24 research outputs found

    Valuation to Foster-up Landscape Preservation. Treasuring New Elements through Landscape Planning

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    Objective. This research aims to drown up guidelines and a methodological approach for natural cultural heritage preservation and landscape planning in order to support the setting up and the enforcement of new policies to mitigate paysage destruction and soil consumption.Methodological Steps. The first step is the detection of “landscape values” in the territories.The second step is to provide georeferenced information in a double geographic and valuation systemThe third step is the Multi Criteria Analysis valuation of categories and sub-categories of paysage resources in order to classify the landscape elements in each category.Case Study. The framework and the methodology have been tested in a real world case study located in one of the most amazing area of Southern Italy.Outcomes. The outcome is an extensive survey of the paysage, classification, and valuation. A multi-dimensional valuation procedure has established a priority classification. Planned interventions should be dictated by resource ranking and hierarchy in the classifications described below: the safeguarding of the elements of greatest value; the preservation of the elements of great value; the ecological conservation of medium valued elements. La valutazione per promuovere la tutela dei paesaggi. Valorizzare nuovi elementi con la pianificazione paesaggisticaObiettivo. Il contributo ha l’obiettivo di delineare le linee guida e un approccio metodologico per la valorizzazione del paessaggio e la pianificazione di politiche per mitigare la distruzione dei valori paesaggistici provocata dal continuo consumo di suolo agricolo, forestale, naturale.Metodologia. Prima tappa è l’individuazione dei valori paesaggistici nei territori.Seconda tappa è il geo riferimento dei dati sia nel sistema informativo geografico, sia nel sistema valutativo.Terza tappa è la valutazione paesaggistica a Criteri Multipli Di elementi e la loro classificazione gerarchica.Case Study. La Strategia e la Metodologia sono state testate in Casi di Studio applicate ad alcune delle più suggestive aree paesaggistiche dell’Italia Meridionale.Risultati. I risultati sono esteso censimento totale, tassonomia, valutazione dei valori paesaggistici. La classificazione gerarchica dei valori è elaborata con la multi criteria valuation. Ne consegue una gerarchia e gradualità di tutele sintetizzata come segue (a soli fini esemplificativi): protezione elementi con massimi valori paesaggistici; tutela elementi con buoni valori paesaggistici; conservazione elementi con medi valori paesaggistici.Objective. This research aims to drown up guidelines and a methodological approach for natural cultural heritage preservation and landscape planning in order to support the setting up and the enforcement of new policies to mitigate paysage destruction and soil consumption.Methodological Steps. The first step is the detection of “landscape values” in the territories.The second step is to provide georeferenced information in a double geographic and valuation systemThe third step is the Multi Criteria Analysis valuation of categories and sub-categories of paysage resources in order to classify the landscape elements in each category.Case Study. The framework and the methodology have been tested in a real world case study located in one of the most amazing area of Southern Italy.Outcomes. The outcome is an extensive survey of the paysage, classification, and valuation. A multi-dimensional valuation procedure has established a priority classification. Planned interventions should be dictated by resource ranking and hierarchy in the classifications described below: the safeguarding of the elements of greatest value; the preservation of the elements of great value; the ecological conservation of medium valued elements. La valutazione per promuovere la tutela dei paesaggi. Valorizzare nuovi elementi con la pianificazione paesaggisticaObiettivo. Il contributo ha l’obiettivo di delineare le linee guida e un approccio metodologico per la valorizzazione del paessaggio e la pianificazione di politiche per mitigare la distruzione dei valori paesaggistici provocata dal continuo consumo di suolo agricolo, forestale, naturale.Metodologia. Prima tappa è l’individuazione dei valori paesaggistici nei territori.Seconda tappa è il geo riferimento dei dati sia nel sistema informativo geografico, sia nel sistema valutativo.Terza tappa è la valutazione paesaggistica a Criteri Multipli Di elementi e la loro classificazione gerarchica.Case Study. La Strategia e la Metodologia sono state testate in Casi di Studio applicate ad alcune delle più suggestive aree paesaggistiche dell’Italia Meridionale.Risultati. I risultati sono esteso censimento totale, tassonomia, valutazione dei valori paesaggistici. La classificazione gerarchica dei valori è elaborata con la multi criteria valuation. Ne consegue una gerarchia e gradualità di tutele sintetizzata come segue (a soli fini esemplificativi): protezione elementi con massimi valori paesaggistici; tutela elementi con buoni valori paesaggistici; conservazione elementi con medi valori paesaggistici

