23 research outputs found

    Landsat-8, advanced spaceborne thermal emission and reflection radiometer, and WorldView-3 multispectral satellite imagery for prospecting copper-gold mineralization in the northeastern Inglefield Mobile Belt (IMB), northwest Greenland

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    © 2019 by the authors. Several regions in the High Arctic still lingered poorly explored for a variety of mineralization types because of harsh climate environments and remoteness. Inglefield Land is an ice-free region in northwest Greenland that contains copper-gold mineralization associated with hydrothermal alteration mineral assemblages. In this study, Landsat-8, Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER), and WorldView-3 multispectral remote sensing data were used for hydrothermal alteration mapping and mineral prospecting in the Inglefield Land at regional, local, and district scales. Directed principal components analysis (DPCA) technique was applied to map iron oxide/hydroxide, Al/Fe-OH, Mg-Fe-OH minerals, silicification (Si-OH), and SiO2 mineral groups using specialized band ratios of the multispectral datasets. For extracting reference spectra directly from the Landsat-8, ASTER, and WorldView-3 (WV-3) images to generate fraction images of end-member minerals, the automated spectral hourglass (ASH) approach was implemented. Linear spectral unmixing (LSU) algorithm was thereafter used to produce a mineral map of fractional images. Furthermore, adaptive coherence estimator (ACE) algorithm was applied to visible and near-infrared and shortwave infrared (VINR + SWIR) bands of ASTER using laboratory reflectance spectra extracted from the USGS spectral library for verifying the presence of mineral spectral signatures. Results indicate that the boundaries between the Franklinian sedimentary successions and the Etah metamorphic and meta-igneous complex, the orthogneiss in the northeastern part of the Cu-Au mineralization belt adjacent to Dallas Bugt, and the southern part of the Cu-Au mineralization belt nearby Marshall Bugt show high content of iron oxides/hydroxides and Si-OH/SiO2 mineral groups, which warrant high potential for Cu-Au prospecting. A high spatial distribution of hematite/jarosite, chalcedony/opal, and chlorite/epidote/biotite were identified with the documented Cu-Au occurrences in central and southwestern sectors of the Cu-Au mineralization belt. The calculation of confusion matrix and Kappa Coefficient proved appropriate overall accuracy and good rate of agreement for alteration mineral mapping. This investigation accomplished the application of multispectral/multi-sensor satellite imagery as a valuable and economical tool for reconnaissance stages of systematic mineral exploration projects in remote and inaccessible metallogenic provinces around the world, particularly in the High Arctic regions

    Application of Landsat-8, Sentinel-2, ASTER and Worldview-3 spectral imagery for exploration of carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn deposits in the Central Iranian Terrane (CIT)

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    © 2020 by the authors. The exploration of carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn mineralization is challenging due to the complex structural-geological settings and costly using geophysical and geochemical techniques. Hydrothermal alteration minerals and structural features are typically associated with this type of mineralization. Application of multi-sensor remote sensing satellite imagery as a fast and inexpensive tool for mapping alteration zones and lithological units associated with carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn deposits is worthwhile. Multiple sources of spectral data derived fromdifferent remote sensing sensors can be utilized for detailed mapping a variety of hydrothermal alteration minerals in the visible near infrared (VNIR) and the shortwave infrared (SWIR) regions. In this research, Landsat-8, Sentinel-2, Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) and WorldView-3 (WV-3) satellite remote sensing sensors were used for prospecting Zn-Pb mineralization in the central part of the Kashmar-Kerman Tectonic Zone (KKTZ), the Central Iranian Terrane (CIT). The KKTZ has high potential for hosting Pb-Zn mineralization due to its specific geodynamic conditions (folded and thrust belt) and the occurrence of large carbonate platforms. For the processing of the satellite remote sensing datasets, band ratios and principal component analysis (PCA) techniques were adopted and implemented. Fuzzy logic modeling was applied to integrate the thematic layers produced by image processing techniques for generating mineral prospectivity maps of the study area. The spatial distribution of iron oxide/hydroxides, hydroxyl-bearing and carbonate minerals and dolomite were mapped using specialized band ratios and analyzing eigenvector loadings of the PC images. Subsequently, mineral prospectivity maps of the study area were generated by fusing the selected PC thematic layers using fuzzy logic modeling. The most favorable/prospective zones for hydrothermal ore mineralizations and carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn mineralization in the study region were particularly mapped and indicated. Confusion matrix, field reconnaissance and laboratory analysis were carried out to verify the occurrence of alteration zones and highly prospective locations of carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn mineralization in the study area. Results indicate that the spectral data derived from multi-sensor remote sensing satellite datasets can be broadly used for generating remote sensing-based prospectivity maps for exploration of carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn mineralization in many metallogenic provinces around the world

