655 research outputs found

    From Formal Methods to Executable Code

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    Note: the cover page of this report shows an incorrect title. The title given on the first page of the document itself is correct.The objective of this work is the derivation of software that is verifiably correct. Our approach is to abstract system specifications and model these in a formal framework called Timed Input/Output Automata, which provides a notation for expressing distributed systems and mathematical support for reasoning about their properties. Although formal reasoning is easier at an abstract level, it is not clear how to transform these abstractions into executable code. During system implementation, when an abstract system specification is left up to human interpretation, then this opens a possibility of undesirable behaviors being introduced into the final code, thereby nullifying all formal efforts. This manuscript addresses this issue and presents a set of transformation methods for systems described as a network to timed automata into Java code for distributed platforms. We prove that the presented transformation methods preserve guarantees of the source specifications, and therefore, result in code that is correct by construction

    Bond breaking with auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo

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    Bond stretching mimics different levels of electron correlation and provides a challenging testbed for approximate many-body computational methods. Using the recently developed phaseless auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo (AF QMC) method, we examine bond stretching in the well-studied molecules BH and N2_2, and in the H50_{50} chain. To control the sign/phase problem, the phaseless AF QMC method constrains the paths in the auxiliary-field path integrals with an approximate phase condition that depends on a trial wave function. With single Slater determinants from unrestricted Hartree-Fock (UHF) as trial wave function, the phaseless AF QMC method generally gives better overall accuracy and a more uniform behavior than the coupled cluster CCSD(T) method in mapping the potential-energy curve. In both BH and N2_2, we also study the use of multiple-determinant trial wave functions from multi-configuration self-consistent-field (MCSCF) calculations. The increase in computational cost versus the gain in statistical and systematic accuracy are examined. With such trial wave functions, excellent results are obtained across the entire region between equilibrium and the dissociation limit.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures and 3 tables. Submitted to JC

    Next challenges for adaptive learning systems

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    Learning from evolving streaming data has become a 'hot' research topic in the last decade and many adaptive learning algorithms have been developed. This research was stimulated by rapidly growing amounts of industrial, transactional, sensor and other business data that arrives in real time and needs to be mined in real time. Under such circumstances, constant manual adjustment of models is in-efficient and with increasing amounts of data is becoming infeasible. Nevertheless, adaptive learning models are still rarely employed in business applications in practice. In the light of rapidly growing structurally rich 'big data', new generation of parallel computing solutions and cloud computing services as well as recent advances in portable computing devices, this article aims to identify the current key research directions to be taken to bring the adaptive learning closer to application needs. We identify six forthcoming challenges in designing and building adaptive learning (pre-diction) systems: making adaptive systems scalable, dealing with realistic data, improving usability and trust, integrat-ing expert knowledge, taking into account various application needs, and moving from adaptive algorithms towards adaptive tools. Those challenges are critical for the evolving stream settings, as the process of model building needs to be fully automated and continuous.</jats:p

    Directed closure coefficient and its patterns.

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    The triangle structure, being a fundamental and significant element, underlies many theories and techniques in studying complex networks. The formation of triangles is typically measured by the clustering coefficient, in which the focal node is the centre-node in an open triad. In contrast, the recently proposed closure coefficient measures triangle formation from an end-node perspective and has been proven to be a useful feature in network analysis. Here, we extend it by proposing the directed closure coefficient that measures the formation of directed triangles. By distinguishing the direction of the closing edge in building triangles, we further introduce the source closure coefficient and the target closure coefficient. Then, by categorising particular types of directed triangles (e.g., head-of-path), we propose four closure patterns. Through multiple experiments on 24 directed networks from six domains, we demonstrate that at network-level, the four closure patterns are distinctive features in classifying network types, while at node-level, adding the source and target closure coefficients leads to significant improvement in link prediction task in most types of directed networks

    Influencia de los tensides en la liberación de las sustancias medicinales de los geles hidrófilos: influencia del polisorbato 20 y polisorbato 80 en la liberación del hidrocortisona de los geles hidrófilos

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    El proceso de liberación de hidrocortisona de los hidrogeles con la adición del 1% y del 3% del polisorbato 20o polisorbato 80, en la presencia de propilenglicol - 1,2 o PEG 200, tiene dos fases. Durante la primera fase lasvelocidades de liberación son más altas, comparando con la segunda fase. La segunda fase de liberación correspondea la cinética de primer orden. Los periodos de semiliberación en el transcurso de esta fase oscilan entre15,67 y 23,50

    Technical Note: Comparing the effectiveness of recent algorithms to fill and smooth incomplete and noisy time series