    Building Efficiency Adopting Ecological Materials and Bio Architecture Techniques

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    Objective. There are many measures that individual consumers, families, companies, contractors, real estate developers, household owners and governments can take to promote post-carbon cities. Thermal insulation is definitely one of the most important investment to make in order to achieve these future goals. Method and solutions   Insulation can be carried out by using ecological cork panels. Cork is a natural and renewable material, which in itself, is the result of a CO2 sequestration, and it can also store C. Therefore it can effectively contribute to the design of the Post-Carbon City by reducing energy waste, improving the quality and the insulation of buildings.The expansion of the area occupied by the cork oak forests would permanently increase the absorption and sequestration of carbon. Forest policy guidelines must aim at the restoration of the existing cork oak forests, as well as the rehabilitation of cork oak forests destroyed by man. This will increase and strengthen the contribution made by forest resources to the construction of the Post Carbon City.Outcomes and benefits   Some benefits of such policy are as follows: the sequestration of CO2 eliminated from the atmosphere (creating carbon credits), because it is used for the growth of trees and the creation of cork bark; the availability of cork planks which are the raw material for bio-building; the positive consequences of using cork panels and granules in Bio Green Buildings, such as energy saving for heating and cooling and the consequent reduction of CO2  emissions. Risparmio energetico negli edifici mediante adozione di eco materiali e tecniche di Bio EdiliziaObiettivo. L’obiettivo di ridurre i sovra consumi energetici negli edifici e promuovere le città post-carbone può essere raggiunto adottando diverse misure ad opera di individui, famiglie, imprese, costruttori, promotori immobiliari, governi. L’isolamento termico degli edifici, o “passivazione” risulta essere uno dei più importanti investimenti per raggiungere questi risultati.Metodi e soluzioni.L’isolamento termico (o “passivazione”) può essere realizzato con pannelli di sughero. Il sughero è un materiale naturale e rinnovabile. Esso stesso è il risultato della eliminazione (sequestration) della CO2 . Non solo, è un depositi di C. Può quindi efficacemente contribuire a realizzare concretamente la Post Carbon City migliorando l’ isolamento e la qualità degli edifici ed eliminando lo spreco di energia. Ampliare le aree occupate da sugherete aumenta in modo permanente l’assorbimento e la eliminazione definitivo ovvero il sequestro della CO2 . Per questa ragione la policy urbana può essere integrata con la policy ambientale e forestale, propugnando il restauro delle sugherete esistenti e il re impianto di quelle compromesse dall’azione antropica. In tal modo si rafforza il contributo natura-based alla costruzione della Post Carbon City. Risultati e beneficiSolo alcuni dei primi benefici derivanti dalla policy integrata natura-based sopra sintetizzata: la  CO2  non solo si sequestra e si elimina dall’atmosfera ma addirittura viene utilizzata dalle sughere per crescere e per produrre il sughero;si rendono disponibili nuovi quantitativi di sughero grezzo, come materia prima versatile; utilizzando i lavorati per la passivazione dei Bio Edifici Verdi, non solo si risparmia significativamente energia, ma anche si abbattono le conseguenti emissioni di  CO2.Objective. There are many measures that individual consumers, families, companies, contractors, real estate developers, household owners and governments can take to promote post-carbon cities. Thermal insulation is definitely one of the most important investment to make in order to achieve these future goals. Method and solutions   Insulation can be carried out by using ecological cork panels. Cork is a natural and renewable material, which in itself, is the result of a CO2 sequestration, and it can also store C. Therefore it can effectively contribute to the design of the Post-Carbon City by reducing energy waste, improving the quality and the insulation of buildings.The expansion of the area occupied by the cork oak forests would permanently increase the absorption and sequestration of carbon. Forest policy guidelines must aim at the restoration of the existing cork oak forests, as well as the rehabilitation of cork oak forests destroyed by man. This will increase and strengthen the contribution made by forest resources to the construction of the Post Carbon City.Outcomes and benefits   Some benefits of such policy are as follows: the sequestration of CO2 eliminated from the atmosphere (creating carbon credits), because it is used for the growth of trees and the creation of cork bark; the availability of cork planks which are the raw material for bio-building; the positive consequences of using cork panels and granules in Bio Green Buildings, such as energy saving for heating and cooling and the consequent reduction of CO2  emissions. Risparmio energetico negli edifici mediante adozione di eco materiali e tecniche di Bio EdiliziaObiettivo. L’obiettivo di ridurre i sovra consumi energetici negli edifici e promuovere le città post-carbone può essere raggiunto adottando diverse misure ad opera di individui, famiglie, imprese, costruttori, promotori immobiliari, governi. L’isolamento termico degli edifici, o “passivazione” risulta essere uno dei più importanti investimenti per raggiungere questi risultati.Metodi e soluzioni.L’isolamento termico (o “passivazione”) può essere realizzato con pannelli di sughero. Il sughero è un materiale naturale e rinnovabile. Esso stesso è il risultato della eliminazione (sequestration) della CO2 . Non solo, è un depositi di C. Può quindi efficacemente contribuire a realizzare concretamente la Post Carbon City migliorando l’ isolamento e la qualità degli edifici ed eliminando lo spreco di energia. Ampliare le aree occupate da sugherete aumenta in modo permanente l’assorbimento e la eliminazione definitivo ovvero il sequestro della CO2 . Per questa ragione la policy urbana può essere integrata con la policy ambientale e forestale, propugnando il restauro delle sugherete esistenti e il re impianto di quelle compromesse dall’azione antropica. In tal modo si rafforza il contributo natura-based alla costruzione della Post Carbon City. Risultati e beneficiSolo alcuni dei primi benefici derivanti dalla policy integrata natura-based sopra sintetizzata: la CO2  non solo si sequestra e si elimina dall’atmosfera ma addirittura viene utilizzata dalle sughere per crescere e per produrre il sughero;si rendono disponibili nuovi quantitativi di sughero grezzo, come materia prima versatile; utilizzando i lavorati per la passivazione dei Bio Edifici Verdi, non solo si risparmia significativamente energia, ma anche si abbattono le conseguenti emissioni di CO2


