15 research outputs found


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    Some of the major modifications on membranes produced by the oxygen reactivespecies are membranal structure and functions modifications, lipids peroxydation,membranal protein alterations and transportation disturbances thru membranes.A series of xenobotics like oxidant pollutants, lead, aluminium and others directlyor indirectly are producing thru metabolization free radicals which interact withcells components and alterate their functions. The purpose of this paper was torelieve the impact of aluminium cumulative addition onto globular resistance onrats. Has been administrated three levels of aluminium (200ppb, 400 ppb şi 1000ppb) as Al2(SO4)3 ad libidum in water. Was followed their toxicity impact on theglobular resistance for two generations. The results indicate a decrease ofglobular resistance directly correlated with the aluminium addition

    Clinical chemistry, haematology, immune response and histological evaluation of rabbits after immunisation and challenge with rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHD) virus

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    [EN] Following their immunisation and infection with a VSHI-CN-6 viral strain, a group of 15 rabbits were examined in a study of Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease (RHD). Serum samples were collected from the external ear vein at 0, 15, 30 and 60 days post-immunisation. The recorded platelet numbers were closer to the lower physiological limit, indicating a mild thrombocytopenia, with values ranging from 26.6 to 30.43×104/mm3. The phagocytic index revealed significant differences (P<0.001) between the mean values obtained before vaccination (day 0) and the 3 post-vaccination measurements, confirming the increase in phagocytic capacity after immunisation. Additionally, the serum lysozyme average value equalled 9.14 mg/mL post-vaccination. The analysis of variance revealed significant statistical differences (P<0.05) between the average values obtained before vaccination (0) and the post-vaccination values, measured on day 14 and 30, respectively. The morphology of the samples collected from the main organs involved in immune protection, spleen and gastric and portal lymph nodes highlighted changes corresponding to the post-vaccination immunological response. The white pulp of the spleen appeared as a diffuse lymphoid tissue, presenting with primary and secondary lymphoid follicles. The ratio of white/red pulp was in favour of the white pulp and multiple lymphoid follicles were present, indicating their reactivation. In the medullary area of gastric and portal lymph nodes, narrow lymphoid cords, circumscribed by relatively large lymphatic sinuses, and well defined lymphocytolysis were observed. Moreover, the exudate and lymphoid follicles during activation were noted in the cortical area. Furthermore, the inflammatory processes were identified, morphologically manifested by the thickening of connective tissue in the lymph node capsule, dilacerations of the connective fibres and the presence of light acidophilic serous exudate with rare inflammatory cells (serous lymphoreticulitis).Stancu, CA.; Cărpinișan, L.; Ghișe, A.; Marcu, A.; Pentea, MC.; Dumitrescu, E.; Muselin, F.... (2017). Clinical chemistry, haematology, immune response and histological evaluation of rabbits after immunisation and challenge with rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHD) virus. World Rabbit Science. 25(4):357-365. doi:10.4995/wrs.2017.7500SWORD35736525


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    The influence of ad libitum aluminium sulphate, Al2(SO4)3, administration during three generations on the blood glutathione (GSH) values in rats was studied. This study was carried out on 34 Wistar rats divided in 9 experimental batches (LI , LII, LIII, LIF1n, LIIF1n, LIIIF1n, LIF2n, LIIF2n, LIIIF2n )and one control batch (C). Aluminium sulphate has been administrated in drinking water, ad libitum. GSH was measured quantitatively at Perkin-Elmer spectrophotometer through Beutler et. al. method (4), at 412nm. Hemoglobin (Hb) was measured through Drabkin method (9) at the automatic analyzer Bekman Coulter. GSH is considered to be the most powerful and most important of body’s self-generated antioxidants. It is a powerful antioxidant, he neutralizes free radicals and prevents their formation. Because aluminium (Al) can couse oxidative damage on cellular biological processes by inhibiting GSH regeneration through the inhibition of NADPH supply in mitochondria, but only a little inhibitory effect on the GSH generation in cytosol (17), the consequences of ad libitum Al2(SO4)3 administration was a limited decrease of GSH values


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    In the present study, we have observed the effect of deuterium depleted water (DDW) on some blood parameters at rats. We used Wistar rats, whom we administered cadmium chloride in single dose (20 ppm/body weight). Following the intoxication with cadmium chloride, oxidative stress was induced upon the rats, which was reflected also on the blood parameters. We observed, that deuterium depleted water, administrated to rats preventively, as well as after the cadmium chloride intoxication, has an antioxidative effect, helping to restore the white blood cell formula

    The importance of professional based questionnaire in the dog’s acute and chronic pain evaluation

