374 research outputs found

    The importance and pecularity of legal regimes applying to the subjects of labour relations in international private law

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    This article examines the role of labor relations in private international law, as well as an analysis of national and international legal instruments in the field of labor relations reflected the substance of the legal regimes applicable to entities with foreign element

    Is Sustainable Development of Deserts Feasible?

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    Hot deserts that presently cover about one-fifth of the land area of our planet are rapidly devouring more and more arable lands mostly due to anthropogenic causes. We propose an interdisciplinary approach to revitalizing and commercializing hot deserts, which is based on systems thinking and Russian and NASA space technology experience in designing life-support systems for long-duration flights. We formulate ten principles for the design of sustainable life support systems in deserts, which can make the development of the deserts feasible. It is discussed how the principles can be employed to design and operate desert’s eco-industrial parks with greenhouses in which the transpired and evaporated moisture is collected and condensed. The potential benefits of setting up the eco-industrial parks in deserts include the slowdown and eventual reversal of the desertification trend, the migration of many industrial production facilities from mild-climate regions to deserts, the increased availability of potable water and food in deserts, the development of poor African countries, and the emergence of new investment markets

    Regularity properties of degenerate convolution-elliptic equations

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    The coercive properties of degenerate abstract convolution-elliptic equations are investigated. Here we find sufficient conditions that guarantee the separability of these problems in Lp spaces. It is established that the corresponding convolution-elliptic operator is positive and is also a generator of an analytic semigroup. Finally, these results are applied to obtain the maximal regularity properties of the Cauchy problem for a degenerate abstract parabolic equation in mixed Lp norms, boundary value problems for degenerate integro-differential equations, and infinite systems of degenerate elliptic integro-differential equations

    Methodology for the use of Equiverm-2.0% against equine parasite infections

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    The purpose of the research is to develop a methodology for Equiverm-2.0% paste used against equine parasite infections.The methodology provides a brief description of Equiverm-2.0%, mechanism of its action, pharmaco-toxicological properties, application, slaughter terms, and personal safety measures. Equiverm-2.0% antiparasitic paste consists of the active ingredient, ivermectin, and excipients; it is a light cream-coloured paste with a slight pine odor and sweetish taste. The drug is administered orally at a therapeutic dose of 0.2 mg/kg for the active substance. One gram of paste is equal to 1 mL in volume with 20 mg of ivermectin. Ivermectin in Equiverm-2.0% paste is in a dissolved form, and forms an intermolecular complex. The antiparasitic paste is packaged in disposable polyethylene syringe dispensers of 5 or 10 mL, respectively, 4 to 8 g each, per treated horse weighing 400-800 kg. When administered orally, the paste spreads in the oral cavity and the animal eats it with pleasure due to its sweetish taste. The drug is recommended for registration in the Russian Federation


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    The Third All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with the support and participation of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Federal Agency for scientific organizations took place in Crimea in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, Crimea on September 3-10, 2017. "Ecological-genetic reserves of selection, seed farming and plant reproduction" forum gathered more than 300 people from 99 organizations throughout Russia. Following the results of the five-day work of the conference, a resolution was adopted: to develop a "State scientific and technical program" aimed at increasing the competitiveness of domestic varieties, seeds, planting stock and technologies in the domestic and foreign markets with the view of long-term development of selection and seed production in the Russian Federation.Очередная Третья Всероссийская научно-практическая конференция при поддержке и участии Министерства сельского хозяйства, Российской академии наук и Федерального агентства научных организаций прошла 3-10 сентября 2017 года в Крыму в Никитском Ботаническом саду. Научный форум под названием: «Эколого-генетические резервы селекции, семеноводства и размножения растений», собрал более 300 человек из 99 организаций по всей России. По итогам пятидневной работы конференции было принято постановление: с целью перспективного развития селекции и семеноводства в Российской Федерации разработать «Государственную научно-техническую программу», направленную на повышение конкурентоспособности отечественных сортов, семян, посадочного материала и технологий на внутреннем и внешнем рынках.

    Effect evaluation of supramolecular complex of ivermectin Aniverm-2.0% on postnatal development of rat offspring

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    The purpose of the research is to detect long-term effects of repeated oral administration of supramolecular complex of ivermectin Aniverm-2.0% on the postnatal development of rat offspring.Materials and methods. The studies were conducted on 16 white pregnant rats that were divided into two experimental and one control groups. The animals were kept under standard conditions of keeping and feeding. The supramolecular complex of ivermectin Aniverm-2.0% was administered to pregnant female rats (n = 6) of group 1 in the form of a suspension using an intragastric tube daily for 7 days at a dose of 15 mg/kg, and group 2 was given the substance of ivermectin (n = 5) at a dose of 8.25 mg/kg. The control female rats (n = 5) were administered 1 mL of distilled water during the experiment. The experimental pregnant females were left until delivery, and then, the development of their offspring was monitored for 45 days. After rat pups were born, the following were recorded: pregnancy duration, litter size, dynamics of weight gain in the rat pups for 21 days, postnatal death during the first 30 days, the ratio of males and females in the litter, periods of eye opening, incisor eruption, detachment of the auricle, appearance of hair coat, descent of testicles, and opening of the vagina. Then we assessed the maturation rate of sensory-motor reflexes in the offspring obtained from the experimental and control groups, the emotional motor behavior and ability for fine coordination of movements in the offspring, and conducted the open field-2 test on day 45 after birth.Results and discussion. No negative effect was detected for supramolecular complex of ivermectin Aniverm-2.0% on the parameters of physiological development of the offspring of the experimental rats within 45 days after birth. The dynamics of their mass, developmental parameters, and formation of motor reflexes during the feeding period remained within the normal values. Developmental indicators of sensory motor reflexes in the control and experimental rat pups had no statistically significant differences

    Effects of 2.0% Equiverm in high doses on the clinical state of the horses’ organism

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    The purpose of the research is to study the effect of the new antiparasitic 2.0% Equiverm in high doses on the clinical state of horses.Materials and methods. The experiment was conducted on 15 two-year-old crossbred horses weighing up to 300 kg spontaneously infected with Strongylata. To determine the effect of the antiparasitic paste on the horses, three groups of five horses each were formed. The first group of the horses was administered 2.0% Equiverm at a therapeutic dose; the second, at a three-fold increased dose, and the third, at a five-fold increased dose (0.2; 0.6 and 1.0 mg/kg for the active substance (AS), and 1.0; 3.0 and 5.0 mL per 100 kg of body weight for the drug). The horses’ clinical state was studied using standard methods. Blood samples for the study were taken from the jugular vein before the drug on the first, third and seventh days. The results obtained were statistically processed using the computer tool Microsoft Excel 2007.Results and discussion. It was found that the antiparasitic paste 2.0% Equiverm had no negative effect on clinical, hematological or biochemical parameters after a single oral administration at a therapeutic, three- and five-fold increased dose (0.2; 0.6 and 1.0 mg/kg for the AS, and 1.0; 3.0 and 5.0 mL per 100 kg of the body weight for the drug)