20 research outputs found

    6.3 MeV fast neutrons in the treatment of patients with locally advanced and locally recurrent breast cancer

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    The study included 135 breast cancer patients (70 patients with locally recurrent breast cancer and 65 patients with locally advanced breast cancer with unfavorable prognostic factors) who received the neutron therapy alone or in combination with the photon therapy. The neutron therapy was shown to be effective in multimodality treatment of patients with locally advanced and locally recurrent breast cancer.The 8-year survival rate in patients without repeated breast cancer recurrence was 87.6±8.7% after the neutron and neutron-photon therapy and 54.3±9.2% after the electron beam therapy

    6.3 MeV fast neutrons in the treatment of patients with locally advanced and locally recurrent breast cancer

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    The study included 135 breast cancer patients (70 patients with locally recurrent breast cancer and 65 patients with locally advanced breast cancer with unfavorable prognostic factors) who received the neutron therapy alone or in combination with the photon therapy. The neutron therapy was shown to be effective in multimodality treatment of patients with locally advanced and locally recurrent breast cancer.The 8-year survival rate in patients without repeated breast cancer recurrence was 87.6±8.7% after the neutron and neutron-photon therapy and 54.3±9.2% after the electron beam therapy

    Novel technologies and theoretical models in radiation therapy of cancer patients using 6.3 MeV fast neutrons produced by U-120 cyclotron

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    The analysis of clinical use of neutron therapy with 6 MeV fast neutrons compared to conventional radiation therapy was carried out. The experience of using neutron and mixed neutron and photon therapy in patients with different radio-resistant malignant tumors shows the necessity of further studies and development of the novel approaches to densely-ionizing radiation. The results of dosimetry and radiobiological studies have been the basis for planning clinical programs for neutron therapy. Clinical trials over the past 30 years have shown that neutron therapy successfully destroys radio-resistant cancers, including salivary gland tumors, adenoidcystic carcinoma, inoperable sarcomas, locally advanced head and neck tumors, and locally advanced prostate cancer. Radiation therapy with 6.3 MeV fast neutrons used alone and in combination with photon therapy resulted in improved long-term treatment outcomes in patients with radio-resistant malignant tumors

    The role of MRI in the diagnosis of acute radiation reaction in breast cancer patient

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    A clinical case with acute radiation reaction of the left breast after organ-preserving surgery with 10 Gy IORT (24.8 Gy) conventional radiation therapy has been presented. Comprehensive MRI examination showed signs of radiation- induced damage to skin, soft tissues and vessels of the residual breast

    Neutron Therapy for Salivary and Thyroid Gland Cancer

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the results of the combined modality treatment and radiation therapy using 6.3 MeV fast neutrons for salivary gland cancer and prognostically unfavorable thyroid gland cancer. The study group comprised 127 patients with salivary gland cancer and 46 patients with thyroid gland cancer, who received neutron therapy alone and in combination with surgery. The results obtained demonstrated that the combined modality treatment including fast neutron therapy led to encouraging local control in patients with salivary and thyroid gland cancers

    Numerical Simulation of the Medical Linear Accelerator Electron Beams Absorption by ABS-Plastic doped with Metal

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    In this paper the numerical simulation results of the dose spatial distribution of the medical electron beams in ABS-plastic doped with different concentrations of lead and zinc are shown. The dependences of the test material density on the lead and zinc mass concentrations are illustrated. The depth dose distributions of the medical electron beams in the modified ABS-plastic for three energies 6 MeV, 12 MeV and 20 MeV are tested. The electron beam shapes in the transverse plane in ABS-plastic doped with different concentrations of lead and zinc are presented


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    From 2007 to 2011, 39 patients with locally advanced breast cancer (T2-4N0-3M0-1) received multimodality treatment including neo-and adjuvant chemotherapy, radical or segmented mastectomy, neutron therapy to the area of postoperative cicatrix and external beam radiotherapy to the areas of regional spread. Neutron therapy delivered to the area of postoperative cicatrix was well tolerated by all patients. The overall 4-year and relapse-free survival rates were 86,2 ± 6,8 % and 92,7 ± 4,9 %, respectivelyВ исследование включено 39 больных местнораспространенным раком молочной железы T2-4N0-3M0-1, в период с 2007 по 2011 г. получивших комплексное лечение с  использованием нео- и адъювантной химиотерапии, радикальной или санационной мастэктомии, нейтронной терапии на область послеоперационного рубца и  дистанционной лучевой терапии на зоны регионарного лимфоттока. Переносимость нейтронной терапии на область послеоперационного рубца у всех 39 больных РМЖ была удовлетворительной. Показатели 4-летней общей и безрецидивной выживаемости составили – 86,2 ± 6,8 % и 92,7 ± 4,9 % соответственно


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    The results of the combined modality treatment including neutron therapy for patients with resistant malignant tumors were presented. Efficacy of neutron therapy was assessed using disease-free and 5-year survival rates. Neutron therapy used alone or as a combination therapy was shown to be more effective than photon therapy. A comprehensive program for the prevention and treatment of acute radiation-induced damages was devised.Представлены результаты комплексного и комбинированного лечения с применением быстрых нейтронов у больных с резистентными формами злокачественных новообразований различных локализаций. Оценка эффективности нейтронной терапии на циклотроне У-120 проведена по критериям резорбции опухоли, продолжительности безрецидивного периода и пятилетней выживаемости. При применении нейтронной и нейтронно-фотонной терапии как при комбинированном лечении, так в виде самостоятельного метода лучевого лечения показана ее большая эффективность по сравнению с фотонной терапией. Разработана комплексная программа по предупреждению и лечению острых лучевых повреждений, возникающих при нейтронной и нейтронно-фотонной терапии