    Identification of phyllosilicates in the antarctic environment using aster satellite data: Case study from the mesa range, campbell and priestley glaciers, northern Victoria land

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    In Antarctica, spectral mapping of altered minerals is very challenging due to the remote-ness and inaccessibility of poorly exposed outcrops. This investigation evaluates the capability of Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) satellite remote sensing imagery for mapping and discrimination of phyllosilicate mineral groups in the Antarctic environment of northern Victoria Land. The Mixture-Tuned Matched-Filtering (MTMF) and Constrained Energy Minimization (CEM) algorithms were used to detect the sub-pixel abundance of Al-rich, Fe -rich, Fe -rich and Mg-rich phyllosilicates using the visible and near-infrared (VNIR), short-wave infrared (SWIR) and thermal-infrared (TIR) bands of ASTER. Results indicate that Al-rich phyllosilicates are strongly detected in the exposed outcrops of the Granite Harbour granitoids, Wilson Metamorphic Complex and the Beacon Supergroup. The presence of the smectite mineral group derived from the Jurassic basaltic rocks (Ferrar Dolerite and Kirkpatrick Basalts) by weathering and decomposition processes implicates Fe -rich and Fe -rich phyllosilicates. Biotite (Fe -rich phyllosilicate) is detected associated with the Granite Harbour granitoids, Wilson Metamorphic Complex and Melbourne Volcanics. Mg-rich phyllosilicates are mostly mapped in the scree, glacial drift, moraine and crevasse fields derived from weathering and decomposition of the Kirkpatrick Basalt and Ferrar Dolerite. Chlorite (Mg-rich phyllosilicate) was generally mapped in the exposures of Granite Harbour granodiorite and granite and partially identified in the Ferrar Dolerite, the Kirkpatrick Basalt, the Priestley Formation and Priestley Schist and the scree, glacial drift and moraine. Statistical results indicate that Al-rich phyllosilicates class pixels are strongly discriminated, while the pixels at-tributed to Fe -rich class, Fe -rich and Mg-rich phyllosilicates classes contain some spectral mixing due to their subtle spectral differences in the VNIR+SWIR bands of ASTER. Results derived from TIR bands of ASTER show that a high level of confusion is associated with mafic phyllosilicates pixels (Fe -rich, Fe -rich and Mg-rich classes), whereas felsic phyllosilicates (Al-rich class) pixels are well mapped. Ground truth with detailed geological data, petrographic study and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis verified the remote sensing results. Consequently, ASTER image-map of phyllosilicate minerals is generated for the Mesa Range, Campbell and Priestley Glaciers, northern Victoria Land of Antarctica. 3+ 2+ 3+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 2+ 3+ 2

    Global burden of disease due to smokeless tobacco consumption in adults : analysis of data from 113 countries

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    BACKGROUND: Smokeless tobacco is consumed in most countries in the world. In view of its widespread use and increasing awareness of the associated risks, there is a need for a detailed assessment of its impact on health. We present the first global estimates of the burden of disease due to consumption of smokeless tobacco by adults. METHODS: The burden attributable to smokeless tobacco use in adults was estimated as a proportion of the disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) lost and deaths reported in the 2010 Global Burden of Disease study. We used the comparative risk assessment method, which evaluates changes in population health that result from modifying a population's exposure to a risk factor. Population exposure was extrapolated from country-specific prevalence of smokeless tobacco consumption, and changes in population health were estimated using disease-specific risk estimates (relative risks/odds ratios) associated with it. Country-specific prevalence estimates were obtained through systematically searching for all relevant studies. Disease-specific risks were estimated by conducting systematic reviews and meta-analyses based on epidemiological studies. RESULTS: We found adult smokeless tobacco consumption figures for 115 countries and estimated burden of disease figures for 113 of these countries. Our estimates indicate that in 2010, smokeless tobacco use led to 1.7 million DALYs lost and 62,283 deaths due to cancers of mouth, pharynx and oesophagus and, based on data from the benchmark 52 country INTERHEART study, 4.7 million DALYs lost and 204,309 deaths from ischaemic heart disease. Over 85 % of this burden was in South-East Asia. CONCLUSIONS: Smokeless tobacco results in considerable, potentially preventable, global morbidity and mortality from cancer; estimates in relation to ischaemic heart disease need to be interpreted with more caution, but nonetheless suggest that the likely burden of disease is also substantial. The World Health Organization needs to consider incorporating regulation of smokeless tobacco into its Framework Convention for Tobacco Control

    Listvenite occurrences in the fault zones of northern Victoria Land, Antarctica: Aster-based mapping approach

