1,455 research outputs found

    Perceptions of International Students in Poland Regarding Flipped Classrooms

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    Many international higher education students do not study in their native languages. Unlike their peers who would only worry about the content of the course, they also struggle with the difficulties of the language of instruction. Flipped classrooms, providing students with the learning materials prior to the class, may assist in alleviating the academic burden and the language challenge the international students are experiencing. The purpose of this study was to gain insight into how flipped classrooms may help international students with course engagement and their adaptation processes. The conceptual framework was Keller\u27s personalized system of instruction. The research questions in this basic qualitative study focused on understanding the experiences of international students with the flipped classroom. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 12 international higher education students currently studying at a Polish university in a flipped classroom format. Data from the interviews were coded, and the following themes emerged during the analysis: international experience, flipped versus traditional, flipped classroom experience, and engagement in flipped classes. Results indicated a high approval rate of flipped classrooms among international students, and the PowerPoint presentations were the most preferred learning material during self-study. Hence, faculty members at Polish universities should consider the flipped classroom model to improve the learning experience for international students. Polish universities would benefit from an international student population and allowing them to overcome the initial language barriers and being successful will allow Poland access to potential employees with a global perspective


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    Dısa açılma ve rekabet arasındaki iliski “ithalatın piyasayı disipline etme“ hipotezi olarak bilinir ve ampirik literatürün yogun ilgisini çekmektedir. Oligopolistik yapıya sahip yerel endüstriler, uluslar arası rekabete maruz kalarak daha rekabetçi davranmaya zorlanır. Bu durum, fiyatmaliyet marjlarının düsmesine ve çıktı seviyesinin artmasına neden olarak, yerel firmaların piyasa gücünü azaltacaktır. Bu makalede, iki haneli Türkiye imalat sanayi verileri ile panel veri ekonometrik teknikleri kullanılarak disipline edici ithalat hipotezi test edilmis ve ithalat penetrasyonunun Türkiye imalat sanayi iki haneli alt sektörlerinde 1966-2001 döneminde, piyasayı disipline etmede önemli bir rolü oldugu sonucuna varılmıstır

    A modular software architecture for UAVs

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    There have been several attempts to create scalable and hardware independent software architectures for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). In this work, we propose an onboard architecture for UAVs where hardware abstraction, data storage and communication between modules are efficiently maintained. All processing and software development is done on the UAV while state and mission status of the UAV is monitored from a ground station. The architecture also allows rapid development of mission-specific third party applications on the vehicle with the help of the core module

    Processing and compression testing of Ti6Al4V foams for biomedical applications

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    Open cell Ti6Al4V foams (60% porosity) were prepared at sintering temperatures between 1,200 and 1,350 °C using ammonium bicarbonate particles (315–500 μm) as space holder. The resulting cellular structure of the foams showed bimodal pore size distribution, comprising macropores (300–500 μm) and micropores (1–30 μm). Compression tests have shown that increasing sintering temperature increased the elastic modulus, yield and compressive strength, and failure strain of foams. The improvements in the mechanical properties of foams prepared using smaller size Ti64 powder with bimodal particle distribution were attributed to the increased number of sintering necks and contact areas between the particles. Finally, the strength of foams sintered at 1,350 °C was found to satisfy the strength requirement for cancellous bone replacement.Technology Development Foundation of Turkey (TTGV) for the grant #TTGV-102/T1

    Calcined and natural frustules filled epoxy matrices: The effect of volume fraction on the tensile and compression behavior

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    The effects of calcined diatom (CD) and natural diatom (ND) frustules filling (0–12 vol.%) on the quasistatic tensile and quasi-static and high strain rate compression behavior of an epoxy matrix were investigated experimentally. The high strain rate testing of frustules-filled and neat epoxy samples was performed in a compression Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar set-up. The frustules filling increased the stress values at a constant strain and decreased the tensile failure strains of the epoxy matrix. Compression tests results showed that frustules filling of epoxy increased both elastic modulus and yield strength values at quasi-static and high strain rates. While, a higher strengthening effect and strain rate sensitivity were found with ND frustules filling. Microscopic observations revealed two main compression deformation modes at quasi-static strain rates: the debonding of the frustules from the epoxy and/or crushing of the frustules. However, the failure of the filled composites at high strain rates was dominated by the fracture of epoxy matrix

