33 research outputs found

    Associations between anthropometric indicators of adiposity and body fat percentage in normal weight young adults

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    The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to determine the associations between various anthropometric adiposity screening indices and body fat percentage estimated by bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). A total of 186 (95 male and 91 female) normal weight (body mass index [BMI] = 18.5- 24.9 kg/m2) young adults (mean age= 20.96 ± 2.03 years) were measured on body fat percentage, body height, body mass, waist and hip circumferences. Abdominal volume index, body adiposity index, BMI, body roundness index, conicity index, reciprocal ponderal index, waist to height ratio, waist to height 0.5 ratio, and waist to hip ratio were calculated accordingly. Results revealed significant gender effects in all main anthropometric measurements. Except for waist to hip ratio, results indicated significant associations between anthropometric indices and BIA in both male and female participants. BIA results were found to be largely associated with BMI and abdominal volume index in both genders. BlandAltman analysis showed good agreements between these indices and BIA. Considerable associations and agreements highlight the potential importance and the use of several anthropometric proxies to estimate body adiposity among male and female non-overweight/obese young adults. Despite continuing discussion regarding its accuracy, BMI seems to be useful for monitoring body adiposity within this cohort

    Associations between anthropometric indicators of adiposity and body fat percentage in normal weight young adults

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    The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to determine the associations between various anthropometric adiposity screening indices and body fat percentage estimated by bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). A total of 186 (95 male and 91 female) normal weight (body mass index [BMI] = 18.5-24.9 kg/m2) young adults (mean age= 20.96 ± 2.03 years) were measured on body fat percentage, body height, body mass, waist and hip circumferences. Abdominal volume index, body adiposity index, BMI, body roundness index, conicity index, reciprocal ponderal index, waist to height ratio, waist to height 0.5 ratio, and waist to hip ratio were calculated accordingly. Results revealed significant gender effects in all main anthropometric measurements. Except for waist to hip ratio, results indicated significant associations between anthropometric indices and BIA in both male and female participants. BIA results were found to be largely associated with BMI and abdominal volume index in both genders. BlandAltman analysis showed good agreements between these indices and BIA. Considerable associations and agreements highlight the potential importance and the use of several anthropometric proxies to estimate body adiposity among male and female non-overweight/obese young adults. Despite continuing discussion regarding its accuracy, BMI seems to be useful for monitoring body adiposity within this cohort

    Fosfor plak kullanılarak farklı kaide materyallerinin radyoopasitelerinin karşılaştırılması

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    Amaç: Restorasyonlarda kullanılan dental materyallerin radyoopasitesi sekonder çürüklerin teşhisi, çürüğün restoratif materyalden ve diş dokusundan ayrılması, marjinal defektler, taşkınlıklar, açık marjinlerin tespiti ve pulpaya yakınlığın radyografik tanısında son derece önemli bir unsurdur. İdeal klinik performans için ihtiyaç duyulan radyoopasite derecesi materyalin türüne göre değişiklik göstermektedir. Radyoopasite ile ilgili çalışmalar genellikle mine, dentin ve alüminyum ile kıyaslanarak yapılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada cam iyonomer ve rezin esaslı farklı kaide materyallerinin radyoopasiteleri incelenerek; bunların mine, dentin ve alüminyum stepwedge’in radyoopasiteleri ile karşılaştırılması amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Sıklıkla kullanılan 5 kaide materyalinden (Nova Glass-F, Equia Fil, Ionofil, Vertise Flow, G-aenial Universal Flo) 10 mm çapında, 1 mm kalınlığında plastik disk şekilli örnekler hazırlandı. Yeni çekilmiş 3.molar dişlerden 1mm kalınlığında kesit alındı. Bütün örnekler fosfor plak üzerine yerleştirilerek fokal spot mesafesi 30 cm olacak şekilde 70 kVp ve 7 mAs’e görüntü alındı. Alınan görüntü Image J programına aktarılarak Mean Grey Value ölçüldü. Ölçülen değerin mmAl karşılığı hesaplanarak varyans analizi ve Tukey test ile analiz edildi. Bulgular: Vertise Flow, Nova Glass-F ve Equia Fil dentinden belirgin ölçüde yüksek radyoopasite değeri gösterirken (p < 0,05 ), İonofil ve G-aenial Universal Flo dentin ile benzer radyoopasite değeri göstermiştir (p > 0,05). Cam iyonomer içerikli kaide materyallerinin radyoopasite değerleri istatistiksel olarak benzer görülürken (p > 0,05), rezin esaslı kaide materyalleri birbirlerinden belirgin ölçüde farklı değerler göstermiştir (p < 0,05). Sonuç: Restoratif materyalin ve kaide materyalinin yeterli radyoopasiteye sahip olması önemli bir ihtiyaçtır. Buna karşılık piyasada yetersiz radoopasiteye sahip bazı kaide materyalleri de mevcuttur. Kaide materyallerinin radyoopasitesini değerlendiren çalışmalar periyodik olarak yapılmalıdır