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    Pollution, environmental disruption, oversized urban development and infrastructure new construction jeopardize landscape integrity and people’s quality of life. Research deals with the landscape protection and enhancement providing governments and decision makers with a comprehensive Decision Support System to assess the quality of natural and cultural heritage and address planning measures and policy actions for landscape treasuring. Research set-up a methodology relying upon GIS tools, to spatially discover, detect and define landscape units, so called “Landscape Elements” (“Elementi di Paesaggio”, EdP), along with their endowment such as natural, ecological,historic, cultural, and urban resources. Then evaluate them through a Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA) tool set-up by the research team and integrated with a GIS. Research developed a Case Study in the European Mediterranean Basin, validating the whole census system and the performance and support of valuation tools. Results achieved open the possibility to generalize the prototype application at the regional, country and federation levels and therefore support the planning implementation for landscape enhancement.DOI: http://dx.medra.org/10.19254/LaborEst.09.1

    Landscape Quality Valuation for its Preservation and Treasuring

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    Pollution, environmental disruption, oversized urban development and infrastructure new construction jeopardize landscape integrity and peoples quality of life. Research deals with the landscape protection and enhancement providing governments and decision makers with a comprehensive Decision Support System to assess the quality of natural and cultural heritage and address planning measures and policy actions for landscape treasuring. Research set-up a sound methodology relying upon GIS tools, to spatially detect and define landscape units along with their endowment such as natural, ecological, historic, cultural, and urban resources then valuated with a GIS integrated multi criteria analysis tool set-up by the research team. Research developed a Case Study in the European Mediterranean Basin, validating the whole system and the performance and support of the GIS tools. Results achieved open the possibility to generalize the prototype application at regional, country and federation levels and therefore support the planning implementation for landscape enhancement


