948 research outputs found

    Konstruksi Media Tentang Serangan Israel Terhadap Libanon (Analisis Framing Terhadap Berita Tentang Peperangan Antara Israel Dan Libanon Dalam Surat Kabar Kompas Dan Republika)

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    This research questioned Kompas and Republika in the term of their construction regarding Israel attact on Lebanon in 2006. This result showed that their construction were different to each other. Kompas elucidated the war between Israel and Lebanon was caused by status quo organization which seized two Israelian soldiers and the organization was uncooperative. The organization was Hizbullah. Meanwhile, Republika regarded Israel as an agressor state that wanted to expand its border zona by building new middle east

    Penanggulangan Pengemis dan Gelandangan di Kota Pekanbaru

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    Keadaan sosial ekonomi yang belum mencapai taraf kesejahteraan sosial yang baik, menyeluruh dan merata dapat berakibat meningkatnya gelandangan dan pengemis terutama di kota-kota besar. Kota Pekanbaru tumbuh secara baik dan bahkan menjadi pusat pertumbuhan ekonomiditandai dengan berdirinya kantor-kantor, pusat perbelanjaan, sarana perhubungan, pabrik, sarana hiburan dan sebagainya mendorong para urban untuk mengadu nasib diKota Pekanbaru, sehingga gelandangan dan pengemis tumbuh menjamur seperti pertumbuhan kota itu sendiri

    Problematika Pembangunan Pedesaan

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    Pembangunan masyarakat desa merupakan proses dimana masyarakat desa dapat merencanakan atau menerima USAha-USAha pembaharuan dalam meningkatkan taraf hidup, tentunya perencanaan ini sebaiknya dilakukan oleh masyarakat desa itu sendiri. Pembangunan dilakukan menurut ketentuan yang telah ditetapkan oleh pemerintah pusat, kemudian diterapkan untuk setiap daerah dengan mengunakan pola yang sama tentu mendapat kendala, karena setiap daerah mempunyai karakterisrik lingkungan masyarakat yang berbeda-beda sehingga perlu diterapkan suatu sistem yang sesuai dengan karakteristik yang dimilikinya

    Distribution of 226Ra Radionuclide in Upwelling Event Off Ulsan, Gampo and Pohang, Korea

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    Upwelling is an important event in the sea for it makes the area to become more productive. The objective of this study is to determine the distribution of radium-226 as radiotoxic in the upwelling area in the summer season. Measurements of the horizontal and vertical activities of 226Ra in the Ulsan, Gampo and Pohang waters were conducted in June, August 1999 and June 2000 when the upwelling event was expected to occur. Water temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen (DO) were also measured concurrently. The thermocline layer or the layer where the temperature decreased drastically occurred at a depth between 30 m to 100 m for samples dated June 1999 and 30 m to more than 100 m for samples dated August 1999 and June 2000. The salinity decreased with depth but the DO concentration increased in this layer. The condition affected the vertical distribution of 226Ra in the study area, where the 226Ra activities showed to be relatively homogeneous vertically in each station. This indicates that the upwelling which occurred in the study area was capable to distribute the 226Ra activities from the bottom to the surface. Thus, the 226Ra distribution at that time did not increase with depth, opposite to what usually occurs in the ocean at normal condition. The 226Ra activities also did not decrease after elapsed time of one year, in fact, it increased. However, horizontally the 226Ra activities decreased with increasing distance from the coastal zone. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the upwelling event in the Ulsan, Gampo and Pohang was effective for increasing the 226Ra activities and was capable to create homogeneous 226Ra activities from the bottom to the surface in the water column, and the source of 226Ra was likely to originate from outside area (i.e. coastal zone) and bottom area.Received: 25 March 2009; Revised: 24 August 2009; Accepted: 30 September 200

    Implementasi Pembelajaran Fisika Sekolah Melalui Model Pembangkit Argumen Untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Konsep Calon Guru Fisika

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    This study aims to improve conceptual understanding of physics teacher candidates in school physics classes through the application of the generate-an-argument instructional model. Research carried out by using the design of Research and Development which is modified by using a mixed method design. School physics teaching tools developed based on the stages of the generate-an-argument instructional model. The research instrument consisted of a test conceptual understanding, observation sheet and student questionnaire. Subjects were students majoring in physical education at one of the contracting LPTK in Bandung school physics course I semester of odd academic year 2011/2012. The results showed an increase in conceptual understanding in the category of high-grade experimental and control class with the category of being. Activities of lecturer and students in the implementation of the learning accomplished by either category. Students responded very positively to the learning model is developed