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    Geophysical time series often feature missing data or data acquired at irregular times. Procedures are needed to either resample these series at systematic time intervals or to generate reasonable estimates at specified times in order to meet specific user requirements or to facilitate subsequent analyses. Interpolation methods have long been used to address this problem, taking into account the fact that available measurements also include errors of measurement or uncertainties. This paper inspects some of the currently used approaches to fill gaps and smooth time series (smoothing splines, Singular Spectrum Analysis and Lomb-Scargle) by comparing their performance in either reconstructing the original record or in minimizing the Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Mean Bias Error (MBE), chi-squared test statistics and autocorrelation of residuals between the underlying model and the available data, using both artificially-generated series or well-known publicly available records. Some methods make no assumption on the type of variability in the data while others hypothesize the presence of at least some dominant frequencies. It will be seen that each method exhibits advantages and drawbacks, and that the choice of an approach largely depends on the properties of the underlying time series and the objective of the research

    Simulation and Augmentation of Social Networks for Building Deep Learning Models

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    A limitation of the Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) is that it assumes at a particular lthl^{th} layer of the neural network model only the lthl^{th} order neighbourhood nodes of a social network are influential. Furthermore, the GCN has been evaluated on citation and knowledge graphs, but not extensively on friendship-based social graphs. The drawback associated with the dependencies between layers and the order of node neighbourhood for the GCN can be more prevalent for friendship-based graphs. The evaluation of the full potential of the GCN on friendship-based social network requires openly available datasets in larger quantities. However, most available social network datasets are not complete. Also, the majority of the available social network datasets do not contain both the features and ground truth labels. In this work, firstly, we provide a guideline on simulating dynamic social networks, with ground truth labels and features, both coupled with the topology. Secondly, we introduce an open-source Python-based simulation library. We argue that the topology of the network is driven by a set of latent variables, termed as the social DNA (sDNA). We consider the sDNA as labels for the nodes. Finally, by evaluating on our simulated datasets, we propose four new variants of the GCN, mainly to overcome the limitation of dependency between the order of node-neighbourhood and a particular layer of the model. We then evaluate the performance of all the models and our results show that on 27 out of the 30 simulated datasets our proposed GCN variants outperform the original model

    Adaptive community detection incorporating topology and content in social networks<sup>✰</sup>

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    © 2018 In social network analysis, community detection is a basic step to understand the structure and function of networks. Some conventional community detection methods may have limited performance because they merely focus on the networks’ topological structure. Besides topology, content information is another significant aspect of social networks. Although some state-of-the-art methods started to combine these two aspects of information for the sake of the improvement of community partitioning, they often assume that topology and content carry similar information. In fact, for some examples of social networks, the hidden characteristics of content may unexpectedly mismatch with topology. To better cope with such situations, we introduce a novel community detection method under the framework of non-negative matrix factorization (NMF). Our proposed method integrates topology as well as content of networks and has an adaptive parameter (with two variations) to effectively control the contribution of content with respect to the identified mismatch degree. Based on the disjoint community partition result, we also introduce an additional overlapping community discovery algorithm, so that our new method can meet the application requirements of both disjoint and overlapping community detection. The case study using real social networks shows that our new method can simultaneously obtain the community structures and their corresponding semantic description, which is helpful to understand the semantics of communities. Related performance evaluations on both artificial and real networks further indicate that our method outperforms some state-of-the-art methods while exhibiting more robust behavior when the mismatch between topology and content is observed

    Encoding edge type information in graphlets.

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    Graph embedding approaches have been attracting increasing attention in recent years mainly due to their universal applicability. They convert network data into a vector space in which the graph structural information and properties are maximumly preserved. Most existing approaches, however, ignore the rich information about interactions between nodes, i.e., edge attribute or edge type. Moreover, the learned embeddings suffer from a lack of explainability, and cannot be used to study the effects of typed structures in edge-attributed networks. In this paper, we introduce a framework to embed edge type information in graphlets and generate a Typed-Edge Graphlets Degree Vector (TyE-GDV). Additionally, we extend two combinatorial approaches, i.e., the colored graphlets and heterogeneous graphlets approaches to edge-attributed networks. Through applying the proposed method to a case study of chronic pain patients, we find that not only the network structure of a patient could indicate his/her perceived pain grade, but also certain social ties, such as those with friends, colleagues, and healthcare professionals, are more crucial in understanding the impact of chronic pain. Further, we demonstrate that in a node classification task, the edge-type encoded graphlets approaches outperform the traditional graphlet degree vector approach by a significant margin, and that TyE-GDV could achieve a competitive performance of the combinatorial approaches while being far more efficient in space requirements