8 research outputs found

    Occupational Stress, Job satisfaction, and Self-efficacy among Indonesian and Chinese employees

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    This survey aim to find out the influence of job satisfaction and self efficacy to occupational stress among employees in Surabaya and Hangzou. A person's work and occupationnl status play a critical role in an individual's sense of identity, self esteem, and psychological well-being. Occupational stress is the combination of sources of stress at work. individual characteristics and extra organizational stressors. Caring about employee welfare means saving buriness cost around billions of dollars. Besides the occupational stress will get to so many diseases, either physiological or psychological. This study was adopted descriptive design research and was conducted in quantitative manner A quantitative approach was used to gather the data by distribution questionnaire to the sample. A total of 305 employees consist of 62 Indonesian employees and 243 Chinese employees participated to the study using the incidental sampling method. The data was analyzed by regression analysis. From the findings we hope that we can give some contribution to cross-cultural study and make suggestionsfor selection and recruitment of the new employees, as well as prevention and intervention (stress management)

    A Comparative Study of Marital Satisfaction Between Indonesian and Chinese Wives

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    Many studies indicates that marital satisfaction are affected by demographic factors (length of marriage, number of children the age of husband and wife income, and culture). The aimed of this study is to describe the differences in marital satisfaction based on demographic variables, between Indonesian and chinese wives. The subject in this studyare 463 wives (268 wives fromIndonesia and 195 wives from China). with in age range 25-45 years old. This study are quantitative research with survey methods using ENRICH Marital Satisfaction Scale (EMS). The aspectsof EMS Scale are Idealistic Distortion Marital Satisfaction, Personality Issues, Communication Conflict Resolution, Financial Management, Leisure Activities Sexual Relationship Children and Parenting, Family and Friends, Equalitarian Roles, and Religious Orientation. The data analysis using T-test & Mann U Whitney (non parametric). The result indicate marital satisfaction in Indonesian wives higher than Chinese wives. In demographic variable, there are significance differences between China and Indonesia in age, number of chiidren, age of children, job status, income, and education aspect. The length of marriage aspect has no different between Indonesian and Chinese wives

    Clinicopathological Correlation of Leiomyoma undergoing Myomectomy in a Tertiary Care Hospital

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    AbstractObjective: To evaluate clinic pathological correlation of Leiomyomas undergoing myomectomy intertiary care hospital.Methodology: This cross-sectional study was conducted at Gynaecology and ObstetricsDepartment, Services Institute of Medical Sciences Lahore, from June2019 to September 2022 on asample of 123 eligible patients. After a detailed history investigations and clinical examination, e.g.CBC, blood grouping, fasting blood sugar, ESR, ultrasound scan, laparotomy was performed and thesize of uterus, tubal and ovaries condition and total number and location of fibroids we noted. A tubalpatency test using methylene blue was performed. Histopathological examination was performed toconfirm any endometrial pathology or degenerative process. The data was analysed SPSS 21.0.Categorical variables like demographic profile, clinical characteristics, and location of myoma werepresented as frequency and percentages.Results: Mean age was 25.23±5.623 years. In the study population, 69.1% were nulliparous. Heavymenstrual bleeding was the commonest symptom, constituting 44.7%, mass in abdomen in 30.1%,infertility in 22% and dysmenorrhea in 3.3% cases. Most common site of leiomyoma was Intramural(51.21%), Subseroal 29.26%, and Submucous 19.51%.Conclusion: The study concluded that leiomyoma is one of the most common diseases ofreproductive age.Keywords: Clinicopathological correlation, leiomyomas, fibroids, uterine fibroids

    Marital Satisfaction, Social Support, and Social Stress: A Cross Cultural Comparison Between Indonesian and Chinese Wives

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    Marital satisfaction is studied more often than any other concepts. (Spanier & Lewis, 1980; Fower & Olson, 1993). Marital satisfaction is an important variable to research, because it is a global evaluation of marital life and a reflection of marital happiness and functioning. Social dimensions have contribution to marital satisfaction (Chen, & Li, 2012), such as social support and social stress. Social environment can be define as social support in the context of social relationship that have potentially supportive transaction. In the other hand, social environment define as stressor in the context of social relationship that have negative impact. This is empirical study, to describe correlation between social support, social stress (stressor) and marital satisfaction among lndonesian and Chinese wife. The subject are 463 wives (268 wives from Indonesia dan 195 wives fromChina), withinages 25 - 45 years old, both housewife or worker. The collecting data using surveym ethods with ENRICH Marital Satisfaction (Fowler and Olson, 1993 ) which have 11 aspects and DUSOCS that measure source of support and stressor. Correlation Spearman (Non Parametric) and Mann U Whitney are used to analyst the data. The results show that: 1) There is significant difference in marital satisfaction between Indonesian (mean = 53.0498) and Chinese (mean = 47.8462) wives (z= -4.349, asymp. sig.= ,000 (< .05)); which is social support Indonesian (mean = 62.1794) higher than Chinese (mean = 52.3744) wives (z= -5.191, asymp. sig.= ,000 (< .05)). Second result are 1). There is a significant correlation between marital satisfaction and social support both Indonesian and Chinnese Wives, either among Indonesia (r.1=8, sig.= 0.003 (<.05)) and Chinese (r=.217, sig.= 0.002 (<.05)); 2). There is a significant correlation between marital satisfaction and social stress, either among Indonesia (r=-.2 50, sig.= 0.000 (<.05)) and Chinese (r= -.228, sig.= 0.001 (<.05)). Characteristic of the country (religion, culture, history, and economic growth) can explain the differences of marital satisfaction of those countr.y. . between Indonesia and China. Second. Indonesian receive higher social support from their family and non-family than Chinese wives. Collectivism perspective that held in Indonesia and China, can explain the correlation between marital satisfaction, social support and social stress from family member