    Morfološka i kemijska varijabilnost plodova medvjeđe lijeske (Corylus colurna L.) na području Turske

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    AbstractTurkish hazel (Corylus colurna L.) is naturally distributed in southeast Europe, Anatolia, the Caucasus and Western Himalayas. In Turkey, there are many isolated populations in the Black Sea, Marmara, Aegean, and Central Anatolian Regions. Many of the small populations in Turkey are endangered. In this study, the morphological and chemical characteristics of Turkish hazelnut fruits collected from seven populations were researched. In this regard, considering the morphological characteristics of fruits and kernels, significant differences were observed between the populations. Length, width, thickness, and weight averages were 15.98 mm, 15.38 mm, 12.00 mm and 1.4651 g in the fruits, and 13.03 mm, 11.22 mm, 7.64 mm and 0.5047 g in the kernels, respectively. The average shell thickness was 1.92 mm, shell weight was 0.9604 g, and kernel ratio was 35.16%. Statistically significant differences were found out between the populations whose chemical contents were analyzed. As a result of the analysis, the average fat content, protein, starch, and ash were 64.1%, 15.9%, 10.2 g, and 2.5%, respectively. According to the averages in the obtained fatty acids, the main fatty acids were oleic acid (79.53%), linoleic acid (11.34%), palmitic acid (5.68%), and stearic acid (2.03%), while the rest of other oils were found in trace amounts. Overall, our results suggest that the information relating to morphological and chemical characteristics of Turkish hazelnut can be useful for discriminating among populations.SažetakMedvjeđa lijeska (Corylus colurna L.) prirodno je rasprostranjena u jugoistočnoj Europi, Anatoliji, Kavkazu i zapadnoj Himalaji. U Turskoj postoje mnoge izolirane populacije ove vrste u regijama Crnog mora, Mramornog mora, Egeja i središnje Anatolije. Mnoge male populacije medvjeđe lijeske u Turskoj su ugrožene. U ovoj studiji istraživana su morfološka i kemijska svojstva lješnjaka prikupljenih iz sedam populacija na području Turske. Provedenim istraživanjem utvrđene su statistički značajne razlike između populacija s obzirom na morfološke karakteristike plodova i sjemenki. Prosječne vrijednosti za dužinu, širinu, debljinu i masu plodova bile su 16,04 mm, 15,38 mm, 12,00 mm i 1,4650 g te za dužinu, širinu, debljinu i masu sjemenke 13,03 mm, 11,21 mm, 7,64 mm i 0,5047 g. Prosječna debljina ljuske bila je 1,91 mm, težina ljuske 0,9603 g, a omjer jezgre 34,64%. Utvrđene su statistički značajne razlike između populacija čiji je kemijski sastav analiziran. Kao rezultat analize, prosječni sadržaj masti, proteina, škroba i pepela iznosio je 64,1%, 15,9%, 10,2 g, odnosno 2,5%. Prema prosjeku u dobivenim masnim kiselinama, glavne masne kiseline bile su oleinska (79,53%), linolna (11,34%), palmitinska (5,68%) i stearinska kiselina (2,03%), dok su ostale masti bile pronađena u tragovima. Naši rezultati upućuju na to da se morfološke i kemijske karakteristike plodova medvjeđe lijeske mogu uspješno koristiti za razlikovanje populacija

    Management of the Complications of Maxillary Sinus Augmentation

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    Dental implant rehabilitation of the posterior maxillary region has always been a challenging issue due to both alveolar ridge atrophy and sinus pneumatization. Maxillary sinus augmentation is a well-known and predictable procedure in vertical deficiencies of the posterior maxilla. To date, various techniques have been described based on the physiology of intrasinus bone repair to obtain better outcomes. Nevertheless, these procedures could also be associated with several intra- and postoperative complications such as perforation of the sinus membrane, hemorrhage, infection, graft resorption, and loss of the graft or implants. The aim of this chapter is to review the contemporary methods for maxillary sinus augmentation and to present both recommendations for prevention and management of the associated complications

