
Occupational Stress, Job satisfaction, and Self-efficacy among Indonesian and Chinese employees


This survey aim to find out the influence of job satisfaction and self efficacy to occupational stress among employees in Surabaya and Hangzou. A person's work and occupationnl status play a critical role in an individual's sense of identity, self esteem, and psychological well-being. Occupational stress is the combination of sources of stress at work. individual characteristics and extra organizational stressors. Caring about employee welfare means saving buriness cost around billions of dollars. Besides the occupational stress will get to so many diseases, either physiological or psychological. This study was adopted descriptive design research and was conducted in quantitative manner A quantitative approach was used to gather the data by distribution questionnaire to the sample. A total of 305 employees consist of 62 Indonesian employees and 243 Chinese employees participated to the study using the incidental sampling method. The data was analyzed by regression analysis. From the findings we hope that we can give some contribution to cross-cultural study and make suggestionsfor selection and recruitment of the new employees, as well as prevention and intervention (stress management)

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