325 research outputs found


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    The study presented here analyses the development of self-categorisation, national, European and local identification of Bulgarian, Ukrainian and Italian children and adolescents growing up in Bulgaria, Ukraine and Italy. The sample consisted of 541 children aged 6, 9, 12 and 15 years. It was found that national, European and local identifications differ in the three national groups. It is argued that the cognitive-developmental account of the development of national identification is unable to explain the patterns of findings which were obtained. The social identity theory, however, is able to explain the different patterns of importance given to the different identifications by the three national groups

    Acculturation profiles and perceived discrimination: associations with psychosocial well-being among Tunisian adolescents in Italy

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    Research usually analyzed the relationships between acculturation or perceived discrimination and immigrants’ well-being, but few studies used an integrative perspective. Framed from a person-oriented approach, the current paper tried to advance the literature examining how acculturation profiles and perceived (group and personal) discrimination were associated with psychosocial well-being in a sample of 348 Tunisian adolescents (females = 48.28%; mean age = 15.72) living in southern Italy. Cluster analytic methods on the scores of acculturation strategies, ethnic and national identities, ethnic and national languages, ethnic and national peer social contacts produced three acculturation profiles: integrated, ethnic, and national. Adolescents of both integrated and national profiles reported higher levels of psychosocial well-being than those of the ethnic profile in terms of self-esteem and socio-cultural competence, whereas Tunisian adolescents of ethnic profile reported higher levels of perceived personal discrimination than the others. Also, the acculturation profile moderated the relationships between perceived discrimination and adolescents’ psychosocial well-being. Specifically, across integration and national profiles perceived group discrimination significantly predicted decreases in psychosocial well-being, but there was no significant association considering the ethnic profile group. The association between perceived personal discrimination and psychosocial well-being was moderated since it was more negative for adolescents of an ethnic profile than the others. Findings are discussed in the light of theoretical expectations, research context, and limitations as well as suggesting implications for the practitioners in the field

    Radicalization in Correctional Systems: A Scoping Review of the Literature Evaluating the Effectiveness of Preventing and Countering Interventions

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    Although several prevention and countering radicalization programs in correctional institutions have been carried out in Europe and worldwide, little is known about their effectiveness. Thus, the current scoping review aimed at reporting on the state of the art of the literature assessing and evaluating such actions, identifying knowledge gaps, and examining methods used to assess their successfulness and impact. A total of eight studies that met eligibility criteria were reviewed after performing a search on Scopus, Web of Science, and PsychInfo (Ebsco) databases: Two studies evaluated a reintegration initiative based in the Netherlands; four focused on an Australian disengagement program; and two offered insights on a rehabilitation program carried out in Sri Lanka. Findings were discussed according to their evaluation methods (qualitative, mixed-methods, and quantitative) and instruments. Results highlighted that the evaluation process is still confronted with several methodological difficulties, such as a lack of agreement on how to univocally define and measure success and the identification of uniform indicators of deradicalization and disengagement. Additionally, results revealed that the effectiveness of these interventions is predominantly based on anecdotal evidence rather than on rigorous, empirical proofs. As such, it was not possible to compare these programs and determine which worked best. Suggestions for future research and practical implications for policymakers, prison governors, and practitioners are offered in the concluding section of this work.   Acknowledgements The present study was made possible by funding from SERENY (“Strengthening approaches for the prevention of youth radicalisation in prison and probation settings”), a project co-funded by the Justice Program of the European Union, GA no. 101007425. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the authors and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission

    The mental state in perpetrators of violent crime: a short case report regarding preliminary investigation with the adult attachment interview

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    Given the influence of the quality of childhood experiences upon psychological development (Bowlby, 1988) and its role in the involvement in criminal activities (Farrington, 1994), it has been hypothesized that adverse childhood events could facilitate a life path marked by criminal offences. This study in-volved the analysis of the Adult Attachment Interview of 7 offenders convicted for violent crimes against the person (experimental group) and 7 official non-offenders (control group), whose data came from a study that recruited fathers of preterm infants. The groups were matched for socio-demographic variables (e.g. age and level of education) and for attachment patterns. The results of this study are preliminary. Implications for practice, also within the criminal justice system, are discusse

    Stati mentali in autori di crimini violenti. Dati preliminari di una ricerca clinico-forense con l'ausilio dell'adult attachment interview