    Terahertz Technology Applications and Electromagnetic Modelling of Terahertz Waves for Wireless Communication

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    Bu araştırmada 0.1 ile 10 THz aralığında mikrodalga ve kızılötesi arasında uzanan, elektromanyetik spektrumda çıplak gözle görülemeyen Terahertz (THz) frekanslarının farklı ortamlarda nasıl davrandığı incelenmiştir. Makalenin birinci ve ikinci bölümünde, yüksek hızda kablosuz iletişim için, artan talebi karşılamaya yönelik önemli bir teknoloji olarak öngörülmekte olan Terahertz teknolojisi ve uygulamaları hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. Bu araştırma aynı zamanda hava ve doğal gaz ortamları için hesaplanmış kanal modellenmesi sonucu ortaya çıkan yol kaybı ve emilim kaybı hesaplamalarını göstermektedir. Teorik analiz ve benzetim sonuçları, hava ve doğalgazın THz Bant kısa menzilli kablosuz iletişim kurabileceğini göstermiş ve bu alanda birçok önemli yönlerini vurgulamıştır. Son olarak hava ve doğal gaz ortamı için en ideal performansı sağlayan geçiş pencereleri elde edilmiş ve bu bu geçiş pencereleri makaledeki grafiklerde gösterilmiştir.This paper investigates the behavior of different medium of Terahertz frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum which is invisible to the naked eye, lying between microwave and infrared in the range from 0.1 to 10 THz. First and second part of the paper gives the information of THz communications which have recently gained greater interest and expectation to meet an ever increasing demand for the speed of wireless communications. This paper also shows the calculating of path loss and attenuation loss data in air and natural gas environment which is resulting in channel modeling. The theoretical analysis and the simulation results prove the feasibility of short range wireless communication in the THz Band in air and natural gas and highlight several important aspects in this field. Finally the frequency window, which provides best performance, has been determined for air and natural gas environment and these frequency windows has been showed in the graphics of the paper

    Gigahertz channel modeling for wireless sensor networks operating in LNG environment

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    LNG (Sıvılaştırılmış Doğal Gaz) doğal gazın -162 ºC’de soğutulması ile oluşturulan temiz, renksiz ve zehirsiz bir sıvıdır. Bu soğutma işlemi sayesinde doğal gazın hacmi 600 kat daha küçültülerek, LNG’nin depolanmasını ve taşınmasını kolaylaştırmaktadır. LNG' nin özgül ağırlığı basınç, sıcaklık ve karışıma göre değişir ve ortalama 1,0 kg/litre su ile mukayese edildiğinde, 0,46 kg/litre’ye eşittir. LNG’nin özgül ağırlığının düşük olması elektromanyetik dalgaların yayılımı ve TDA (Telsiz Duyarga Ağları)’nın haberleşebilmesi için bir avantajdır. Ayrıca bu çalışmada TDA’lar için LNG yol kaybı, yansıma etkisi ve BHO (Bit Hata Oranı)’a ya göre LNG ortamı analiz edilip, modellenmiştir. Yayılım karakteristikleri teorik yaklaşım ile incelenmiştir. Teorik analizler ve simülasyon sonuçları 10 GHz – 13 GHz bant aralığında, 10 metre civarı bir kablosuz haberleşme olacağını ispatlamaktadır.LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) is a clear, colorless and non-toxic liquid which forms when natural gas is cooled to -162 ºC. The cooling process shrinks the volume of the gas 600 times, by this way making LNG easier and safer to store and ship. The density of LNG is around 0.46 kg/liter, depending on pressure, temperature, and composition, compared to water at 1.0 kg/liter. The lesser density of LNG is also an advantage for the propagation of the electromagnetic waves and communication of WSN (Wireless Sensor Networks) in LNG medium. Then here in this work LNG has analyzed according to path loss, multipath effect and providing an evaluation about the Bit Error Rate (BER) of the modelled channel depending on the LNG medium for WSNs. The propagation characteristics are investigated using a theoretical approach. The theoretical analysis and the simulation results prove the feasibility of wireless communication about 10 m range in the 10 GHz – 13 GHz band range in LNG medium