    Wellbeing among Elderly in Indonesia and China

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    Place and duration where the person lives influenced how he/she thinks and behaves. How the person thinks or evaluates about his/her life known as subjective wellbeing (Diener,2009). Problem of this research is how is the wellbeing of elderly (age 60 and over) who live in Surabaya-Indonesia and in Hangzhou-China. Is there any significant difference of wellbeing among elderly in Indonesia and China? In this research, Psychological Wellbeing (PWB) scale used for measuring wellbeing of elderly (Diener et al., 2009). Results indicated that mean of age of elderly in Indonesia=68,66 years; SD=6,497 (N=101). In China mean of age of elderly=70,75 years; SD=7,658 (N=92). Statistical analysis with independent samples t-test showed there is significant differencebetween wellbeing elderly in Indonesia and China. Wellbeing elderly in China (mean=41,110; SD=4.710) is higher than Indonesia (mean=23,95; SD=3,822). Context where individual lives makes a different life ssryle, also different way of thinking andfeeling about himself or his environmentFinally the way of life influenced elderly wellbeing

    Marital Satisfaction, Social Support,and Social Stress: A Cross Cultural Comparison Between Indonesian and Chinese Wives

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    Marital satisfaction is studied more often than any other concepts. (Spanier & Lewis,1980; Power & Olson, 1993). Marital satisfaction is an important variable to research, because it is a global evaluation of marital life and a reflection of marital happiness and functioning. Social dimensions have contribution to marital satisfaction (Chen,& Li,2012), such as social support and social stress.Social environment can be define as social support in the context of social relationship that have potentially supportive transaction. In the other hand, social environment define as stressor in the context of social relationship that have negative impact. This is empirical study, to describe correlation between social support, social stress (stressor) and marital satisfaction among Indonesian and Chinese wife.The subject are 463 wives (268 wives from Indonesia dan 195 wives from China), within ages 25 -45 years old, both housewife or worker.The collecting data using survey methods with ENRICH Marital Satisfaction (Fowler and 01son,1993 ) which have 11 aspects and DUSOCS that measure source of support and stress. Correlation Spearman (Non Parametric) and Mann U Whitney are used to analyst the •data. The results show that: 1) There is significant difference in marital satisfaction between Indonesian (mean = 53.0498) an Chinese (mean = 47.8462) wives (z=-4.349, asymp. sig.= .000 (< .05)); which is social support Indonesian (mean = 62.1794) higher than Chinese (mean = 52.3744) wives (z= -5.191, asymp.sig.= .000 (<.05)). Second result are 1). There is a significant correlation between marital satisfaction and social support both Indonesian and Chinese Wives, either among Indonesia (r= .18, sig.= 0.003 (<.05)) and Chinese (r=.217, sig.= 0.002 (<.05)); 2). There is a significant correlation between marital satisfaction and social stress, either among Indonesia (r= -.250,sig.= 0.000 (<.05)) and Chinese (r= -.228, sig.= 0.001(<.05)). Characteristic of the country (religion, culture, history, and economic growth) can explain the differences of marital satisfaction of those country, between Indonesia and China. Second, Indonesian receive higher social support from their family and non-family than Chinese wives. Collectivism perspective that held in Indonesia and China, can explain the correlation between marital satisfaction, social support and social stress from family member

    Maternal near miss, mortality and their correlates at tertiary care hospital

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    OBJECTIVE:  To determine the frequency and causes of maternal near miss and mortality among pregnant women. METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted Jan 2016 - Dec 2018. All near miss cases, admitted in Gynecology department of Services Hospital Lahore during the study period, were prospectively recruited. WHO criteria was used to identify maternal near miss cases. Primary outcome measures were frequency and causes of near miss and maternal mortality to near miss ratio. Secondary outcome measures were delays, need for massive blood transfusion, ICU admission, obstetric hysterectomy and hospital stay> 7 days. RESULTS: During the study period, there were 10,739 live births, 305 near miss cases and 29 maternal deaths. Frequency of near miss was 28.4/ 1000 live births and maternal mortality to near miss ratio was 1:10.5. There were 215(70.4%) unbooked patients and 23(79.3%) of them died (p<0.001). Hemorrhage accounted for 150 (49.18%), hypertensive disorders 102 (33.44%),cardiac disease 25 (8.28%) and infection for 12 (3.97%) near miss cases respectively. Maternal mortality was significantly low for hemorrhage, hypertension, sepsis and cardiac disease; 6 vs 150, 8 vs102, 3vs 12 and 10 vs 25 respectively (p<0.001). Massive blood transfusion was given to 20.98%patients, 15.74% underwent hysterectomy, 32.13% required ICU admission. First and second delay was seen in 78.6% of patients with 86.2% deaths (p<0.001) CONCLUSION: Hemorrhage and hypertension are major reasons for near miss but timely intervention can prevent mortality. Strengthening care at primary and secondary level can reduce the burden of maternal morbidity.  Continuous...