589 research outputs found

    The political ‘migration crisis’ and the military-humanitarian response

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    ‘We need more than a humanitarian response […] We need political leadership and action,’ Filippo Grandi, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, said on 8 March 2016. Referring to the fact that ‘Europe is now seeing record numbers of refugees, and migrants, arriving on its shores’, Grandi stressed that ‘this emergency does not have to be a crisis, it can be managed’. Grandi, who was speaking to the European Parliament in Strasbourg, did not mention to what extent, in recent years, the militarisation of migration and border controls has been explicitly bound with notions of humanitarianism. Nevertheless, I guess he is aware that the current focus on both the humanitarian and security-related aspects of the phenomenon suggests a more complex logic of threat and benevolence that allows for a security-humanitarian response

    To the heart of the problem. mIGF-1: Local effort for global impact

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    A primed immune system can constitute an hormetic advantage for responding to a potential cardiac tissue damage. In this context, further studies should better address the causes of hypertension, taking into consideration epigenetic phenomena and environmental factors. This would help to better define whether essential hypertension could be replaced by other terms with precise pathophysiological characteristics. Together, these observations support hypothesis that the mIGF-1/SIRT1 pathway maintains the "youth heart" and renders the cardiac muscle more responsive and resistant to different pathologic stimuli

    Increased circulating levels of interleukin-6 induce perturbation in redox-regulated signaling cascades in muscle of dystrophic mice

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    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is an X-linked genetic disease in which dystrophin gene is mutated, resulting in dysfunctional or absent dystrophin protein. The pathology of dystrophic muscle includes degeneration, necrosis with inflammatory cell invasion, regeneration, and fibrous and fatty changes. Nevertheless, the mechanisms by which the absence of dystrophin leads to muscle degeneration remain to be fully elucidated. An imbalance between oxidant and antioxidant systems has been proposed as a secondary effect of DMD. However, the significance and precise extent of the perturbation in redox signaling cascades is poorly understood. We report that mdx dystrophic mice are able to activate a compensatory antioxidant response at the presymptomatic stage of the disease. In contrast, increased circulating levels of IL-6 perturb the redox signaling cascade, even prior to the necrotic stage, leading to severe features and progressive nature of muscular dystrophy

    Finite mixture clustering of human tissues with different levels of IGF-1 splice variants mRNA transcripts

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    BACKGROUND: This study addresses a recurrent biological problem, that is to define a formal clustering structure for a set of tissues on the basis of the relative abundance of multiple alternatively spliced isoforms mRNAs generated by the same gene. To this aim, we have used a model-based clustering approach, based on a finite mixture of multivariate Gaussian densities. However, given we had more technical replicates from the same tissue for each quantitative measurement, we also employed a finite mixture of linear mixed models, with tissue-specific random effects. RESULTS: A panel of human tissues was analysed through quantitative real-time PCR methods, to quantify the relative amount of mRNA encoding different IGF-1 alternative splicing variants. After an appropriate, preliminary, equalization of the quantitative data, we provided an estimate of the distribution of the observed concentrations for the different IGF-1 mRNA splice variants in the cohort of tissues by employing suitable kernel density estimators. We observed that the analysed IGF-1 mRNA splice variants were characterized by multimodal distributions, which could be interpreted as describing the presence of several sub-population, i.e. potential tissue clusters. In this context, a formal clustering approach based on a finite mixture model (FMM) with Gaussian components is proposed. Due to the presence of potential dependence between the technical replicates (originated by repeated quantitative measurements of the same mRNA splice isoform in the same tissue) we have also employed the finite mixture of linear mixed models (FMLMM), which allowed to take into account this kind of within-tissue dependence. CONCLUSIONS: The FMM and the FMLMM provided a convenient yet formal setting for a model-based clustering of the human tissues in sub-populations, characterized by homogeneous values of concentrations of the mRNAs for one or multiple IGF-1 alternative splicing isoforms. The proposed approaches can be applied to any cohort of tissues expressing several alternatively spliced mRNAs generated by the same gene, and can overcome the limitations of clustering methods based on simple comparisons between splice isoform expression levels

    De-bordering narratives on tourism and migration. A participatory action-research on two innovative Italian practices

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    In a world where freedom of movement becomes the main factor of social stratification, tourism and migration can be analysed as two sides of the same coin. These interrelated phenomena are often linked to opposite and conflicting images, stereotypes and emotions. Polarized narratives, stigmatizing migrants and asylum seekers as invaders or victims, and tourists as bearers of economic benefits. This perception denies a holistic vision of the impacts on territories and communities. Examining the link between narratives, representations and actions, this article sheds light on how alternative representations of migration and tourism can be co-constructed by social actors. Analysing the narrative turn in social sciences, this paper presents participatory action-research on two innovative practices, inviting a reflection on the rhetoric and policies related to tourism and migration. More specifically, it explores how the Festival of Responsible Tourism IT.A.C\uc0_migrants and travelers and the Experiential Course on Tourism Development and Intercultural Hospitality - adopt, de-construct, reconstruct and enact alternative narratives concerning migration and tourism, while also promoting social coexistence between citizens and newcomers