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    Nota l’incidenza della qualità delle esperienze infantili sullo sviluppo psicologico dell’uomo (Bowlby, 1988) e nel coinvolgimento in attività devianti (Farrington, 1994), è stato ipotizzato che eventi sfavorevoli infantili possano favorire l’evoluzione di un percorso di vita segnato da condotte criminose. Lo studio ha considerato l’analisi dell’Adult Attachment Interview di 7 soggetti detenuti per reati violenti contro la persona (gruppo sperimentale) e 7 soggetti estranei al circuito giudiziario (gruppo di controllo), i cui dati derivano da uno studio che reclutava padri di bambini pretermine. I gruppi sono stati confrontati per esaminare l'incidenza dei modelli di attaccamento e le differenze rispetto a specifiche esperienze affettive con i caregiver. I risultati suggestivi sono da considerarsi preliminari. Infine, implicazioni per la pratica e input per studi futuri sono discussi

    Using Focus Group in the Development of UNIPA Emotional Autonomy Inventory

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    Focus groups were used in order to develop a new measure of adolescents\u27 emotional autonomy from parents. The procedure started from an in depth analysis of the literature concerning the construct and a definition of the dimensions which characterize it. Following our idea of the construct, we developed a list of 60 items, getting some of them from existing instruments. Twenty-four adolescents participated in the focus group discussions about the adequacy of the items to measure emotional autonomy. Following their feedbacks a second version of the list with 59 items was presented in a focus group with experts in the field of developmental and clinical psychology, who were called to judge the ability of each item to evaluate the construct. Resulting from the indications emerged in this discussion, a final version of the scale with 66 items was developed and called UNIPA Adolescent Emotional Autonomy Inventory

    Proteomic study of muscle sarcoplasmic proteins using AUT-PAGE/SDS-PAGE as two-dimensional gel electrophoresis

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    The conversion of muscle to meat in pig involves mainly proteolysis of myofibrillar proteins, which undergo notable changes since early stage of rigor mortis, even after 48 h post mortem. The tenderness of meat has been thoroughly investigated to understand the biochemical mechanisms, which influence texture and flavour development as well as the technological parameters and hence meat quality. Cytoplasmic proteolytic calcium dependent enzymes, named -and m-calpains, which act in the early stages of rigor mortis, significantly contribute to tenderization weakening myofibrils. These enzymes, however, act for fewdays because they are specifically inhibited by calpastatin and by pH lowering. However, when pH falls to about 5.0, proteolytic activity on muscle proteins is continued by longer acting lysosomal proteinase, cathepsins [3,7–9]. Post mortem proteolysis also causes relevant changes in sarcoplamic protein fraction, which represent the water soluble fraction (quantitatively about 30–35%) of meat total protein, and the involved proteins has already been identified by proteomic-based studies. Recent investigations have demonstrated that the most commonly found Lactobacillus species in dry fermented meats are able to hydrolyse myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic muscle proteins in vitro.The most abundant sarcoplasmic proteins, as mixture of basic polypeptides with a narrow spread range of molecular masses, represented an excellent model to test our analytical technique and to delineate its capabilities. In the present study, we compared 2D AUT-PAGE/SDSPAGE maps of water-soluble proteins extracted from fresh meat and from dry-cured ham, a non fermented product, from “Naples-type” salami, a microbiologically fermented product, and from “Coppa”, a typical semi-fermented product. Electrophoretically separated proteins have been identified by MALDI-ToF mass fingerprinting

    The role of late adolescents' emotion regulation in the experience of COVID-19 lockdown: A longitudinal study

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    The COVID-19 pandemic may be considered a unique mass-trauma experience. This study examined the relations between Italian late adolescents' emotion regulation strategies, their anxiety states, and their experience of the lockdown (in terms of discomfort related to restrictions, capacities to create new functional daily routines, and to find positive changes in one's own life) during the first wave of this pandemic. We analysed how participants' reports of cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression were associated with anxiety states during the 2020 Italian COVID-19 lockdown (large scale physical distancing and movement restrictions) and one month after the lockdown restrictions had been removed. We also examined how cognitive reappraisal, expressive suppression, and anxiety states were linked to late adolescents' experience of lockdown. The participants were 497 Italian adolescents, aged from 17 to 24 years (Mage  = 21.11, SD = 1.83). A longitudinal structural equation modelling showed that emotion regulation strategies and anxiety states were not associated across time. Cognitive reappraisal was positively associated with routine reorganization and positive changes. In contrast, participants' expressive suppression was negatively related to their discomfort related to restrictions, ability to functionally reorganise their daily routine, and ability to find positive changes related to the COVID-19 emergency. Anxiety was positively linked to discomfort related to restrictions. The findings are discussed in light of the current literature related to emotion regulation and anxiety. Limitations and implications for practice are presented
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