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    © 2020 40th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, ACRS 2019: "Progress of Remote Sensing Technology for Smart Future". All rights reserved. Listvenite, a Mg-carbonate-quartz-fuchsite±Cr-chlorite±pyrite±chromite rock, forms by hydrothermal/metasomatic alteration of mafic and ultramafic rocks and represents a key indicator for hydrothermal mineral deposits in orogenic belts. Hydrothermal/metasomatic alteration zones in the damage zones of accretionary plate boundaries are efficiently detected using multispectral satellite remote sensing data. In this research, Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) multispectral remote sensing data are used to identify listvenite occurrences and alteration mineral zones in the poorly exposed damage zones of the boundaries between the Wilson, Bowers and Robertson Bay terranes in Northern Victoria Land (NVL) of Antarctica. Spectral information for detecting alteration mineral assemblages and listvenite zones were extracted at pixel and sub-pixel levels using the Principal Component Analysis (PCA)/Independent Component Analysis (ICA) fusion technique, Linear Spectral Unmixing (LSU) and Constrained Energy Minimization (CEM) algorithms. Mineral phases containing Fe2+, Fe3+, Fe-OH, Al-OH, Mg-OH and CO3 spectral absorption features were are distinguished in the damage zones through PCA/ICA fusion of ASTER visible and near infrared (VNIR) and shortwave infrared (SWIR) bands of ASTER. Silicate rocks are discriminated from the PCA/ICA fusion of the ASTER thermal infrared (TIR) bands. The extracted mineral images of goethite, hematite, jarosite, biotite, kaolinite, muscovite, antigorite, serpentine, talc, actinolite, chlorite, epidote, calcite, dolomite and siderite and listvenite occurrences were produced using the LSU and CEM algorithms. Listvenite occurrences are confined to mafic metavolcanic rocks (Glasgow Volcanics) in the Bowers Mountains. New field investigations verified the presence of listvenite in the mapped zones and further constrain on the efficiency of the integrative methodology used in this study

    Geological mapping in Morozumi range and Helliwell hills areas, northern Victoria Land (NVL), Antarctica using remote sensing imagery

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    Many regions remain poorly studied in terms of geological mapping in inaccessible regions especially in the Arctic and Antarctica due to harsh conditions and logistical difficulties. Application of specialized image processing techniques is capable of revealing the hidden linearly mixed spectral sources in multispectral and hyperspectral satellite images. In this study, the application of Independent component analysis (ICA) and Constrained Energy Minimization (CEM) algorithms was evaluated for Landsat-8 and Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) remote sensing data for geological mapping in Morozumi Range and Helliwell Hills areas, Northern Victoria Land (NVL), Antarctica. ICA algorithm was able to detect hidden linearly mixed spectral sources and low probability target materials in Landsat-8 and ASTER datasets. Fraction images of endmember target minerals such as hematite, goethite, jarosite, alunite, kaolinite, muscovite, epidote, chlorite, calcite, quartz, opal and chalcedony were produced using CEM algorithm for two spatial subsets of ASTER scene covering the Morozumi Range and Helliwell Hills areas. CEM classification image maps indicated that chlorite/hematite, goethite/jarosite/calcite and kaolinite/muscovite are governed in the Morozumi Range and goethite, chlorite, hematite and epidote are most dominated mineral assemblages in the Helliwell Hills area. GPS survey and XRD analysis verified the alteration mineral assemblages detected by ICA and CEM image processing algorithms. The results of this investigation demonstrate the capability of the two algorithms in distinguishing pixel and subpixel targets in the multispectral satellite data. The application of the methods for identifying poorly exposed geologic materials and subpixel exposures of alteration minerals has invaluable implications for geological mapping and mineral exploration in inaccessible regions

    Performance of Osteoporosis Self-assessment Tool for Asian (OSTA) for Primary Osteoporosis in Post-menopausal Malay Women

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    The Osteoporosis Self-Assessment Tool for Asians (OSTA) score has been developed to identify women at risk of osteoporosis. It can be used as a screening tool for patients at risk who would benefit from bone mineral density measurement and treatment. It was developed based on data from eight countries including Malaysia. However, most subjects were of Chinese (59%). This study evaluated the performance of OSTA among 152 post-menopausal Malay women. OSTA score calculation and DEXA scan were performed. Our results showed that the OSTA score is a good predictor of patients at risk of osteoporosis based on BMD measurements at the proximal femur. Instrument sensitivity was 87.5%, specificity was 95.8%, positive predictive value (PPV) was 0.538, negative predictive value (NPV) was 0.993, and the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) was 0.895. We conclude that use of the OSTA score in postmenopausal Malay women is effective and has adequate sensitivity and specificit