    Farklı cam iyonomer simanların kompozit ve kompomere olan makaslama bağlanma dayanım kuvvetlerinin karşılaştırılması

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı dört farklı cam iyonomer simanın kompozit ve kompomere olan makaslama bağlanma dayanımlarını karşılaştırmaktır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışma için 80 adet silindirik şekilli akrilik blok hazırlandı. Blokların düz yüzeylerinin ortasına 2 mm derinliğinde ve 3 mm çapında olan çukurcuklar açıldı. Bloklar dört gruba ayrılarak açılan çukurcuklar Ionoseal (Ionoseal, Cuxhaven, Almanya), Ketac Molar (3M EPSE, Seefeld, Almanya), Equia (GC Avrupa, Tokyo, Japonya) ve İmicryl (Imicryl SC, Imicryl Diş Malz San. Tic. AŞ, Konya, Türkiye) marka cam iyonomer materyalleri ile dolduruldu. Standart yüzeyler elde etmek için sertleşmeden önce cam iyonomerlerin üzeri şeffaf bant ile kapatıldı. Sertleşme tamamlandıktan sonra cam iyonomer siman yüzeylerine tek aşamalı adeziv (Futurabond M, VOCO GmbH, Cuxhaven, Almanya) uygulandı ve polimerize edildi. Her bir grup 2 alt gruba ayrıldı. Hazırlanan yüzeylerin üzerine yerleştirilen 2 mm yüksekliğinde ve 2 mm çapındaki aparatın içerisine taşmayacak şekilde doldurulan kompomer (Imicryl SC, Imicryl Diş Malz San. Tic. AŞ, Konya, Türkiye) ve kompozit (VOCO, Cuxhaven, Almanya) materyalleri üretici firmaların tavsiyeleri doğrultusunda LED ışık cihazı ile polimerize edildi. Universal test makinesi ile her bir örnekte kırılma meydana gelinceye kadar kuvvet uygulandı. Veriler iki yönlü varyans analizi ve Tukey çoklu karşılaştırma testleri ile istatistiksel olarak değerlendirildi (p=0.05). Bulgular: Ionoseal’ in kompozit ve kompomere olan makaslama bağlanma değeri diğer cam iyonomerlerden istatistiksel olarak daha yüksek bulundu (p < 0,05). Ketac Molar, Equia ve İmicryl’ in kompozit ve kompomere olan makaslama bağlanma değerleri arasında istatistiksel olarak fark gözlenmedi (p > 0,05). Sonuç: Rezin esaslı cam iyonomer siman olan Ionoseal kimyasal sertleşen Ketac Molar, Equia ve İmicryl cam iyonomer simanlara göre daha yüksek makaslama bağlanma değeri göstermektedir

    Dropout and compliance to physical exercise in menopausal osteopenic women: the European “happy bones” project

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    IntroductionDecline in muscle mass and bone density seem to be two of the most disabling side effects of menopause that negatively affect women's quality of life. Promoting physical activity protocols in the workplace can represent a focal point in the prevention and management of several diseases. The study aims to evaluate the compliance and drop-out of menopausal osteopenic women engaged in combined training performed inside and outside the workplace. Strength and balance were analyzed to evaluate the effect of this protocol on osteoporosis prevention and the risk of falling.Methods73 menopausal women were enrolled in 5 European countries. They performed 72 lessons of a combined training proposed in the working place (IW) or sport center (SC).ResultsOut of the total 39 women enrolled in the IW, 12.8% had to leave the program, while out of the 34 women enrolled in SC, 41.2% did not complete the training. According to the compliance results, 47% of women that completed the trained IW and 85% in the SC recorded high compliance (p = 0.019). Moreover, the strength of the lower limbs (p < 0.001) and static balance (p = 0.001) significantly improved in the whole group.DiscussionIn conclusion, proposing well-structured training in the workplace for menopausal women seems to reduce drop-out. Strength and balance results suggest its positive impact on bone health and risk of falls, despite where it is performed

