated using a theoretical approach. More specifically, the paper sets the theoretical background for examining the path loss of EM waves propagating in skin in the GHz range and determines the incurred path loss and Bit Error Rate (BER). The theoretical analysis and the simulation results prove the feasibility of wireless communication in the 30 GHz – 300 GHz band in skin and highlight several important aspects in this field

    Wireless sensor networks in oil pipeline systems using electromagnetic waves

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    The realization of WUSNs (Wireless Underground Sensor Networks) will lead to many emerging applications, such as intelligent agriculture, underground pipelines, oil reservoir monitoring, concealed border patrol, earthquake and landslide forecasting, underground mine disaster prevention and rescue etc. The hostile underground environments prevent the direct use of most, if not all, existing wireless communication and networking solutions, due to the extremely high path loss, small communication range, and high dynamics of electromagnetic (EM) waves when penetrating the soil, sand, rock, water, crude oil medium in the underground environment and in pipelines. The objective of the paper is to address these unique and important challenges for the realization of wireless sensor networks in Oil Pipeline Systems. Research also focuses on developing a general framework using wireless sensor networks to provide continuous monitoring. © 2015 Chamber of Electrical Engineers of Turkey