19 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis ada tidaknya keterkaitan antara karakteristik konsumen yaitu uang saku, jenis kalamin, dan motif dengan karakteristik jasa warnet (tarif, pelayanan, dan kelengkapan fasilitas), untuk mengetahui keterkaitan yang paling erat antara karakteristik konsumen dengan karakteristik jasa warung internet. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Chi-square. Analisis Chi-square digunakan untuk untuk mengetahui apakah ada keterkaitan antara karakteristik konsumen (uang saku, jenis kalamin, dan motif) terhadap karakteristik jasa warnet (tarif, pelayanan, dan kelengkapan fasilitas). Hasil analisis data diketahui hubungan Uang Saku dengan Tarif diperoleh Chi Square bahwa χ2 hitung (17,124) > χ2 tabel (9,488) maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima, artinya ada hubungan antara uang saku dengan tarif. Hubungan uang saku dengan pelayanan χ2 hitung (9,928) > χ2 tabel (9,488) maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima, artinya ada hubungan antara uang saku dengan pelayanan. Hubungan Antara uang saku dengan Fasilitas diperoleh χ2 hitung (9,451) < χ2 tabel (9,488) maka Ho diterima dan Ha ditolak, artinya tidak ada hubungan antara uang saku dengan Fasilitas. Hubungan antara jenis kelamin dengan tarif χ2 hitung (6,293) > χ2 tabel (5,591) maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima, artinya ada hubungan antara jenis kelamin dengan tarif. Hubungan antara jenis kelamin dengan pelayanan diperoleh χ2 hitung (2,605) < χ2 tabel (5,591) maka Ho diterima dan Ha ditolak, artinya tidak ada hubungan antara jenis kelamin dengan pelayanan. Hubungan antara jenis kelamin dengan fasilitas diperoleh χ2 hitung (0,329) < χ2 tabel (5,591) maka Ho diterima dan Ha ditolak, artinya tidak ada hubungan antara jenis kelamin dengan fasilitas. Hubungan antara antara motif dengan tarif diperoleh χ2 hitung (99,435) > χ2 tabel (9,488) maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima, artinya ada hubungan antara motif dengan tarif. Hubungan antara motif dengan pelayanan diperoleh χ2 hitung (42,812) > χ2 tabel (9,488) maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima, artinya ada hubungan antara motif dengan pelayanan. Hubungan antara motif dengan fasilitas diperoleh χ2 hitung (8,711) < χ2 tabel (9,488) maka Ho diterima dan Ha ditolak, artinya tidak ada hubungan antara motif dengan fasilitas. Hasil analisis coefficient of contingency menunjukan bahwa keterkaitan yang paling erat antara karakteristik konsumen dengan karakteristik jasa warung internet adalah motif dengan tarif hal ini ditunjukan dengan selisih yang paling kecil antara C dengan Cmax yaitu 0,056

    Pembelajaran Moral Melalui Pembelajaran Kooperatif

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    The development of moral learning through cooperative learning aims to produce students who are good, having moral, who understand, and able to exercise the rights and obligations both as a human being living in society as well as citizens of Indonesia. Assessment of moral learning through cooperative learning is relevant and necessary in the era of globalization which demands competition and impacts on the emerging attitude of exclusivism, permisivisme, and secularism. Cooperative learning has some advantages not only in boosting student academic achievement, but can also encourage the social aspects of treatment such as respecting others, empathy with others, cooperate with others and reduce the various negative aspects of competition, as well as able to give impressions on some other positive behaviors. However, to implement cooperative learning takes good preparation and planning therefore teaching and learning process can be carried out effectively and efficiently

    Evaluasi Implementasi Asesmen Kompetensi Minimum (AKM) di MTs Al-Utsmani Kajen Pekalongan dan Dampaknya terhadap Efektivitas Pembelajaran

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    Minimum Competency Assessment (AKM) is measuring truly minimum competencies so that schools and regions can be mapped based on minimum competencies. Minimum competency is the basic competency that students need to be able to learn optimally whatever the material and subject. There are two AKM contents, namely literacy (reading and writing) and numeracy. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with literature study data collection techniques. The research results show that (1) Minimum Competency Assessment (AKM) at MTs Al-Utsmani Kajen Pekalongan is carried out in accordance with operational standards, which include planning and preparation, implementation, as well as evaluation, reporting and follow-up and (2) Minimum Competency Assessment (AKM ) at MTs Al-Utsmani Kajen Pekalongan can realize learning effectiveness, which is characterized by efficient use of input; effectiveness of AKM implementation, namely planning, socialization, testing, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and follow-up; output productivity, namely students can access learning, AKM-based assessments, and other educational services remotely; and the relevance of the outcome, namely that the digital literacy of educators and students is increasingly developing well

    Pendekatan Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Secara Komprehensif

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    In the context of national education, Islamic Religious Education (PAI) in school has a strong position because it has a formal juridical basis. In addition, Islamic Religious Education (PAI) has a very strategic position to form a good quality of learners on the development aspects of intellectual, emotional, and moral. However, between expectation and reality on the implementation of Islamic Religious Education in schools is still a sharp gap. The implementation of Islamic Religious Education in schools still has several drawbacks. Therefore, various efforts and attempts to solve the problems mentioned above are needed

