13 research outputs found

    ERP and four dimensions of absorptive capacity: lessons from a developing country

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    Enterprise resource planning systems can grant crucial strategic, operational and information-based benefits to adopting firms when implemented successfully. However, a failed implementation can often result in financial losses rather than profits. Until now, the research on the failures and successes were focused on implementations in large manufacturing and service organizations firms located in western countries, particularly in USA. Nevertheless, IT has gained intense diffusion to developing countries through declining hardware costs and increasing benefits that merits attention as much as developed countries. The aim of this study is to examine the implications of knowledge transfer in a developing country, Turkey, as a paradigm in the knowledge society with a focus on the implementation activities that foster successful installations. We suggest that absorptive capacity is an important characteristic of a firm that explains the success level of such a knowledge transfer.Publicad

    Implementation Strategies for ERP Adoption by SMEs

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    ERP systems are considered to be mission-critical information systems in the current business environment. The adoption of ERP should not be hindered solely by the size of an organisation. The key aims of this paper are to elucidate the various strategies Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) vendors have developed to encourage Small to Medium Enterprises (SME) to adopt their products. These strategies focus around solutions such as pre-configured solutions, implementation methodologies and hosting options. In order to meet this aim, this paper utilises two case studies as examples which demonstrate the experiences of companies who have utilised these strategic options. Based on the extant literature, the barriers to implementation of ERP systems in SMEs have also been discussed. Discussion about the implementation barriers is included to explain how organisations can prepare and plan for effective ERP system implementation

    ERP lifecycle: When to retire your ERP system?

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    A lot of research has been undertaken focusing on ERP systems lifecycles, but very little paid attention to retirement. ERP retirement means the replacement of an ERP with another. The aim of this research paper is to investigate why and when should organizations retire their ERP systems. A convenience case study of an SME has been selected from Egypt. The case study under investigation has retired their local ERP system and replaced it with SAP ERP. Results of our analysis indicated that reasons of retirement were: wrong selection, users were not involved in the selection process, and lack of an official implementation methodology. This is considered a new finding since main stream literature was mainly focused on retirement after maturity

    Rhodococcus equi Parte 1: epidemiologia, manifestações clínicas, diagnóstico e tratamento Rhodococcus equi Part 1: epidemiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment

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    A rodococose é uma doença de distribuição mundial causada pelo Rhodococcus equi, responsável por taxas elevadas de mortalidade e grandes perdas econômicas relacionadas à pneumonia grave em potros com menos de seis meses de idade. Essa revisão inclui a etiologia, epidemiologia e patogenia da doença com atenção especial à proteína de superfície VapA, seu principal determinante de virulência. As principais manifestações clínicas são apresentadas, bem como os métodos diagnósticos e as suas aplicações, incluindo as novas estratégias em desenvolvimento. Da mesma maneira, as medidas terapêuticas mais utilizadas são também discutidas, abordando principalmente o uso de antibióticos capazes de penetrar nas formações abscedantes.<br>Rodococosis is a disease that has a worldwide distribution caused by Rhodococcus equi. In foals under six months high mortality and great econimic losses are related to this bacterial pneumonia. This review includes the ethiology, epidemiology and pathogenesis of the disease with focus on the role of VapA, a surface protein, as the major determinant of virulence. The clinical manifestations are reviewed and diagnostic methods and their applications are commented, including new strategies that are still being developed. Likewise, the most common clinical therapies are discussed specially those using antibiotics that are known to penetrate in abcesses