    Physical and Morphological Characteristics of Turkish National Adolescent Tennis Players and Their Association with Serve Speed

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    Objectives: The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to determine physical fitness and anthropometric characteristics of a cohort of national youth female tennis players and to analyze the relationships between serve speed and aforementioned variables. Material and Methods: Twelve players, 15.1-18.6 years of age (16.4 ± 1.1 years), were tested on serve speed (radar gun), vertical jump (countermovement jump), linear speed (10- and 20-m sprints), agility (T agility test), maximal isometric grip strength, and a total of 16 anthropometric variables (body height, body weight, eight skinfolds, four girths, and two breadths). Body mass index (BMI), body fat percentage, muscle mass percentage, sum of skinfolds (three, six and eight), and somatotype components were calculated. The weight and string tension of the rackets were also recorded. Results: Descriptive results indicated similarities and differences in various measurements with those of the normative samples reported by previous studies. Serve speed was found to be significantly associated with body weight (r= .775, p<0.01) and BMI (r= .603, p<0.05). Conclusion: These results highlight the importance of several anthropometric features in producing high speed tennis serve among elite youth female players. Cite this article as: Sogut M, Altunsoy K. Physical and morphological characteristics of Turkish national adolescent tennis players and their association with serve speed. Turk J Sports Med. 2019;54(1):64-70. Acknowledgments The researchers would like to thank all players and national coaches for their support and cooperation

    Majewski Osteodisplastik Primordial Cücelik Tip II: Bir Çocuk Hastanın Klinik Bulguları ve Dental Rehabilitasyonu

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    Mikrosefalik osteodisplastik primordial cücelik tip II (MOPCII), küçük kafa ölçüleri ile doğum ve ilerleyen ciddi mikrosefali, ilerleyen kemik displazisi ve tipik yüz ve kişilik farklılıkları ile karakterize, otozomal çekinik olarak aktarılan ve nadir görülen bir cücelik tipidir. Bu olgu sunumunda, MOPC II sendromlu beş yaşında bir kız bildirilmektedir. Hasta, kliniğimize sol mandibular molar süt dişlerde şiddetli diş ağrısı ile başvurdu. Klinik incelemede birçok süt dişinin çürük olduğu ve dişlerin hipoplastik olduğu görüldü. Sol alt süt molar dişler köksüz olduğu için tedavi edilmesi mümkün değildi ve bu dişler çekildi. MOPC II sendromlu hastaların dişlerinin doğru ve zamanında değerlendirilmesi, bu hastalarda dişsel problemlerin önlenebilmesi ve ağız sağlığının sürdürülebilmesi için büyük önem taşımaktadır.Majewski osteodysplastic primordial dwarfism type II (MOPD II) is an unusual autosomal recessive inherited form of primordial dwarfism, which is characterized by a small head diameter at birth, but which also progresses to severe microcephaly, progressive bony dysplasia, and characteristic facies and personality. This report presents a case of a five-year-old girl with MOPD II syndrome. The patient was referred to our clinic with the complaint of severe tooth pain at the left mandibular primary molar teeth. Clinical examination revealed that most of the primary teeth had been decayed and all primary teeth were hypoplastic. Patient's history revealed delayed development in the primary dentition and radiographic examination showed rootless primary molar teeth and short-rooted incisors. The treatment was not possible due to the lack of root of the left mandibular primary molars; so the teeth were extracted. Thorough and timely dental evaluation is crucial for the prevention of dental problems and the maintenance of oral health in patients with MOPD II syndrome is of utmost importance


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    Majewski osteodysplastic primordial dwarfism type II (MOPD II) is an unusual autosomal recessive inherited form of primordial dwarfism, which is characterized by a small head diameter at birth, but which also progresses to severe microcephaly, progressive bony dysplasia, and characteristic facies and personality. This report presents a case of a five-year-old girl with MOPD II syndrome. The patient was referred to our clinic with the complaint of severe tooth pain at the left mandibular primary molar teeth. Clinical examination revealed that most of the primary teeth had been decayed and all primary teeth were hypoplastic. Patient’s history revealed delayed development in the primary dentition and radiographic examination showed rootless primary molar teeth and short-rooted incisors. The treatment was not possible due to the lack of root of the left mandibular primary molars; so the teeth were extracted. Thorough and timely dental evaluation is crucial for the prevention of dental problems and the maintenance of oral health in patients with MOPD II syndrome is of utmost importance