18 research outputs found

    Changes of nucleic acids of wheat seedlings under spaceflight conditions

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    The effects of space flight on the growth of wheat seedlings and their nucleic acid content were studied. It was shown that both space and ground seedlings have almost the same appearance, dry weight and nucleic acid content in the root, coleoptile and leaves. The only difference found is in the RNA and DNA content, which is twice as much in the ground seedling apices as in the space-grown seedlings

    Comparison of growth rates of the filamentous fungus Aspergillus niger L. from contrasting environments

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    Eighteen strains of filamentous fungus Aspergillus niger were isolated from contrasting environments in Israel: the hypersaline Dead Sea and the temperate «Evolution Canyon» I. A comparison of growth rates under different water activity stress was provided. Clear differences in growth rates were observed under 5—20 % and 40 % volumes of the Dead Sea water (DSW). No difference was observed when we used 25— 35 % volumes of DSW. Strains from «Evolution Canyon» I grown at lower concentrations of the DSW revealed higher growth rates, while strains from the DSW demonstrated higher activity under higher stress (40 % volumes of DSW). Therefore, the following conclusion can be made: strains of A. niger isolated from the DSW are more adapted to stress associated with low-water activity.Сравнение темпов роста спор изолятов Aspergillus niger L. из контрастных по солености условий существования: гиперсоленых — Мертвого моря и умеренных — Европейского и Африканского склонов "Эволюционного каньона" (Израиль) дало возможность сделать вывод о большой адаптированности спор изолятов A. niger, выделенных из воды Мертвого моря, к стрессу, ассоциированному с низкой активностью воды.Порівняння темпів росту ізолятів Aspergillus niger з контрастних умов існування: гіпер-солоних — Мертвого моря і помірних — "Еволюційного каньйону" (Ізраїль) дало можливість дійти висновку про більшу адаптованість ізолятів A. niger, виділених з води Мертвого моря, до стресу, асоційованого з низькою активністю води

    The Hormones of Fungi

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    Introduction of Neottia nidus-avis (L.) Rich. into culture in vitro

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    Callus cultures from ovary and ovule of Neottia nidus-avis (L.) Rich. were obtained. Dependence of callus genesis on growth regulators composition of nutrient medium it was shown. Cytomorphological analysis of callus cultures demonstrat their high morphogenetic potential

    Role of phytolectin in the life cycle of plants

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    In the review the basic properties of plant lectins and their physio- logical role in the life cycle of plants are considered. There are data on the current state of the researches of phytolectins and lectin-like pro- teins as well as designation of the main directions of further study on the functioning of these proteins in the plant physiological processes.N. V. Kovalchuk, N. M. Melnykova, L. I. Musatenk

    The role of first Ukrainian Universities in the development of physiological investigation of plant growth and movement

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    Information about contribution at scientists of first Ukrainian Universities into development of plant physiology and biochemistry is presented. Special attention is paid to studies of plant growth and movement as a basis for formation of Kholodny-Went phytohormonal tropisms theory