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    The measurement of pain levels is made differently depending if acute or chronic pain is diagnosed, objective (e.g. cortisol, prolactin, serotonin, catecholamines, or the cardiac frequency and arterial pressure evaluation) or subjective methods being imagined. All subjective methods are including questionnaires and specific additional methods. The aim was the verifying the effectiveness of drug and physiotherapy combinations by using an owner based questionnaire for the chronic patients and a veterinary professional based questionnaire for the acute pain patient group. In this study a total of 20 dogs with observable pain were selected and two groups (n = 10 / group), constituted: G1 - chronic pain, and G2 - acute pain. The treatment of dogs with acute signs of pain was made oral or injectable with NSAIDs administration and for dogs with signs of chronic pain, physiotherapy treatment and drug therapy was administered. The owners of the dogs with chronic pain received the HCPI questionnaire in order to evaluate their dog’s pain level subjectively. For the dogs with acute pain the veterinarian filled out the short form of Glasgow Composite Measure Pain Scale (CMPS-SF). After initiating a Paired t-test in Excel 2010 with the scores obtained with HCPI and CMPS-SF, there was observed a significant reduction of pain after associated drug administration and physiotherapy and no significant evidence of acute pain after drug therapy. The used physiotherapy and drug combinations delivered a significant reduction of chronic pain, both clinically and visually mirrored in score reduction after treatments. The HCPI questionnaire could be considered a valuable tool for evaluating chronic pain in patients in the clinic environment. The CMPS-SF has also proven to be a very useful questionnaire in diagnose of acute pain and evaluation of the effectiveness of drug therapy used

    Is ECLIA serum cortisol concentration measurement, an accurate indicator of pain severity in dogs with locomotor pain?

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    The purpose of determining serum cortisol level is to reflect the activity of stress axis, ethological alterations, acute and chronic pain, life quality, or psychogenic stress. Although it is stated that stress can produce a measurable influence on the cortisol level, a certified value of this pain biomarker in dogs was not generally accepted yet. This study aimed to investigate if serum cortisol measured follows allopathic treatments only, or it is associated with physiotherapy, point out pain level in dogs with orthopedic disease, which could reveal the healing progress. The diagnostic identified: hip dysplasia, cranial cruciate ligament rupture, or intervertebral disc disease. Ortolani and Barden tests, together with clinical examination, drawer sign, and tibia compression test, were done in dogs exhibiting postures, and motion alteration, and X-Ray confirmed. A total of 30 dogs were grouped in healthy (n = 10) and pain groups (n = 20), the blood sampling is done at the beginning of the investigation, and after ten days of the study. Dogs were handled in two ways: G1—treated with Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) only and respectively, G2—by therapy and physiotherapy. The analysis was performed on a Roche Cobas Analyzer (Roche, USA), serum cortisol being determined by Electrochemiluminescence immunoassay (ECLIA), and statistics using ANOVA, following Tukey’s Multiple Comparison Test. The results revealed that, out of ten specimens in the Control group, nine were within the normal limits: 5–65 ng × mL−1 (24.76 ± 19.48678), and one sample under the set limit. In G1, it was observed that the plasmatic P1 values were below the levels of P2, in six situations. In G2, although the status of all subjects improved radically with the removal or evident reduction of pain, confirmed clinically and imagistically, the P2 values in five dogs were higher than the initial P1 values, and in contradiction with the observed clinical reality. Comparing results, the mean difference in G1 was 0.41, and in G2 = 2.54, with an SD for G1 = 13.38, and G2 = 16.66, registering moderate development. Standard deviation illustrated that the values of treated groups were highly spread throughout the interval, and the serum cortisol assay did not generate significant statistical differences between groups in our case. This inferred the doubt whether the used detection method or values registered correctly indicates the pain levels in dog species

    Juniper communis L. Essential Oils from Western Romanian Carpathians: Bio-Structure and Effective Antibacterial Activity

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    The antibacterial activity of four bacterial standard strains that are naturally encountered in humans and animals was investigated by using bioactive compounds from commercial essential oils of Juniperus communis that were collected from the Western Romanian Carpathians. The Juniper communis essential oils, volatile compounds, were recognized through the GC&ndash;MS methodology by comparing identified spectra with those held in the NIST 02, Wiley 275 library. The ratio of each component was calculated based on the peak areas of the GC, without utilizing correction factors. The CLSI standardized micro-dilution was used to determine antimicrobial activity, employing 10&minus;3 dilutions of fresh culture, with inoculums equivalent to a standard of 0.5 McFarland being prepared for testing. Four bacterial strains, Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923), Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 27853), and Streptococcus pyogenes (ATCC 19615), were investigated, using 96-well micro-dilution plates. Over each micro-dilution well, the essential oils were poured, introducing gradually 2, 4, 8, and 10 &micro;L/well, respectively. The results were expressed as &plusmn;SEM and analyzed by one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni&rsquo;s multiple comparison test, considering the differences statistically provided when p &lt; 0.05 or lower. The juniper essential oil originating from the Western Romanian Carpathians is rich in four main volatile compounds: &beta;-pinene (34.02%), 1&alpha;-pinene (30.43%), p-cymol (20.25%), and &beta;-myrcene (10.20%). The juniper communis essential oil reduced bacterial density for all four strains tested, but compared to Gram-negative bacteria, in our case; a considerably higher antibacterial effectiveness was detected for Gram-positives, with peak reduction of Staphylococcus aureus, recommending the Romanian essential oil as a beneficial antibacterial resource