    Efek Salinitas Rendah Terhadap Tingkat Kerja Osmotik Dan Pertumbuhan Udang Windu (Penaeus Monodon Fab)

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    For a long time fish farmers used mangrove and marginal area of low salinity for tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon Fab) pond culture. The objective of this study was to know osmotic work level and growth of tiger prawn stocked in low salinity medium. Study carried out from may to July 2001 at the Aquaculture Laboratory, Department of Fishery, Fishery and Marine Science. Faculty, Diponegoro University Semarang. Study was performed with laboratory experiment, in which 4 salinity levels treatment and 3 replications were administered. The treatment was A (2%), B (6%), C (10%), and D (15%). Twelve buckets with the volume of 35 l each were used as the medium. Four tiger prawns with individual weight ranged from 2,48g to 2,60g were stocked in each of bucket. Osmotic work level growth of tiger prawns and water quality during the experiment were used as indicators the effect of different levels salinity. The result of study revealved that osmotic work level at the premolt phase in treatment A,B, C and D was 528.55, 528.41, 566.32, and 130.69mOsm/H2O respectively. At the molt phase, it was 786.33, 574.61,559,40 and 124.73 mOsm/l H2O respectively, and at the intermolt phase it was 528.93, 425.08, 330.35 and 127.25 mOsm/l H2O respectively. Growth of the prawn in the treatment A,B,C, and D was 0,30 , 0,47 , 0,48 , and 0,56 g respectively. The study recorded increasing osmotic work level and descreasing growth of tiger prawns along with decreasing salinity levels

    Manajemen Pelayanan Publik Dalam Perspektif Islam (Studi Di Rumah Sakit Ibnu Sina Kota Pekanbaru)

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    This study aimed at examining the relationship between Islamic values and public services. To achieve the purpose it employed survey research design. The patients in Ibnu Sina Islamic hospital were assigned as respondents and questionnaire was used to assess their perceptions toward the values and the quality services provided by the hospital. The findings showed that 1) the implementation of the Islamic values provided by the hospital was in general was ‘good\u27, 2) the quality of public services in general was also ‘good\u27, and 3) the correlation between the implementation of Islamic values and the quality of public services was ‘positive\u27 (0.458 on Pearson Product Moment index). It can be concluded that the more Islamic values were implemented, the quality of public services tended to be more realized. Theoretically, the finding were expected to yield evidence that there was positive correlation between organizational culture, especially religious values, and organizational performance, especially quality of public services. Practically, the findings encouraged the hospital managers to keep improving their implementation of Islamic values since the of quality of public services tended to increase as well

    The Representation of Social Actors in Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s Diplomatic Speech

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    Many speeches are delivered by the people around the world. Yet, the influential speech is quite hard to be found. It can be made only by the person who has special ability in setting the words out. In this case, Yudhoyono’s (Indonesian people usually call him, SBY) diplomatic speech which is delivered in United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Nusa Dua, Bali is one of the influential speeches. At that time, this conference is attended by over 10.000 delegations from 190 nations in the world. With the speech, SBY can influence all of the audiences in the conference who still have different stand among them to get consensus. Thus, the speech which SBY delivered has power to influence the audiences. SBY did it through the representation of social actors in his diplomatic speech. Due to the explanation above, the researcher proposed two problems: 1. How does SBY represent social actors in his diplomatic speech in order to influence the audiences? 2. What grammatical features which support the representation of social actors in SBY’s diplomatic speech based on transitivity theory? Here, the researcher used descriptive qualitative method as the method in this research. Then, the data of this research are taken from the full text of SBY’s diplomatic speech which is delivered in United Nations Conference on Climate Change on 15th of December 2007 in Bali Dealing with analyzing the data, the researcher used technique of qualitative data analysis with the framework of Leeuwen’s model of social actors and Halliday’s Systemic Functional Grammar as theoretical approach to solve the problems. Exactly, this technique is divided into four steps; classifying, defining, interpreting, and concluding. It is done in order to make the research reasonable, and justifiable. As the result of this research, ‘inclusion’ and ‘exclusion’ process are found in SBY’s diplomatic speech to represent social actors. In the case of ‘inclusion’, SBY mostly used personal pronoun, ‘we’, to make solid ambience between the audiences and himself. In the case of ‘exclusion’, he excluded himself, the audiences, and then both of them in text. He did it to bring round all audiences about their decision in the conference. Dealing with grammatical features used in the speech, he mostly used material process which supported the representation in order to influence the audiences to do more, getting the consensus. Through the representation of the social actors and the usage of process types in his diplomatic speech, he can influence all of delegations in the conference
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