5 research outputs found

    Formation of ionospheric irregularities over Southeast Asia during the 2015 St. Patrickˈs Day storm

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    We investigate the geospace response to the 2015 St. Patrickˈs Day storm leveraging on instruments spread over Southeast Asia (SEA), covering a wide longitudinal sector of the low-latitude ionosphere. A regional characterization of the storm is provided, identifying the peculiarities of ionospheric irregularity formation. The novelties of this work are the characterization in a broad longitudinal range and the methodology relying on the integration of data acquired by Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers, magnetometers, ionosondes, and Swarm satellites. This work is a legacy of the project EquatoRial Ionosphere Characterization in Asia (ERICA). ERICA aimed to capture the features of both crests of the equatorial ionospheric anomaly (EIA) and trough (EIT) by means of a dedicated measurement campaign. The campaign lasted from March to October 2015 and was able to observe the ionospheric variability causing effects on radio systems, GNSS in particular. The multiinstrumental and multiparametric observations of the region enabled an in-depth investigation of the response to the largest geomagnetic storm of the current solar cycle in a region scarcely reported in literature. Our work discusses the comparison between northern and southern crests of the EIA in the SEA region. The observations recorded positive and negative ionospheric storms, spread F conditions, scintillation enhancement and inhibition, and total electron content variability. The ancillary information on the local magnetic field highlights the variety of ionospheric perturbations during the different storm phases. The combined use of ionospheric bottomside, topside, and integrated information points out how the storm affects the F layer altitude and the consequent enhancement/suppression of scintillations.Published12211–122331A. Geomagnetismo e Paleomagnetismo2A. Fisica dell'alta atmosfera1IT. Reti di monitoraggio e Osservazioni5IT. Osservazioni satellitariJCR Journalope


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    Il sistema emolinfatico è difficilmente interessato in primis, ma è spesso coinvolto in molti stati patologici. Probabilmente, gli esami del sangue per la valutazione delle malattie sistemiche, rappresentano il metodo diagnostico collaterale più impiegato dai veterinari dei cavalli. Indipendentemente dal coinvolgimento primario o secondario della patologia a carico del sistema emolinfatico, i sintomi sono molto variabili e dipendono da quali strutture organiche sono coinvolte dalla malattia. Queste alterazioni cliniche possono variare dall’intolleranza all’esercizio, alla perdita di peso, all’ipertermia. È importante quindi eseguire un attento esame clinico diretto, facendo particolare attenzione alla valutazione delle mucose apparenti, del sistema cardiovascolare e gastrointestinale, e dei linfonodi periferici


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    Le malattie cardiovascolari nel cavallo sono poco comuni rispetto alle altre specie animali. Tuttavia, nel cavallo atleta cui è richiesto uno sforzo massimale, le piccole affezioni della funzionalità cardiovascolare possono causare diminuzioni significative della performance atletica

    Manuale di clinica del cavallo

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    Current theories of inner-shell ionization in fast ion-atom collisions have been reviews and a simplified classical treatment for multiple inner-shell ionization by Coulomb excitation, based upon the binary encounter model, has been developed. The probability of simultaneous K-plus-L-shell ionization in collisions between Ca, Ti, Fe, and Cu target atoms and fast deuterons, alpha particles, and carbon ions has been investigated. The results show that the fraction of K?? x-rays emitted in the presence of an L-shell vacancy (a) decreases with increasing projectile velocity above a projectile to L-shell electron velocity ration 1, (b) decreases with increasing target atomic number, and (c) increases with projectile charge. The projectile velocity dependence is in fairly good agreement with the simplified classical multiple ionization model. Systematic measurements of the dependence of K??/K?? x-ray intensity rations on target atomic number (19 [less than or equal to] Z [less than or equal to] 47), and on the projectile energy and charge have been carried out. The results were compared with Hartree-Fock-Slater calculations of radiative transition probabilities and found to be consistent with the intensity ratios expected for atoms multiply ionized in the L- and M-shells. Using the information obtained on simultaneous K-plus-L-shell ionization, the energy dependence of the simultaneous M-shell ionization probability was deduced and found to be in good agreement with the simplified classical multiple ionization model. Fission fragments from the spontaneous fission of ???Ăź???Cf were used to study x-ray spectra for ion-atom collisions involving very heavy projectiles. Spectral measurements of K, Ni, and Br K x-rays and Au L x-rays were carried out and compared with spectra resulting from excitation by alpha particles and photons. The large energy shifts and relative intensity differences observed in the fission fragment excited spectra are similar in character to those observed in fast carbon ion bombardments. Multiple L- and M-shell vacancy configurations together with high ionic charge states are required to reproduce the measured x-ray energy shifts with HFS calculations

    “Comparison of the safety and efficacy of paclitaxel plus gemcitabine combination in young and elderly patients with locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer. A retrospective analysis of the Southern Italy Cooperative Oncology Group trials”.

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    We retrospectively assessed tolerability and efficacy of paclitaxel plus gemcitabine combination in 259 patients with locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) enrolled in three randomized SICOG trials according to their age (70 years) at study entry. Apart from age, demographic and clinical characteristics were similar in the two groups. Response rate of paclitaxel plus gemcitabine was similar in younger and in elderly (36% versus 30%). Chemotherapy was well tolerated, but severe neutropenia (12% versus 7%), anaemia (6.6% versus 1.8%), and vomiting (5% versus 0) were more frequent in elderly patients. Both median progression-free survival (PFS, 5.5 months versus 4.2 months), and overall survival (OS, 11.1 months versus 9.1 months) resulted slightly prolonged for younger patients. However, only stage and performance status resulted independently affecting PFS and OS. In conclusion, paclitaxel plus gemcitabine were similarly tolerated and active in younger and elderly patients. This regimen should be considered an option for the management of fit elderly patients