    Measuring neuromuscular junction functionality

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    Neuromuscular junction (NMJ) functionality plays a pivotal role when studying diseases in which the communication between motor neuron and muscle is impaired, such as aging and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Here we describe an experimental protocol that can be used to measure NMJ functionality by combining two types of electrical stimulation: direct muscle membrane stimulation and the stimulation through the nerve. The comparison of the muscle response to these two different stimulations can help to define, at the functional level, potential alterations in the NMJ that lead to functional decline in muscle. Ex vivo preparations are suited to well-controlled studies. Here we describe an intensive protocol to measure several parameters of muscle and NMJ functionality for the soleus-sciatic nerve preparation and for the diaphragm-phrenic nerve preparation. The protocol lasts approximately 60 min and is conducted uninterruptedly by means of a custom-made software that measures the twitch kinetics properties, the force-frequency relationship for both muscle and nerve stimulations, and two parameters specific to NMJ functionality, i.e. neurotransmission failure and intratetanic fatigue. This methodology was used to detect damages in soleus and diaphragm muscle-nerve preparations by using SOD1G93A transgenic mouse, an experimental model of ALS that ubiquitously overexpresses the mutant antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1)

    A DIC based technique to measure the contraction of a skeletal muscle engineered tissue

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    Tissue engineering is a multidisciplinary science based on the application of engineering approaches to biologic tissue formation. Engineered tissue internal organization represents a key aspect to increase biofunctionality before transplant and, as regarding skeletal muscles, the potential of generating contractile forces is dependent on the internal fiber organization and is reflected by some macroscopic parameters, such as the spontaneous contraction. Here we propose the application of digital image correlation (DIC) as an independent tool for an accurate and noninvasive measurement of engineered muscle tissue spontaneous contraction. To validate the proposed technique we referred to the X-MET, a promising 3-dimensional model of skeletal muscle. The images acquired through a high speed camera were correlated with a custom-made algorithm and the longitudinal strain predictions were employed for measuring the spontaneous contraction. The spontaneous contraction reference values were obtained by studying the force response.The relative error between the spontaneous contraction frequencies computed in both ways was always lower than 0.15%. In conclusion, the use of a DIC based systemallows for an accurate and noninvasive measurement of biological tissues’ spontaneous contraction, in addition to the measurement of tissue strain field on any desired region of interest during electrical stimulation

    Mechanisms regulating muscle regeneration: insights into the interrelated and time-dependent phases of tissue healing

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    Despite a massive body of knowledge which has been produced related to the mechanisms guiding muscle regeneration, great interest still moves the scientific community toward the study of different aspects of skeletal muscle homeostasis, plasticity, and regeneration. Indeed, the lack of effective therapies for several physiopathologic conditions suggests that a comprehensive knowledge of the different aspects of cellular behavior and molecular pathways, regulating each regenerative stage, has to be still devised. Hence, it is important to perform even more focused studies, taking the advantage of robust markers, reliable techniques, and reproducible protocols. Here, we provide an overview about the general aspects of muscle regeneration and discuss the different approaches to study the interrelated and time-dependent phases of muscle healing

    MicroRNAs modulated by local mIGF-1 expression in mdx dystrophic mice

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    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a X-linked genetic disease in which the absence of dystrophin leads to progressive lethal skeletal muscle degeneration. It has been demonstrated that among genes which are important for proper muscle development and function, micro-RNAs (miRNAs) play a crucial role. Moreover, altered levels of miRNAs were found in several muscular disorders, including DMD. A specific group of miRNAs, whose expression depends on dystrophin levels and whose deregulation explains several DMD pathogenetic traits, has been identified. Here, we addressed whether the anabolic activity of mIGF-1 on dystrophic muscle is associated with modulation of microRNAs expression. We demonstrated that some microRNAs are strictly linked to the dystrophin expression and are not modulated by mIGF-1 expression. In contrast, local expression of mIGF-1 promotes the modulation of other microRNAs, such as miR-206 and miR-24, along with the modulation of muscle specific genes, which are associated with maturation of regenerating fibers and with the stabilization of the differentiated muscle phenotype. These data suggest that mIGF-1, modifying the expression of some of the active players of muscle homeostasis, is able, even in absence of dystrophin expression, to activate circuitries that confer robustness to dystrophic muscle

    Postmitotic Expression of SOD1G93A Gene Affects the Identity of Myogenic Cells and Inhibits Myoblasts Differentiation

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    To determine the role of mutant SOD1 gene (SOD1G93A) on muscle cell differentiation, we derived C2C12 muscle cell lines carrying a stably transfected SOD1G93A gene under the control of a myosin light chain (MLC) promoter-enhancer cassette. Expression of MLC/SOD1G93A in C2C12 cells resulted in dramatic inhibition of myoblast differentiation. Transfected SOD1G93A gene expression in postmitotic skeletal myocytes downregulated the expression of relevant markers of committed and differentiated myoblasts such as MyoD, Myogenin, MRF4, and the muscle specific miRNA expression. The inhibitory effects of SOD1G93A gene on myogenic program perturbed Akt/p70 and MAPK signaling pathways which promote differentiation cascade. Of note, the inhibition of the myogenic program, by transfected SOD1G93A gene expression, impinged also the identity of myogenic cells. Expression of MLC/SOD1G93A in C2C12 myogenic cells promoted a fibro-adipogenic progenitors (FAPs) phenotype, upregulating HDAC4 protein and preventing the myogenic commitment complex BAF60C-SWI/SNF. We thus identified potential molecular mediators of the inhibitory effects of SOD1G93A on myogenic program and disclosed potential signaling, activated by SOD1G93A, that affect the identity of the myogenic cell population