    Evaluasi Efektivitas Asesmen Kompetensi Madrasah Indonesia (AKMI) Dalam Mengukur Prestasi Siswa di MI Islamiyah Kambangan

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    This research aims to discuss the effectiveness of the Indonesian Madrasah Competency Assessment (AKMI) in the Kambangan Batang Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Salafiyah Unit. In this research, the method used is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The results of the research show that the effectiveness of the AKMI Policy in Madarasah Ibtidaiyah has been regulated in detail in the Standard Operating Procedures (POS) for the Implementation of the Indonesian Madrasah Competency Assessment (AKMI) in 2021 and 2022 which includes 17 (seventeen) points. The seventeen points are explained in detail from the introductory points to monitoring, evaluating and reporting on the implementation of AKMI. Next, evaluate the effectiveness of the Indonesian Madrasah Competency Assessment (AKMI) in measuring student achievement at MI Islamiyah Kambangan, namely all teachers so they can improve student competence by trying and finding new breakthroughs when learning. Madrasas still need improvement and other efforts to increase student competency. The level of assessment or competency status of students at AKMI and the aim of implementing AKMI is to measure madrasah students' competency in reading literacy, numeracy, science and socio-culture (Religious Moderation) as diagnostic data for follow-up actions to improve learning in madrasas

    Paradigma Penilaian Pembelajaran PAI pada Kurikulum KTSP dan Kurikulum Merdeka untuk Tingkat SMP

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    This research examines the Islamic Religious Education (PAI) learning assessment paradigm in the Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) and the Merdeka Curriculum at the Junior High School (SMP) level. The main purpose of this assessment is to measure the achievement of learning objectives, assess the effectiveness of teaching, and evaluate the suitability between the learning approach and the curriculum used. The move from the KTSP Curriculum to the Independent Curriculum often creates challenges, especially for schools that have not yet gone through the 2013 Curriculum (K-13). The KTSP curriculum uses traditional assessment methods such as written exams and formative tests, while the Merdeka Curriculum emphasizes a holistic approach that includes cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects. This research identified three main aspects that were evaluated: achievement of learning objectives, teaching effectiveness, and suitability of learning approaches to the curriculum. The assessment instruments used include written tests, class observations, questionnaires, and student portfolios. The assessment stages include planning, implementation, data analysis, decision making, feedback, follow-up, and ongoing monitoring and evaluation. Through a comprehensive and continuous assessment approach, it is hoped that the quality of PAI learning in junior high schools can be improved in line with the demands of the times and students' needs

    Evaluasi Model Pembelajaran Discovery Learning Berbasis Penilaian Diri Dalam Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Di MTs Agung Alim Blado Pada Mata Pelajaran Al-Quran Hadits

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    The aim of this research is to describe the evaluation of the Discovery Learning learning model in improving student learning outcomes in the Al-Quran Hadith subject, in this research using the classroom action research method or PTK. Observations were carried out to determine the learning process using the Discovery Learning model, student learning motivation, and student learning outcomes. The research results show that the learning process with Discovery Learning includes asking questions, formulating hypotheses, designing and making observations, collecting data, analyzing data, and making conclusions. There were improvements in implementation from cycle 1 to cycle 2. Student motivation increased from the initial conditions to the first cycle and the second cycle. The percentage of students with low motivation decreased from 40% (initial condition) to 17.90% (cycle 1) and 0% (cycle 2). Motivation is decreasing from 50% (initial condition) to 42.90% (first cycle) and 13.58% (second cycle). High motivation increased from 10% (initial condition) to 39.20% (first cycle) and 86.31% (second cycle). Student learning outcomes also increased. The percentage of students who had not yet completed decreased from 50% (first cycle) to 8.33% (second cycle). Students who completed and exceeded the KKM increased from 50% (cycle 1) to 91.67% (cycle 2). The indicator of the success of this classroom action research is the percentage of students completing at least 80%, which has been achieved at 91.67%. So, this PTK was declared successful

    Group Guidance using Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Approach to Reduce Verbal Bullying

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    Having poor problem solving skills may cause someone to experience verbal bullying. Verbal bullying in adolescents can be manifested into several forms, for instance giving nicknames, reproaches, slander, cruel criticism, insults, gossip, ostracism, and so on. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to test the effectiveness of group guidance using the Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) approach in reducing students' verbal bullying. The research used the first experimental design in Pre-Experimental Design (non-design), namely One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design, which involved 16 students of MAN 2 Pekalongan. Data were collected using a verbal bullying behavior scale (r1=0.367-0.0650 =0.807), questionnaires, observations, and interviews. The data was then analysed using Wilcoxon signed ranks test. The results of the study showed that there were differences in their verbal bullying behavior (research subjects) after given the group guidance services, with Z = -2,358 and p-value = 0.018 (p = value 0.050). This indicates that group guidance using the REBT approach can reduce students' verbal bullying, so that the group guidance model using the REBT approach can be used to develop students' positive behavior