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    Mankind is facing the extreme risk of Planet ecological crisis caused by global warming, a consequence of severe climate change on the Earth, originated by fossil energy over burning and consequent pollution. Key goal in Agenda for Sustainability is to reduce fossil energy consumption specially in civil sectors: residential, commercial and public buildings. Effective strategy is to increase the efficiency of buildings that must be quantitatively measured by Energy Performance Simulation Programs. EPSPs are the tools to valuate both energy performance as well as impact of sustainable works devoted to increase building energy efficiency i.e “building bio ecological energy retrofitting”. In the research two different buildings or prototypes have been designed in order to simulate: adoption of the work for “building bio ecological energy retrofitting”; against their failure to adopt them. The research carried valuated and proved in quantitative terms that the adoption of “building bio ecological energy retrofitting” creates significant saving and a measurable positive difference in the energy and ecological management of alternative buildings


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    The construction of new buildings or interventions to improve energy performance can be considered "sustainable" if they meet the requirements which intersect with each other in the economic, social and environmental spheres. The paper has as its main topic detecting and quantifying the market premium attributable to housing properties with high energy performance characteristics. Through a semi-parametric additive model, extended to a wide real estate sample relating to the city of Reggio Calabria, it is demonstrated how the choice of sustainable interventions, oriented to "Green Building" practices, produce significant economic impacts in terms of increased market value of buildings as well as mitigating energy consumption while respecting the historical-architectural peculiarities of urban buildings

    Valuation Supports Green University: Case Action at Mediterranea Campus in Reggio Calabria☆

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    Abstract Civil society, economies, governments are asking to Universities to find a solution for Global Warming problems. Since they are mainly due to human settlement and continuous development and construction, research strategy has singled out Architecture Passivation or Building Greening as a first solution; thereby establishing as its main goal the start-up of real world prototype works, experimental chantiers or building sites, as well as their implementations and monitoring. Geomatic Valuation University Laboratory (GeVaUL) is carrying out a direct experience in real-world implementation of sustainability, designing a strategy for the Mediterranea University campus greening and "passivation" (= energy efficiency). It is done through careful climatic calculation of academic building thermal behavior, and the consequent economic and physical cost-effectiveness valuation of interventions for passivation, i.e. for radical enhancement of energy efficiency. Knowledge of cost-effectiveness valuation has been applied to architectures i.e. buildings or facilities of University Campus in Reggio Calabria. GeVaUL designed greening and building insulation obtained by using ecological cork and bio-ecological lime plaster with impressive well-being regulatory power. Technical Bodies of Central State (Ministry of Industry) and Regional Governments found this approach innovative and appropriate. They are investing in passivation of some University buildings using bio-ecological cork and natural lime plaster, and providing investment capital. Furthermore real world bio - ecological sustainable retrofitting sites have been set up for selected University buildings. Evidence gained thanks to the above experimentation has been applied to simulate passivation of the entire Latin Quarter area (surrounding the University), producing relevant impact with potential influence on local and regional economy

    Landscape Quality Valuation for its Preservation and Treasuring

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    Pollution, environmental disruption, oversized urban development and infrastructure new construction jeopardize landscape integrity and peoples quality of life. Research deals with the landscape protection and enhancement providing governments and decision makers with a comprehensive Decision Support System to assess the quality of natural and cultural heritage and address planning measures and policy actions for landscape treasuring. Research set-up a sound methodology relying upon GIS tools, to spatially detect and define landscape units along with their endowment such as natural, ecological, historic, cultural, and urban resources then valuated with a GIS integrated multi criteria analysis tool set-up by the research team. Research developed a Case Study in the European Mediterranean Basin, validating the whole system and the performance and support of the GIS tools. Results achieved open the possibility to generalize the prototype application at regional, country and federation levels and therefore support the planning implementation for landscape enhancement