48 research outputs found

    Perancangan dan Penerapan Sistem Pengukuran Kinerja Divisi Casting & Forging dengan Metode Balanced Scorecard di PT PINDAD (Persero) Bandung

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    PT PINDAD (Persero) merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di sektor manufaktur yang meliputi penyediaan produk komersial dan penyediaan produk persenjataan serta peralatan alat berat untuk militer maupun non-militer. Sistem pengukuran kinerja yang saat ini diterapkan di PT PINDAD (Persero) adalah berupa poin-poin Key Performance Indicator (KPI) bagi setiap unit bisnis yang akan dievaluasi setiap periodenya untuk kemudian mendapatkan gambaran kinerja perusahaan secara keseluruhan. KPI yang diterapkan saat ini mencakup ukuran-ukuran finansial dan non-finansial yang dikelompokkan ke dalam empat aspek yang meliputi aspek keuangan, aspek pelanggan, aspek operasional, serta aspek pembelajaran dan pertumbuhan. Namun KPI-KPI yang dikelompokkan ke dalam empat aspek tersebut ternyata tidak seluruhnya diturunkan dari strategi perusahaan sehingga masih terdapat indikator-indikator yang bukan merupakan faktor pendorong bagi tercapainya strategi perusahaan. Padahal Kaplan dan Norton (1996:19) mengemukakan bahwa untuk berhasil dan tumbuh dalam persaingan abad informasi, perusahaan harus menggunakan sistem pengukuran dan manajemen yang diturunkan dari strategi dan kapabilitas yang dimiliki perusahaan.Balanced Scorecard dipandang sebagai suatu solusi bagi sistem pengukuran kinerja di PT PINDAD (Persero) karena Balanced Scorecard menerjemahkan misi dan strategi ke dalam berbagai tujuan dan ukuran, yang tersusun ke dalam empat perspektif: finansial, pelanggan, proses bisnis internal, serta pembelajaran dan pertumbuhan. Tujuan dan ukuran dalam Balanced Scorecard lebih dari sekedar sekumpulan kinerja finansial dan non-finansial khusus; semua tujuan dan ukuran ini diturunkan dari suatu proses atas ke bawah (top-down) yang digerakkan oleh misi dan strategi unit bisnis (Kaplan dan Norton, 1996). Divisi Casting and Forging terdiri dari delapan departemen yang melaksanakan aktivitas lengkap keseluruhan rantai nilai. Menurut Kaplan dan Norton (1996:262) unit bisnis yang memiliki produk & pelanggan, pemasaran & saluran distribusi, fasilitas produksi sendiri, serta strategi untuk mencapai misinya merupakan calon yang sah untuk sebuah Balanced Scorecard.Perancangan Balanced Scorecard pada Divisi Casting and Forging menghasilkan 26 indikator kinerja. Bobot perspektif keuangan memiliki bobot tertinggi yaitu 44,787 %. Bobot tertinggi kedua adalah perspektif pelanggan yaitu 23,547 %. Perspektif proses bisnis internal memiliki bobot 21,135 %, sedangkan perspektif pembelajaran dan pertumbuhan memiliki bobot sebesar 10,531 %. Proses pembobotan dilakukan dengan metoda AHP (Analytical Hierarchi Process). Nilai kinerja Divisi Casting and Forging berdasarkan penerapan rancangan Balanced Scorecard adalah 3,93061 dengan kriteria pencapaian kinerja cukup. Kata Kunci : Balanced Scorecard, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Key Performance Indicator (KPI

    LINES OF DEFENSE: Coping with Predators in the Rocky Mountain Region

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    This sourcebook provides information useful to producers of all types of livestock in the Rocky Mountain States. The applicability of this information to specific livestock operations will depend upon the characteristics of the operation and the willingness and ability of producers to experiment with various techniques and procedures. Most producers will have experience with some methods of preventing losses to predators. Information in this booklet may provide new insights or sources of information for learning more about methods of depredation management. The booklet also includes information about techniques others are using, and provides opportunities for producers to contact people willing to share their ideas and whom may also want to learn from experiences of others. We also emphasize current research on predator control by including an up-to-date list of references and encourage producers to learn more about these methods in coming years. Booklet is 33 pages, with color illustrations

    Prototype Design of Business Performance Assessment of Tenants Independent Entrepreneurship Program Using the EFQM Model

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    Additionally, the Independent Entrepreneur Program (WMK) at Shipbuilding Institute of Polytechnic Surabaya (PPNS) organizers have not yet had a well-integrated information system to effectively and efficiently gather information for business performance assessments of the tenants. This research aims to develop a prototype of the Information System for Business Performance Assessment of WMK PBLT PPNS tenants using the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) model. The result of this research is a prototype of the Information System for Business Performance Assessment of WMK PBLT PPNS tenants. Based on the EFQM assessment, the average total business performance assessment score obtained is 897, with the highest category being “Orientation on Integrated Quality Management” with a ratification score >800-1000. That indicates that the businesses run by the tenants have achieved optimal performance results. With this prototype, it is hoped to assist in the process of assessing tenant business performance more effectively and efficiently

    Acute forces required for datal compression asphyxia: A biomechanical model and historal comparisons

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    Background Fatalities from acute compression have been reported with soft-drink vending machine tipping, motor vehicle accidents, and trench cave-ins. A major mechanism of such deaths is flail chest but the amount of force required is unclear. Between the range of a safe static chest compression force of 1000 N (102 kg with earth gravity) and a lethal dynamic force of 10–20 kN (falling 450 kg vending machines), there are limited quantitative human data on the force required to cause flail chest, which is a major correlate of acute fatal compression asphyxia. Methods We modeled flail chest as bilateral fractures of six adjacent ribs. The static and dynamic forces required to cause such a ribcage failure were estimated using a biomechanical model of the thorax. The results were then compared with published historical records of judicial “pressing,” vending machine fatalities, and automobile safety cadaver testing. Results and conclusion The modeling results suggest that an adult male requires 2550 ± 250 N of chest-applied distributed static force (260 ± 26 kg with earth gravity) or 4050 ± 320 N of dynamic force to cause flail chest from short-term chest compression

    Supporting the Complex Social Lives of New Parents

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    One of the many challenges of becoming a parent is the shift in one’s social life. As HCI researchers have begun to investigate the intersection of sociotechnical system design and parenthood, they have also sought to understand how parents’ social lives can be best supported. We build on these strands of research through a qualitative study with new parents regarding the role of digital technologies in their social lives as they transition to parenthood. We demonstrate how sociotechnical systems are entangled in the ways new parents manage their relationships, build (or resist building) new friendships and ad hoc support systems, and navigate the vulnerabilities of parenthood. We discuss how systems designed for new parents can better support the vulnerabilities they internalize, the diverse friendships they desire, and the logistical challenges they experience. We conclude with recommendations for future design and research in this area

    Maq?shid al-syar?ah

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    496 hlm, 24,5 x 17 c

    Maq?shid al-syar?ah

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    Al-qaw?'id al-fiqhiyyah al-'ib?diyyah : dir?sah muq?ranah bi al-madz?hib al-fiqhiyyah al-isl?miyyah

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    399 hlm, 24,5 x 17 c